RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/25/2012 4:31:38)


Hrrrm... I need something that can allow me to combat those who can alter reality on a whim.

I actually have something...or rather The Thief does...

Or Corona and his Gravity manipulating friend could pull some strings, but that could have adverse effects on things.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/25/2012 4:39:44)

I prefer to rely on my own power when possible.

Also, have finished the design. I will now begin making it. Good thing I still have The Demon's Shadow, this Suit will be made in five minuite and then... we shall see how those who call themselves gods can cope when their powers no longer work and are indeed used against them.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/25/2012 10:07:07)

Meh. Such an armor would be virtually impossible to build in a way to where it actually would be effective against more than one of them at once, Dealer. Even the defence part would take extraordinary care to manufacture anything effective at all, and then to make it into a single suit, you'd have to find ways to reduce bulk to the extreme, and honestly I would give it multiple modes that it can shift to for combat of specific enemies. Likewise, a weapon that would normally be able to effect only such people would be very difficult to make effective in combat, because alot of the time they are not using such things for direct fighting. It would have to be designed to only be able to take effect during or just after the power surge required to activate those abilities, and the rest of the fight would be normal and thusly potetially up for grabs. Because of that, such an armor/wapons package would also have to be fitted to be of use during other modes of combat than just against active reality benders/epic nature manipulators, which would in turn mean that its theft would in fact allow for a valuable asset for them, anyway. In response to that I'd recommend not actually toning it down but rather making it impossible to use for anyone who doesn't know the correct sollution to security measures that you have in place to make sure it is useless otherwise.

Of course, such a thing would both be extremely difficult and disadvantageous to mass produce...

I worry that your current model shall be less than what it potentially could be, at its best. Or rather is, considering it is almost certainly complete, currently.


Edit: I hate beign called a god... I am uncomfortable with the fact that if the Greek culture were still in full swing that I would be one of the greatest and most renowned heroes of all time within their mythos, let alone a god. :/

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/25/2012 10:29:48)


Meh. Such an armor would be virtually impossible to build in a way to where it actually would be effective against more than one of them at once, Dealer.

A fair point. But gods and such rarely work together anyway. I highly doubt that I would be in a situation where I would NEED to fight more then one at a time.


Even the defence part would take extraordinary care to manufacture anything effective at all, and then to make it into a single suit, you'd have to find ways to reduce bulk to the extreme, and honestly I would give it multiple modes that it can shift to for combat of specific enemies. Likewise, a weapon that would normally be able to effect only such people would be very difficult to make effective in combat, because alot of the time they are not using such things for direct fighting.
Well, it WOULD be able to fight multiple types of foes of course, it would just be most effective on beings of such high power levels. As for the fact of them not usinhg such things to fight, it feeds off the background power that such things generate by merely existing as well as such attacks. mainly it's main defense and offense would be absorbing the energy of any attacks, storing it and either converting it into a form that can harm the foe, or into a defensive form that protects and absorbs better from their attacks.


In response to that I'd recommend not actually toning it down but rather making it impossible to use for anyone who doesn't know the correct sollution to security measures that you have in place to make sure it is useless otherwise.

The fact that you think I would NOT do so worries me a little.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/25/2012 11:10:53)

And who says I would think you wouldn't? I say things such as those as a matter of course, to make sure it is known and understood, as a form of analysis, not necessarily to indicate any view point.

And how would you define "attack" within the parameters of the equipment? There's alot of things that need energy to transpire that a total energy absorbtion system would leave out of the picture. That being said, an interesting idea, but flawed in one way. I assume it does not absorb energy at all times, but instead senses when it needs to as part of its function, yes? Otherwise, it would lose the energy required to actually absorb the attack in the first place. Because of this, lesser methods of attack could potentially defeat the armor, even if it is capable of defeating a more powerful foe. That is assuming it wouldn't try to absorb any assualt, but rather only the most powerful. Elsewise it would have a problem with endurance, whether it took ages to make it lose all its internal power, or not. I am personally well suited to fight against it, comparable to the rest of them, because I normally do not actually have the capability of reality manipulation.

Also, it would have problems against someone who can manipulate time and/or space.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/25/2012 16:25:45)


Also, manipulating space would be one of the most broken powers ever. That's ground I shall not tread on (in this story set anyways, as there's already someone who can do it in one of my non-AE stories).

And I am interested in this suit, not that you'd really need it against me.

Shadowlight1 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/25/2012 16:56:37)

* Lunarox easily breaks the dimensional barrier before reaching the destination, redirecting himself to Dimension Zero*

I'll leave Star Streamer in here. He's safer there.

I'll decide on the best course of action from here.

As for that armor of yours. I wonder how it could be made to counter my own new abilities. I'm interested to see how dark matter would react to antimatter, among other things. Even if it could somehow counter it, I still have my original powerful abilities.

At any rate, I don't intend on confronting you, Dealer. I have no personal qualm against you.


Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/25/2012 19:43:29)

It actually may be impossible to have dark matter react with antimatter. Want to know why? Antimatter is only antimatter to the matter that is the exact opposite of it. That is why it is called antimatter. We interact with normal matter that would be antimatter to something else all the time. Because dark matter is not fully understood, I cannot say it is possible to actually have an antimatter for any bit of dark matter, because dark matter does not have the same properties as normal types of matter do. But that doesn't quite matter, as it doesn't use antimatter, but rather absorbs it, and uses the reaction.

To be fair, The Dealer made that preemptively in case he would have to take to combat. He may do it of his own volition, though, if you threaten his interests, too much, and a man of his resources could very well get to you, so I might want to watch what I do, if I were you, my friend. Judging on the time he chose to do it, I think you would really look for trouble if you continued to try his patience, mate. Best think carefully about your possition, before you continue, if you know what's good for you.

You would be uniquely weak against the Dealer in this state, because your body is not extraordinarily strong, and your normal powers are what he's strongest against. You could of course evade, and find some other way to defeat him, but in a headon attack you would lose quite easily, once your defensive field is breached, which will happen easily, after he absorbs power from your other attacks.
He specifically stated that he has some sort of field around him which would hinder the effects of the darkmatter-based abilities you sport.

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/25/2012 23:28:12)

(taking care of some chars) Note: this is all RP wise

2.0: *a bunch of people are packed into the Omnicorp funeral home, morning the lost of 2.0 Darkness stands up with tear stained cheeks and says a few words* Sob, we will all miss her, she was like a Daughter to me. It was a sad twist of fate that her systems had to fail! *more cheers roll down Darkness`s checks as her coffin is closed, loaded into a Omnicorp truck and taken to a top secret holding facility*

Darkness King: *Darkness returns from the funereal, enters Omnicorp tower, heads into his office, grabs a few things and locks the door behind him* My office better not be trashed when I get back from my trip. *Darkness stares down at a paper in his hands* I can`t believe my banishment is finely up. I have grown attached to Earth though. Well better get going this trip should be fun. *leaves the tower, and heads to his castle. At his castle a launch site is prepared and his spaceship is ready for boarding. Darkness bored the ship and blast`s off. After a while he lands on planet Purpleleny. A boy and a gril run up to him as he walks out of his ship* Mike Susan, how are you little scamps. Daddy missed ya.

*the boy straightens his leather cap and speaks* I`m doing just fine pa! I get picked on for having Stump disorder, allot though. *Darkness bends down and pats his son and the head*

Don`t let them get to ya. So what if you`r tentacles are just little stumps? So what if you have no mental powers? You`re still smarter and probably have more self esteem then those foolish bully's!
*Mike smiles as a small robot monkey walks up towards the trio* Whats this?

I built him dad I really did! His name is Bobo he`s my friend! *Bobo climbs up and rests on Mikes shoulder. Darkness smiles and turns to his daughter*

So what about you Susan? *Susan undoes her bonnet to reveal betufil, flowing, tentacles* Good, my teachers say I am a extermlay advanced mental manipleutr for my age! *Darkness smiles and pats both of them on the back*

Great, now lets find you`r guys hose and get something to eat. It`s been a long trip.

Black Angel: *Enters the Dealer`s office with White Demon by his side* Why hello Dealer, with Darkness gone visiting his kids I`m taking his place as you`r right hand man for now. If you need anything let me know. Also I wiped up this sales plan, that should boost our sales by 20 percent! *throws the sales plan on Dealer`s desk* Also are there any unfinished projects that Darkness was working on that I should complete?

White Demon: *Walks into the Dealers office with Black Angel. Stands on the othere side of The Dealers desk as Black Angel speaks, then Finley speaks himself* and I`m taking Black Angels spot as you`t right hand mans right hand man! Wow that1s a tongue twister. Also here`s a draft of my acting work, to see if I play the demon in you1r play. *tosses the tape onto the Dealer`s desk*

Acellrator 3G/ Professor Jhono: *Jhono sits in his room talking to himself* Ahh i`m not as young as I used to be. There`s enough hero`s in the city that it won`t hurt for me to hang up my suit! Plus one day my son, will protect the city as Acellrator 4G. *a young boy super speeds into the room and begin to fly around in the air* Hmm it seems as though his power gene has evolved to give him flight! Super speed, AND flight? *Jhono chuckles* He`ll never be late again. Come lad, we must train, *Jhono and his son walk off towards the taring chamber*

Chemical Reaction/Artie Fishkiller: *Artie boards a plan for Japan sits in his seat, twiddles his thumbs and begins to talk to himself* I can`t believe I`m leaving it all behind. I hope Bobbey takes good care of my Chemistry Instaoote. I could probably open anther one in Japan. *leans back in his seat* I`ll return to that city one day but for now, I`m off to meet the one man that can train me to control my powers! Well might as well get some rest! *leans back even further and falls asleep*

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/26/2012 0:40:06)

Kinz: Awww I liked the robot.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/26/2012 1:40:08)


Edit: I hate beign called a god... I am uncomfortable with the fact that if the Greek culture were still in full swing that I would be one of the greatest and most renowned heroes of all time within their mythos, let alone a god. :/

Well, just change it then. Pretty simple, though the retcon factor SUCKS. From what I saw your story wasn't TOO far (unless I am sorely mistaken which if I am, I apologize) so it shouldn't hurt too much.

Interesting Kinz. I can't wait for this play. I wonder, why do the Aliens have such human names/words for names? Darkness, Susan, etc.
Anyhow, this has inspired me to develop a few characters crucial to any future stories I may write.

Not good with names for now so I shall identify them by their powers.

Dimensional Jumper:
A man who came from an alternate Earth where he was reportedly of much wealth and power. Discovered our Earth by complete accident while exploring the limits of his powers. Despite being an enemy of Corona and his allies, he's always rather talkative and seems to act as if he forgets he's on the opposing side. Has some interest in combining Corona and his Gravity-manipulating friend's powers. Was said to have been born somewhere in (an alternate) Italy, where he was raised by fisherman. Due to this has a vast knowledge of ships and (due to his wealth) owns many.

Corona (other universe):
An apparent servant of the Dimensional President who is the duplicate of Corona in every way (seemingly). Interesting to note that according to the Jumper, no-one has an EXACT duplicate so that makes this quite an anomaly. He possesses the same powers as Corona save for his disregard for temporal structure. Has been known to simply move to when his enemies were children and kill them, thus altering the timeline irreparably. The Jumper appears to have some hold over him, as for how is anyone's guess. Is noticeably stronger than our Corona, having apparently spent much more time physically exercising. Notes that the sun crisis did not occur in his universe.

The Thief:
A low-life thief (duh) who was thwarted every time by the superheroes. Through sheer luck he discovered a strange object, extraterrestrial in origin, that allowed him to override one's willpower. Wishing to stay out of the spotlight, made a deal with {REDACTED} to set up a prison scheme that would allow him free-reign over the city.

The Box:Unknown. Seems to exist outside-outside Time. Corona notes it only has one "mark" on any timeline. And that was when it recently appeared. There are rumors it may not be what it appears...

The beast in the Sun:
Virtually everything is unknown about this. Even whether it is a beast or organism at all. It's events in the Sun set the Earth back to relatively primitive times, with some salvaged technology. Should be noted it did not make its presence immediately known and that Corona only discovered it was real by mistake.

Corona:A time-traveller from a ruined future. He grew up in a small desert village in what was once South America. His people discovered he was able to travel through time during his younger years and set to training him to use it to alter their current state. Oddly, he did not use his powers to gain a vast knowledge of the world and upon reaching present-day HS, was rather naive due to most records being wiped out. (To put things into perspective, Clown the Jester, who is a famous criminal now, is completely unheard of in the future). As previously mentioned, he exhibits the power to travel through time, though apparently there may be more to it...

Initially an enemy of *protagonists* he was persuaded to join them after a short fight. His abilities proved rather unique as he could control the dimensions of his body, allowing him to evade attack and sight simply by turning himself sideways while 2D. (Has noted that he cannot hold a 1D form for more than a fraction of a second, and 0D is far beyond his capabilities). Another ability he will later discover is that he can

Go into the story of a piece of visual art when 2D.
Is an artist.

Pillar (last name):
Initially a boy raised in a Catholic Church, he set out on his own after receiving a letter from someone who is apparently his brother. He left on apparently good terms only to find the letter was a dead end. It was around this time he bumped into Corona (who was oddly looking for the same individual) whom he quickly defeated via his ability to control and alter Gravity. Due to his religious nature, he let Corona live who explained he was also looking for Mr.Pillar's brother (though he did not reveal why). At the start of the story, he can only control the Gravity in an immediate 10ft radius from him. Corona notes that it will increase as time goes on, which he's seen. Note:His powers seem to have a safeguard on them that keeps it from distorting time.

Originally a dancer and musician, Shift (will) accidentally discover them while they search for Mr.Pillar's brother. While the group at first brushed him off as a normal human, it was soon discovered through a combination of the POWER OF DANCE and SONG, he was able to distort one's perception of the world around them. (Read:His dancing makes you drunk). This was eventually overcome and he joined them, for his own reasons (which I have not yet invented).

"The Ultimate Chef" (name unknown):
A man running a high class restaurant in the city, the group stumbled upon it by pure accident. At first, he (somehow) defeated them all and threw them out of his establishment for being "filthy." He proved to be far too much them, until Shift figured out he was simply cleverly using his food. His only "power" is apparently cooking food so legendary that there is nothing that can resist. He serves as a mentor for the protagonists.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/26/2012 11:19:39)

I wonder if I can hire this chef to be Ommicorp's or The Dealer's cook. We could use a real high class chef.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/26/2012 12:22:15)

You know, you never recovered the body of that cyborg, mate. That would of course mean that the Black Angel and White Demon failed to find Aurora's off-base site, then...

Of course, she's been repaired, by now. The failures in her systems weren't as bad as the orginal Experimental's. Just a few tweaks here and there, and some down time when she wasn't allowed to leave the area, since then.

I'd almost not believe that you took this long to make a funeral for her, though I suppose that makes sense, as one would not want to give up on their child for as long as possible...

She watched a video feed it. Saw herself plummeting through the atmosphere, too, and how much damage she had recieved, as well, as matters of reference to the situation.

If there was actually something in that coffin, it must have been a copy, used as a decoy, so that you/your men would lose the trail...

Hmm... Interesting children, and situation he has, at home. I have an idea that might make it slightly more interesting. *a flash of light appears in front of Darkness, and the unconcious body of 2.0 appears out of thin air, and crumples to the ground, with a red bow around the neck, and a sticky note on he chest that reads, "Very interesting funeral."*

(@Glai: No, you have me wrong. I am completely fine with my character actually being like that, because it's important to who he is, but he himself dislikes that fact about his life, because heroes were also worshiped in Greek culture, as well, and he really doesn't want to be thought of as a god, either.)


Also I wiped up this sales plan, that should boost our sales by 20 percent!


Oh, yes, and I imagine a rather annoyed Dealer looking up from his desk, circles under his eyes and a coffee mug to his side, glaring at the two. XP


Acellrator 4G.



Artie Fishkiller

I had no idea that was his name. o_e


I could probably open anther one in Japan.

*imagines a Godzilla/Godjira movie*

@Glaisaurus (again): Interesting characters. I like the Dimension Jumper the best. ^-^ Shift is my second favorite, though, because of the spoiler. Pillar is a close third.

Oh, and interesting that the Box is listed as an antagonist...

Where in South America was he born, though? O.o (I vote Chile'. Anyone second that?)


His people discovered he was able to travel through time during his younger years and set to training him to use it to alter their current state.

Yes, because their country SUCKS!!! lol (I loved that part)

For a second, I thought it said "Initially a dead boy, raised by the Catholic Church," which would be somewhat awesomer. XD


(Read:His dancing makes you drunk).

MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oooooh, that's good. XP


At first, he (somehow) defeated them all and threw them out of his establishment for being "filthy."

Bacon. The most powerful of all super powers. ._.

And I think I'll end on the note that I am sorry, SL9K. Time slipped away from me, and I was unable to comment on your story yesterday, as I promised. (He is sending me chapters and/or ideas for review)

star screamer -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/26/2012 15:37:13)

I was not in Smashdome... was I?
/e is confused

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/26/2012 16:51:21)

@Drak um I thought the whole thing with Aura was irreverent because of the Rp reset.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/26/2012 18:28:34)


I wonder if I can hire this chef to be Ommicorp's or The Dealer's cook. We could use a real high class chef.

Perhaps, but to own such a fancy restaurant he probably already very rich. Who knows.

Now to address Drakk's comments (thanks by the way, I rather enjoy how you tend to get into things).

Ah yes, Shift is just fun all around. I quite like him as well. The Jumper is basically crossi Justin Hammer from Iron Man 2 with JJBA's Funny Valentine. Corona(other) is the Diego Brando so to speak.

Yes, the Box shall be an antagonist. Expect references to an Eldritch story that no-one seems to pay attention to!

Hm, no idea where. I'm sure I'll find somewhere interesting.

Yes, their country (and planet) does suck. A lot, it's just terrible.

The Dancer was a small joke Shadow made that I ran with.

The Ultimate Chef is probably the second strongest (or up in the top five anyways) character in my stories. I have yet to post the strongest.

Pillar is a character I will enjoy using a LOT. Partly because, Enrico Pucci. Partly because he beats up Corona, which will help dispell any "lol, timehax" claims.

@Kinzvlle:Was the reset not voted against? That is what I understood. This Aurora person should still be relevant.

Anyhow, thanks for checking out the characters Drakk, anyone else have other opinions or commentary?

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/26/2012 19:38:06)

@Kinz: *shrugs* I assumed that to be one of the things that would continue to this version. It was a very specific matter that was important to her character. Also, with your mention of her in that instance, I thought that the same circumstances had led to her disabling. Specifically, I assumed it was an empty coffin, signifying that you had given up on trying to find her atmospheric re-entry damaged body. I suppose it wouldn't really make sense for her to just have "stopped functioning" for no apparent reason. Given the fact that her signs of life via transmitions that her electronics normally sent to OmniCo.

GRAVITY WARPS TIME!!! :O (the distortions cause problemses, man... ._.)

Aurora still exists, even if those actions turn out to not have occured.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/26/2012 20:06:22)


GRAVITY WARPS TIME!!! :O (the distortions cause problemses, man... ._.)

Not on its own. In this case. I'm not exactly caring about science TOO much here. However, what this means I will leave to speculation...

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/26/2012 20:15:10)

Gravity actually does indeed warp time on its own. It just takes quite a bit of it to actually have an appreciable effect. Nonetheless, with a temporal manipulator, that could make for an appreciable negative effect to their situation, because the time manipulation powers would opperate effectively on an internal mathematical formula assuming nominal gravitational influence, most likely. Could cause problems with their actual ability to use their powers as they normally would, even if it's not a game breaker for them. Especially would be bad for them if the time manipulation is done by feeling how, not thinking of the time you want to actually go to, or whatever.

I'm going to randomly guess that the guy doesn't actually have the ability to manipulate gravity, but rather to simulate its effects, if it actually doesn't effect time at all.

If it actually does effect it, but not enough to do something (at least in their initial confrontation/s), then I can understand that, but if it does indeed happen to be real gravitonic manipulation, then you will have to remember to possibly include temporal effects, if he ever gets certain power-ups that characters may be wont to at some time or another. XP

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/26/2012 20:17:13)


Gravity actually does indeed warp time on its own.

Hence "not paying attention to science." If I bothered trying to make everything 100% accurate, it could get in the way of the fun which is the point of the story.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/26/2012 20:28:20)

That I can understand, which is why applied phlebotinum exists, goodsir.

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/26/2012 20:33:22)

( Meh I suppose you`right though using her char just feels weird with out Vector, though I guess I can roll with it!)

*a flash of light appears in front of Darkness, and the unconcious body of 2.0 appears out of thin air, and crumples to the ground, with a red bow around the neck, and a sticky note on he chest that reads, "Very interesting funeral."* OMG it`s a miracle! *Darkness knells down next to 2.0`s body as Mike and Suasn stare at it*

Just what is that?

Well Susan it`s a robot! You call you`rself smart!

Shut up Mike! *Mike sticks his tongue out at Susan as Darkness stands back up*

Kids this is 2.0.. you`r sister! *Mike and Susan stare at him in shock* Though this can`t be possible, only a few pieces of her were salvageable and those in the coffin!

*Black Angel and White Demon wade through the Omnicorp junkyard searching for semi savlgbe gwnric robot parts. Black angel lands next to White Demon with a worried look on his face* Are you sure this the right thing to do?

Well it`s not like we can find any of her real parts.

Well ya but giving, Darkness old generic broken robot parts?

Oh stop whining! At least Darkness will have some kind of closure! Come on I think we got enough! *they head back towards Omnicorp tower*
..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................PRESENT DAY

*Darkness sigh and lifts 2.0 into his arms* Well we better go find someone with the proper factuliys for a possibly damaged robot! I guess I can pay my twin a visit! Come on kids lets go visit Uncle Vince! *they head off towards Vince`s mansion*

Shadowlight1 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/26/2012 20:40:23)

Gravity can indeed warp time.
I could do it if I tried, but the results would be unorthodox and may possibly permanently shatter the fabric of reality. But that's not my specialty anyways.

*captures a time sentinal to research the effects of dark matter on antimatter*

This should be useful.
And Star, you might have been at the Dome before, but you're in Dimension Zero now. Get used to it.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/26/2012 20:42:57)

I never said it didn't. For the purpose of my story, it doesn't. For simplicity's sake.

Not like everything done here is 100% accurate anyways :P

Even so, it may alter time, who knows. It just won't really matter.

EDIT:Actually, for it to really manipulate time, I think it would need to be more widescale...even so, I'll just say his powers allow for gravity manipulation without time distortion. So HA! Averted!


captures a time sentinal

Time Sentinel eh?

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/27/2012 4:06:45)

Luna: You know this is just gonna fail, right?
Gla: They're an enemy in pleasonton if I correctly recall.

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