Why buff NPC's? (Full Version)

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King FrostLich -> Why buff NPC's? (5/5/2012 11:27:46)

I am disappointed to see why NPC's were given a higher "education" of learning how to deflect unblockables. Seriously, how are we suppose to get fast kills? Other than that, defeating boss npc's for newcomers in the future such as Nightwraith, Overlord Guard and Caden(they have high tech) will be almost indestructible unless using a pure strength bounty hunter build or another tank varium build. Tell me why buff these npc's by giving them the ability to deflect rather than giving them auxiliaries?

If the three npc's are already as deadly by means of defense, how much more are those with high strength and high tech.(slayer can be considered as one) At the same time, what about Admin 11 or the new npc's for the next incoming war?

Basicball -> RE: Why buff NPC's? (5/5/2012 11:42:34)


Seriously, how are we suppose to get fast kills?

you are not. I believe you might be forgetting that Epicduel is a PvP game, and not a PvC game.

At the same time, what about Admin 11 or the new npc's for the next incoming war?

boss npcs arn't supposed to be easy, and you'll definitelly be able to defeat (all) the war npcs if you have a decent build.

King FrostLich -> RE: Why buff NPC's? (5/5/2012 11:45:41)

It may be needed for npc's to be decent but adding deflections was one bad idea. What about adding auxiliaries that will make them tougher to beat.

Angels Holocaust -> RE: Why buff NPC's? (5/5/2012 11:45:57)

Tell me about it, this game is an outrage. Why would you do such a thing? This my friends is a bad case of trolling.

VIX -> RE: Why buff NPC's? (5/5/2012 11:49:14)

@Angels Holocaust , Why your using FayBeee's Picture and Siggy?

Stabilis -> RE: Why buff NPC's? (5/5/2012 12:01:32)


Rayman -> RE: Why buff NPC's? (5/5/2012 12:30:47)

a guy called midnight sante uses it too lol.

on topic: but i really like npcs buff.
dont you think npcs should have rage>?

RabbleFroth -> RE: Why buff NPC's? (5/5/2012 12:52:41)

From another thread: Pretty sure this wasn't intended. We'll take a look at this on Monday.

King FrostLich -> RE: Why buff NPC's? (5/5/2012 13:37:47)

YESSSS, just give them auxiliaries Rabble and I'll be fine with it although it will make them overpowered to lower/inexpereinced players.

rajkumar -> RE: Why buff NPC's? (5/5/2012 14:02:59)

I love to kill npc slow and steady using a focus build. And after the update i am not finding any difficulty battling them beforr update it takes me 6 turns and after update also it takes me 6 turns to kill 1 npc. I guess the players who use strength build get beaten by npc :-P Focus build was best and is best to kill a npc ^__^

Midnightsoul -> RE: Why buff NPC's? (5/5/2012 14:03:25)

wow Angel...ur not Fay Beee

@on topic
why do u care? that just makes things more balanced...

midnight santa -> RE: Why buff NPC's? (5/5/2012 22:12:22)

im not fay beee....

Vendile -> RE: Why buff NPC's? (5/5/2012 22:19:04)

@Midnight Santa


Anyways, bosses weren't attended to be fast and easy for good wins, as mentioned by Basicball, its a PvP game. However, bosses I found the boss NPC's no need for a buff, seeing as all the nerfs we have these days, but the normal ones could use a aux or something instead of that deflection.

rej -> RE: Why buff NPC's? (5/6/2012 0:25:29)


It may be needed for npc's to be decent but adding deflections was one bad idea. What about adding auxiliaries that will make them tougher to beat.

Agreed. That was a very low blow. It has already cost me over 2 minutes worth of time in npc battles, and that was only in two days. 1 minute/1 day = 365 minutes (6 hours) of added NPC time a year. No thanks.
Not to mention the fact that this made npcs like Admin11 and Bigtuna even harder for newer, less experienced players.

Algorithm -> RE: Why buff NPC's? (5/6/2012 0:47:47)

My question is, why shouldn't you be subject to a possible deflection in a NPC battle?

Mr. Black OP -> RE: Why buff NPC's? (5/6/2012 0:49:24)

Normal PVP seems to be ruled by luck. NPCing is a way to get away from that.
My only qualm about this are boss npcs. Admin 11 is incredibly difficult even for 2 full varium level 34s, and now he is even stronger.

Algorithm -> RE: Why buff NPC's? (5/6/2012 1:03:00)

Well here is how I see it . . . NPC battles should be the same as any other battle except that the server is controlling the NPC. That being said, NPCs should be allowed to wear aux's - which they can ;), allowed to deflect, and do anything else that can be done in a normal battle excluding hacking, cheating, etc.

Edit: I can see how players get frustrated in normal battles and their retreat from that is to NPC, but really? The NPCs are still, in my opinion swift wins.

Stabilis -> RE: Why buff NPC's? (5/6/2012 1:16:04)

Npc battles limited by number of encounters, hmmm... maybe it is our ballyhoo?

midnight santa -> RE: Why buff NPC's? (5/6/2012 2:03:03)

Dis is force player to buy variam to beat boss npc. Gud move titan.

Ranloth -> RE: Why buff NPC's? (5/6/2012 5:27:20)

Funny story bro, it's actually a bug that will be looked at tomorrow. Don't spread false information. >.>

drinde -> RE: Why buff NPC's? (5/6/2012 5:30:52)

Wait, so are they supposed to Deflect or not?

Ranloth -> RE: Why buff NPC's? (5/6/2012 5:31:31)

Nope. It's a bug. ^^

midnight santa -> RE: Why buff NPC's? (5/6/2012 7:39:19)

Blame it to the b-b-b-bug. lol. Poor bug...

rej -> RE: Why buff NPC's? (5/6/2012 10:11:15)


Normal PVP seems to be ruled by luck. NPCing is a way to get away from that.
My only qualm about this are boss npcs. Admin 11 is incredibly difficult even for 2 full varium level 34s, and now he is even stronger.

My thoughts exactly. Though even with npcs, you cannot entirely escape luck. For example, yesterday while I was fighting Fenris, he critted on every single attack for 6 rounds.

ambien -> RE: Why buff NPC's? (5/7/2012 0:33:29)

frost this a game you should not have problem fighting npcs you are a varium player besides it stops farmimg

always the SyFy[;)]

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