RE: Spells - Read the first post! (Full Version)

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Ianthe -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (11/22/2012 0:19:06)


Summon Nightmare Eukara

Level	1	11	31	24	51	71	91	108	111	131	141
Type	-	-	-	Z	-	-	-	G	-	-	G
PLvl	1	11	31	51	51	71	91	111	111	131	144
MPLvl	1	11	31	44	51	71	91	110	111	131	143

Price	30	38	115	900	744	5807	46634	274784	375794	3029577	8602197
Sell	15	19	57	Z	372	2903	23317	137392	187897	1514788	4301098

Write ups Done thanks! - Dragoon23

BlackAces -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (11/22/2012 4:37:57)


Guardian's Embrace the Shadows
Level	150
Type	G
PLv	153
MPLvl	152
Base	179
Rand	358
Stat	1110
BtH	38
MPCost	653
Price	22004697
Sell	11002348

Guardian Skyblade
Level	150
Type	G
PLv	153
MPLvl	152
Base	179
Rand	358
Stat	1110
BtH	38
MPCost	653
Price	22004697
Sell	11002348

Level	150
Type	G
PLv	153
MPLvl	152
Base	179
Rand	358
Stat	1110
BtH	38
MPCost	653
Price	22004697
Sell	11002348

Working on. Thank you! ~B

BlackAces -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (11/23/2012 23:45:22)


Trail Mix. Takes *0.85 to damage and a further *0.75 to stats. Stat bonus is END/4.
Level	140
Type	G
PLv	143
MPLvl	142
Base	260
Rand	129
Stat	1044
MPCost	597

Got this. Thank you! ~B

Ianthe -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (11/30/2012 0:41:58)


Summon Plant Dragon

Summons a Plant Dragon.

Level	20	1	50	80	85	110	130	150
Type	-	Z	G	-	Z	-	-	G
PLvl	20	40	54	80	95	110	130	153
MPLvl	20	30	53	80	92	110	130	152

Price	55	500	672	14814	7000	338555	2729352	22004697
Sell	27	Z	336	7407	Z	169277	1364676	11002348

Earthrend and friends.

A little Rand-heavy, but otherwise standard.

Level	20	50	68	80	110	130	145
Type	-	G	Z	-	-	-	G
PLvl	20	54	80	80	110	130	148

MPLvl	20	53	77	80	110	130	147
MPCost	89	194	285	297	431	532	625

Base	4	9	15	15	23	28	34
Rand	64	168	267	267	404	511	615
Stat	232	456	628	628	826	958	1077
BtH	5	13	20	20	27	32	37

Price	55	672	3950	14814	338555	2729352	13058727
Sell	27	336	Z	7407	169277	1364676	6529363

Working on these. Thanks you! ~Balu

Ianthe -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (12/6/2012 21:38:56)


Champions of Lore

Deals *132/109 damage, to account for the multiple elements.

13 Hits: Water, Energy, Energy, Earth, Light, Earth, Earth, Earth, Dark, Wind, Wind, Light, Healing. The healing hit targets you, auto-hits, and deals *0.85 damage.
Level	14	39	64	89	114	127	139
Type	Z	Z	G	G	Z	Z	Z
PLvl	46	59	67	92	124	137	149

MPLvl	38	54	66	91	121	134	146
MPCost	143	197	241	344	486	553	619

Base	39	51	60	89	133	153	172
Rand	78	104	119	177	265	305	345
Stat	404	489	542	707	918	1004	1083
BtH	11	14	16	23	31	34	37

Price	700	1350	2811	37854	9400	10750	12100
Sell	Z	Z	1405	18927	Z	Z	Z

Got this. Thank you! ~B


Giftbox Spells

As last year, except for the new versions and the Z versions.
Level	22	62	90	115	140
PLvl	54	78	103	128	153

MPLvl	46	74	99	124	149
MPCost	169	273	380	501	636

Base	47	72	103	139	179
Rand	92	144	206	277	358
Stat	456	615	780	945	1110
BtH	13	19	25	32	38

Price	850	3050	7400	9500	12250
Sell	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z


Level	140	145	150
Type	G	G	G
PLvl	143	148	153

MPLvl	142	147	152
MPCost	597	625	653

Base	162	171	179
Rand	325	341	358
Stat	1044	1077	1110
BtH	35	37	38

Price	7749730	13058727	22004697
Sell	3874865	6529363	11002348

Done Thanks! - Dragoon23


Call Shogun & Ansatsu

Level	50	70	90	110	130	150
Type	B	B	B	B	B	B
PLvl	54	73	93	113	133	153
MPLvl	53	72	92	112	132	152

Price	277	2159	17331	139653	1125857	9076937
Sell	138	1079	8665	69826	562928	4538468

Got this. Thank you! ~B

*FAINTS*.... -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (12/8/2012 22:52:24)

Call Nezujimbo: Ice spell that summons Nezujimbo, a guest who is a mercenary, meaning you need to pay him for him to actually attack the foe. He does Ice damage, and you can select between 4 options
Slice and Dice-does damage
Freezing strike- can freeze opponent, costs 2x the gold of slice and dice
Nothing right now
You are dismissed

Neil 1000000 -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (12/8/2012 23:18:29)

Call Nezujimbo G (costs 0 mana to use)

Level 150

4 options

Attack 1: "Slice & dice! 3309 GP"
Attack 2: "Freezing strike! 6618" (Also consumes gold.)
Option 3: "Nothing right now."
Option 4: "You are dismissed."

Each attack also consumes 86sp.

Paradoxical Enigma -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (12/9/2012 11:51:42)


Call Shogun & Ansatsu

Level: 50
Power Level: 54
MP Level: 53
Price: 277 Gold
Sellback: 138 Gold
Location: Ballyhoo - Rewards

Element: Neutral
Cost: 0 MP
Effect: Summons Shogun & Ansatsu (50) as a guest. Cast again to dismiss, or choose "You are dismissed." speech option.

Call forth the mercenary duo Hulk Shogun and Ansatsu to destroy your enemies! Just make sure you have the gold to pay them for their incredibly powerful Fire and Wind attacks!

Stats thanks to In Media Res, Write-up & Image thanks to Paradoxical Enigma.

Call Shogun & Ansatsu

Level: 70
Power Level: 73
MP Level: 72
Price: 2,159 Gold
Sellback: 1,079 Gold
Location: Ballyhoo - Rewards

Element: Neutral
Cost: 0 MP
Effect: Summons Shogun & Ansatsu (70) as a guest. Cast again to dismiss, or choose "You are dismissed." speech option.

Call forth the mercenary duo Hulk Shogun and Ansatsu to destroy your enemies! Just make sure you have the gold to pay them for their incredibly powerful Fire and Wind attacks!

Stats thanks to In Media Res, Write-up & Image thanks to Paradoxical Enigma.

Call Shogun & Ansatsu

Level: 90
Power Level: 93
MP Level: 92
Price: 17,331 Gold
Sellback: 8,665 Gold
Location: Ballyhoo - Rewards

Element: Neutral
Cost: 0 MP
Effect: Summons Shogun & Ansatsu (90) as a guest. Cast again to dismiss, or choose "You are dismissed." speech option.

Call forth the mercenary duo Hulk Shogun and Ansatsu to destroy your enemies! Just make sure you have the gold to pay them for their incredibly powerful Fire and Wind attacks!

Stats thanks to In Media Res, Write-up & Image thanks to Paradoxical Enigma.

Call Shogun & Ansatsu

Level: 110
Power Level: 113
MP Level: 112
Price: 139,653 Gold
Sellback: 69,826 Gold
Location: Ballyhoo - Rewards

Element: Neutral
Cost: 0 MP
Effect: Summons Shogun & Ansatsu (110) as a guest. Cast again to dismiss, or choose "You are dismissed." speech option.

Call forth the mercenary duo Hulk Shogun and Ansatsu to destroy your enemies! Just make sure you have the gold to pay them for their incredibly powerful Fire and Wind attacks!

Stats thanks to In Media Res, Write-up & Image thanks to Paradoxical Enigma.

Call Shogun & Ansatsu

Level: 130
Power Level: 133
MP Level: 132
Price: 1,125,857 Gold
Sellback: 562,928 Gold
Location: Ballyhoo - Rewards

Element: Neutral
Cost: 0 MP
Effect: Summons Shogun & Ansatsu (130) as a guest. Cast again to dismiss, or choose "You are dismissed." speech option.

Call forth the mercenary duo Hulk Shogun and Ansatsu to destroy your enemies! Just make sure you have the gold to pay them for their incredibly powerful Fire and Wind attacks!

Stats thanks to In Media Res, Write-up & Image thanks to Paradoxical Enigma.

Call Shogun & Ansatsu

Level: 150
Power Level: 153
MP Level: 152
Price: 9,076,937 Gold
Sellback: 4,538,468 Gold
Location: Ballyhoo - Rewards

Element: Neutral
Cost: 0 MP
Effect: Summons Shogun & Ansatsu (150) as a guest. Cast again to dismiss, or choose "You are dismissed." speech option.

Call forth the mercenary duo Hulk Shogun and Ansatsu to destroy your enemies! Just make sure you have the gold to pay them for their incredibly powerful Fire and Wind attacks!

Stats thanks to In Media Res, Write-up & Image thanks to Paradoxical Enigma.

Got this. Thank you. ~B

Golden Emperor -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (12/11/2012 18:43:57)


FTWBBQ is missing a guardian tag.

Got it. Thank you! ~ Msyu

Paradoxical Enigma -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (12/12/2012 15:53:23)


Call Nezujimbo

Level: 6
Power Level: 6
MP Level: 6
Price: 33 Gold
Sellback: 16 Gold
Location: Rise of the Samurats! (2012 BURP War)

Element: Ice
Cost: 0 MP
Effect: Summons Nezujimbo (6) as a guest. Cast again to dismiss, or choose "You are dismissed." speech option.

Call forth Nezujimbo to strike your foes down with a chilling blade! Just be sure you have the cash to pay him for his services.

Stats thanks to In Media Res, Description thanks to Dragoon23, Write-up & Image thanks to Paradoxical Enigma.

Call Nezujimbo

Level: 24
Power Level: 24
MP Level: 24
Price: 69 Gold
Sellback: 34 Gold
Location: Rise of the Samurats! (2012 BURP War)

Element: Ice
Cost: 0 MP
Effect: Summons Nezujimbo (24) as a guest. Cast again to dismiss, or choose "You are dismissed." speech option.

Call forth Nezujimbo to strike your foes down with a chilling blade! Just be sure you have the cash to pay him for his services.

Stats thanks to In Media Res, Description thanks to Dragoon23, Write-up & Image thanks to Paradoxical Enigma.

Call Nezujimbo Z

Level: 42Z
Power Level: 61
MP Level: 56
Price: 1,500 Z-Tokens
Sellback: 1,350 Z-Tokens (<48 Hours); 750 Z-Tokens (>48 hours)
Location: Rise of the Samurats! (2012 BURP War)

Element: Ice
Cost: 0 MP
Effect: Summons Nezujimbo (42) as a guest. Cast again to dismiss, or choose "You are dismissed." speech option.

Call forth Nezujimbo to strike your foes down with a chilling blade! Just be sure you have the cash to pay him for his services.

Stats thanks to In Media Res, Description thanks to Dragoon23, Write-up & Image thanks to Paradoxical Enigma.

Call Nezujimbo

Level: 60
Power Level: 60
MP Level: 60
Price: 1,861 Gold
Sellback: 930 Gold
Location: Rise of the Samurats! (2012 BURP War)

Element: Ice
Cost: 0 MP
Effect: Summons Nezujimbo (60) as a guest. Cast again to dismiss, or choose "You are dismissed." speech option.

Call forth Nezujimbo to strike your foes down with a chilling blade! Just be sure you have the cash to pay him for his services.

Stats thanks to In Media Res, Description thanks to Dragoon23, Write-up & Image thanks to Paradoxical Enigma.

Call Nezujimbo

Level: 78
Power Level: 78
MP Level: 78
Price: 12,029 Gold
Sellback: 6,014 Gold
Location: Rise of the Samurats! (2012 BURP War)

Element: Ice
Cost: 0 MP
Effect: Summons Nezujimbo (78) as a guest. Cast again to dismiss, or choose "You are dismissed." speech option.

Call forth Nezujimbo to strike your foes down with a chilling blade! Just be sure you have the cash to pay him for his services.

Stats thanks to In Media Res, Description thanks to Dragoon23, Write-up & Image thanks to Paradoxical Enigma.

Call Nezujimbo G

Level: 96
Power Level: 99
MP Level: 98
Price: 78,563 Gold
Sellback: 39,281 Gold
Location: Rise of the Samurats! (2012 BURP War)

Element: Ice
Cost: 0 MP
Effect: Summons Nezujimbo (96) as a guest. Cast again to dismiss, or choose "You are dismissed." speech option.

Call forth Nezujimbo to strike your foes down with a chilling blade! Just be sure you have the cash to pay him for his services.

Stats thanks to In Media Res, Description thanks to Dragoon23, Write-up & Image thanks to Paradoxical Enigma.

Call Nezujimbo

Level: 114
Power Level: 114
MP Level: 114
Price: 513,937 Gold
Sellback: 256,968 Gold
Location: Rise of the Samurats! (2012 BURP War)

Element: Ice
Cost: 0 MP
Effect: Summons Nezujimbo (114) as a guest. Cast again to dismiss, or choose "You are dismissed." speech option.

Call forth Nezujimbo to strike your foes down with a chilling blade! Just be sure you have the cash to pay him for his services.

Stats thanks to In Media Res, Description thanks to Dragoon23, Write-up & Image thanks to Paradoxical Enigma.

Call Nezujimbo

Level: 132
Power Level: 132
MP Level: 132
Price: 3,362,828 Gold
Sellback: 1,681,414 Gold
Location: Rise of the Samurats! (2012 BURP War)

Element: Ice
Cost: 0 MP
Effect: Summons Nezujimbo (132) as a guest. Cast again to dismiss, or choose "You are dismissed." speech option.

Call forth Nezujimbo to strike your foes down with a chilling blade! Just be sure you have the cash to pay him for his services.

Stats thanks to In Media Res, Description thanks to Dragoon23, Write-up & Image thanks to Paradoxical Enigma.

Call Nezujimbo G

Level: 150
Power Level: 153
MP Level: 152
Price: 22,004,697 Gold
Sellback: 11,002,348 Gold
Location: Rise of the Samurats! (2012 BURP War)

Element: Ice
Cost: 0 MP
Effect: Summons Nezujimbo (150) as a guest. Cast again to dismiss, or choose "You are dismissed." speech option.

Call forth Nezujimbo to strike your foes down with a chilling blade! Just be sure you have the cash to pay him for his services.

Stats thanks to In Media Res, Description thanks to Dragoon23, Write-up & Image thanks to Paradoxical Enigma.

Got this. Thank you. ~B

Paradoxical Enigma -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (12/16/2012 10:14:57)


Sooo... now that I know it's /13 instead of /12 and a bit of IMR shenanigans later... Ta-da. [8D]

Champions of Lore Z

Level: 14Z
Power Level: 46
MP Level: 38
Price: 700 Z-Tokens
Sellback: 630 Z-Tokens (<48 hours); 350 Z-Tokens (>48 hours)
Location: Limited Time Items Shop

Element: Neutral
Cost: 143 MP

    Hits: 12
    Type: Magic
    Element: Water, Energy, Energy, Earth, Light, Earth, Earth, Earth, Dark, Wind, Wind, Light.
    Damage: 3.6-10.9 plus 37.63% Stats each
    BTH: +11

    In addition to the above hits, it then does the following hit:

    Hits: 1
    Type: Magic
    Element: Heal
    Damage: 3.1-9.3 plus 31.99% Stats
    BTH: «Hits automatically»

Summon forth illusions of Aquella, Cap'n Rhubarb, Galanoth, Aria, Daimyo, Yulgar, Twilly, Warlic, Robina and Artix to perform a massive multi-elemental attack!

Numbers thanks to In Media Res, Write-up, Description Thanks to Paradoxical Enigma, Image Thanks to _____, Additional Thanks to Dragoon23 & In Media Res.


  • Starts out as 39-117, 404% Stats and +11 BTH.
  • Deals *132/109 damage, to account for the multiple elements.
  • The healing hit targets you, auto-hits, and deals *0.85 damage.

    All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.

    Champions of Lore Z

    Level: 39Z
    Power Level: 59
    MP Level: 54
    Price: 1,350 Z-Tokens
    Sellback: 1,215 Z-Tokens (<48 hours); 675 Z-Tokens (>48 hours)
    Location: Limited Time Items Shop

    Element: Neutral
    Cost: 197 MP

      Hits: 12
      Type: Magic
      Element: Water, Energy, Energy, Earth, Light, Earth, Earth, Earth, Dark, Wind, Wind, Light.
      Damage: 4.8-14.4 plus 45.55% Stats each
      BTH: +14

      In addition to the above hits, it then does the following hit:

      Hits: 1
      Type: Magic
      Element: Heal
      Damage: 4-12.3 plus 38.72% Stats
      BTH: «Hits automatically»

    Summon forth illusions of Aquella, Cap'n Rhubarb, Galanoth, Aria, Daimyo, Yulgar, Twilly, Warlic, Robina and Artix to perform a massive multi-elemental attack!

    Numbers thanks to In Media Res, Write-up, Description Thanks to Paradoxical Enigma, Image Thanks to _____, Additional Thanks to Dragoon23 & In Media Res.


  • Starts out as 51-155, 489% Stats and +14 BTH.
  • Deals *132/109 damage, to account for the multiple elements.
  • The healing hit targets you, auto-hits, and deals *0.85 damage.

    All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.

    Champions of Lore G

    Level: 64G
    Power Level: 67
    MP Level: 66
    Price: 2,811 Gold
    Sellback: 1,405 Gold
    Location: Limited Time Items Shop

    Element: Neutral
    Cost: 241 MP

      Hits: 12
      Type: Magic
      Element: Water, Energy, Energy, Earth, Light, Earth, Earth, Earth, Dark, Wind, Wind, Light.
      Damage: 5.6-16.7 plus 50.49% Stats each
      BTH: +16

      In addition to the above hits, it then does the following hit:

      Hits: 1
      Type: Magic
      Element: Heal
      Damage: 4.8-14.2 plus 42.92% Stats
      BTH: «Hits automatically»

    Summon forth illusions of Aquella, Cap'n Rhubarb, Galanoth, Aria, Daimyo, Yulgar, Twilly, Warlic, Robina and Artix to perform a massive multi-elemental attack!

    Numbers thanks to In Media Res, Write-up, Description Thanks to Paradoxical Enigma, Image Thanks to _____, Additional Thanks to Dragoon23 & In Media Res.


  • Starts out as 60-179, 542% Stats and +16 BTH.
  • Deals *132/109 damage, to account for the multiple elements.
  • The healing hit targets you, auto-hits, and deals *0.85 damage.

    All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.

    Champions of Lore G

    Level: 89G
    Power Level: 92
    MP Level: 91
    Price: 37,854 Gold
    Sellback: 18,927 Gold
    Location: Limited Time Items Shop

    Element: Neutral
    Cost: 344 MP

      Hits: 12
      Type: Magic
      Element: Water, Energy, Energy, Earth, Light, Earth, Earth, Earth, Dark, Wind, Wind, Light.
      Damage: 8.3-24.8 plus 65.86% Stats each
      BTH: +23

      In addition to the above hits, it then does the following hit:

      Hits: 1
      Type: Magic
      Element: Heal
      Damage: 7-21.1 plus 55.98% Stats
      BTH: «Hits automatically»

    Summon forth illusions of Aquella, Cap'n Rhubarb, Galanoth, Aria, Daimyo, Yulgar, Twilly, Warlic, Robina and Artix to perform a massive multi-elemental attack!

    Numbers thanks to In Media Res, Write-up, Description Thanks to Paradoxical Enigma, Image Thanks to _____, Additional Thanks to Dragoon23 & In Media Res.


  • Starts out as 89-266, 707% Stats and +23 BTH.
  • Deals *132/109 damage, to account for the multiple elements.
  • The healing hit targets you, auto-hits, and deals *0.85 damage.

    All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.

    Champions of Lore Z

    Level: 114Z
    Power Level: 124
    MP Level: 121
    Price: 9,400 Z-Tokens
    Sellback: 8,460 Z-Tokens (<48 hours); 4,700 Z-Tokens (>48 hours)
    Location: Limited Time Items Shop

    Element: Neutral
    Cost: 486 MP

      Hits: 12
      Type: Magic
      Element: Water, Energy, Energy, Earth, Light, Earth, Earth, Earth, Dark, Wind, Wind, Light.
      Damage: 12.4-37.1 plus 85.52% Stats each
      BTH: +31

      In addition to the above hits, it then does the following hit:

      Hits: 1
      Type: Magic
      Element: Heal
      Damage: 10.5-31.5 plus 72.69% Stats
      BTH: «Hits automatically»

    Summon forth illusions of Aquella, Cap'n Rhubarb, Galanoth, Aria, Daimyo, Yulgar, Twilly, Warlic, Robina and Artix to perform a massive multi-elemental attack!

    Numbers thanks to In Media Res, Write-up, Description Thanks to Paradoxical Enigma, Image Thanks to _____, Additional Thanks to Dragoon23 & In Media Res.


  • Starts out as 133-398, 918% Stats and +31 BTH.
  • Deals *132/109 damage, to account for the multiple elements.
  • The healing hit targets you, auto-hits, and deals *0.85 damage.

    All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.

    Champions of Lore Z

    Level: 127Z
    Power Level: 137
    MP Level: 134
    Price: 10,750 Z-Tokens
    Sellback: 9,675 Z-Tokens (<48 hours); 5,375 Z-Tokens (>48 hours)
    Location: Limited Time Items Shop

    Element: Neutral
    Cost: 553 MP

      Hits: 12
      Type: Magic
      Element: Water, Energy, Energy, Earth, Light, Earth, Earth, Earth, Dark, Wind, Wind, Light.
      Damage: 14.3-42.7 plus 93.53% Stats each
      BTH: +34

      In addition to the above hits, it then does the following hit:

      Hits: 1
      Type: Magic
      Element: Heal
      Damage: 12.1-36.3 plus 79.5% Stats
      BTH: «Hits automatically»

    Summon forth illusions of Aquella, Cap'n Rhubarb, Galanoth, Aria, Daimyo, Yulgar, Twilly, Warlic, Robina and Artix to perform a massive multi-elemental attack!

    Numbers thanks to In Media Res, Write-up, Description Thanks to Paradoxical Enigma, Image Thanks to _____, Additional Thanks to Dragoon23 & In Media Res.


  • Starts out as 153-458, 1,004% Stats and +34 BTH.
  • Deals *132/109 damage, to account for the multiple elements.
  • The healing hit targets you, auto-hits, and deals *0.85 damage.

    All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.

    Champions of Lore Z

    Level: 139Z
    Power Level: 149
    MP Level: 146
    Price: 12,100 Z-Tokens
    Sellback: 10,890 Z-Tokens (<48 hours); 6,050 Z-Tokens (>48 hours)
    Location: Limited Time Items Shop

    Element: Neutral
    Cost: 619 MP

      Hits: 12
      Type: Magic
      Element: Water, Energy, Energy, Earth, Light, Earth, Earth, Earth, Dark, Wind, Wind, Light.
      Damage: 16-48.2 plus 100.89% Stats each
      BTH: +37

      In addition to the above hits, it then does the following hit:

      Hits: 1
      Type: Magic
      Element: Heal
      Damage: 13.6-40.9 plus 85.75% Stats
      BTH: «Hits automatically»

    Summon forth illusions of Aquella, Cap'n Rhubarb, Galanoth, Aria, Daimyo, Yulgar, Twilly, Warlic, Robina and Artix to perform a massive multi-elemental attack!

    Numbers thanks to In Media Res, Write-up, Description Thanks to Paradoxical Enigma, Image Thanks to _____, Additional Thanks to Dragoon23 & In Media Res.


  • Starts out as 172-517, 1083% Stats and +37 BTH.
  • Deals *132/109 damage, to account for the multiple elements.
  • The healing hit targets you, auto-hits, and deals *0.85 damage.

    All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.

  • Got this. Thank you. ~B

    Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (12/16/2012 15:55:18)


    Image for the Champions of Lore series:


    Got it. Thank you! ~B

    Avalonmerlin -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (12/21/2012 8:17:15)


    Champions of Lore II

    Summon forth illusions of Hollow, Eukara, Zephyros, Lord Barrius, Radagast, Shii, Kamui and Falerin to perform a massive multi-elemental attack!

    Got this. Thank you. ~B

    Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (12/21/2012 9:58:49)


    Image for the Champions of Lore II series:


    Got this. Thank you! ~B

    Ianthe -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (12/21/2012 10:44:56)


    Champions of Lore II

    12 hits - Wind, Energy, Fire, Fire, Dark, Dark, Fire, Energy, (Random), (Random), Wind, Earth. All hits do *132/109 damage for the weird elements.

    Level	14	39	64	89	114	127	139
    Type	Z	Z	G	G	Z	Z	Z
    PLvl	46	59	67	92	124	137	149
    MPLvl	38	54	66	91	121	134	146
    MPCost	143	197	241	344	486	553	619
    Base	39	51	60	89	133	153	172
    Rand	78	104	119	177	265	305	345
    Stat	404	489	542	707	918	1004	1083
    BtH	11	14	16	23	31	34	37
    Price	700	1350	2811	37854	9400	10750	12100
    Sell	Z	Z	1405	18927	Z	Z	Z

    Got this. Thank you! ~B

    Paradoxical Enigma -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (12/21/2012 12:08:43)


    Champions of Lore II

    Level: 14Z
    Power Level: 46
    MP Level: 38
    Price: 700 Z-Tokens
    Sellback: 630 Z-Tokens (<48 hours); 350 Z-Tokens (>48 hours)
    Location: Limited Time Items Shop

    Element: Neutral
    Cost: 143 MP

    Hits: 12
    Type: Magic
    Element: Wind, Energy, Fire, Fire, Dark, Dark, Fire, Energy, (Random), (Random), Wind, Earth.
    Damage: 3.9-11.8 plus 40.77% Stats each
    BTH: +11

    Summon forth illusions of Hollow, Eukara, Zephyros, Lord Barrius, Radagast, Shii, Kamui and Falerin to perform a massive multi-elemental attack!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res, Write-up thanks to Paradoxical Enigma, Image thanks to AVA, Description thanks to Avalonmerlin.


  • Starts out as 39-117, 404% Stats and +11 BTH.
  • Deals *132/109 damage, to account for the multiple elements.

    All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.

    Champions of Lore II

    Level: 39Z
    Power Level: 59
    MP Level: 54
    Price: 1,350 Z-Tokens
    Sellback: 1,215 Z-Tokens (<48 hours); 675 Z-Tokens (>48 hours)
    Location: Limited Time Items Shop

    Element: Neutral
    Cost: 197 MP

    Hits: 12
    Type: Magic
    Element: Wind, Energy, Fire, Fire, Dark, Dark, Fire, Energy, (Random), (Random), Wind, Earth.
    Damage: 5.1-15.6 plus 49.35% Stats each
    BTH: +14

    Summon forth illusions of Hollow, Eukara, Zephyros, Lord Barrius, Radagast, Shii, Kamui and Falerin to perform a massive multi-elemental attack!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res, Write-up thanks to Paradoxical Enigma, Image thanks to AVA, Description thanks to Avalonmerlin.


  • Starts out as 51-155, 489% Stats and +14 BTH.
  • Deals *132/109 damage, to account for the multiple elements.

    All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.

    Champions of Lore II

    Level: 64G
    Power Level: 67
    MP Level: 66
    Price: 2,811 Gold
    Sellback: 1,405 Gold
    Location: Limited Time Items Shop

    Element: Neutral
    Cost: 241 MP

    Hits: 12
    Type: Magic
    Element: Wind, Energy, Fire, Fire, Dark, Dark, Fire, Energy, (Random), (Random), Wind, Earth.
    Damage: 6.1-18.1 plus 54.7% Stats each
    BTH: +16

    Summon forth illusions of Hollow, Eukara, Zephyros, Lord Barrius, Radagast, Shii, Kamui and Falerin to perform a massive multi-elemental attack!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res, Write-up thanks to Paradoxical Enigma, Image thanks to AVA, Description thanks to Avalonmerlin.


  • Starts out as 60-179, 542% Stats and +16 BTH.
  • Deals *132/109 damage, to account for the multiple elements.

    All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.

    Champions of Lore II

    Level: 89G
    Power Level: 92
    MP Level: 91
    Price: 37,854 Gold
    Sellback: 18,927 Gold
    Location: Limited Time Items Shop

    Element: Neutral
    Cost: 344 MP

    Hits: 12
    Type: Magic
    Element: Wind, Energy, Fire, Fire, Dark, Dark, Fire, Energy, (Random), (Random), Wind, Earth.
    Damage: 9-26.8 plus 71.35% Stats each
    BTH: +23

    Summon forth illusions of Hollow, Eukara, Zephyros, Lord Barrius, Radagast, Shii, Kamui and Falerin to perform a massive multi-elemental attack!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res, Write-up thanks to Paradoxical Enigma, Image thanks to AVA, Description thanks to Avalonmerlin.


  • Starts out as 89-266, 707% Stats and +23 BTH.
  • Deals *132/109 damage, to account for the multiple elements.

    All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.

    Champions of Lore II

    Level: 114Z
    Power Level: 124
    MP Level: 121
    Price: 9,400 Z-Tokens
    Sellback: 8,460 Z-Tokens (<48 hours); 4,700 Z-Tokens (>48 hours)
    Location: Limited Time Items Shop

    Element: Neutral
    Cost: 486 MP

    Hits: 12
    Type: Magic
    Element: Wind, Energy, Fire, Fire, Dark, Dark, Fire, Energy, (Random), (Random), Wind, Earth.
    Damage: 13.4-40.2 plus 92.64% Stats each
    BTH: +31

    Summon forth illusions of Hollow, Eukara, Zephyros, Lord Barrius, Radagast, Shii, Kamui and Falerin to perform a massive multi-elemental attack!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res, Write-up thanks to Paradoxical Enigma, Image thanks to AVA, Description thanks to Avalonmerlin.


  • Starts out as 133-398, 918% Stats and +31 BTH.
  • Deals *132/109 damage, to account for the multiple elements.

    All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.

    Champions of Lore II

    Level: 127Z
    Power Level: 137
    MP Level: 134
    Price: 10,750 Z-Tokens
    Sellback: 9,675 Z-Tokens (<48 hours); 5,375 Z-Tokens (>48 hours)
    Location: Limited Time Items Shop

    Element: Neutral
    Cost: 553 MP

    Hits: 12
    Type: Magic
    Element: Wind, Energy, Fire, Fire, Dark, Dark, Fire, Energy, (Random), (Random), Wind, Earth.
    Damage: 15.4-46.2 plus 101.32% Stats each
    BTH: +34

    Summon forth illusions of Hollow, Eukara, Zephyros, Lord Barrius, Radagast, Shii, Kamui and Falerin to perform a massive multi-elemental attack!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res, Write-up thanks to Paradoxical Enigma, Image thanks to AVA, Description thanks to Avalonmerlin.


  • Starts out as 153-458, 1,004% Stats and +34 BTH.
  • Deals *132/109 damage, to account for the multiple elements.

    All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.

    Champions of Lore II

    Level: 139Z
    Power Level: 149
    MP Level: 146
    Price: 12,100 Z-Tokens
    Sellback: 10,890 Z-Tokens (<48 hours); 6,050 Z-Tokens (>48 hours)
    Location: Limited Time Items Shop

    Element: Neutral
    Cost: 619 MP

    Hits: 12
    Type: Magic
    Element: Wind, Energy, Fire, Fire, Dark, Dark, Fire, Energy, (Random), (Random), Wind, Earth.
    Damage: 17.4-52.2 plus 109.29% Stats each
    BTH: +37

    Summon forth illusions of Hollow, Eukara, Zephyros, Lord Barrius, Radagast, Shii, Kamui and Falerin to perform a massive multi-elemental attack!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res, Write-up thanks to Paradoxical Enigma, Image thanks to AVA, Description thanks to Avalonmerlin.


  • Starts out as 172-517, 1083% Stats and +37 BTH.
  • Deals *132/109 damage, to account for the multiple elements.

    All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.

  • Got this. Thank you. ~B

    Storm -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (1/6/2013 15:51:10)


    Frostval Delivery Rewards:
    Spell: Exhume

    The perfect spell for digging up graveyards! It hits with either a windy tornado or darkness skull - whatever would deal the most damage!

    3 hits of wind or 3 hits of darkness. Depending on whichever will deal more damage (based on elemental modifiers on the monster)
    Added, thanks! ~Koree

    Dragoon23 -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (1/6/2013 16:12:44)


    Moglord War Party
    SP Spell
    4 hits earth spell

    Use your Charisma to call forth a pack of your loyal subjects to attack your enemy!

    No CHA for you! - Dragoon23

    Ianthe -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (1/6/2013 20:13:38)



    Element-seeks between Wind and Dark. (If they're equal, then it's random.)

    If it does Wind, then shifts 1/3 of the Base damage to Random and has +5 BTH ~ *85/90 damage. If it does Dark, then it shifts 1/3 of the Rand damage to Base and has -5 BTH ~ *85/80 damage.
    Level	5	15	25	35	45	55	65	75	85	95	105	115	125	135	145
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PLvl	5	15	25	35	45	55	65	75	85	95	105	115	125	135	148
    MPLvl	5	15	25	35	45	55	65	75	85	95	105	115	125	135	147
    MPCost	50	76	104	134	166	201	238	277	318	362	408	456	506	559	625
    A-MCP	70	95	163	356	902	2453	6857	19364	54879	155718	442039	1255027	3563446	10118016	28729199
    A-MCS	35	47	81	178	451	1227	3429	9682	27440	77859	221020	627514	1781723	5059008	14364600
    Base	8	15	22	30	38	48	58	69	80	93	106	120	134	150	171
    Rand	17	28	43	58	77	94	115	136	161	184	211	238	269	298	341
    Stat	133	199	265	331	397	463	529	595	661	727	793	859	925	991	1077
    BtH	1	3	6	8	11	13	16	18	21	23	26	28	31	33	37
    Price	70	95	163	356	902	2453	6857	19364	54879	155718	442039	1255027	3563446	10118016	28729199
    Sell	35	47	81	178	451	1227	3429	9682	27440	77859	221020	627514	1781723	5059008	14364600
    Added, thanks! ~Koree

    BlackAces -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (1/7/2013 4:32:06)


    Moglord War Party. Is not a "spell" in the usual sense. Is instead a skill that costs SP and is not tied to an armour or weapon or the like. Melee Earth, uses CHA for Bth and damage in place of STR/DEX in skill formula (LUK still applies in its usual spot). Since CHA isn't traditionally used for raw player damage, the MC covers the off-stat penalty (similar to how Heal Wounds spells use END in place of INT).
    Level	5	10	15	20	25	30	35	40	45	50
    Type	G	G	G	G	G	G	G	G	G	G
    PLvl	15	19	23	27	32	36	41	45	50	54
    MPLvl	12	16	21	25	30	34	39	43	48	53
    Base	15	17	20	23	27	30	35	38	43	47
    Rand	28	35	41	47	54	61	68	77	85	92
    Stat	199	225	252	278	311	338	371	397	430	456
    BtH	3	4	5	6	8	9	10	11	12	13
    SPCost	51	59	69	78	89	98	110	120	132	145
    Price	32	36	43	55	74	107	162	254	410	672
    Sell	32	36	43	55	74	107	162	254	410	672
    Level	55	60	65	70	75	80	85	90	95	100
    Type	G	G	G	G	G	G	G	G	G	G
    PLvl	59	64	68	73	78	83	88	93	98	103
    MPLvl	58	63	67	72	77	82	87	92	97	102
    Base	51	57	61	66	72	78	84	90	96	103
    Rand	104	112	121	133	144	155	167	180	194	206
    Stat	489	522	549	582	615	648	681	714	747	780
    BtH	14	16	17	18	19	20	22	23	24	25
    SPCost	159	173	184	199	214	229	245	261	278	295
    Price	1115	1861	3117	5235	8802	14814	24945	42016	70781	119251
    Sell	1115	1861	3117	5235	8802	14814	24945	42016	70781	119251
    Level	105	110	115	120	125	130	135	140	145	150
    Type	G	G	G	G	G	G	G	G	G	G
    PLvl	108	113	118	123	128	133	138	143	148	153
    MPLvl	107	112	117	122	127	132	137	142	147	152
    Base	110	117	124	131	139	146	154	162	171	179
    Rand	219	233	247	263	277	294	309	325	341	358
    Stat	813	846	879	912	945	978	1011	1044	1077	1110
    BtH	27	28	29	30	32	33	34	35	37	38
    SPCost	313	331	349	368	387	407	427	448	469	490
    Price	200927	338555	570467	961252	1619748	2729352	4599098	7749730	13058727	22004697
    Sell	200927	338555	570467	961252	1619748	2729352	4599098	7749730	13058727	22004697
    Level	22	62	90	115	140
    Type	GZ	GZ	GZ	GZ	GZ
    PLvl	54	78	103	128	153
    MPLvl	46	74	99	124	149
    Base	47	72	103	139	179
    Rand	92	144	206	277	358
    Stat	456	615	780	945	1110
    BtH	13	19	25	32	38
    SPCost	127	205	285	376	477
    Price	850	3050	7400	9500	12250
    Sell	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z

    Got this thanks! - Dragoon23

    ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (1/11/2013 20:01:42)


    In the Spells Index, the Trail Mixes and variants are listed under Multi-Element/Neutral/Harm; I think it would be better to list them under "Healing Spells".

    Moving. Thanks! - Dragoon23

    Avalonmerlin -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (1/11/2013 20:13:50)

    Also on Trail Mix:

    There is no "Guardian Trail Mix" spell. It's all called "Trail Mix".

    In addition this is not true:

    The spell disappears if you un-equip the misc item.

    because it stays in your temporary spell slot even when unequipped. Although I hope it stays the way it is now.

    Pink_Star -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (1/20/2013 3:58:24)


    Sellback price for Darksplatter Classic should be 500 Z-Tokens, not 525 Z-Tokens, as shown here.
    Z-Token item sellback is based on the original price that you paid for it. You bought it when it was 1,000 Z-Tokens, so selling it will give you 500 Z-Tokens. If you bought it for 1,050 Z-Tokens, you would get 525 Z-Tokens. ~Koree

    I see; Thanks!

    Ty Lee -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (1/21/2013 15:01:26)


    Star Forge is listed as a level 30 spell but is level 15 in-game.

    Should have been a Lvl 30 spell. In Media Res has corrected it in-game. Entry is correct. - Dragoon23

    Seth Hydra -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (1/21/2013 17:15:59)


    ^Quest cant be played unless you are lv30 IIRC

    Handled - Dragoon23

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