RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Arachnid -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 14:07:17)

*Zafara bursts into the abandoned building, expecting to find Syrena. What she finds is a strange looking chair surrounded by needles filled with a strange blue glowing liquid*
Is anyone here?
*Everything goes black*

*Scarekrow drags her unconscious body to the machine*
That mixture wasn't hard to make at all with what Mr. Dealer left lying around in his nice little airdrop...
*He begins to strap her into the chair*
These straps are covered with a special liquid that makes them highly poisonous to vampires...
*He grabs one of the handles holding a needle and brings it up to Zafara's forehead*
Can't wait until she wakes up...Hee hee hee...

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 14:14:57)

*the person who was hiding now knows the unknown being's intentions, and knocks scarekrow down with surprising ease*

Arachnid -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 14:24:12)

*Scarekrow stands back up*
I knew I was being watched. So I made minions.
*Thousands of tiny metal spiders surround the intruder*
Hold him down.
*They surround his body, covering every inch of him, and tie him down with metal ropes*
The rest of you, find any others.
*He grabs another needle and positions it over her heart*

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 14:31:05)

*the voice seems to be coming from a speaker* you underestimate me, just like everyone else... *manages to break free of the ropes and fends off the spiders*

edit: *seeing the needle, he lunges after him again*

Arachnid -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 14:33:25)

Very well.
*Scarekrow runs at the robot. As it is about to attack, Scarekrow throws an object. It attaches to the robot, and it's eyes dim, and it stops moving*
Fool. It's only a temporary shutdown, but it'll be long enough. And as for backup power...
*Scarekrow removes the robots legs*
You can have these back AFTER I'm done.
Hee hee hee...
*Scarekrow presses the needle that's over her heart into her skin. He presses a button, and the fluid empties into her*

Question Mark? -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 15:24:11)

Meanwhile, JACK hovers above The Maw, drinking it its power.
Suddenly, a massive eye opens.
Drakkoniss has been located.
The portion of the Jester that he has been harboring will be retrieved.
The Champion will fall.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 15:43:17)

*a syring flies into her less than half of a second after the fluid was injected*

Antidote. Chemically designed to specifically counteract that serum, in a couple seconds. Very anylitical, my eyes. Experimental's distraction served my purposes very well.

*charges and impales Scarekrow, and knocks him off, then eviscerates him, and kicks him to the side*

Arachnid -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 15:57:01)

*Scarekrow's head laughs*
She'll wake up, but the next one has no antidote, because it IS an antidote!
And it's voice controlled.
*The needle above her head drives into her skin, and injects the serum. It spreads in milliseconds.*

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 16:14:13)

Unfortunately, that is correct. However, there is also the fact that that syringe I used to inject her contained nanites containing a retrovirus, which would only activate in very specific circumstances.

That was not their entire design purpose and function, but it is one of them. Your antidote to vampirism which you have injected (I am presuming that's what you meant) will completely sever her magical vampirism status, among other things, however she shall be immediately be turned into a physiological equivalent, using certain stimuli along with that to make the... progress of it continue correctly. Her new status will give her a body extremely similar to one that she would have, should she have become a Smasher in the Pandoran Sacrifice event. It will take longer than one might want, and it will be painful, but it will work.

I didn't even want to take such measures, but my father convinced me to. *shrugs and swivels his arms and neck, as if to relieve stiffness*

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 16:59:41)

*the "robot" does not seem to even budge, even after whatever expected duration scarekrow had in mind expired*

Arachnid -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 17:09:35)


That was not their entire design purpose and function, but it is one of them. Your antidote to vampirism which you have injected (I am presuming that's what you meant) will completely sever her magical vampirism status, among other things, however she shall be immediately be turned into a physiological equivalent, using certain stimuli along with that to make the... progress of it continue correctly. Her new status will give her a body extremely similar to one that she would have, should she have become a Smasher in the Pandoran Sacrifice event. It will take longer than one might want, and it will be painful, but it will work.

Hee hee hee...
You think you know what happened...But you have no idea...
You're a fool. Do you think I'd just do something this simply obvious?!

And If he suffers...
Then Clown can have all the fun he wants...

Hee hee hee...
It'll be an eventful night, I assure you...


Clown the Jester -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 17:19:44)



YA SEE DRAKKONISS? Its pointless locking me up.

Cause as you can see...I have so many friends willing to lend me a helping hand.

Jack's got the other part of me....Scarekrow's about to finish Zafara off...and you have failed to stop either Drakkoniss.


Does it hurt to fail Drakkoniss? To try so hard to do some good...and to watch your efforts fail so miserably.

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 17:29:31)


To try so hard to do some good...and to watch your efforts fail so miserably.
clown, you have no idea... no idea at all how that feels...[:(])

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 17:29:39)


You're a fool. Do you think I'd just do something this simply obvious?!

... Maybe... XD

We shall see what shall happen. I am no one trick pony.

Why do you think I would even put him there, if I didn't have an actual reason to, and an understanding of the situation? We shall see who fails miserably by the end.

Clown the Jester -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 17:41:45)


clown, you have no idea... no idea at all how that feels...

WA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! You're right...cause I'm a winner...heh heh heh.


Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 17:54:35)

Hmm many thanks to you Aurao! *watches the enemy ship be destroyed* Hold thing I manged to keep Darkness on my ship. He must be put on trail for his crimes. Hmm *looks out the window and sees 2.0 falling to earth* that robot seems in bad condition. *puts the ship in auto pilot and carry s Darkness further into the ship by tentacles*

(as K) Ohno not more riots! *reloads his handgun and checks the computer* Hmm let`s see hmm not that much of a riot right now. Though I can still help out, though they can probelly handle themselves. *K, Intellect, and small 2-4 team of agents enter the building*

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 18:09:21)


*egardless of whether scarekrow cares or not, the "robot" remains still*

star screamer -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 18:13:06)

*Sees the new green hat*
/squeals really loud

Riddle me this, riddle me that!
My outfit is almost complete!
If only I still had my membership, then I could get the cane from Aquatian ruins!
I love this hat.
So very much.

I have one problem though, my friends.
A riddle even I cannot solve...
What should I wear?
I could wear the St. Patrick's day armor and look like classic Riddler,
or have the suit and look like an awesome one... give me your opinions.

Here, take a look and decide my new outfit.

delta blitz -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 18:36:12)

*X prime lands in Auroa park, walking up to the statue of Pandora and then releases the corrupted Pandora energy into a large mist that compresses and forms into a solidified Pandora*
*Pandora looks at X prime blankly, under his chaotic control thanks to the corruption of her energy; So X prime disappears in a flash of white light, leaving Pandora behind to await his orders*
*X prime appears into the center of the Herospire/Skulldeep mashup and places his hands on the remains of the FOE, releasing the energy from the dark gift mixed with white chaos into the gigantic being's remains*
*Skulldeep trembles as the FOE is resurrected and Herospire is flung back into orbit by the gigantic being, the FOE stares down at X prime who looks like a grain of rice in comparison to the FOE, under his control thanks to the corrupted dark gift energy*
*X prime nods and then returns to Auroa park where Pandora is still standing in silence, waiting for his order and then sits down to meditate*

~Chaos of Loneliness

Shadowlight1 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 18:51:56)

Looks like trouble, I think I'll help....

*Uses magnetism-based gravitational power and activates every missile within 50 miles of the City and targets the Park.*

I love fireworks...


Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 18:56:52)

I have returned from rotatlling, and moving 50-150 lbs. (the first one was probably in the lower range, and the second was most likely 80-120) rocks bare-handed, across my yard. My back aches, and my legs are trembling. My hands used to be shaking, but they are better. I almost feinted, and probably would've, if I hadn't sat down a few times to let my body recover.

The Foe only exists as spiritual energy within a dimension that has the laws of physics as such that no super power can work, and mechines opperate differenty. No dice.

Oh, and Pandora's remains were disentigrated during the Advent of Modo. Sorry. Had to say it. I wouldn't spoiler like that, normally. Her remains were actually within HeroSpire, btw.

delta blitz -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 18:57:56)

*X prime hears the sound of missiles in the distance and has Pandora use her powers to create a barrier around the park to block the missiles*
*X prime's 4th eye opens*
................... (<([O])>) ....................

~Chaos of Loneliness
*Goes of out character*
Well X prime made weaker copies of them then with pandora's energy corrupted by white chaos and the dark gift's energy corrupted by white chaos >:)
*goes back into character*

star screamer -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 18:58:30)

Wait... then who's corpse did I eat?

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 18:59:52)

How should I know? My head is somewhat foggy from physical exertion. Oh, and to be fair, we had to use a shovel to lift it out of the ground, because of the dirt exerting a pulling force on the rock. Hard to explain well.

I actually MOVED those rocks single-handedly, after the initial attemp to get them from the ground, though. Rocks being large and bulky when they are heavy tend to be more difficult to exert appropriate levels of force to move than weights, I believe. Not completely sure, though.

star screamer -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 19:04:00)

Now, I have one question...
What in my father's name is going on here?
Another fight? A dance-off?
Ooh! maybe they're baking mints!
Nah, mints are better raw.

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