Ranloth -> RE: Totally unfair, medium sized rant. (5/11/2012 12:16:57)
wow this old chestnut.... non-variums needed a robot. Even if it does reduce 80% like the varium version, they are still non-var, less stats, less damage, less def/res, less enhancements and less damage on robot if they use a focus build. it's not like the robot made non-vars overpowered lol, it just gave them a chance when debuffed and improved their usefullness in 2v2, rather than just getting one attack and dying, because they got debuffed first turn. ^ This. We had this topic a while ago, Varium players are getting 6th Bot now while non-Variums have same old one. It's not like this Bot is any OP, Rusted that is, if you count the fact non Variums have one Bot, rarely enhancements unless Credit and just a few, which adds up to lower damage output as well as defence.