RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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3 Vandoren -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 15:30:27)

Oh, maybe he's dead! Can I take a peek?

This page is now claimed, and I claim it in the name of ponies.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 15:35:55)

You can take a look if you want.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 15:38:06)

Necro: But why ponies?

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 15:42:41)

Because ponies are the greatest evil in the universe.

3 Vandoren -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 15:43:55)

*taps nose and points at kyle*

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 15:54:54)

Wait a minute... Did you remember to give him food and water, along with stimulating his muscles?... He might be quite dead, as he pointed out, considering the ammount of tiem he was in there...

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 15:55:50)

i ain't dead yet you psycho... oh, hey there dealer! certainly has been a while hasn't it?

3 Vandoren -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 15:58:26)

Oh, Veccy, flattery's never gotten anyone anywhere.

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 16:00:01)

can't hurt to be polite... well, unless they don't deserve it

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 16:04:27)

Wait, I just want to make sure. We DID play the right CD right? Huh, I guess it can't be as bad as that recall said it was. I would have thought the power I put behind it would have left some impresion now.

Also Drakkoniss, no time passses for the occupent when they are in it too. Except it does. It does not age them but it does. It's really complicated and I don't get the metascience behind it myself, but you don't need to worry about food or drink.

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 16:09:07)

oh it did, just not as deep as you expected. i'm not exactly 100% but i'm still pretty stable

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 16:37:09)

It's because you did it for so long. After a while, the same thing isn't torture, but merely an annoying part of life.

As I compared it, it is effectively the Tsukuyomi.

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 16:39:13)

your first statement is exactly what i expected from the entire event, drakky. i might be a little crazy, but i got some brain in my skull ya know [;)]

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 16:46:33)


That's why you've got to be creative, in long-term torture opps. Give them a sense of normality for a while. Introduce a love interest, and destroy it. Hint at having someone try to help you escape, and then betray you, dashing your hopes. Physically harming the yourself, as the torture practitioner, to give the torturee a sense that you're mad, and would and could do anything to you, and not care. If you have the capability, mutilate them and then restore them to perfect health. Use negative hallucination-inducing drugs. Trick them into thinking one of their allies sold them out, to coerce them into tryign to blame someone else while spilling the beans. Creative and interesting things. ;)

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 16:51:53)

well geez, thanks for that...
anyway, now that that's all settled, i better go check on the cyborg and see how things are holding up there

Clown the Jester -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 17:03:49)


hate to break it to ya Clown, but the boys over at the Archeology Department plundered the Ruins of Inariu a while ago now. What you hold there is a facsimilie I made to troll people who wanted it. I would sell you the item in question, but well, I still hold a grudge. However, admitidly we have yet to figure out what it does. All i know from the.. interesting writings on their big wall is that you would be interested in it, so I placed it somewhere safe. Feel free to take it from there if you can manage it. The place has been designed for your...talents.

Heh heh heh...sorry old bean...this particular object isn't in your stock...heh heh. You see…my thing doesn’t like being discovered…it has defense to keep cave robbers like you from finding it.

But to be safe I did stop by to pursue your items to see if it ended up there. I'll admit your storage of relics was the first place my boys and I checked. By the way…your security for your old junk is very very good…why…it would be perfect for keeping a serial killer reality altering Clown out.

Heh heh…that’s way I got to your dusty items another way. Wasn’t hard. All I did was kidnap the daughter of the head of security for that particular sector. Heh heh…then he led us…personally to your little storage center. Heh heh...deactivated all your little traps too. How sweet of him.

For some reason…I don’t think he told you that he let me take a peak at your stuff. Don’t know why. Heh heh…I’ll give your defenses a C+ since they were impressive…but since they failed to keep me out….they can’t get the gold medal. Heh heh.

Anyway HOO HOO! I looked over your jun...but to no avail you didn’t have it. This thing...well...its the kinda thing you can't stumble accidently upon. Now…I know your dirty boys are good at discovering…but this thing…ya can’t discover it. It’s impossible. You could press the darn thing against your eyes…but you wouldn’t realize it’s value.

This artifact has a defense that goes beyond some old guardian or crummy death traps. This has a very very special property...

A little bit of a strange magic. Heh…that old mysterious magic. It’s magic gives its it a camouflage that cannot be traced, detected, or counteracted. Trust me sir.

It could only be found if you knew already about it’s existence…and where it is hidden. Ya see…this artifact didn’t originate in Old Ingiru…it was made by an old monk/druid that lived in Ireland. Heh heh…however…to make sure nobody would get their mits on it…they hid it in Ingiru. Imagine…hiding one piece of treasure among someone else’s treasure.

I know I am the only one who knows about it cause I got the source from the old monk/druid myself…wasn’t hard….all I had to do was hack him to pieces with my pen knife.

He squealed like a pig…then bingo. Sorry Dealer. Your boys missed a spot…but don’t blame them…their minds were clouded so they couldn’t see it. Ya see…this thing can’t destroy the world or any nonsense like that…no sir. It has a much simpler design. I’d know if I found a fake Dealer…and this isn’t a fake…too bad old bean.

The coin is mine…heh heh…and you all just ran out of luck.


Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 17:29:13)

Just a note if we are all not cringing in pure horror, then that was a fake Dealer Rap Album.

delta blitz -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 17:30:15)

*Watches Clown and his clan members leave the storage area* *Reaches inside of his left pocket and pulls out a large medallion like coin and the places then coin back into his pocket before walking into a rip in reality*

~Chaos of Loneliness

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 17:38:45)

Artifact:The Dealer's Rap Album

Pros:NONE. It is so unspeakably horrible that anyone who listens to it is reduced to a shrivelled wreck of madness and terror. Kinda like Question Mark after he started talking to Nyarlathotep.

Cons:Its very existence. Is so terrible it destroys what is left of someone's mind leaving only the lyrics. The infected person will then begin to sing to others and spread it, until the entire world has been consumed. Under no circumstances should it be played under any means. Planetary destruction is the more viable choice than unleashing this CD.

Subjects exposed to the CD all showed the same symptoms.

30s:Uncontrollable laughter.
1min:A frightened stare.
5min:Subject began to claw at walls of their contaiment yelling to shut it off.
10min:Subject has been left in a trance-like state. Subjects all observed to be shivering and ceased all attempts at escape.
20min:Subjects began to repeat the lyrics. We had no choice but to eliminate them at this point.

-Totally NOT the SCP Foundation

Clown the Jester -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 17:47:05)

Heh heh...silly're as stealthy as a train wreck..and the coin wasn't in the Dealer's storage center.

It's safe and sound with me. I see you found something completely doubt less interesting then my bounty.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 17:54:46)

Wait, coin? There's a special coin somewhere?

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 17:55:28)

well guess what glai? i resisted it! what now, sucka? [:D]

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 17:56:23)

That means it was a fake.

Clown the Jester -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 17:59:06)

Oh...its a coin that I alone know of and posses. Everyone is pretending they know what I have.

I can't blame them...people like to play make believe when they're clueless or want attention. HEE HEE.

They all think they know what I've been searching for. Heh heh...even though they're as blind as moles.

Ya see Glaisuarus, for the past three days, I've searched every inch in and out of Ingiru Mountains...the caverns where so many intresting artifacts were located...they thought they found everything...well they missed something...

Heh heh...I'm going to write a one chapter quick story about it and post it on show just brilliant I am...and just how sad everyone else it.

Heh heh heh...lucky lucky me.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 17:59:58)

That actually makes sense, I mean a Coin is VERY easy to not notice.

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