RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 21:55:55)

*phases out of the universe/dimension*

*puts portals around Voldo to make his explosion hit him multiple times, conjtinuing in a vicious cycle*

primalvoldo -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 22:08:45)

*Voldo's strike causes the building and all around it explode with Dark Aura, Voldo falls to the ground with power loss, the Evil is about to take control once more and become ChaotiVoid again, but Chaos Voldo uses his last sum of energy to retain his form*

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 22:12:19)

OOookay, then... Portal buster?

primalvoldo -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 22:13:54)

(I ment the strike destroyed the building but since you were in a different dimension you wern't harmed, now you just need to give him a few hits till he loses the ability to become Pure Chaos)

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 22:15:24)

*the Blade of Awe falls out of the sky and impales itself on Voldo, having come from the future*

(oh, and I knew that's what you meant; I was wondering about the portals I had set up to make your attack repeatedly hit you)

primalvoldo -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 22:42:26)

*Voldo's form flickers and starts to fade, Suddenly he starts to smirk and shouts in a sinister voice*

"FOOLS, NoW yOu HavE FaTeD ThE WOrlD TO itS dEmISe!"

Plot Climax

*Voldo pulses with Purple and Red lightning, Before everyones eyes Voldos body splits, a Dark explosion fills the air, when it subsides there are two Voldo's, one Purple, one red. The red one speaks*

"What have you done!?

"I have seperated our personallities into two bodies

"Do you realise you have just destroyed the balance of Time and Space!?

"I know, there are some laws in physics that will cause the entire World, perhaps the galaxy to be destroyed, like how Drakkoniss nor Clown must be killed permantley, or how you can't kill someone from the past or future, In this case that ChaotiVoid must not be seperated into different entities, the Lords of Order try their best to keep the world balanced but to cause real Chaos I had to break one of thelaws of Time and Space, so with this happening the world will fall InTO uNbAlAnCe AnD It wIll DeCaY aNd ImPlOde!!!!"

"Then the only way to save us all is to refrom the pieces of ChaotiVoid!

"Fat chaNce I'M gOiNG tO rEfORM wIth You, HaVe FuN DIENG!!!!!"

*Chaos Voldo disappears in a flash of purple light*

*Evil Voldo goes off to find the Dealer and let everyone know about the fate of the world*

*Meanwhile in a Shadowy Area a figure stands, he looks just like Voldo but instead of any Red or Purple he is completley Black, he speaks to himself*

So, the fabrics of the world have been ripped apart, pitty I was hoping for the world to last a little longer, but that is not my choice to make, the Shadows will not intervieme with the fate of the world, if the world is destined to be destroyed so be it, but hopefully the Heroes and Villains realise that there is a third mixture in ChaotiVoid and not just Chaos and Evil...

As person Behind Voldo: Well I'm going out, I won't be able to respond immediatley but I'll be back soon, maybe in 15 minutes or so, so Brb

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 22:46:30)

*walks up to the Blade of Awe, which was completely ignored, and then teleports it to a secure location, then walks away, whistling*


(Oh, and I had realized that there were 3 parts to it just by looking at you. ._.; I have the Blade of Awe in my actual base, now, so do not go about trying to say you stole it. -.-)

Question Mark? -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 23:16:35)

Meanwhile, in the Dreamlands...
Jack, do you remember how I said that if you tried to get in here again without completing initiation, I would kill you?
... yes?
Well, I am going to kill you now.
... I... umm... well, hmm...
You know, I'm really not sure what I expected.

It wasn't this?
erm... not exactly... not per say really...
Too bad.
And then Jack ran away and hid somewhere far away and never ever came out the end.
(Jeez, these guys are dropping like flies! The Elder Gods are going to need some new minions!)

Reduced font size to 3, which is the maximum size allowed. ~Leon

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 23:33:44)

*2.0 sends a audio message to every sound system in the city* Systems failing falling plummeting towards the earth, gonna burn by pass through atmosphere or rip apart in gravitational pull *there is static as her systems fail completely*

monster116 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 23:43:50)

In the Carnival Tents...

Qyp concentrates in the game of chess with a rubber duck.

Your move mate [:D]


Mother of god.... Why have I not thought of this before?... [8D]

Qyp then goes on an adventure to find cheese [&:]

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 23:46:56)

DESTROY HIM, DUCKY!!!!!!!!!! I BELIEVE IN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, btw, I thought that might happen... especially with him hitting the Sleeping One. ._.

*teleports 2.0 to her secret experimental facility*

monster116 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 23:50:24)

Outside Carnival premises...

Qyp activates fly mode as he grows his demon black wings and fly..

Now where to? [8|]

Qyp wonders as he forgot what to do [:o]

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 23:51:53)

* block of cheese bonks him on the head*

*a sticky note on it says, "Glad to see you recovered. :)"

monster116 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 23:57:42)

At the sky...

Qyp remembers his mission as he reads the message on the block of cheese that fell on his head..

Recovered?.. [&o] This message... I know now! [8D] I must fulfill Ringmaster's ambition.. I must spread the word about the CARNIVAL! [:@]

Qyp remembering his mission quickly flies to supercity as he eats half of the cheese.

Zeuzt -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/18/2012 6:00:43)

war already?
I missed a lot
*saves people from rubbles caused by explosions lunar maniac and etc*
least I can do also
seemingly the tv connections and internet's down due to disruptions in electricity

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/18/2012 6:24:08)

(On a well known Channel of TV, The Dealer appears) Hello everyone, This Is The Dealer from Ommicorp News, regarding your daily news update. The main headline: Voldo has recently split his chaos and evil halfs. This is apparently going to cause the end of the world. Ommicorp will be recording all the events and, if the world does not end, will be placing them on the Ommicorp Entertainment Channel. In other news, property prices in Super City are decreasing rapidly as people are rapidly selling their homes to move to cities filled with less Psycopaths and SUpervillains. Super City is fast becoming a place where noone wants to live because of this, dispite the well intentioned attempts by Professor Pythgoras to improve the city's standards of living. This is The Dealer, saying he had nothing better to do then to report the situation.

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/18/2012 9:28:37)

can't really blame them for it, especially now that my character is pretty much rendered... unusable...

Arachnid -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/18/2012 10:59:01)

What happened to my characters while I was gone? <.<
Jeez, four pages guys...

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/18/2012 11:13:53)

Well... Scarekrow got ripped apart, after a suprise attack (effectively, as Agent K was distracting it at the time) from David's version of the Foe, which he made from the artificial bones the Dealer placed under Skull Deep, which in turn caused Skull Deep to be in danger of sinking into the volcano (a situation that hasn't been resolved yet) along with HeroSPire (which has been raised back up into the sky by Lunarox, oddly enough). Zafara has gone into the custody of Agent K's squap of agents called Intelligence at the moment, Destrous going silent and not dealing with the situation because he wanted to let them play out to see where they'd go (he has a curious tendancy for wanting information on certain subjects, and doing things to get it). She is apparently still unconcious, because she has done nothing as of yet.

In other news, I sent Jack back to the dimension of the Ancient Ones without him completing his job, and they became angry at him so he skulked away in depression and fear, presumably never to be seen again. 2.0 is now in the possession of Aurora, whohas taken to interfering with the events of the city as she saw fit, lately. Darkness King is still in the custody of Stargate, and may never come back to Earth, if nothing else intervenes to cause him to become an active character again. I would guess the Dealer will atempt to recapture him using Omnicorp. technology and/or resources. Clown the Jester and the part of his soul that is innocent are still seperate, in-RP (though Clown has gone with a look that is a combination of both of them, before changing back to a normal look). Oh, and the Dealer's channel works without electricity, it would seem. People are moving from the city due to the lack of heroes and the massive destructive events in the past. I wonder if the Internet is down across the world, or just in Super City... I wonder how Fox News is covering the events in Super City... The major ones at the very least would make for very interesting stories between or even *in* election years. That, along with the lack of major government involvement with the events in the city, save 2 organizations (the Illuminati doesn't count), one of which was literally made to deal with the city, has disturbed me, somewhat. :/ (Experimental needs better backup systems)

Arachnid -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/18/2012 11:25:58)


Scarekrow got ripped apart


(Experimental needs better backup systems)

Scarekrow still has Experiental's legs though...

Crystal Lion -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/18/2012 11:26:59)

Compile all this and you've got a long-running series on hand.

@Drakkoniss: Check your pms?

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/18/2012 11:40:08)

It would be a veeery strange series, though... In combination with my backstory, however, it would make a very good anime. My backstory is designed to fill in the year gap between Pandora's Sacrifice and the game's begining. I have often thought of our interactions as an anime or manga when having their flow (especially in battle) in mind. An anime would be the better option, but a manga might be one that would need to be done first in order to get the recognition to make an anime that isn't cancelled, or anything. I checked them, btw. (might've accidentally sent the response twice...)

(By ripped apart, I meant caused to explode and regenrate multiple times by rage-fueled expension of power. ._. [the thing with Experimental's legs is funny; XD {I wonder how he managed to move them somewhere, during all that, and not have them easily recovered, though...}])

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/18/2012 11:51:30)

*the tracking device that omnicorp used to keep a constant eye on the original cyborg now ceases to function*

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/18/2012 11:53:25)

*scans of the city produce a lock-on to the location of Experimental, and he is beamed to the same location as 2.0*

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/18/2012 12:00:18)

so... he's where 2.0 is right now, or took her with him/her/it to where experimental is?[&:]

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