RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Immortales -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 8:53:55)

sees the robots from the top of the building
wow overkill war
of the robots
wonder how this thing goes
uhhm wait
*throws' a rock at GPB*
hey battle of robots!!!

*sees the battle of the robots there*
*taunting each other plasma cannon with plasma cannon*
*shoot an electric charge from his hand renderring scythe fellow's cannon helpless*
*salutes at experimental*
*bashes to 3 more hacked APB's*


Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 9:10:05)

*almost immediately shears off one of scythejack's cannons, grabs it and throws it at scythejack*

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 9:11:19)

By the gods... They've found my weakness!


Your observations are correct.
Eventually I will be forced to hold my breath until I pass out...
Which I'm sure would somehow trick my body to let me do.

I am exhausted right now... I hope I remember replying to this thread when I wake up.

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 9:20:53)

quick! put some lil'wayne music in the shelter before he gets there! XP

not so tough now, are ya? *laughs*

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 10:17:18)


*a large crater forms in the ground as I cease to exist in a magnificent display of teal and green explosions*

3 Vandoren -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 11:21:35)

*takes all of Anti's stuff*

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 12:52:37)

*Destrous has been watching the exchanges*

Hyperbolic Time Chamber... Hmm...

*puts his head on his hand, rolling his eyes* Not the brightest one, that newer model. Giving away personal information so easily, on top of the actual judges of character you can make from her talking.
*stands up and stretches, sighing*

Drop your weapons... *laughs inwardly* They're part of her. Wish they'd make more sophisticated AI's, in the mainstream.

Hmm... That GPB is interesting. Might have to check out some background information on him, later.

*nosedives off the building he was standing on top of, tilts his body, and rockets towards the scarecrow, impaling him through the chestplate and kicking him away at almost the same time, creating a shockwave in his wake*

(out of RP)

Anti: I wouldnt bother correcting anyone, you'd be here all day.

Bawww so true. A deep sadness envelopes my body.

Ha, yeah...

And now we know how to kill Anti. All we need is some sort of...terrible grammar guy. Like a reeeally bad rapper or something.

Hehe... But that would just be silly... And add alot of boredom and annoyance to other aspects to the community, as well. -.-


I could just talk really uneloquently using me power and watch as he tries to explode his own head.

He could actually do that, you know. ;)
Wouldn't recommend trying, though. He might go after the source of his misery, instead of going self-destructive.


You could also:
Force him to read David's stories. A fate I would not even set upon my worst enemy
Put him in a room with kinz
Direct him to the most viewed YouTube videos
Have him read YouTube comments


O.o Found it, eh? Made sure it's the real one, and not a fake that looks exactly the same? Also, are you sure that all the parts are there? Oh, and are you sure I did not find it before you, and disable it, by some means, hmm?

Oh, and Saturn can shift in and out of existance, remember.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 12:54:04)


Ha is all I shall say to that...

If it's ok with Kyle, I might have Dealer thrown in Prison for just that,

The Thief:NO-ONE...deserves that.

All copies of the Dealer's short lived rap albums were confiscated and burned.

I can't see him being imprisoned for releasing a bad rap album myself, funny as that may be.[:D]


Put him in a room with kinz

Okay, shadow, I've had it with you. Kinz is a good friend of mine on these forums and I will not have you putting him down here no matter what you think of him. (Kidnaps Shadowlord and puts him in a Time Room with my new rap album on an infinate loop) And THAT'S why I always keep a copy.[:@]


Heh heh heh....found it.

Now things get interesting.

hate to break it to ya Clown, but the boys over at the Archeology Department plundered the Ruins of Inariu a while ago now. What you hold there is a facsimilie I made to troll people who wanted it. I would sell you the item in question, but well, I still hold a grudge. However, admitidly we have yet to figure out what it does. All i know from the.. interesting writings on their big wall is that you would be interested in it, so I placed it somewhere safe. Feel free to take it from there if you can manage it. The place has been designed for your...talents.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 13:05:08)

To be fair, he was is factual in that Kiz (no offence) has rather poor grammatical skills in quite a few areas. Then again, I can understand you feeling upset about that, anyway. Meh.


What you hold there is a facsimilie I made to troll people who wanted it. I would sell you the item in question, but well, I still hold a grudge.

Made sure it's the real one, and not a fake that looks exactly the same?


megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 13:09:58)

Ah, An interesting impasse. Who holds the real deal, Drakkoniss or me? Who will Clown the Jester target in an attempt to get this item? Even I don't know since I don't know what it is I'm looking for in this device. I could have the fake, I could have the real deal. How interesting!

And still, bad spelling is no excuse to say a guy is bad enough to hold as a torture device. i mean, how many times have I spelled your name wrong for example? i mean seriously you sound way to much like Drakkonan.

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 13:15:59)

i have a better idea:
find out what anti really hates the most, and stick him in a room with nothing but those things and see how long he (doesn't) last [;)]

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 13:16:13)

Kylw: It was a joke.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 13:19:12)

Okay. Just took it badly man.[:)]

If you don't mind however, I'm gonna leave you in the room with the Rap CD. I need to test it on someone.[sm=zorb_smilie.gif]

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 13:22:17)

ooh ooh! can i test it pwetty pwease...? *puppy eyes*

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 13:28:27)

/me imagines Vector as a raving lunatic, afterwords

Oh, and yes, you can have the effect of the Dealer's words through a recorded medium, or else television broadcasts wouldn't work. The real question is how long afterwords will they remain potent, especially if multiple people have recordings of the same thing/commands.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 13:29:19)

Vector: Alright, your funeral man.

(Puts Vector in the Time Room and starts playing the CD) Don't let him out till a Month in the room's gone by. I know that will seem like a second to you guys on the outside, but trust me, it won't be for him.

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 13:30:14)

don't underestimate my tolerance, drakky. i might have a good shot at going all the way through the album with minor damage from what i've experienced before :P

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 13:31:56)

Vector, I put all my power into the badness of this CD. Trust me, it's REALLY bad. REALLY bad. WOrse then some kind of unholy mix between Justin Beiber and Rebecca Black.

Play the tape!

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 13:34:36)

really? cause i've listened to both of them. i might not like them, but my ears never bled

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 13:38:53)

Which is why I said WORSE.[;)]

By the way, I'm about to shut the Time Room and play the CD. You will be listening for a whole month non stop, but to us it will be like a second. You ready? You can still turn back you know.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 14:05:24)

*remembers Kakashi after Itachi Uchiha hit him with the Tsukeyomi*

I suppose theoretically you could resist it... mostly...

delta blitz -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 14:24:50)


~Chaos of Loneliness

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 14:45:49)

so... it's like chinese torture for the ears? bring it, business man[>:]

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 14:55:57)

Alright. If you are so sure of yourself...

(Tells the men) Make it a year. Hell, make it two.

(The door shuts and the time pases in the chamber) Alright, open it. Just out of interest, how long was it? Ten years? Bit harsh wasn't it? Well, he probably had some way of resisting up his sleeve anyway or he would not have volentered. Let him out.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/13/2012 15:00:26)

Or he could be insane and overconfident. Just a thought.

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