goldslayer1 -> RE: =ED= Feb 22nd Design Notes - More Heartbreaks and broken items! (2/23/2012 16:43:53)
Thank you Gold. You've proven my point and every other Founders' point. You had no idea it would be so strong, because you didn't like what you saw in ED in that period. You had no idea it would be so strong, because you thought the game would fail since it was repetitive. You had no idea it would be so strong, because you weren't willing on throwing away 50$ on a game that was just introduced into the market without any previous experience. actually i had no idea about the armor (at the time, because i was still new. i got to lvl 25 in the first day in beta, and later went back to aqw to take care of my clan) and no i thought the game was good, one of the reasons, i didn't continue were founders having an armor that was better than any other armor at the time. and because (whos name i dont remember) 1 founder acted cocky simply because he was just a founder. and yeah i was willing to spend money on it. i spent $800 on this game, the time wouldn't have mattered. but guess what, if i was a founder, i wouldn't be here asking for armors buffs or more founder rewards, and use the "im a founder" line, or the "we were the first to upgrade in the game" card. because I HAVE INTEGRITY. quote:
Actually, that's how non-Founders felt until 2011 came bro, until armors with +8 def/res and 2 less stats than Founder came. Before that, Founder was OP. Fair or unfair....does it really matter or does it have to be discussed 1 year later? No. What matters now is that Founder is in par with many of the new armors, if not weaker (Beast Rider's frostbite). well really its like 2 years later. but ur right it doesn't matter, founder is on par with today's armor. but after that long time, why do founders want more? u had ur good run, just let it go.