Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 16:14:13)
Unfortunately, that is correct. However, there is also the fact that that syringe I used to inject her contained nanites containing a retrovirus, which would only activate in very specific circumstances. That was not their entire design purpose and function, but it is one of them. Your antidote to vampirism which you have injected (I am presuming that's what you meant) will completely sever her magical vampirism status, among other things, however she shall be immediately be turned into a physiological equivalent, using certain stimuli along with that to make the... progress of it continue correctly. Her new status will give her a body extremely similar to one that she would have, should she have become a Smasher in the Pandoran Sacrifice event. It will take longer than one might want, and it will be painful, but it will work. I didn't even want to take such measures, but my father convinced me to. *shrugs and swivels his arms and neck, as if to relieve stiffness*