Joe10112 -> RE: =ED= May 1st Design Notes (5/2/2012 0:21:29)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Angels is a guy Midnight least, I'm pretty sure Angels is...(sorry if I'm totally wrong. I should know too, because Angels is the leader of Legit, the fac I'm in...) And Midnight, off of your post on the last page, are you telling us that "Oh hey, Fay Beee isn't a good mod choice because she has over 200,000 wins?" Are you delerious? That proves she knows the ins and outs of the games, has met many different people, ranging from polite nice people to trash-talkers and such over the course of her battles. She probably has ideas of Balance, is well-respected and well-known throughout the entire of ED. Please rethink your thoughts next time before posting. If anything, Fay is very nice and very bumble-bee like and a great person. I had the pleasure of fighting against Edgar Boothe with her, and it was fun and she was nice. Come on, Midnight Santa. Really. Anyway, thanks for clearing that up Cindy. I forgot it was 20 years ago >.> Time Travel...fairy uh...erm...Droids alert?