Hun Kingq -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion Thread (4/8/2012 12:12:53)
Joe10112, switching DA with SA will nerf the whole Blood Mage class not just strength builds because for one the tank builds, tech build, support builds, dex builds all rely on the extra damage from the side arm when the energy is gone. Trans, They mentioned the new classes ultimate skills will be replaced with what no one knows because they are being very secretive about it. You know that just giving back Assimilation the energy regain is just 6 points at max if not blocked and at max, so would that be a fare energy regain compared to static charge and reroute, no. I constantly got 47 points of damage and to players that is huge but huge is 60 points or more and then everyone will complain about the damage output of Assimilation, then that will get nerfed, players will stop using that skill and would be another unused skill to add to the skill tree. The original strength abusing class is the merc classes and both now has field commander, that can boost strength, so not only they abuse strength but they could boost their strength even high making berzerker and double strike even more dangerous and what does the Blood Mage have to boost strength or technology, absolutely nothing but stats and enhancements with skill requirements and weapon requirements a Blood Mage could only go so high. First, want to nerf strength and now you want to nerf tech so it appears you want the Blood Mage to be an easy kill like it was for the first 6 to 8 months of Delta when the Fire ball was a weak skill even with high strength at max. Because as I previously mentioned for due to having no skills that boost tech or strength or a debuff that increases damage the Blood Mage have to have super high strength or super high tech for to see a good damage output due to players having high tech and high dex. Everyone opinion counts but if you do not play a certain class everyday and tried every build and skill combo they how can you really say switch one skill for another will solve the problem well it won’t because for fireball to get in the upper 40s many things have to happen, low dex of the opponent, no physical armor of the opponent, max fireball, very high strength, I know these things because I tested fireball at every strength level. At the same tech max plasma bolt has greater damage potential then Plasma Rain, which costs more energy, it should be the opposite making Plasma Rain more desirable to use. To see any real damage from Plasma Rain you tech has to be at least 140 (40-48) but sometimes that is not enough. If you want to beat a strength abuser then use your shadow arts, increase your dex, wear physical armor since you have plasma armor, use emp, use malfunction, have energy wrist blades, a energy side arm, and a physical Aux. Increase your tech, use your multi. Arevero, Reflex Boost sucks for the Blood Mage class, I tested it at max with max super charge and max overload, I got the same damage with it on as with it off. I tested to see if it would less the damage of my partner against a support abusing tact merc artillery strike, partners health was at 50 and the artillery strike got 57 damage on them and with me having high dex with physical armor they got 47 damage on me. That is why you don’t see Blood Mages even bother with reflex boost. I used max reflex boost against a tact merc doing double strike and they got the same damage as if it was not there. I used it in battle against the boss with allies and instead on the strikes being blocked and the damage to be lessened there was no blocks and the damage was twice as much. If you want to taper down on the strength abusers then they need to give the Blood Mage more desirable skills that gets more then 30 to 40 points of damage that increase with multiple stats say dex and tech. If you want to blame someone for the tech abusers and strength abusers among the blood mages blame the staff because it started to happen when they took away Assimilation then the Flood came when they took away technician. The mage classes is the most nerfed classes of all the class maybe not on purpose but it happens and here again players that are not of those classes are calling for a deliberate nerf due to they can’t come up with builds to beat them, you know their moves what they will do next, you can counter it. Nerfing a stat will affect all players of all classes. Nerfing a skill will affect all players of the whole class, punishing the ones that don’t go that route because of the ones that do. How do you know these are the ones that are class hoppers or alternates of the players with primary accounts of the Hunter classes or merc classes trying to get that one classes weakend so that their main accounts could have easy kills once again?