xShadowHunterx -> RE: [GIMP]Star Signatures III [Sigs, Avis, Userbars, Banners, Sprites] (6/14/2012 9:47:26)
^Excuse me, who are you? Are you me? Do you make signatures? Do you know what was going on in my life at the time? Do you know why I took so long? Maybe I missed your request, or I was busy with school, or had skipped over it due to it being complicated? That little estimate you gave Destiny there is false and based on your experience, the time differs based on the difficulty of the request. Like how you have picked a render that is large and will be a pain to cut out, or how Destiny has some demands that probably only the original sig maker can fulfill. @Destiny, I missed your request sorry, it seems you want a change to your current sig which was made by Ze. It would be difficult to recreate and make changes to it as I don't know where it came from. Also quote:
"Take the guy on the left and make a guy that looks exactly the same, except less evil and put him on the right side " Oh sure I can do that do you want him in stick figure form? (Yes, I'm being sarcastic.) I don't know how to make him "less evil" without re-drawing him. So no that's absolutely out of the question. As I didn't make your sig talk to Ze for changes. Feel free to choose another render and I can attempt it. My working list: Thewindlord - Status (Complete) [image]http://i1110.photobucket.com/albums/h451/DoomHound173/Requests/windlord.jpg[/image] DestinyKnight30 - Status (Not started, complications with request.) Chazero - Status (Completed) [image]http://i1110.photobucket.com/albums/h451/DoomHound173/Requests/chazero.jpg[/image] Vertigo Beast - Status (Completed) [image]http://i1110.photobucket.com/albums/h451/DoomHound173/Requests/vertigobeast1.jpg[/image] Omilliyo - Status (Complete) [image]http://i1110.photobucket.com/albums/h451/DoomHound173/Requests/dragonball.jpg[/image]