primalvoldo -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 22:42:26)
*Voldo's form flickers and starts to fade, Suddenly he starts to smirk and shouts in a sinister voice* "FOOLS, NoW yOu HavE FaTeD ThE WOrlD TO itS dEmISe!" Plot Climax *Voldo pulses with Purple and Red lightning, Before everyones eyes Voldos body splits, a Dark explosion fills the air, when it subsides there are two Voldo's, one Purple, one red. The red one speaks* "What have you done!? "I have seperated our personallities into two bodies "Do you realise you have just destroyed the balance of Time and Space!? "I know, there are some laws in physics that will cause the entire World, perhaps the galaxy to be destroyed, like how Drakkoniss nor Clown must be killed permantley, or how you can't kill someone from the past or future, In this case that ChaotiVoid must not be seperated into different entities, the Lords of Order try their best to keep the world balanced but to cause real Chaos I had to break one of thelaws of Time and Space, so with this happening the world will fall InTO uNbAlAnCe AnD It wIll DeCaY aNd ImPlOde!!!!" "Then the only way to save us all is to refrom the pieces of ChaotiVoid! "Fat chaNce I'M gOiNG tO rEfORM wIth You, HaVe FuN DIENG!!!!!" *Chaos Voldo disappears in a flash of purple light* *Evil Voldo goes off to find the Dealer and let everyone know about the fate of the world* *Meanwhile in a Shadowy Area a figure stands, he looks just like Voldo but instead of any Red or Purple he is completley Black, he speaks to himself* So, the fabrics of the world have been ripped apart, pitty I was hoping for the world to last a little longer, but that is not my choice to make, the Shadows will not intervieme with the fate of the world, if the world is destined to be destroyed so be it, but hopefully the Heroes and Villains realise that there is a third mixture in ChaotiVoid and not just Chaos and Evil... As person Behind Voldo: Well I'm going out, I won't be able to respond immediatley but I'll be back soon, maybe in 15 minutes or so, so Brb