(HS) A Story Untold.. A Carnie Unfolded.. The Story of Qyp (Full Version)

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monster116 -> (HS) A Story Untold.. A Carnie Unfolded.. The Story of Qyp (3/25/2012 10:00:51)

Link to Story : http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=20188821

Please comment and help me fix errors XD

I'm not good with words and stuff like these..

My first well.. second try [:)]

Kinzdor -> RE: (HS) A Story Untold.. A Carnie Unfolded.. The Story of Qyp (3/25/2012 12:52:33)

I like it very original! Keep up the good work!

monster116 -> RE: (HS) A Story Untold.. A Carnie Unfolded.. The Story of Qyp (3/25/2012 18:32:50)

Thank you! [:)]

primalvoldo -> RE: (HS) A Story Untold.. A Carnie Unfolded.. The Story of Qyp (3/26/2012 1:48:39)

Nice new chapter, I find the colours that you use in the different characters interesting, Clown Blue, Star Pink and Voldo Red :3

Reading on...Hmmm, I thought you joined the carnival loooooong before I joined, remember how you were the one who got me there in the first place, I would've thought you could've added the time of the Alpha Villains era aswell, or say in your story that you recognised me from it, meh probably dosn't matter with our RP characters....

...Letse...*GASP* I'm being mean to you in this story Qyppy, I don't want to hurt your feelings, your a cool guy [:(]

Clown the Jester -> RE: (HS) A Story Untold.. A Carnie Unfolded.. The Story of Qyp (3/27/2012 12:35:59)

Fantastic. Heh heh heh. I love it. Love it alot. Can't wait for more.

Excelent portrayals of characters.

monster116 -> RE: (HS) A Story Untold.. A Carnie Unfolded.. The Story of Qyp (4/7/2012 23:47:59)

New Chapter out!!! check it out click the link on first post

Chapter V : The Birth of Madness

vulkan -> RE: (HS) A Story Untold.. A Carnie Unfolded.. The Story of Qyp (7/17/2012 4:26:33)

"reads chapter 2"

"reads chapter 3"

"reads chapter 4"

holy crap. this was a good story. May not be very long, but it captures the emotions perfectly.

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