RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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delta blitz -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 1:20:51)

Im not upset, I was merely explaining myself x3. Sorry I'm typing while I'm exhausted so I might sound depressed...but I'm not though xD.
*goes into character*
*Notices that he has been spotted and then runs back into the rip in reality with the bacon orb and void dragon head in tow, closing it behind himself*

Edit:I'm logging for tonight I'm feeling too tired now to see.

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 1:35:41)

*sees him go back though the rip and returns to the ship* Hmm might want to do some research on him when I get back to Stargate base. Though for now I have a prisoner to transport. *puts his ship into warp*

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 1:37:27)

Hm, I just realized this...Dimensiony Alternate character I devised, is Corona's worse enemy. Reason being--->Finds Mirror Dimension---->Mirror Corona.

A Mirror Corona would mean he has no problem abusing Time Hax and Paradoxes... o_O


Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 1:52:07)

Stargat: A intergalactic law enforcement agency. (will have a more elaborate bio for it tourmow for now I am going to bed)

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 3:33:59)

Hrrrm...I can't let Darkness King go to Stargate...Contacts the person holding him. WIll you be willing to let your charge go? I would like my employee returned to me, as working for Ommicorp gives him rights to be here and he is thus accountable for Earth laws, which have been dealt with for his transgression.

Celestin123 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 10:56:20)

Hey... my character's an Alien! D:

In fact, when I first created him, I'm pretty sure he was the only alien on the forums, other
than David... I mean... X Prime. >.>

'Course, he was raised on Earth, and his race bears many, many similarities to humans... but still.
His backstory is actually a lot more complicated than one might think, at first glance.

Hmn... seems like Clown and Drakky are finally duking it out...
I feel compelled to bet on Clown, but... under the circumstances...

I'm staying neutral on this matter. [>:]

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 11:07:34)

*the second Clown is gone, he laughs*


Oh, I love it when they fall for fakeouts.

There was a reason for me telling him those things. Besides that, he by far underestimates my hand to hand combat proficiency. *smiles peevishly*

Unfortunately for him, that was not a normal bullet I fired in his gut, and the rest of them in the magazine were, because I knew none of the other ones needed to be.

(I am talking to myself while lying on the ground in a pool of my blood, with my hands underneath my head, as if I was lounging about without a care in the world, btw)

While no technology of the higher sorts would work while it was active, I knew he'd understand that, and that he'd pick up on the heart comment.

In truth, the bullet that hit him had a collapsible head, containing nanites enough to circulate adequately for the purpose I had in mind. Those nanites went out of phase immediately after my heart was stopped, but were locked on his soul by design, meaning even if he changed bodies they would still allow for the strategy to be effective.

Now... *searches for Clown with his mind, sitting up and concentrating, locating him, eventually, and knowing it is the true Jester because of the locked nanites that he could see the connections of*

*sends the signal for them to re-enter his bloodstream, which they do, and then release a powerful sedative specifically designed for him, based off experiments I had gone through with my memory of his many bodies, knowing it would work for this one, as well; they also have another, rather more sinister effect, however: they all in concert produce a field nullifying his powers, within his body*

*teleports to him, and catches him, as he slumps in a death-like stupor, caused by the sedatives interaction with his systems*

Check; Mate.

*opens a portal, and a straight jacket pops out, which he wraps him in with his mind* I always facied you'd look good in one.

*opens more, from which heavy iron chains fly out and encircle him, wrapping him tight*

*finally, he pulls metals from all around him, forming a complete seal around all of his body, save his head*

At least you'll be able to see my house, now. It's been improved since your shadow last escaped from it, by my design.

*upon arival in the chamber he was looking for, he places him in a specific slot, upon which a machine bores multiple holes in his skull, and tubes go in them, while others simultaneously inject themselves into his jugular veins and carotid arteries, and tubes pass into his mouth and nose, preparing to keep him alive in a continuous sedated state for as long as medically possible... and there is alot more possible for it there than there are in most places*


Now, the question is whether or not he can be recaptured from the most secure facility ever created, at the very least in the galaxy: a place that noone knows he's been brought to, but some might guess, and which noone knows the location of, especially considering it tends not to be either in the universe, or accessible through it.

*strolls through the city, breathing in the air, which seemed all the cleaner, and through the ravaged streets, so beautiful to him*


Depends on what you consider alien. Ancient Darkness could be considered one.


3 Vandoren -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 11:16:42)

Go, Drakkoniss! Awhyeah!
Who's gunna pay up? Huh?

Wait, no one actually bet anything but me.

Edited to further describe distaste:

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 11:25:37)

I would've bet on my self, but that would seem arrogant. ._.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 11:37:18)

Ah, drakkoniss, I would like to formaly congratulate you on Clown's capture.

Also, I would like to make an offer that, considering your lessened morals you may want to go through. You remmeber the amount I agreed to pay for recompensation for the families and whatnot lost in the blast? Well, due to the agreement you will get it no matter what. However, I would also like to say that I will double it if you agree to get rid of Clown's threat...permanently, if you get my gist. I know of that deal with Death, but I'm sure you will think of something.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 11:42:11)

Ah, but you forget, this is meant to be a perment sollution, or at the very least, one that would last untill such a time as the situation regading Super Death is resolved. I am keeping him alive, so as to get around that.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 11:50:03)

But I fear Clown will find a way to escape no matter what prison will hold him.

Just out of interest, a thought occurs to me. If you make a man not exist, does his soul GO to Super Death? Because if he was uttery removed, soul included, there would be nothing to reap.

Just some food for thought.[;)]

delta blitz -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 11:52:22)

*A rip in reality appears infront of Momma Chud, the beast is dazed by the sudden flash of light as X prime walks out of the rip in in reality*
*The beast lashes out it's tongue at the white chaos energy being, only for it to be easily caught in between the fingers of X prime's left hand*
*X prime forces the bacon orb and the head of the baby void dragon down Momma chud's throat before corrupting the beast*
*Momma chud's body begins to shrink into a more humanoid look as the chudlings run to try and save their mother only to be blasted away by her*
*X prime then rips out Momma chud's stomach leaving her to die as he crosses to the Mechquest universe with the beast's stomach in tow*

3 Vandoren -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 11:55:05)

*watches the whole thing from the shadows with glaring, hateful eyes. He then shrieks along with the other chudlings*

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 12:13:18)

True, to destroy him utterly would be a viable sollution, but for one, in the manner that it would be required because of the nature of Clown, it would be infeasable save by one method, and I am yet reluctant to do that, especially considering how difficult said method is to contain... it could destroy much more than him.

Because of the few options available, what I shall do now is wait, and let him be, for the moment.

delta blitz -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 12:14:46)

*X prime appears next to the Smashdome with a new pair of clothes, the previous items he had are seemingly nowhere to be found but suddenly his 4th eye flashes 3 different colors*
......................... (<([O])>) ....... (<([O])>) ................ (<([O])>) .................

~Chaos of Loneliness

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 12:16:11)

Fair enough. But the offer will stand till the original agreed payment clears.

delta blitz -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 13:34:46)

*Walks to the center of Auroa park and crosses his legs as he sits infront of the statue of Pandora* *X primes 4th eye closes as he begins to meditate and the gravity inside the area increases by 1000%(10 times the normal amount)*

~Chaos of Loneliness

3 Vandoren -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 13:36:54)

No one here is worried about whatever it is X Prime is doing?
He killed Momma, so I'm compelled to kill him.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 13:40:49)

Well, I can always sell you whatever you need to take care of X Prime.[;)]

3 Vandoren -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 13:42:59)

Thanks for the offer, but I got all I need in my home, the Subway Sewers.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 13:44:35)

GO FOR THE SHURIKEN!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

How many times has that statue been destroyed and remade, now?

I'm keeping tabs on the matter, btw.

Clown the Jester -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 13:54:28)


WA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! HOO HOO HOOO HA HA HA! AH HA HA HA! HEE HEE HEE! HOO...FNNKK...HA HA HA HA! AH HA...AH HA HA HA HA! YA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! OH HO HO HO HO HO HO! overestimate your combat skills're a force to be reckoned with when you have your lovely powers....I win 3 out of ever 4 of our little tussles...but a match where we don't have powers? You loose your advantage. HEE HEE...I'd clean your question. A crazy serial killer beats a knight every time.

Cause we both can take the pain...but I go out of my way to feel it. You're normal combat skills aren't that good when you don't have your powers and speed Drakkoniss....heh heh. While I on the other hand am quite the rough customer...I know how to fight in ways that nobody can defend or you can pretend you were in control last night...but if I wanted to...I could have not shot you...coulda let you die from blood lose...but I didn't...cause I want you to live knowing you're only alive because even I felt sorry for you. be fair...shooting you was like doing you a good deed so the gun would restore our powers...ya owe me Drakkoniss...heh heh...wonder if you are man enough to pay me back. Or will you cower away from your duty like a hypocrite?

YA DID IT! HEE HEE! Ya got me Drakkoniss...FINALLY TOOK ME DOWN! Tricked me good...heh heh heh. How impressive...HEE HEE...YOU CLEVER MINX YOU! HOO HOO HOO!

Never knew that was what those bullets...HEE HEE...Never considered it...although to be fair...I did pick out the bullets before I shot you in my post if you recall...however...we can pretend I missed one. Heh heh..this is far to great a thing for me to pass up.


Ya finally did it....finally caught me...HOO HOO HOO HOO HA HA HA!

Heh heh was worth it though...making you scream like a little girl...heh heh..cause you didn't fake those screams...HEE HEE...And still the fact you owe me cause I coulda killed ya if I wanted to...and you wouldn't have been able to do anything...HEE HEE....a hollow victory sir...Cause I coulda killed ya like a bug and gone and paided your lovely friend a visit...HOO HOO HOO!

A present to you old celebrate the anniversary of The Game. Heh heh heh. Catching me on the say day it all poetic...HEE HEE.

So ya got me all locked up nice and tight. Heh you feel it now? What are you gonna do without me? Play hero against those jokes of villains? HEE HEE! THEY'RE NOWHERE CLOSE TO YOUR LEAGUE! Heh just kicked your only challenge out the window...And now...your stuck. HEE'll say it's for the better...that you didn't need me...but you'll know...just how purposeless you've just become.

Wonder what will happen to you Drakkoniss....will you go insane from the boredom? Will you become the very thing you hunted so passionatly? HEE HEE! Or will you fade into the void...a shadow of your former self.


I will escape Drakkoniss...not today though...heh heh...I'm enjoying every minute of being your captive...HA HA HA! But when I'm bored...I'll be on my way...heh can't keep this animal caged Drakkoniss...and you won't put me down...heh heh does it make you feel Drakky? Huh? TELL ME?!?!?

I find it hilarious that you think I'm the one in a prison. No...I don't look at it at all like that..I'm in a posh the guest of honor...YOU ARE THE ONE THAT'S IN A PRISON! A PRISON WITH NO KEY! NO ESCAPE! NO HOPE!



delta blitz -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 13:57:38)

*X prime continues meditating, breathing in the white chaos that once filled the area where the war of good and evil was once fought* *X prime passively release white chaos energy into the ground which travels to the subways, reanimating the fallen Momma chud and then releases his chaotic grip on her, effectively reviving her*
.....................Balance.................... (<([O])>) ...............

~Chaos of Loneliness

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 14:02:59)

Necro: It's David we're talking about. He's only doing this because he can't post comments telling us to read his story.

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