RE: EpicDuel PvP (Full Version)

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Quasidig -> RE: EpicDuel PvP (5/12/2012 4:23:41)

Since build hopping seems to be ingrained into this game I would say that you will have to deal with it, which has worked just fine for me. I kinda like build hoppers, or at least I am not bothered by them. This means, as you said, there are only a few builds out there that a majority of people have. This makes beating the majority of people so much easier. Sure their builds may be powerful, but I have found that simply countering by attacking the weak-points of the current OP builds is very effective and not hard with a little thought.

If you think, you will prevail over those that choose not to.

midnight santa -> RE: EpicDuel PvP (5/12/2012 9:01:39)

^i bet ur a CH and u tink ur gud but CH is just OP lol jus saying

SouL Prisoner -> RE: EpicDuel PvP (5/12/2012 9:26:39)

^Your 123th troll post, its a miracle, how u got unbann :S

Btw, you remember me???? or know me??

midnight santa -> RE: EpicDuel PvP (5/12/2012 9:28:10)

hey soul, sup. ur cool thx for tell me 123 post i jus speak my mind.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: EpicDuel PvP (5/12/2012 9:32:02)

^ LOL, As "Unique as always" [:D]

PivotalDisorder -> RE: EpicDuel PvP (5/12/2012 10:49:05)


Agreed . I mean , if the others are gonna look at it , stat diminished didn't really helped so well . Why? I can't make a good Tank build all thanks to STR builds and defensive stats getting weaker .
I get rap annihilated by strength builds too, even those with around 70 strength, they seem to hit so hard, even with res and def 42+ [high end]

I actually can't remember if it is normal or not for str builds to counter tanks of vice versa...any idea?

Ez_Ease -> RE: EpicDuel PvP (5/12/2012 11:41:36)

The one build that frustrate me more than any other is the strength build, especially if they go first.
The damge output is sick I have encountered some at 25-30 / 34 and the ability to heal every time
they strike. Ouch

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