RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/15/2012 20:49:02)

Drawings are just about done. Sauna is turning out...weird, but oh well. Not much I can do about it now.

Shadowlight1 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/15/2012 21:16:47)

Hello again inferior sentients. Have you enjoyed your time of peace?

I am pleased to inform that my dark matter state has achieved optimal levels. Any form of matter that makes contact with me is either pulled apart at the subatomic level or sent to Zero.
Meaning it's time for the next stage in my plan.

*disrupts anti-gravity technology holding Herospire aloft and directs its descent towards Omnicorp.*

Killing two birds with one stone, to use a clichè.

This'll be fun.

Also, I'm seriously considering traveling to a parallel Earth and absorbing SCP-94. But I'm not entirely sure what would happen if I did. Could be fun.

Interesting view on God, Drakkoniss. Truths that have biblical support. But the question is, how much of the Bible is historical truth?

Ahem, I might be undermining the concept of "faith," but I don't question the Bible's teachings, just certain historical aspects.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/15/2012 21:18:55)

intriguing, these events. And your comments.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/15/2012 21:50:57)

Yes, I also attempt to search out the historical accuracy and correlations between the Bible and events in history as well. Many of the events in it have been confirmed and/or supported by what is called "Biblical Archaeology", which generally takes place in Israeli dig sites and such places. As an intellectual, I believe that historical context must be put into the study of the Bible and the meaning of its teachings. Also, one must consider the fact that not all of the Bible must be taken literally. The psalms for example.

Now, the question is whether or not I should do anything about HeroSpire falling or not...

Clown the Jester -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/15/2012 21:55:40)

Using herospire to flatten a city? Heh heh...been there done that...though I did it with a giant pie. The pie is quite the extra pleasant touch.

Anywho...I would be honored for you to join the residence of L.O.C.K.D.O.W.N. Glaisarus. Would be fun to see a new face.

*Clown the Jester tapes a paper back filled the remains of his Purple orb to Drakkoniss's droid.*

That's all the help I can give my most worthy adversary. HEE HEE! Can't make it too easy for you. Heh heh...wouldn't be fun.

Oh...and I guess I should also...include another present.

*Clown the Jester attaches a couple plastic explosives to the droid and sets them to go off when in close proximity of Drakkoniss.*

Off ya go little fella, go deliver this to the big man and tell him I said...heh heh...hello.

*Clown the Jester nudges the droid off.*

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/15/2012 22:06:38)

Well, four new faces. I look forward to joining you, heh.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/15/2012 22:17:05)

*a mechanical appendage erupts from within the carapace of the drone and brings the plastic explosives within a compartment within itself once it is 5 miles from The Jester*

*the explosives detonate within it, and the energy from the reaction is absorbed by it, after which it rearanges the mechanisms within itself and inserts the remains of the orb*

New technology... INTEGRATED. Specs indicate negligable outside influential possibilities under new arangement within system mainframe. Testing...

*takes control of a civilian (while cloaked) and has him insert a box knife into the brain stem a villain who is in their civilian garb*

Successful. *speeds away from the cadaver, turning its artificially intelligent systems to other things*

*turns his face skyward, and with a rush of air as he lifts up rises into the sky, breathing deeply,wings extended, and holding his arms down and to the side, his palms facing outwards; He is filled with power and a pleasant calm*

*his eyes glow white from behind his shades as he stops the path of HeroSpire without moving whilst still hovering in place; An aura of pale clear energy envelops the floating city- the light shimmers with its brilliant magnificence, and it slowly tilts back to its former possition*

*it rises, the power of Lunarox having completely dissapated*

*he sighs contentedly, pleased with his work, and then falls back down to the ground, the glow that had surrounded him while he worked fading as well*

Now, to business. *appears in a flash of light in front of Lunarox, smiling and bowing slightly with arms outstretched, as if to emphasise what he had done*

I am afraid I cannot let you continue to do this too much longer, fun as it might be, moon spirit. Perhaps I might talk to Artemis about you later. *smiles somewhat peevishly, as if he were sharing a little joke*

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/15/2012 22:32:28)

Well, here's those characters Corona, Shift, Pillar, Sauna

Not exactly my best work, as one can easily see...

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/15/2012 22:36:39)

Shift looks... odd. I like the concepts of the rest of them, though I still don't imagine Carona in armor usually... and the perspectives are somewhat off. XD

Goodnight, forums. See you later.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/15/2012 22:38:43)

Well, most of em look odd xP I could go back and do a more serious drawing, but it would take some time. With Pen I draw quick things, with Pencil i draw detailed things. Kind of a tradeoff.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/15/2012 23:18:30)

Gla: I think Pillar needs a hat.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/15/2012 23:20:06)

That might not be a bad idea...

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/16/2012 2:02:29)

Gla: Well hats improve everything.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/16/2012 2:12:04)

*Thinks it over*

Also watching this SCP Game gives me so many seems terrifying though, heh.

vulkan -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/16/2012 2:14:31)

they look alright to me.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/16/2012 2:17:30)

Well I mean when you compare to the other stuff on my Twitpic, not too amazing xD

Still, I am glad you like it, and now you have a visual reference for them mostly...

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/16/2012 2:21:35)

So many artistic people here on the forums.
I was actually in the process of doing yet another picture for one of my friends, who is consequentially a major character in the story which I used to work on/still try to work on in my free time (or lack thereof xD)

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/16/2012 2:22:56)

Your stuff is downright amazing though, I can't really match that. Especially from out of my head. All my best drawings are heavily using references.

Anyhow, that should be fun.

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/16/2012 2:24:25)


Qin -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/16/2012 3:00:49)

Glaisaurus that drawing is very uncommon so yeah, its unique. Usually that is what fashion designers draw like but I think you made it more nulgathic. Anti, did you just look like wetting your pants or somethin. xD

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/16/2012 6:46:28)

*Darkness steps down from the window where he was watching the fall of Herospire.* Wow that stupid hero base almost destroyed Omnicorp Tower! You think the hero's would be smart enough to get a land base, I mean how many times has that place fell from the sky. *Looks back towards the stage. The one guy has completely drowned and the other one has fallen unconscious from the blood rushing to his head. * Lets see if I can give HIM THE HEAT! *Darkness laughs as he picks up a ball on throws it towards the target. It is about to miss when Darkness reaches out with his mind and redirect it. It hits the bulls eye and the man is dunked. As he is dunked the people closet to the stage, get slightly splashed by hot water. Once again the tank shuts with a click.*

Clown the Jester -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/16/2012 7:07:29)


Can't depend on explosives anymore. Jeez. Of all the....

Oh well...I guess I gotta do it myself.

*Clown the Jester draws out a bazooka and a chainsaws, laying them together.*

A bazooka....a Chainsaw....I smell...COMBO! HOO HOO HOO!

*Clown the Jester snaps his fingers and the chainsaw and bazooka fuse together so the chainsaw rests above the bazooka gun barrel like a bayonet.*


*Clown the Jester lifts up the bazooka/chainsaw activates the chainsaw's motor.*'ve...been...CUT!


vulkan -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/16/2012 7:08:09)


Though I did find a certain Red Orb on my tour. Heh…that looked kinda neat.

heh, you think i would let the orb out of my sight for even a moment?
i have had decoys made...composing of tennis balls with a electrical current through them.
the worst thing you could have done with that copy you made was break a window.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/16/2012 10:22:57)


It is about to miss when Darkness reaches out with his mind and redirect it. It hits the bulls eye and the man is dunked. As he is dunked the people closet to the stage, get slightly splashed by hot water. Once again the tank shuts with a click.*

Are those power nullification devices being used selectively, or are they acting up again? If so, it is risky to do as such, as someone else could, say, use telekenesis to chop someone's head off and/or break their neck spontaneously...

Interesting turn of events, this one with Vulkan's testimony. I think I'll wait it out.

*a clone from among Drakkoniss's army of resources touches the whirring blade*

Oooh... Gibby. *the stump of its fingers mends and it looks at Clown, a single eyebrow raised* (no, it does not seem to be Drakkoniss, though it looks similar; it does not wear the same atire, and the eye color is dark red)

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/16/2012 10:39:31)

@Qin:Well, thank you. Funny you mention fashion designers actually...

@Vulkan:So glad that was a fake, you have no idea.

This also means Clown just invented an Upgraded Tennis Ball.

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