review of cybers (Full Version)

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gangster a -> review of cybers (5/11/2012 9:07:05)

they have static charge that can regain most of its energy back they have 3 passives one that helps with the block chance which is helped with high dex. The next is an energy version of mineral armor which i have to say cybers have no need of at all. they could replace one of them and get technition again.

what would you think of this?

i havent put this in suggestion forums beacuse i dont want it as a suggestion therefore it cant be a suggestion.

rayniedays56 -> RE: review of cybers (5/11/2012 9:22:45)

It's gonna be hard not adding suggestions LOL

But I agree. I am an all around cyber with many builds (I change every week) But I try to keep my PA low to give people a chance.

A tech Cyber is POWERFUL. Not only able to take away 50 emp at lvl 4, but we can have a devasting bot while heal looping. :) Don't bash the class, bash the build copiers :P

SouL Prisoner -> RE: review of cybers (5/11/2012 9:26:28)

I think CH is enough nerfed, its a ok class now, nerfing more leads to destruction of the class...

gangster a -> RE: review of cybers (5/11/2012 9:28:53)

^ i hardly think a slight reduce to static charge and PA down 2 is a nerf

Oba -> RE: review of cybers (5/11/2012 9:30:30)

@soulprisnerx, Please... Passive armor, passive increasing blocks and stun, a debuff skill, a energy regain skill and a energy stealer skill. Yea its really balanced [:-]

Ranloth -> RE: review of cybers (5/11/2012 9:30:30)

SA and Plasma are 2 passives, where do you see 3? SC isn't a passive at all. This also belongs in Balance Discussion thread but post constructive feedback rather than another rant.

Promaster -> RE: review of cybers (5/11/2012 9:53:22)

I dont get why people find CHs OPed. I win a large number of CHs and i find no trouble in it at all. I didn't even lose a fight against them today. Just find the right build for fighting them.

Like a quote once said by a famous player, Shaniqua.
"Evolve or Die."

Btw, i'm a tlm if you're wondering. Plus, they only have 2 passives, not 3. SC is an active skill, and it's not really reliable if you ask me. Dont destroy an entire class with nerfs when you can just find ways to counter them.

gangster a -> RE: review of cybers (5/11/2012 10:11:45)

i understand evolve or die but in this case i think its gone to the extreme and as i said trans ill try not to rant but its hard not to and i dont want this as a suggestion but am merely having a review as the title says.

Lord Machaar -> RE: review of cybers (5/11/2012 10:35:06)

I don't think CH should get a balance or nerd, in anyway, not because i am a cyber, but the way that CH class came back to the game after being for so long the weakest class in-game... That's why i prefer CHs, from the bottom to the top and i like the way i beat OP builds with this class! as they said: "Coach Carter takes you from zero to hero"...

But also, any balance in a bad way to this class, will affect probably the effectiveness of this class in juggs, with one way or another, because the reason of this balance, came from solo...

gangster a -> RE: review of cybers (5/11/2012 10:36:53)

^ ill agree with you there nice coach carter reference :P

Shadow Rouger -> RE: review of cybers (5/11/2012 11:11:41)

@Pivotal, Not necessarily, I changed from BM back to TLM with a slight tank-strength, I don't usually lose against cybers with high atom smasher and other snuff that i wont read incase they understand my build and CH are all put to dex builds which I'll lose xD

@Gangster A, tis thread imo is stupid, cybers don't need nerfed,
What I thought was they:
MERCS: Put Adrenaline where Field Commander is, put Field Commander where Maul is and put maul where Adrenaline was.
TLM: Switch Feild Commander/Blood Shield/Stun Grenade for Maul/Smoke/Technician, only one though,

They nerfed 3 TLM skills,
Technician was taken because it increased 5 focus+bot, so bot got nerfed.
Maul was to good for strength builds with smoke.
Smoke was mixed with both was OP as hell with str build especially.
Giving them one back would be nice. and if they do the what I said with mercs, i think balance would be so well restored, or even give mercs something that goes up with dex?

skeletondude -> RE: review of cybers (5/11/2012 11:15:36)

@shadow rouge: Uh CH's don't have atom smasher they have EMP grenade

@Gangster a : Mhmm yeah nerfing static charge will make it more usless...It's ok were it is now. Cybers don't need a nerf

PivotalDisorder -> RE: review of cybers (5/11/2012 11:36:48)

Static charge wasn't a problem when CH first launched, they became a problem when the staff decided to listen to all the complaints and give
them a new passive. unfortunately it was a gamebreaking passive, game got broke and CH reigned for months after the previous reign of TLM.
now that BMs fast win/loss build has been nerfed, many of them switching back to CH and no doubt more and more will be seen in 1v1, until
you face more of them than you do every other class combined. I already face more 34 CHs than other class 34s.

Rarest -> RE: review of cybers (5/11/2012 11:47:42)

Meh. I don't think they are OP. If you're a massacre CH, you need the energy boost due to the lack of defence, BH's don't have a passive defence because they can heal health via the damage they use. So, nerfing them would be pointless. IMo.

Calogero -> RE: review of cybers (5/11/2012 12:52:38)

The CH class only needs 1 small adjustment:

Eather swap EMP with Defence Matrix ( a tier 1 skill back at tier 1 and a tier 2 skill back at tier 2 )
or swap EMP with Energy Grenade ( let's be honest, EMP is at least a tier 4 skill due to the amount of energy it kills, low energy cost )

ScarletReaper -> RE: review of cybers (5/11/2012 13:50:00)

Just fix emp so people will stop complaining. And this class really isn't op. if it was I wouldn't be able to beat them with my tacmerc which is touted as the most balanced class in the game. People probably think it is cause they are using the wrong build, unless they are losing cause of emp of course.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: review of cybers (5/11/2012 14:10:13)

touted as the most balanced class? I have never heard anyone say that but hey, I sometimes think you post only to stir things up, rather than cause you mean it.

1 good player beating a CH doesn't mean CH are balanced....

ScarletReaper -> RE: review of cybers (5/11/2012 14:14:23)

Many people have claimed tacmerc is the most balanced. I'd go through and find all the posts, but that would be extremely time consuming. But I see what you mean though. It could just be that I have a good build and strategy. I was just saying that from my point of view they don't seem that powerfull. I realize some others might have a bit more trouble.

Ranloth -> RE: review of cybers (5/11/2012 14:15:36)

Balanced yes, most balanced no.. Most balanced by this is non-abusing BHs and TMs, that's balanced. Mercs are UP, CHs are OP, and BMs are.. in the middle of balanced and OP (Str BMs)?

PivotalDisorder -> RE: review of cybers (5/11/2012 14:19:11)

I have also beaten many of them but I am not here trying to encourage changes that favour me. I have all classes and I usually change
my builds the moment I login, or not long after. I think the issue with EMP Tank CH effects everyone and isn't even remotely balanced.

but it is a slow build so players tend to go with the more obvious str Massacre build. I think if all CH used the EMP tank build, their win
rates would go through the roof and balance tracker would show that. but ofc I am speculating so not much I can do but keep posting
and hope that I am right, and the staff recognise this and do something about it. until then I am no different than any other player right.

Stabilis -> RE: review of cybers (5/11/2012 15:45:42)

I think we can all agree on the fact that Cyber Hunters have much too great energy control, and the rage we feel towards Plasma Armour is because the armour skill is primarily a Mercenary skill.


liy010 -> RE: review of cybers (5/11/2012 17:11:35)

CH IS NOT OP. With this new bot, they can disable out SC, our only way to get Energy back. Without a way to get Health or Energy back passively, we are screwed.

frogbones -> RE: review of cybers (5/11/2012 17:17:48)

^ You're "screwed!?"

You mean, IF your opponent has the bot and IF it happens to RANDOMLY go on SC, you won't be able to use it for ONE battle.

Mercs are suffer from this permanently, no matter who the opponent is or what gear they have.

And you have the audicity to complain?

What an ignorant statement.


PivotalDisorder -> RE: review of cybers (5/11/2012 17:30:26)

lol at bad Cyber Hunters trying to preserve no1 status for their class ^^

@Depressed: exactly :)

liy010 -> RE: review of cybers (5/11/2012 17:42:13)


What an ignorant statement.

Really, what Mercs actually use skills?

I've seen some at low levels use Bunker+Artillery but that's it.

High Level Mercs rely on passives since they have almost No Energy Control. All Mercs I've seen use A Heal and maybe a FC.

Oh yeah, I forgot...This is coming from the person that said Boosters are "Cheap and Cowardly"

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