Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/14/2012 23:23:21)
kr? Thought that was what you meant. Just felt I should put my feelings of distaste for such a thing in there, among other things. I am very disappointed with Darkness King for literally doing so, especially for a mere APB production plant. Such a waste, you know? I am still bringing him up on a lawsuit, as well as your company, because of the fact that you should indeed have more adequate guidelines for what is acceptable in the line of duty, especially since it is bad for business, what with the youtube video of him planting a nuclear weapon in that facility now having gone viral. Oh, and I owned that APB plant, so I can also sue for destruction of private property, and he very well could end up in prison for what he has done, because I also informed the police of the fact that it was he who did such a thing. certain government agencies may wish to have some words they wish to have with him, as well. *tasers him at the base of his spine, instantaneously knocking him out, and places a device on his chest, which expands into a sophisticated and advanced power negation suit* You will be coming with us. *flings him over her shoulder, and loads him into the black unmarked vehicle parked a couple dozen meters away, invisible to anyone who might look at her, just as the vehicle was, and Darkness was by contact with her* ... *he is now unconcious in a specially sealed room, unknown to anyone outside the highest and most secretive branches of the government and its opperatives, all of who would die before revealing anything of their project (literally, as they have devices within their skulls to block telepathy, and means to insure their death, if such revealing is imminent), two energy cannons stylized after gattling guns trained at his chest and head, his tentacles constricted and bound, and a viewscreen representing the only source of light in the room, a silhouette of a man staring down at him, with the background painfully bright* Just to note, as stated before Darkness King tends to have moments of temporarily insaintey. The nuke incident was one of those moments. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... *the room begins to shake, there is a beam of bright yellow light, and a lean gray being, with two piercing orange eyes, a insect like beak, red feathers on his arms and legs, dressed in flowing robes, holding what looks like a ball of light enters the room* Earthling this being is not in you`r custody! He has crimnel records in 20056 planets, and 10 galaxies, which renders him as a intergalactic criminal. Which puts him in the custody of my organisation Stargate! He`s coming with me, we will make sure he is purpley punsheid! *the being grabs Darkness, there is anther beam of light and they are gone*