All you need to know about SoulWeaving (Full Version)

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Faerdin -> All you need to know about SoulWeaving (2/28/2012 19:44:58)

Table of Contents

Type Ctrl+F and then type in the symbols toward the side of each Chapter ([Number]) for easy navigation!

[1] Introduction
[2] SoulWeaving: A Brief Summary
[3] How to Obtain
[4] Matching Equipment
[5] Stat Builds
[6] Class Abilities
[7] Battle Strategies
[8] Frequently Asked Questions
[9] Credits and Thanks

If the Guide appears outdated to you, feel free to send a Private Message to me or Shaiyal with any information on what should be updated!

[image][/image] Faerdin
[image][/image] Shaiyal


Welcome to the all new Guide for SoulWeavers! Faerdin and Shaiyal are here once again to assist you in every way possible when utilizing Ravenloss' elemental powerhouse. Widely considered to be one of the most reliable non-Dragon Coin Classes, SoulWeaver is an excellent tool for both Farmers and players who wish to overcome the most fearsome monsters Lore has to offer. In this Guide, we will grant you all of the information we feel is necessary to make you the best SoulWeaver you can be. Let's begin, shall we?

SoulWeaving: A Brief Summary
*Warning: Potential Spoilers in this Section*

The concept of SoulWeaving is first introduced to the heroes of Lore during the desperate battle against Drakonnan, which is known as the Great Fire War. It is in the lair of the pyromancer Drakonnan that players first found a SoulWeaver by the name of Tomix (Who also happens to be an artist for Dragonfable in real life). After this event, Tomix takes the spotlight in the following Mogloween, where the heroes learn that a Corrupted Elemental Spirit named Greed wishes to feed on the candy-induced hatred and greed of Bubble, Toil, Trouble, and the citizens of Falconreach. Though Tomix and the heroes eventually triumph over Greed, he makes a startling return in Tomix's very own Questline, aptly named the Ravenloss Saga (For it is in the city of Ravenloss that the Saga takes place). It is after the Ravenloss Saga is completed that Tomix happily shares the secrets of SoulWeaving with the heroes of Dragonfable.

SoulWeavers are adept in the art of weaving with Elemental Spirits, to which SoulWeavers are always bound. The Elemental Spirit with whom a SoulWeaver weaves is called a SoulAlly, and their powers are essential in creating the nigh unbreakable thread known as Soul Thread. In addition to weaving with Soul Thread, SoulWeavers are also capable of manipulating the souls of others (But only with permission). Using special gloves called Spirit-Looms, SoulWeavers work together and typically form bonds of friendship and trust with their SoulAllies. SoulWeavers who weave with Corrupted Elemental Spirits such as Greed and Envy are called ChaosWeavers.

Aegis, the icy Elemental Spirit of Valor, is the SoulAlly to whom the Hero of Dragonfable is bound. Formerly a SoulWeaver, he became an Elemental Spirit after succumbing to the bitter cold of a frozen lake while journeying with his friends. After meeting the Dragonfable Hero in the Plane of Elemental Spirits and conquering Uthuluc, a terrible beast that resides there, Aegis expresses his desire to aid the Hero in his quest to defend the world of Lore and protect all that is noble and good. After this strange occurrence, SoulWeavers are free to obtain Aegis as a Guest regardless of whether they hold a Dragon Amulet or not.

Tomix later explains that there are four branches of Weaving (SoulWeaver, ChaosWeaver, SoulSmith, and Murk) and tells the story of how SoulWeaving originated in Book Three. A man named Tanislav met a dark and mysterious stranger in the village of Mortem and received a parchment from him. It contained a ritual that was said to be able to cure the illness of his dying son, and after attempting every alternative, he turned to this ritual. The sacrifice of his wife and later the entirety of the village was necessary to create an elixir of liquid life strong enough to cure his son. While the son did live, the father later took his own life out of guilt.

The surviving son, Roirr, was the very first Weaver to have ever lived. Those in the village whose lives were lost had become Elemental Spirits which Roirr used in uncovering this new magical art. From his children were borne the Four Weaving Families: Baltael was the first SoulWeaver, Pandora was the first ChaosWeaver, and Oyva was the first SoulSmith. The identity of the first Murk is still unknown.

How to Obtain

The first step to obtaining the SoulWeaver Class is to find the Ravenloss Portal in Falconreach. The Ravenloss Portal can be found by following this path:

Center of Falconreach -> Down -> Left -> Left -> Up -> Enter Portal

Once you arrive in Ravenloss, all you must do is follow these simple steps:

1) Defeat Greed in the Judgement(Wheel) Day Quest at the end of the Ravenloss Saga.*
2) Re-enter the normal version of Ravenloss and watch Tomix's "Meet Aegis" cutscene.
3) Gather Shards of the Spirit-Loom from Tomix's Random Quests and return them to him in exchange for the Class and its Abilities. You need seventeen Shards of the Spirit-Loom in total (Three to unlock the Class, fourteen to unlock all of the Abilities), and the fastest Quest for obtaining Shards of the Spirit-Loom is widely considered to be the "Children of Ravenloss" Quest.

If you fail to unlock SoulWeaver after completing all of these tasks, do not panic. There is no doubt that you will receive the SoulWeaver Class eventually; just try clearing your cache, restarting your web browser if necessary, and completing these tasks again.

* While you are in the Ravenloss War Zone, you must watch two cutscenes before taking on Greed. They are called "Meeting Vaal" and "Making Plans." Once you conquer Greed, do NOT use the "Return to Falconreach" button. Instead, leave the area through the Ravenloss Portal located toward the right side of the Zone.

Matching Equipment

Now that you have some of the basic information on SoulWeaver, you may be wondering which pieces of equipment look nice with the Class. You will be able to find some solutions to that problem here!

A Note on the Weapons of SoulWeavers: Spirit-Looms
While using SoulWeaver, the original artwork of your Weapon is not shown. Rather, the shape and color of the Spirit-Looms' Soul Threads change depending on the Element of the Weapon in question. While this can allow some equipment combinations to work more efficiently in the long run, there remains the consequence that the original artwork of Weapons can be completely hidden. If you wish to see all of the possible Spirit-Looms in Dragonfable, you may look at this picture.

Weaver Cowl (I, II, III)
SoulWeaver Hood (I-IV)
(Embodiment of) Will Helm
Embodiment of Might Helm
Embodiment of Perception Helm
(Shining) Halo of Seasons
Death's (Dragon) Cowl
Burnt Flare Imp Hat

Weaver Cloak (I, II, III)
Weaver Wrap-Around (I-IV)
Lion's Pelt Cape (I-IV)
Death's (Dour) Mantle

Stat Builds


Level 10
END: 10
WIS: 15

Level 20
END: 20
WIS: 25

Level 30
END: 40
WIS: 35

Level 40
END: 55
WIS: 40

Level 50
END: 75
WIS: 45

Level 60
END: 90
WIS: 55

Level 70
END: 90
WIS: 55

Level 80
END: 140
WIS: 55


Level 10
END: 10
WIS: 15

Level 20
END: 20
WIS: 25

Level 30
END: 40
WIS: 35

Level 40
END: 35
WIS: 40
LUK: 20

Level 50
END: 45
WIS: 45
LUK: 20

Level 60
END: 55
WIS: 55
LUK: 20

Level 70
END: 70
WIS: 55
LUK: 20

Level 80
END: 90
WIS: 55
LUK: 50

Note: I have only written offensive Builds here since SoulWeaver caters more so to offense than defense. If you prefer a defensive and less aggressive approach, Classes like enTropy, DragonLord, and Necromancer would be more appropriate.

Shaiyal -> RE: All you need to know about SoulWeaving (2/28/2012 19:45:39)

Class Abilities

'Soul Aegis'
Description: "+140 Defense for 2 turns"
Cost to Train: 1 Shard of the Spirit-Loom
Effect: +140 to Parry Dodge and Block for 2 turns
Mana Cost: 15
Cooldown: 3 turns

'Soul Pierce '
Description: "Bonus To Hit!"
Cost to Train: 1 Shard of the Spirit-Loom
Effect: 1 hit of 100% damage, increased Bonus to Hit, can only be casted after a successful hit on the enemy.
Mana Cost: 5
Cooldown: 4 turns

'Valour Impact'
Description: "Attack! Bonus Crit!"
Cost to Train: 1 Shard of the Spirit-Loom
Effect: 3 hits of 50% damage, increased Crit, Can only be used after Soul Pierce
Mana Cost: 20
Cooldown: 5 turns

Description: "Overkill."
Cost to Train: 1 Shard of the Spirit-Loom
Effect: 14 hits of 15% damage, can only be used after Valour Impact
Mana Cost: 20
Cooldown: 10 turns

Description: "Increase Crit!"
Cost to Train: 1 Shard of the Spirit-Loom
Effect: +10 Crit for 3 turns
Mana Cost: 30
Cooldown: 4 turns

Description: "Attack and Stun for 3 rounds"
Cost to Train: 1 Shard of the Spirit-Loom
Effect: 1 hit of 100% damage, stun the opponent for 3 turns
Mana Cost: 27
Cooldown: 15 turns

Description: "Decrease Dmg for 10 turns."
Cost to Train: 1 Shard of the Spirit-Loom
Effect: 2 hits of 100% damage, -30 Boost to enemy for 10 turns
Mana Cost: 35
Cooldown: 10 turns

Description: N/A
Cost to Train: N/A
Effect: 2 hits of 50% damage each
Mana Cost: 0
Cooldown: 0

Description: "Applies a DOT)"
Cost to Train: 1 Shard of the Spirit-Loom
Effect: 11 hits, 10% damage each. Applies a DoT to the opponent
Mana Cost: 40
Cooldown: 10 turns

Description: "Purge all status conditions affecting yourself!"
Cost to Train: 1 Shard of the Spirit-Loom
Effect: Removes all status conditions on your character
Mana Cost: 15
Cooldown: 5 turns

'Soul Slice'
Description: "Applies Banishment DOT! "
Cost to Train: 1 Shard of the Spirit-Loom
Effect: 2 hits of 100% damage, if the opponents HP is under 15% at the start of the turn, will kill the foe as a DoT
Mana Cost: 35
Cooldown: 5 turns

'Soul Burst'
Description: "Render a concussive strike on your foe's soul! "
Cost to Train: 1 Shard of the Spirit-Loom
Effect: 1 hit of 130% damage, chance of 2 turn stun and Mana DoT
Mana Cost: 25
Cooldown: 5 turns

'Soul Vacuum'
Description: "Absorb your foe's very essence! "
Cost to Train: 1 Shard of the Spirit-Loom
Effect: 2 hits of 75% damage, -25% boost to opponent
Mana Cost: 45
Cooldown: 10 turns

Description: "Banish your opponents! "
Cost to Train: 1 Shard of the Spirit-Loom
Effect: 5 hits of 90% damage across all enemies
Mana Cost: 35
Cooldown: 5 turns

Description: "Meditate to charge up a powerful attack"
Cost to Train: 1 Shard of the Spirit-Loom
Effect: 30% boost for 3 turns, activates "Able to Synchronize" for 99 turns, which when SoulSynch is cast again, will remove, but SoulSynch will deal 500% damage to the opponent.
Mana Cost: 35
Cooldown: 3 turns

Battle Strategies

[ // Indicates a comment on the strategy or a break in strategies]

[Vs. 1:]
// Synch -->Banishment -->Slash --> Synch
// Banishment --> Slash

[Vs. 2 / 3:]
// Synch //This is used for the 30% damage boost --> Banishment -->Slice on survivors -->Slash on any other survivors
// Banishment --> Repentance --> Slice --> Slash

[Vs. Boss:]
//Enslave--->Synch---> Banishment---> Slash //With Vacuum, it gives the opponent -55% Boost--->Synch---> Burst--> Vacuum---> Banishment--->Synch--->Pierce--->Valour Impact---> Retribution---> Synch---> Banishment

SoulWeaver Frequently Asked Questions

I watched all the cutscenes and did the quests, but SoulWeaver isn't unlocking for me, what happened?
Chances are you used the button instead of the portal, which for some reason does not allow players to get SoulWeaver. Replaying Judgement(Wheel) Day and walking into the portal to the right should fix it.

What is the fastest way to earn Shards of the SpiritLoom?
By the most common variety, many people prefer to farm the Children of Ravenloss quest.

What does 'Able to Synchronize' mean?
Simply put, it changes what SoulSynch does the next time you cast it that battle. It will deal 500% damage when you cast and are able to synchronize!

It says I can synchronize, but it's not letting me, what happened?
Chances are that you Purged between the 3 cooldown turns before it reactivated. Be sure to not purge while synched!

I heard the weapon I'm using has a special, but it's not activating. What's happening?
Soulweaver is, unfortunately, not compatible with weapon specials that require art to show. It's strength has to come at some cost, right?

My Weapon has more than one Element. How do I change its Element?
The artwork of the Weapon is not shown, so this function does not work as it should. However, it is still possible to change the Element of your Weapon by clicking these specific zones on the body of your Character.

Can we become ChaosWeavers? If not, when will we be able to?
Tomix stated that a ChaosWeaver Class would eventually be made for the conclusion of the Ravenloss Saga. It will cost Dragon Coins and be sold by Secundus, a Corrupted Elemental Spirit that wields the Element of Fire even as Aegis wields Ice. However, being a Soulweaver is the only option at this moment in time. Any further information on ChaosWeaver will have to wait.

What is Master SoulWeaver? When will it be released?
Master SoulWeaver is, as its name implies, supposed to represent a SoulWeaver upon mastering their art. The Master SoulWeaver Armor has updated art and altered Spirit-Looms, including the addition of a Spirit-Loom for the Good Element. It will be released during the conclusion of the Ravenloss Saga, presumably along with the ChaosWeaver Class. All of the updated Spirit-Looms may be seen here.

Credits and Thanks

Thanks to
Hopeful Guy - Typo corrections and submitting strategies
Gingkage - For providing very helpful Quest and cutscene links
Voodoo Master - For contributions to the FAQ Section
Dsicarii - Reminders and contributions to the FAQ section
Therril Oreb - Contribution to the FAQ section
Silver - Creating and allowing the use of the Master SoulWeaver Spirit-Looms picture

Special Thanks to
HellsWolf666 - For starting the guide, and allowing Faerdin and I to take over for him
The Legendary hero - For giving us the permission to recreate the guide

You! - For giving us the inspiration to keep working ;)

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