RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/14/2012 3:46:38)

Simple. Have it have a 19 minute cutoff point. I can't see The Dealer NOT having that.[:D]

Besides, sometime he likes living on the edge.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/14/2012 3:48:35)

Course, who's to say Corona won't pop in. His own future already sucks, he hardly wishes for it to be worse xD

Even so, past 10 minutes it's pretty dangerous.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/14/2012 3:50:00)

I know, but since The Dealer would have practised it's power he would have guaged what would be a good cutoff point.[;)]

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/14/2012 3:53:19)

Well consider how utterly terrifying it is past the 5 minute mark...

Hm well, I don't know this CD is...monstrous.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/14/2012 3:59:36)

The dealer has some morals, for example he would give advice to anyone if they need it for free, but he would not be above using the CD except when it gets to that point. If all else fails he can always have his Airship nuke the prison.

I was thinking for The Dealer's part of the tale, he originaly went in there for time to think beleiving it was a normal prison for villains like LOCKDOWN, however he hears the Theif's plan and makes one of his own, intending to use his newly made CD to take command of everyone, Theif included. However, he never played it for more then say 15 minuites so it COULD possibly fail and drive everyone to sing the lyrics if you want to take that direction.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/14/2012 4:01:40)

Hm, well there's still plenty of time to plan. I suppose as the time grows closer to me actually starting thus I'll figure things out.

Also, this is the first world Rap.

Immortales -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/14/2012 6:50:54)

soorry voldo just gonna write immortales in this font
*throws a rock at GPB*
hey sword mecha overload there!!!!!!!

*lunges at the mecha jack and slams him to the ground*
*holds the ground and binds the meacha in concrete*
*zaps the mech with a golden electricity zap from the eyes stunning the mecha*

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/14/2012 8:04:06)

i meant at the robot scythejack left behind voldo, sorry *facepalm*

edit: goldstein's been out for quite a while... is he still working on his novel? [&:]

delta blitz -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/14/2012 10:52:29)

*Awakens a day later after absorbing all of the white water and blue substance from the archangel statue* .......................Aww that feels so much better.....PAHAHAHAHA *Explodes into a giant cloud of white chaos, destroying the area*

~Chaos of Loneliness

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/14/2012 11:46:12)

Oh, yes, Pythagoras. I was quite aware that they most likely would be coming back to him, but as I said, it was the best solution, and it ended the problem at that moment. You could destroy the new body, if you wish {assuming he hasn't come back to life already; I haven't read all the pages up to the current one, yet}. Assuming you are out of the solar system, that should theoretically rid him of his power from the allignment, and it would have ended his misery, at least for a while, while still leaving the threat they present as one that we have enough understanding of, relatiely speaking.

Huh... She had been on this planet? Odd.

No... Not truly, at least not with the world as it is now. Perhaps some day, hopefully. :/


Airship nuke the prison.

Isn't... that a little excessive? Does noone care about radioactive fallout or collatoral damage, these days?!... Oh, yes, and if any such actions are taken, I have measures in place to ensure your little floating fortress's near instantaneous destruction.

*Walks up stealthily behind Experimental (1.0), and whispers in his ear, "I have jammers on my person. Any such things will utterly fail, and I would quite appreciate you not prying into my personal matters."He then slinks off and views the downed mech, still while being quite aware of just where of 2.0's location, and her design, as well...*

*picks up his sword, and twirls it around*

Garbage. *crushes it in his hand*

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/14/2012 11:50:20)

Well nuke is not really the right term. The Demon's Shadow has a laser with the power to destory a city, but can be set to only destory a target within that city, with anything else just being at worst a nice light show. I just target the prison and BAM, no more prison, but the city's still intact. All the power of a Giant Death Ray, none of the colateral damage.[:D]

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/14/2012 12:06:24)

Ikr? Thought that was what you meant. Just felt I should put my feelings of distaste for such a thing in there, among other things. I am very disappointed with Darkness King for literally doing so, especially for a mere APB production plant. Such a waste, you know? I am still bringing him up on a lawsuit, as well as your company, because of the fact that you should indeed have more adequate guidelines for what is acceptable in the line of duty, especially since it is bad for business, what with the youtube video of him planting a nuclear weapon in that facility now having gone viral.

Oh, and I owned that APB plant, so I can also sue for destruction of private property, and he very well could end up in prison for what he has done, because I also informed the police of the fact that it was he who did such a thing. certain government agencies may wish to have some words they wish to have with him, as well.

*tasers him at the base of his spine, instantaneously knocking him out, and places a device on his chest, which expands into a sophisticated and advanced power negation suit*

You will be coming with us. *flings him over her shoulder, and loads him into the black unmarked vehicle parked a couple dozen meters away, invisible to anyone who might look at her, just as the vehicle was, and Darkness was by contact with her*


*he is now unconcious in a specially sealed room, unknown to anyone outside the highest and most secretive branches of the government and its opperatives, all of who would die before revealing anything of their project (literally, as they have devices within their skulls to block telepathy, and means to insure their death, if such revealing is imminent), two energy cannons stylized after gattling guns trained at his chest and head, his tentacles constricted and bound, and a viewscreen representing the only source of light in the room, a silhouette of a man staring down at him, with the background painfully bright*

3 Vandoren -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/14/2012 12:07:32)

Wait, are you guys seriously going to use this Dealer Rap CD in an actual story? That is a horrible idea! A rap CD, really? What is this, Dragonfable?

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/14/2012 12:11:20)

Yes, but not.

3 Vandoren -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/14/2012 12:17:09)

Hey, I planted a bomb in your APB Action Production Base! (You get it? Action Production Base (= APB)? APB APB? Bah, whatever, who needs you.) And a nail bomb in the lobby!
Where's my kidnapping and mostprobablytorturing?
If you don't kidnap me now I'll just go and do it again!

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/14/2012 12:20:35)

To be fair, you disabled your devices shortly before the nuclear explosion, and probably got dosed with radiation, yourself. *shrugs*

3 Vandoren -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/14/2012 12:22:01)

Silly Drakk, I AM radiation...
Besides the point! *starts pushing a crate full of explosions into the street*
Any other places you own?

*goes out and takes a swim in the cities water supplies*
The sweet taste of radiation, thank you for reminding me I had that!

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/14/2012 12:36:29)

Necromancer... You bring back the dead... You spread the chain of blood thin. Let's see if that makes your blood thin.

*crushes all the exlosives instantaneously with telekenesis, not caring for the ones that shake his stumbling body, as he steps foreward*

You who return the damned to the world... do you truly know death? The experience of it? Let me... introduce it to you.*licks his lips and stares at Felarian crazenly*

*raises his arm both rigidly and slowly, as the necromancer rises with it, and he turns his hand sideways, slowly clenching it, and strangling his neck, which he was lifting him by*

*smiles, as he makes a cut across his face, and the blood streams out, with barely a thought, and then another shallow one across the chest, and then the arm, and his back, more and more, in quick succession*

*shakes with pleasure, seeing the liquid flow ever so slowly out of his body, and then breaks the wrist, and then fingers of his left arm, letting out a hollow laugh, and then cringing*

Graaawh... *clutches his head his one hand, and Felarian falls from the air* No... you can't have him.. he's mine. *looks up at him with dialating pupils and twitching muscles near his eye, and at one edge of his mouth*

Later... *stumbles away, using his right hand to steady himself on the wall of an alley he steps into, his left hand still clutching his face*

New character I have. Garghath.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/14/2012 12:44:14)


I am still bringing him up on a lawsuit, as well as your company, because of the fact that you should indeed have more adequate guidelines for what is acceptable in the line of duty, especially since it is bad for business, what with the youtube video of him planting a nuclear weapon in that facility now having gone viral.

This action of Kinz was not authorised by Ommicorp or any of it's subsidiaries. His actions had nothing to do with my company. Neither I nor Ommicorp take any responsibility for the destruction of that facility.[;)]

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/14/2012 12:50:48)

There is still a case to be made with regards to company regulations and resources. When an employee of such an organization does such a thing, and they make no attempt to make things right, it shines a negative light on things, especially in such an age as we are currently in. With that in mind, it will reduce the public oppinion of your group, especially with him in such a high standing within it.
If you see what I mean, you will note that you are in a rather precarious possition, and actions should and would normally be taken to deal with the situation, especially with how much you have attempted to improve PR, lately.

(In real life, in such a situation [though presumably of a lesser sort, since this is a super hero/villain-based universe] one would generally fire said employee, but I doubt you would do that, personally)

Remember that my character happened to be a lawyer, in the previous segment of his life, before his actions as a super powered individual.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/14/2012 13:00:32)

Well, since I am reluctent to fire kinz, since he's my only RL employee, I'm willing to make a settlement to avoid the incident going too public. What do you think would be a reasonable amount?

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/14/2012 13:15:25)

Hmm... Considering the fact that I doubt you will yield to any pressure to involve stock in Omnicorp in such a deal, voluntarily, I will start the negotiations at 300 million fame. 25M for the estimated value of the APB plant over the next ten years' theoretical working, and 275 million to go to funds supporting the victims of the event, and the loved ones of those who have died and/or are at detriment from the loss of said individuals., along with the businesses in the general vacinity.

Considering the fact that it was a nuclear explosion in the heart of such a city as this, even if it was a comparably small one, only equating to est. 25 kTs of dynamite, that is a very conservative and polite offer. I would also like Omnicorp cooperation for improved security systems for the new factory, along with the general vacinity. I cannot promise there will not be any public outrage with regards to the incident, however, as it was a nuclear weapon detonated in one of the most important cities in the country. Government incursion and dealing with the situation is still a possibility, and I cannot stop this, at the very least without major consequences and wasted time, which would leave the city, and thus your most lucrative business venture at a lowered state of defence, which people would take advantage of.
Most people underestimate how much I actually have to do with the safety of this place.

If you comply, I shall take the video down, and shall not press the lawsuits to the court system.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/14/2012 13:19:32)

I will pay the requested money, but rather then working with you to create a new security system I will hire a trustworthy security expert at my own expense instead.[:)]

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/14/2012 13:21:22)

This is acceptable, as all I asked was your involvement in the matter, and I did not stipulate specifics with regards to how it should be done. Note that it must be a significant enough improvement to be considered to follow through with the agreement, however. This man must be of skill.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/14/2012 13:34:56)

Oh trust me, I only hire the best when it comes to security. Even Clown said he had to take an entirely different (And yet somehow typical for him) approch to defeating my own systems then juist trying to break in. WHen this guy is done your lab will be inpenetrable.[;)]

For the record, what is a SIgnificant amount? How do you quantify the old and new security?

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