RE: [GIMP]Star Signatures III [Sigs, Avis, Userbars, Banners, Sprites] (Full Version)

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OmilliYo -> RE: [GIMP]Star Signatures III [Sigs, Avis, Userbars, Banners, Sprites] (6/9/2012 22:05:38)

@ Ze :P, no i meant 2 separate signature that are 150x100, sorry for the confusion, but that one was perfect :D, except i wanted to link 2 separate things. and can i have 1 saying clan website and another one saying clan page?

p.s loved the transparency.

Ze Mage34 -> RE: [GIMP]Star Signatures III [Sigs, Avis, Userbars, Banners, Sprites] (6/10/2012 1:23:06)

I'm out atm so I'll get two it when I get home :P
I don't know if AEF let's you have two sigs...

Done it again, better text now?


Vertigo Beast -> RE: [GIMP]Star Signatures III [Sigs, Avis, Userbars, Banners, Sprites] (6/10/2012 7:35:40)

Awesome :D :D thanks buddy

Ze Mage34 -> RE: [GIMP]Star Signatures III [Sigs, Avis, Userbars, Banners, Sprites] (6/10/2012 7:37:36)

@Kristeen um...have u accepted my hire thingo?


OmilliYo -> RE: [GIMP]Star Signatures III [Sigs, Avis, Userbars, Banners, Sprites] (6/10/2012 11:56:52)

@Ze I'm pretty sure you can but I'll check anyways. I'll be back :3.


Corvus Corax

Two images sized 250x100 side by side would be too large due to the gap between them. 150x100 would be fine.
Two separate images that fit the total size requirements would be treated as a single signature.

so we can have as many signatures as we want, as long as it fits the rule of no larger than 500x100.


Signature #1

Type of Graphic (Avatar, Signature, Userbar, etc): Signature---ish
Background: Transparent
Text: Clan Website
Notes (If you have any special requests): can it be 150 x 100?
PM when done?: yesh please


Signature #2

Type of Graphic (Avatar, Signature, Userbar, etc): Signature---ish
Background: Transparent
Text: Clan Page
Notes (If you have any special requests): can it be 150 x 100?
PM when done?: yesh please

P.s will it look better if signature #1 had a red background and signature 2 had a green background? or transparency looks better?

and thanks again.

Wxo -> RE: [GIMP]Star Signatures III [Sigs, Avis, Userbars, Banners, Sprites] (6/10/2012 14:17:34)

If it is ok, I would like to request a 1000x500 banner with the number title " Welcome to 4311" featured as a title in an attractive font. I would like the back ground color to be shades of black, while the decorations are shades of green. I would like the entire banned to be filled with attractive designs (preferably with slight references to green fire) , and possibly a picture of some sort incorporated into the background. I hope I'm not asking too much or being too specific. II don't really have a preference for everything to be exact, but those were just a few ideas. Over all, I would just like it to be attractive. :D

xShadowHunterx -> RE: [GIMP]Star Signatures III [Sigs, Avis, Userbars, Banners, Sprites] (6/10/2012 14:33:44)

Holy Cow I go inactive for a few days (I've got a ton of work!) and :O

@Ze, HIRED! But seriously stop calling me Kristeen its annoying. DX I got a name change for a reason.
@Wxo, Hmm your's is going to be a tad bit hard for me I've been having a mental block lately but I'd love to give it a try. I assume this is for a website or something of some sort? (Its a big banner o.o") Can I see what it is this will be on? (It give me an idea of what I'm working with.) Just pm me about that one.

I'll tackle Rif's a.s.a.p. I apologize for not letting you guys know I had gotten so busy DX

@Rif, [image][/image]

[image][/image] [image][/image]
[image][/image] [image][/image]

Still need that other sig? D:
@Smog, [image][/image]

@Dragon Lord X, I need image of these weapons you want.

@Spectre, I have a mental block every time I look at the render you chose can you pick something else?

zgulp65 -> RE: [GIMP]Star Signatures III [Hiring!] [Sigs, Avis, Userbars, Banners, Sprites] (6/10/2012 14:40:36)

Specific Artist? No preference

Type: Sig

Render: Only .png i can find : (can you render that, if you can't do my secondary)

Plan B Render:

Background: Artist's choice



Notes (If you have any special requests): None

PM when done?: Yes

XSpectreX -> RE: [GIMP]Star Signatures III [Hiring!] [Sigs, Avis, Userbars, Banners, Sprites] (6/10/2012 15:24:58)

Just to be sure, you got my request right?

xShadowHunterx -> RE: [GIMP]Star Signatures III [Hiring!] [Sigs, Avis, Userbars, Banners, Sprites] (6/10/2012 15:25:45)


@Spectre, I have a mental block every time I look at the render you chose can you pick something else?

Smog -> RE: [GIMP]Star Signatures III [Hiring!] [Sigs, Avis, Userbars, Banners, Sprites] (6/10/2012 15:36:15)

thanks shadow its awesome.

xShadowHunterx -> RE: [GIMP]Star Signatures III [Hiring!] [Sigs, Avis, Userbars, Banners, Sprites] (6/10/2012 15:53:40)


@Zgulp, [image][/image]

OmilliYo -> RE: [GIMP]Star Signatures III [Hiring!] [Sigs, Avis, Userbars, Banners, Sprites] (6/10/2012 16:36:17)

thank you shadow , perfect :D

sadly i can't link two things because the signature box has a text limit :3 (I think)

xShadowHunterx -> RE: [GIMP]Star Signatures III [Hiring!] [Sigs, Avis, Userbars, Banners, Sprites] (6/10/2012 16:43:57)

Still need that other one?

OmilliYo -> RE: [GIMP]Star Signatures III [Hiring!] [Sigs, Avis, Userbars, Banners, Sprites] (6/10/2012 16:48:39)

If you have the time, if you don't then I'll live without it :3

yea if you have the time (if you were talking to me :p)

Alchemist Gira -> RE: [GIMP]Star Signatures III [Sigs, Avis, Userbars, Banners, Sprites] (6/10/2012 16:50:26)

Specific Artist? doesnt matter to me
Type of Graphic: Signature
Render: BLoD and SRoD
Background: Half good looking (like angelic) and half evil looking
Text:Destiny or Doom
Font:Holyrose Midnight Tea for Destiny and Evil Dead - Army of Darkness for Doom
PM when done: yes plz

rif90 -> RE: [GIMP]Star Signatures III [Sigs, Avis, Userbars, Banners, Sprites] (6/10/2012 18:55:01)

It's perfect! Thanks! :D

liy010 -> RE: [GIMP]Star Signatures III [Sigs, Avis, Userbars, Banners, Sprites] (6/10/2012 19:15:37)

Whoa, gone for 2 days and a new page is almost filled up O.o

Welcome, Ze Mage. I look forward to some of your designs :)

Yeah, I'm going to get a move on to maintain my Rep in this shop :\



PMing you

Alchemist Gira -> RE: [GIMP]Star Signatures III [Sigs, Avis, Userbars, Banners, Sprites] (6/10/2012 20:16:00)

wow liy that's awesome thanks and its no big deal about font i understand :P
looks awesome the backgrounds clash to!

zgulp65 -> RE: [GIMP]Star Signatures III [Sigs, Avis, Userbars, Banners, Sprites] (6/10/2012 20:28:07)

@shadow hey thx for making my sig but i have a couple questions?

Was the font i choose unworkable?

if so can you change my sig's font with this

Grunt Reaper

Also can you place my render on the right

thx again

xShadowHunterx -> RE: [GIMP]Star Signatures III [Sigs, Avis, Userbars, Banners, Sprites] (6/10/2012 20:53:00)

@Zgulp, Sorry completely didn't see the font...probably got it mixed up with another request when I was rushing e.o" Anyway I placed the render where I felt it looked best, but yea that's fine if you want it moved.
Here's your fixed signature, if you have any more complaints/issues feel free to say something.

Grah looking back over it now its totally out of line with the background...but whatever.

@Liy, Thanks for tackling that one :D

zgulp65 -> RE: [GIMP]Star Signatures III [Sigs, Avis, Userbars, Banners, Sprites] (6/10/2012 20:58:50)

xD your rite it does look out of place (man i feel like that jerk that keeps on telling you to move something just to move it back in its original state)

Alright can you please move it back to the middle keeping the font

thanks and there won't be anymore changes need

EDIT: just switch the render with the font

xShadowHunterx -> RE: [GIMP]Star Signatures III [Sigs, Avis, Userbars, Banners, Sprites] (6/10/2012 21:08:30)


zgulp65 -> RE: [GIMP]Star Signatures III [Sigs, Avis, Userbars, Banners, Sprites] (6/10/2012 22:01:00)

thx man Epic!

XSpectreX -> RE: [GIMP]Star Signatures III [Sigs, Avis, Userbars, Banners, Sprites] (6/10/2012 22:46:09)

Oh, my bad about the render *sheepish grin*. Is This one easier to work with?

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