RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/12/2012 14:38:52)

Zafara: It's a Christmas miracle. Welcome back, we missed you less then you would have expected.

Arachnid -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/12/2012 15:31:23)

Greetings, and welcome to our forum, Vulkan. Make yourself at home, and avoid the Clown. Follow those suggestions, and you should stay alive.

Shadow, I know you missed me. Just couldn't bear me being gone. I can tell.

~Lady Zafara

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/12/2012 15:56:10)

Zafara: I did miss you a little bit. Drakkoniss didnt seem to care that much though.

vulkan -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/12/2012 16:34:25)


Make yourself at home, and avoid the Clown.

heh, the clown? look at the prevous page and see how i manipulated him into breaking me out of L.O.C.K.D.O.W.N.

anyway, staying alive is my speciality...

Clown the Jester -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/12/2012 17:06:03)

Heh....oh think your the one who manipulated me?


Now thats funny.

I pull peoples string my boy...not you.

Wait a second...I feel insulted by your comment. MOCKED! And being mocked is something I shall not stand.

You my be good at staying alive...but I'm the best at killing.

I freed you...but I can break you too.

vulkan -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/12/2012 17:10:14)


remember clown...i can regenerate when killed.

and im planning something. if it works, you and the rest of your kind will never want to hear my name again.

you saved me, but it does not mean i need you.

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/12/2012 19:02:01)

*Darkness sits in his study looking over papers for the Gala* Every thing seems in order. The kitchen staff is preparing the meal, and the robots are preparing the castle. All the invites have been sent all the well known and classy villeins are coming. We have the anti power generators set up, along with the chains and dunk tank if any hero joins the fun. Now I just need to settle some things with the musical performers. *Darkness rans out of the castle and hops into his robot driven car. Half way there he pulls out his cell and dials the Dealer* Hey Big D do you mind if I let White Demon and some his theater buddy's to act out one of you`re plays for the Galla? It`s ok if you don`t want me to I have a fall back act.

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/12/2012 19:27:53)

Arachnid returns?

Oh look this thread has purpose again. Lul.

How powerful is this Vulkan person? Do tell.

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/12/2012 20:03:55)


*The villeins begin to arrive. There identity checked at the door. The hum of anti power generators can be heard throughout the castle. Metal chains and dunk tanks are prepared for any hero who wishes to join the party. As the villeins begin to enter and sit down they find a planter of vegges and dip, pickles, and other small finger foods, set out for appetizers. Servants fun around the dinning chamber pouring glasses of fine wine. There host Darkness King walks to the front of the room * Hello and welcome to this year`s villein `s Gala! I m you`r host for the evening Darkness King. Mingle among your`selves as I grab the first course. *the muscaens strike up there first set as Darkness heads towards the kitchen*

zanathos -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/12/2012 22:47:50)

Arachnid has returned to the land of the Smashers! And this Vulkan character seems like one to keep an eye on.

I'd advise not to cross my paths, or those of any innocents, because if you don't. no amount of Regenerative power will save you from my maelstrom of wrath!


Velmur -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/12/2012 23:25:41)

Velmur is back... for now.

But alas, the villains have killed his long lost brother (Story to be told soon) so he now has become a vigilante.

Villains, watch your step.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/12/2012 23:32:26)

Velmur: Welcome back. I guess.

Velmur -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/12/2012 23:37:21)

Thanks. =) My character's taking a much darker turn... he's slowly inching towards how his grandfather was.

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/12/2012 23:52:26)

Nice, I`ve been makeing some changes to Darkness as well. He`s becoming a lot more deeper.

Question Mark? -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/12/2012 23:53:41)

Yes! After long deliberation, I've finally got a new character that I'm happy with! I'm BACK IN THE GAME. Batten down the hatches.

A man in a grey overcoat steps off of the train into town. He wears a similarly dark grey fedora with a black feather, faded pants, and scuffed brown shoes.
As he steps from the train and pulls his little black bag off of the step, the train slams its double doors and rushes off, leaving him alone upon the platform, amid the rushing winds of the storm.

There is no rain, only wind, and it nearly blows the hat from his head. He is not thin, nor fat. His hair is faded. His eyes are dark. He is tallish, but not remarkably so. Above all, he simply appears forlorn, as if he is disillusioned with the present, tired of the past, and has seen the future as nothing but more of the same. In a way, he has. He walks down the little stairs slowly, ponderously, like the slow ebb and flow of waves.
He has a name, as many people do. He tells it to the security guard as he leaves, in response to a question.

"Poe," he says "My name is Poe."

The name suits him. It is a good name. Something that he is proud of.

"Can you tell me how to get to the Yercorp hotel?"

"It's on the corner of 3rd and Central. ... Hey, you sure about this? This place gets kind of dangerous."

The man called Poe attempts to smile. He fails.

"Don't worry about me. My death should not matter to you. We all die, eventually. This is our purpose. The only thing that we will ever really be good at."

Poe tips his hat to the guard.

"Thank you."

And he is on his way.

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/13/2012 0:52:19)

*as the orchestra set begins to die down servants replace the opend bottle of aged grape wine with a unopened bottle of spiced wine, and clear the table of the appetizers. As that group of servants enters the kitchen anther group walks out, lead by Darkness carrying the first course.* I trust you enjoyed the orchestra`s little set there. It`s a little heard piece written by a little heard of man. The orchestra will now be join`ing the rest of the band in preforming Beethoven`s 1st symphony. Which will accompany the 1st course of this 10 course meal. *Servants set plates of Deviled eggs, Cheeses, Dumplings, and Cocktail wieners down on the table. They then begin to walk around serving oyster`s to the guests. Darkness takes a seat at the head of the table, and opens the newly set bottle of spiced wine, as the music begins.* You all must try this, it`s the best spiced wine in North America! *Hands the bottle to a servant* Begin passing this around will ya? *The servant nods and begins asking guests if they want a drink* The entertainment shall begin with the 2nd course, for now mingle among you`selfs, and do try the cocktail wieners.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/13/2012 2:47:58)

Well, I may as well try to take part in this.

*A bright light shines from the back of the room and a well dressed...boat begins to appear from it. The Villains gathered stop to worry about the room for a moment before a well dressed man steps down. He has rather long hair, of a light purple hue, and rather strange mannerisms. After the light show is complete, the boat returns to its plane. The man takes a seat and calmyly replies...*

"Am I late?"

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/13/2012 3:18:37)

*Darkness blinks shocked at what just happened.* No not at all we just began the first course. Here let me, *Darkness grabs the bottle of spiced wine from the arms of a nearby servant, and pours it into the man`s glass* The best spiced wine in North America! Now a servant should be around shortly to give you some clams, you can take anything set out on the table you`r self. *Darkness turns to the band that stopped playing during the light show* OK now start where you left off! *As the music starts up again Darkness turns back towards the man* Always nice to have a new face at the gala. May I ask what`s you`r name?

vulkan -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/13/2012 3:29:05)

*a smartly dressed man walks into the gala, ignoring the whispers of several villains around him. As DC-14 sits down, he looks at one of the waiter robots and says a single sentence.

"can i have a jam and cream scone please?"

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/13/2012 3:33:03)

*The man glances at DC-14 briefly before turning his attention back to Darkness*

"Oh, a name? Hm, I tend to drift, have received so many by now...what was I christened again...ah...AH..>AHHHH! ROAD, yes that was it. My friends call me Road."

Ex.Road is the Dimension Jumper's name. This is my aforementioned jumper. Should be noted his powers are unknown, save for jumping, but somehow he can easily keep Corona(other) under control. Also note, I tend to only give my characters one power.

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/13/2012 3:40:03)

*The waiter robot nods his head* 0100001101101111011011010110100101101110011001110010000001110010011010010110011101101000011101000010000001110101011100000010000001110011011010010111001000100001 *The waiter robot rushes into the kitchen and returns a few minutes later with the scone* 01001000011001010111001001100101001000000111100101100001001000000110011101101111001000010010000001011001011000010010000001101011011011100110111101110111001000000110100101100110001000000111100101101111011101010010000001101000011000010111011001100101001000000110001001100101011001010110111000100000011010000110010101110010011001010010000001100110011011110111001000100000011101000110100001100101001000000110000101110000011100000110010101110100011010010111101001100101011100100111001100100000011101000110100001100101011110010010000001110111011011110111010101101100011001000010000001101000011000010111011001100101001000000110001001100101011001010110111000100000011100100110100101100111011010000111010000100000011010000110010101110010011001010010000001101111011011100010000001110100011010000110010100100000011101000110000101100010011011000110010100100001

Road eh? What a odd name then again this coming from a guy named Darkness. I`m guessing you`r new in town.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/13/2012 3:52:03)

"That would be a yes, and a no."

Also, funnily enough, while it is odd in conjunction to the rest of you writers, nearly everyone in my story has a name like that. Pillar, Stairs, Corona, Shift, Sauna...EVERYONE so far xD

vulkan -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/13/2012 3:54:00)

"DC-14 eats his scone while looking around, he can see every villain and smasher he can think of here, and he wonders what an opportunity he could have right now. But where would be the fun in that? he turns to a small group of hooded figures and signals with his hand. they nod and move away.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/13/2012 4:07:15)

*Out of the reflection of his glass of wine, Road notices movement somewhere above him. Rather than make a note to Darkness, he strangely takes great care placing the empty glass onto a specific spot on the table. He makes another glance at DC-14 and then rests his head on his propped up hand.*

"Well played"

vulkan -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/13/2012 4:16:10)

"DC-14 smiles, he can hear the person known as "road" thinking due to his telepathic abilities.
his fingers beat a rhythm against the handle of his pistol, stowed in his jacket.
maybe shooting him here and now would be a bad idea...
but maybe the red legion can have some sport tonight...

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