=HS= Character Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Ashari -> =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/11/2012 0:05:00)

What character are you? Whose outfit is the best? Who has the prettiest shoes? What experience as a character have you liked best so far?

Discuss all things related to the characters in Hero Smash!

Old Thread
Old Thread II
Old Thread III
Old Thread IV
Old Thread V
Old Thread VI
Old Thread VII
Old Thread VIII
Old Thread IX
Old Thread X
Old Thread XI

If you don't know who I am, I am the Head Moderator of Legends and Lore, the Creative Writing corner of the AE Forums. It has been requested for me to offer to you the same courtesies that I have extended to AQ and DF. Within our collaborations and AE Fanfiction sub-forums, we have numerous accounts of ingame storylines going on by players like you.

So, I have joyfully started you off with this:

In the Beginning... This is a story thread specifically for you to tell the world about the beginnings of your character.

=HS= In the Beginning... discussion This is where you can talk about the stories that people place within L&L.

As with AQ and DF, anytime HS has a major event or war, we will have a story thread set aside just for you. If you have a storyline about your character that is much more than his or her origins, we encourage you to create a story thread in AE Fanfiction and then a commentary thread in Works Discussion

~Eukara Vox

If you wanna discuss or have some urgent questions or you just wanna chill,come and join us in the IRC #HeroSmash channel ^^ we'd be grateful to have you guys there. From there you could also join the official AE games channel like #yulgarsinn and #battleon #epciduel etc. Don't know how to get on IRC? Here is a guide on how to get on IRC http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=16791187 See ya guys there ^^. />d4

3 Vandoren -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/11/2012 0:06:12)

Thank you, Ashari! (I have the prettiest shoes)
Everybody enjoy that new thread smell, while we have it!

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/11/2012 0:06:44)

Kinda surprising how we went through 11 threads already.

3 Vandoren -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/11/2012 0:08:42)

More than 11 threads. There was a thread or two before the oldest thread listed.
You can see, because if you click on the oldest thread link then the first post refers to a post from the previous thread.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/11/2012 0:28:28)

Wow...you guys sure go through these fast. Though I don't blame you as the character aspect is the only reason I'm here in the first place. There should really be one of these in the DF GD...

Anyhow, Red Shark Avenue Prison seems to be a success, so long as people don't mind a plot device allowing capture. I figured it was better than HAX though.

3 Vandoren -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/11/2012 0:30:36)

I think it is a good idea. I don't know, some people enjoy being captured, just so they can play captured for a while, maybe plan a break out, stuff like that. Clown purposely locked himself up.

And I do want a DF Character Discussion thread, like this one... I wonder if the DF AK's would go for that...

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/11/2012 0:36:37)

Clown is completely insane though. And you could ask an AK, I think it'd be a cool idea myself.

I don't think it's so much a problem of getting people into prison as it is keeping them there. A lot of people like Drakkoniss, Saturn, Blitz, etc are just too tough for that sort of thing. Using them as examples, not because they are necessarily in the story.

Hence the Will Defier, the only logical way I could find that they'd stay in a prison without inventing some hax character to overpower everyone. If your will is defied...you simply don't want to leave.

@ Drakkoniss


My character is immune to all forms of mind control other than convincing him of things manually.

...What is JJBA?...

It's not mind control, I already figured the higher-tier characters would be past that, it is a simple plot device, nothing more. It only works because that is what it's supposed to do. Don't worry about thinking too much on it.

JJBA is Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, a Manga that came out some 30 years ago. It's quite interesting really, generally being a lot more unique than your standard anime/manga.


As for the story Glai and Shadow and I[?] are going to work on, eventually, when would you like to begin?

No idea, I'm busy with a DF story at the moment. :/

Jessa K -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/11/2012 1:39:31)

First post in my new color, first post in the new thread. Does anybody else find it a bit sad that we fill these topics up so quickly? XD.

And no, my shoes are the prettiest.

Question Mark? -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/11/2012 1:55:45)

-Ned Right -DER THGIn -Doctor Pantaloons -RED KNIGHT

3 Vandoren -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/11/2012 3:12:48)

Question Mark officially has the prettiest shoes, just because of how awesome, and confusing, what he just said was.
But next thread... Oh, next thread, it is I WHO SHALL HAVE THE PRETTIEST SHOES! MUAHAHAHAHA!

Question Mark? -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/11/2012 3:18:15)


Blackshock -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/11/2012 3:25:06)

I like my boots, nuff said.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/11/2012 3:32:12)

I have the best hats then.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/11/2012 3:37:16)

And I have the best suits.[:D]

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/11/2012 3:39:11)

Well...then...I have like, good gold armor and stuff. Yeah.

I really need to draw Corona so as to give a visual reference.

For now, just think of him as a Gold Vandheer Lorde. Which you can easily google assuming you have no idea what he looks like.

Immortales -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/11/2012 3:51:28)

look at all these post
you clearly have no
idea how my shoes look
btw lots of pages already also saw that prison thing can I help?
Yes and you need faster robots *jams scythe on an APB*
*the APB had no batteries thanks to skarekrow*
*It's eyes turn into a golden color*
odd it didn't explode at least it works
yes that should do that's skulldeep's electric power in an APB




has powers of an APB multiplied ten fold
has golden energy powers


simple APB design
can't talk
very good morals which may affect him in battle

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/11/2012 3:52:58)

The more diverse characters in the Prison the better.

Zeuzt -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/11/2012 4:08:57)

look at that prison is still intact patch up that big hole the lightning caused
*flash of light KRAKOOOOM!!!*
oh yeah *snaps figers* get out now
*the clouds disappear*
Yes exiting prison
meant for an escape
that will do for now and dino
nice work....[;)].....hope you do it
and necro
and the others
get caught
and GPB
More power!!!!!
*shoots an electric arc*
GPB now runs faster flies faster
basically triple the power so 10x3=30 yeah

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/11/2012 4:11:00)

The Dealer could be in the prison for pretty much the same reason he was in LOCKDOWN - for time to think without interupttions by hero or villain. heck, I may even make that a thing, where he only goes to such places is he really wants to think over an issue.[:D]

As for the WIll thing, The whole Point of The Dealer is that he is a master of convincing people and whatnot. He may not have any real powers aside from one, but he has a REAL strong will. In fact, it may even be poissible that since he does exhibit super strengh or anything, they may not even PUT one of your fancy WIll Inhibitors on him, thinking they need it for one of those people like Clown...

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/11/2012 4:49:27)

Not a will inhibitor, just an ancient (possibly Alien) plot device. It just...overrides will. There's no logic to it, it's just a failsafe in case we come across someone really powerful who wouldn't stay in prison normally.

Though there is one other possible thing, the Dealer could out-talk the Thief when the Thief attempts to use the Will Defier...hopefully it never comes to that xP

Also, the Dealer's cell would have to be soundproof, otherwise he would talk his way out of prison.

Why is the Dealer so awesome >_>

Doesn't he look like the MS or something? Cuz like, if he were a businessman MS in appearance, he would look AWESOME.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/11/2012 5:03:12)

Well, the MS just looks like a Cloak. The Dealer in Practise is like the Stranger of HS, selling stuff that may come back to bite the buyer, but he looks like a guy in a suit, since that is what gains trust. Of course, looks and reality may be two different things... if it helps, he can wear a red tie or something, I don't know. WHat DOES a MS Dealer look like in your eyes anyway?

Also, A talkdown against the Theif so he does not use it would be awesome. And as for a sound proof prison, people come along to deliver food, they talk to people to make sure they are ok, there's prisoner interactions, there's tranfers... my point is there's a LOT of opptunites for The Dealer to talk, and all he would need is one when he's done with thinking things through, and then you have a riot on your hands...[sm=zorb_smilie.gif]

And The Dealer is awesome because all he needs to do to win is chat. No OP Lighting Pie Storms or anything. Just a cup of tea and a chat is all he needs to turn good evil, to make his prices seem reasonable, to make the suggestion that someone needs to be taken care of...[:D]

Also, I wonder, if The Dealer uses his rarely used Convice anyone of anything power, could he rouse those affected by the device? because it DOES need SOME kind of counter.[;)]

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/11/2012 5:10:33)

First of all, that settles it. The Dealer is the most overguarded person in this prison. In fact, I consider him the single biggest threat in the entire shared HSverse. Seriously, if he wanted he could just talk his enemies into suicide.

Well, I suppose the feeders could always wear ear-plugs or something.

Anyhow, MS Dealer resembles a man in a tux, because tuxes are nice, but with the MS Hood, because Hoods are awesome looking.

I do wonder if he can out-talk the Will Defier, maybe their powers mysteriously cancel each other out?

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/11/2012 5:25:24)


First of all, that settles it. The Dealer is the most overguarded person in this prison. In fact, I consider him the single biggest threat in the entire shared HSverse. Seriously, if he wanted he could just talk his enemies into suicide.

Oh, trust me, I'm not even NEARLY the most dangerus person out there. Sure, I could potentialy talk my foes into suicide, but it DOES have limitations, such as it does not work if they know it to not be true. But they really have to know that. Eve a LITTLE doubt can sometimes enough. And aside from knowing some fighting skills, that's all he has in this prison.[;)]

Also, Tuxes and hoods don't go well together. Maybe some kind of Top hat, since they are often tied with myserious strangers or villains in media?[:D]

And as for the WIll Defier, I really don't know. I want to see that now. I'm pretty sure he could rouse the people into riot, but as for if it was used on him... no idea.

Also, I command you write this story now so I can see Dealer VS Theif Speech.[:D]

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/11/2012 5:30:20)

Well, it is still potentially the most broken power ever. Or the third, since JJBA just loves its hax so much.

Eh, Tuxes and a Hood would look cool in HS's wacky art style, but not in a more realistic drawing true. Top Hat would look nice, it's just the whole faceless look I love from the Hood. Maybe he has like...one of those bandaged faces+Top Hat+Monocle. Then he'd be faceless+dapper.

Yeah, without the Defier it'd be simple for him to cause a revolt. With it, no idea.

xD Well, this does sound fun, I will definitely have to write it. All depends on whenever my DF story's complete. The sooner I finish Act 1, the sooner I can start the HS stories of both Corona and Red Shark (Alien) Avenue Prison.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/11/2012 5:35:17)

I will admit that's it a little broken, but again, The Dealer only uses the actual POWER when it is really needed like against the WIll Defier. Otherwise he just tries to convince people normaly. WHich may or may not work. So it's not broken because of The Dealer witholding it 75% of the time.[;)]

Also, I would like to request being in there for Tax Evasion, since that's why I was in LOCKDOWN too. It can be a recurring theme that The dealer is sent in there for the stupidest reason since he WANTS to be there.[:D]

If it helps, he has that kind of face that noone ever rememebrrs, except he always seems to have red eyes whenever anyone angers him...

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