Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/16/2012 12:15:04)
You know something, though? There are *so* many laws and with so much detail and length that in many cases it's hard to even know what's the law that's being broken, who's jurisdiction it is, and which government's law applies to the individual matter, let alone to design a complex system like that... I recommend a system of prison rules instead. (oh, and with certain laws it is difficult to have it occur to the person that's doing it. For example, drug trafficking) A very interesting idea, though... Needs magic. Alot of it, with many sources both of power and foundation, meaning many different practitioners having to work together at once, perhaps in multiple disciplines... and that would present its own problem, especially if certain spells must be renewed and drain the caster actively. I've already made a prison for super villains. The trick is to have power limiting clothing/suits on them, power negators in the room they are in, the room to be tightly sealed other than ventilation, plumbing, and food delivery (the food delivery system can have voice transmitors worked into it). Never let the prisoners leave their cells, have ceiling mounted automatic weapons in the hallways just in case you *have* to do that, have extremely trustworthy jailors/guards who happen to have specialized power armors and are well-armed themselves, and design extremely complex systems for entry and exit of the facility, including housing it so far underground that it could withstand a nuclear attack. That was essentially the precursor to L.O.C.K.D.O.W.N..... It was a much less pleasant place to be. Also, certain cells were tailored to their inmates, just incase the power negation failed. After I left and the project collapsed, it was destroyed, and L.O.C.K.D.O.W.N. itself was eventually built, once S.C.I.F. was founded with the consideration that most Smashers lived in Super City, then.