OmilliYo -> RE: [GIMP]Star Signatures III [Hiring!] [Sigs, Avis, Userbars, Banners, Sprites] (6/3/2012 19:16:03)
Specific Artist? (If it doesn't matter just put "No Preference" Shadow Type of Graphic (Avatar, Signature, Userbar, etc): Signature Render: -And- Background: ( not the people ) Text: The Mind's The Motovation Font (Please pick something from or if you can't pick just put "No Preference"): No preference Notes (If you have any special requests): Can also have another one that says Don't know how to swim, you're sinking? If possible. PM when done?: yesh please P.s ( I won't go overboard this time ) :3 I'm sorry... But... no more extra request this time.. I hope :3 ( jut kidding ) ( I think.. ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specific Artist? (If it doesn't matter just put "No Preference" Shadow Type of Graphic (Avatar, Signature, Userbar, etc): Signature---ish Render: Background: Transparent Text: Clan Website Font (Please pick something from or if you can't pick just put "No Preference"): No preference Notes (If you have any special requests): can it be 150 x 100? PM when done?: yesh please ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Specific Artist? (If it doesn't matter just put "No Preference" Shadow Type of Graphic (Avatar, Signature, Userbar, etc): Signature---ish Render: Background: Transparent Text: Clan Page Font (Please pick something from or if you can't pick just put "No Preference"): No preference Notes (If you have any special requests): can it be 150 x 100? PM when done?: yesh please