RE: =ED= EpicDuel 1.4.5a Release 18.05.2011 (Full Version)

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XxKirachanXx -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel 1.4.5a Release 18.05.2011 (5/18/2012 23:21:08)

Wait a second, did exiting a 2v2 via the exit button always cancel any exp or credits, etc?
I did not know this, I think I may have been missing out on a substantial amount of goodies TwT

Mr. Black OP -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel 1.4.5a Release 18.05.2011 (5/18/2012 23:24:58)


The adjustment to the block is bad for the non shadow arts classes will hurt them more than it will helps because with shadow arts at max then get 10% more chance of blocks so while the non shadow arts classes get 35% chance at block the shadow arts classes get 45% chance to block so how does the change to blocking bring any kind of balance.

Before classes had 40% block chance, up to 50% if a hunter had max SA. All classes lost 5% so what's the big deal? Its not like this update made it so SA could go above the maximum block chance.
Besides most CH really don't abuse SA.

My Name is Jake -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel 1.4.5a Release 18.05.2011 (5/18/2012 23:45:44)


@Jake1: you would have to be completely crippled to have a 0% chance to block. and being surrounded by smoke doesn't cripple you either.
You would have to be completely crippled to have a 0% chance to block irl. This is a game so it doesn't have to be exactly like rl.

King FrostLich -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel 1.4.5a Release 18.05.2011 (5/19/2012 1:53:59)

Oh look, the release date was on 2011.

On Topic: Well it's about time my quest chain suggestion finally came into place.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel 1.4.5a Release 18.05.2011 (5/19/2012 2:07:34)

^ already sent a PM to Fay :D

Rarest -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel 1.4.5a Release 18.05.2011 (5/19/2012 3:36:35)

Dem new promo items, they're hot. Shame they're for lower levels. xD

sylar67 -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel 1.4.5a Release 18.05.2011 (5/19/2012 3:52:30)

@GOONY ! :
"2. The automatic reconnect will not return you to the battle"
then what will it do o_O ?? lol ??

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel 1.4.5a Release 18.05.2011 (5/19/2012 3:55:24)

Possibly log you back into the server screen, as when connection is lost you have to refresh and log-in again. So this saves time - simply one of those small features that are useful. :)

ForTun3 -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel 1.4.5a Release 18.05.2011 (5/19/2012 4:02:54)


Hun Kingq

andy123, in 2vs2 or 1vs1 if you are trying it in 1vs1 only go into 2vs2 and try it and you will see how much it sucks now even the tact mercs and mercs that switch to support builds finally says using Artillery strike in 2vs2 is not worth the wasted stat points and we will see more 1vs1 builds in 2vs2 which I just retrained myself. Try a multi build in 2vs2 for awhile and you will see for yourself.

well to everyone who hates the multi debuff... um i won 2v2 lb today and i did it wit a lvl 30 tecmage using a dex build that had stun doin 66 dmg and multi 67 as long as you can get it to 68 69 or 70 its good and yea if your a tec mage or a blood mage you will have a stun that can do 1 less damage than it... stun the guy that goes b4 ure partner then multi... i got 75% wins and was owning f2p and some p2p lvl34s (im p2p btw) so f2p i cant really say but yea if you have varium you shouldnt have too much trouble.

however i yea do kinda hate the extra stat points we are now having to use because of debufs to stuff but i believe their is an easy solution i guess it should be in suggestions but its on topic kinda, give us 5 stat points per lvl instead of 4, extend max lvl to 35, and make all the skills go to lvl 11

(also something i noticed is that like i said b4 BM and TM both have stuns that do one dmg less than rain... and they both are enhanced with dex, but when u look at the other classes their stun isnt enhanced with the same stat for eg, BH, stun is tec and multi is dex so theirs alot of damage difference so basicly the best person to have a multi/rain/strike is the BM coz u can just max stun and rain and put vampire up to 8 and ure set... thats my signature mages build btw..... ANYWAY what you could do their is change the other classes so stun is enhanced by the same stat??

hope i helped some of you wanting that multi build... good luck guys... also hope you consider these changes and dont delete my reply here :/

EDIT: and yea also the block nerf thats a bit :/ i think the deflection is whats actually a bit outa wak happens nearly everytime i shoot even with good TEC i think mb their are a few ppl who just dont like blocks and lie about its OPness i think it was fine really but yea could you do the same to deflect please coz i find it really hard to wanna use my gun and it used to be my fav wep :'(

EDIT: ok so heres my build and what i was going to do...

HP-80 *extra lvl stats*+5=90hp? leaves 11 stat points*
MP-70 *extra lvl stats*0*

STR- 30+11 (-4 from swaping legion cannon with catapila zook = 30+7) <delta knight= +4 so thats 30+11> *extra lvl stats*0000000=30+11*
DEX-57+59 (+4 from " " then +9 slots to dex (from the catapila zook) =57+72) < +2 from the 2extra slots = 57+74> *extra lvl stats*0000000=57+74*
TEC-46+12 (+4 " " =46+16) < -2 and thats 46+16> *extra lvl stats*+8 leaves 3stat points =54=16*
SUP-33+19 (-3 " " =33+16) < even thats 33+16> *extra lvl stats*+3 leaves 0 stat points =36+16*

PRIMARY: serpent warder 10to12+32-2 using 8 slots on dex BTW: i personally think this is a better staff the the mutating bio staff for this build it gives u more dex
SECONDARY: kurz elite 10to12+31-3 using 7 slots on dex (for more dex better to use than the dark varium blaster for this build i think?)
AUXILIARY: legion cannon 13to16+34-3(no slots) getting the Caterpillar zooka (revised stats in brackets will put it as a difference so u c what il have and include the 4 extra lvl stats indicated by***)
(catapilla zook gives most dex and dmg and points all up than any zooka)

ROBOT: pyro fly 21+25+12

DEF= 32to39+1 <delta armour>(also gives most points to dex and more points over all than any armour)which im waiting til lvl 34 to use <revised stats in these at mo it would be 32to39+5-?+1>
RES = 21to26+9-3+1 male tesla E armour using 8 slots to dex.... i have delta armour which im waiting til lvl 34 to use <revised stats in these at mo it would be 21to26+5-?+1>

SKILLS: top row heal lvl 1 matrix lvl1 bolt lvl 1
2nd row technician lvl0 bludgeon lvl1 overload lvl 10.............. going to make bludgeon lvl3
3rd row malf lvl0 reroute lvl3 plasma lvl 10
4th row assimilation lvl0 supercharge lvl0 deadly aim lvl 5.......going to make deadly aim lvl 7

so yea thats it enjoy... XP

Vendile -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel 1.4.5a Release 18.05.2011 (5/19/2012 4:06:26)


UPDATED - block logic

Block base has been reduced from 10% to 8%
Block bonus % step has increased from 2 dexterity per additional % up to 2.5 dexterity per additional %
Block Max falls from 40% down to 35%
Block Min falls from 4% down to 2%

Yay, no more lucky blocks as much!

*Enters battle*

Me: Strike *Block*
Player1: Double Strike *Critical*
Me: Heal
Player1: Pistols
Me: Strike *Gets Cursed*
Player1: Beserker *Critical*
Me: Strike *Block*
Player1: Bazooka
Me: Dead

I see no difference here.

BlueKatz -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel 1.4.5a Release 18.05.2011 (5/19/2012 4:41:41)


Block bonus % step has increased from 2 dexterity per additional % up to 2.5 dexterity per additional %

Finally , decay! Muahahahah!

Darkwing -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel 1.4.5a Release 18.05.2011 (5/19/2012 4:48:58)

I don't see why they would lower block chance . Maybe they would like to explain why it was needed?

I guess balance= complain on forums -_-

BlueKatz -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel 1.4.5a Release 18.05.2011 (5/19/2012 4:51:27)

Block is stupid, finally I can make a build that doesn't require 80+ Dex

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel 1.4.5a Release 18.05.2011 (5/19/2012 5:09:18)

Fact it decays and it's lower (2% minimum) is to reduce luck. Now it progresses even slower but won't be on 2% always which is purely luck. Also reducing maximum along with decay makes it even less luck based as you're less likely to hit that 2%.
I wonder if this fixes that block bug people were on about - where they were blocked much more than before.

Fay Beeee -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel 1.4.5a Release 18.05.2012 (5/19/2012 5:39:01)


Thanks for the 'heads up' on my typo. I Have correct. :)

Queen of typo's strikes again. lol

Lycus -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel 1.4.5a Release 18.05.2012 (5/19/2012 8:37:46)

@Vendile: You can't just base it on a single battle, over the course of battles, you will notice a difference! It's always easy to pick out when you are being unlucky, and when things don't go your way, because that's what annoys you and you remember that. One thing that I have found, though it may sound really weird, but going into the battle saying 'I want to loose this, and playing normally, but with your mind set on losing, you tend to notice yourself being 'lucky' a lot more, and tend to find it does even out, depending on your dexterity etc. :)

Basicball -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel 1.4.5a Release 18.05.2012 (5/19/2012 9:06:29)


"2. The automatic reconnect will not return you to the battle"
then what will it do o_O ?? lol ??

When you disconnect, you automatically go back to the server selection screen.
This saves you the time needed to log in again.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel 1.4.5a Release 18.05.2012 (5/19/2012 9:38:39)


You would have to be completely crippled to have a 0% chance to block irl. This is a game so it doesn't have to be exactly like rl.

it also doesn't have to be so out of the realm of possibility that it makes zero sense. they can carry a rocket launcher/bazooka, a gun, primary weapon, a robot, an
armour tough enough to withstand big attacks, but they cannot move out the way of an attack? makes zero sense AND would favour classes with superior dex builds
as well as boosting str hunters yet again. horrible idea and always seems to be the most bias and selfish players who suggest it.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel 1.4.5a Release 18.05.2012 (5/19/2012 11:14:50)


When you disconnect, you automatically go back to the server selection screen.
This saves you the time needed to log in again.

Ya, i too noticed that ...but i expected, what the other guy said...but never the less, even this feature is also Ok :)

Chosen 0ne -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel 1.4.5a Release 18.05.2012 (5/19/2012 12:19:18)

Great! Thanks guys!

Hun Kingq -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel 1.4.5a Release 18.05.2012 (5/19/2012 12:29:59)

xXxPhYcOxXx, Level 30 tech mage, look at the level range of players you are facing, do you not realize tech mages have reroute, Blood Mages do not, tech mages have malfunction Blood Mages do not. For Blood Lust to be effective in seeing any health regain they need high damage so if the damage is only 37 that is a whopping 8 points and just a side arm damage negates that health regain. You just put down potential damage not in battle damage making people think that Plasma Rain is fine and dandy and getting high damage. Also you forgot to mention that majority of your battle was before the update.

A Blood Mage has to do energy conservation due to no energy regain so basically they have one shot at Plasma Rain and if there is a tank cyber hunter or two with masscare/EMP build, the Blood Mage will not make it to rage to use the Plasma Rain or they will EMP that player so they can't even heal. Once energy is gone the Blood Mage is left with low powered weapons due to low strength and support. All of you do not understand that and want more power taken away from the Blood Mage class due to many of you have more than one account and really don't want to see improvements or balance. For the ones that just play the Blood Mage it is shameful that you don't want to see improvements to your own class but improvements to the other classes.

Plasma Rain was already weak and took 180 dex already to see any kind of benefits from it. The nerf to the multis was truly the worst nerf ever for lower energy cost, which does not mean anything when your energy is stolen over and over again by either hunter classes or either merc class, I would like to know why it was done. What type of build do they want players to have?

If you are a Level 34 Blood Mage then make a very high dex build with Plasma Rain and overload and let see which one will win the 2vs2 leader board before next Friday. No cheating by having your alternates or friends help you out by going into battle as the opponents partner than running. Don't go into the less populated server to get low level opponents, that way you could face two 34s constantly. Then we will look at you win% if you win the 2vs2 leader board with that build.

sylar67 -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel 1.4.5a Release 18.05.2012 (5/19/2012 12:44:05)

@basicball ... doesnt that give you disadvantages of the game saving your user and pass in network places in case you get disconnected close the bar and leave ... ?

Thylek Shran -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel 1.4.5a Release 18.05.2011 (5/19/2012 12:52:34)


I'm glad that Titan finally wrote something. It'd be nice for every release to have those.

Definetly. It makes things also much easier for Lore Masters that help to document EpicDuel.

I just found another website discrepancy:

16. The Battle Engine

Fire Sidearm / Fire Auxiliary - fires your currently equipped Gun or Auxiliary, performing an unblockable attack (consumes NO energy)

It should be mentioned that guns and aux could be deflected which is a partially block.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel 1.4.5a Release 18.05.2011 (5/19/2012 13:10:34)

@slayer , I had the same doubt, so tested out my self, and during your play time,if you close the windows/browser,and then re-login,it doesn't save and continue from there......

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel 1.4.5a Release 18.05.2011 (5/19/2012 13:21:53)


A Blood Mage has to do energy conservation due to no energy regain so basically they have one shot at Plasma Rain and if there is a tank cyber hunter or two with masscare/EMP build, the Blood Mage will not make it to rage to use the Plasma Rain or they will EMP that player so they can't even heal. Once energy is gone the Blood Mage is left with low powered weapons due to low strength and support.

Well done. Now you know how BHs and Mercs feel after their Energy is gone and they have Multi build. What's your point? That Mercs have Support + Aux? Sorry but you have Dex + Def&Blocks instead. BHs have the same as BMs yet they don't find it a problem. Both classes have BL, where's the issue?

All of you do not understand that and want more power taken away from the Blood Mage class due to many of you have more than one account and really don't want to see improvements or balance.


For the ones that just play the Blood Mage it is shameful that you don't want to see improvements to your own class but improvements to the other classes.

Lawl. Maybe they see it as balanced? Don't come with your Multi crap here again, if it deals less damage than other Multis then it's a bug. It was stated by Illuminator and you're free to report it so it's fixed. Or maybe people see it as balanced because it is? And you only seek for a buff to so called underpowered class, when it actually isn't?

Plasma Rain was already weak and took 180 dex already to see any kind of benefits from it. The nerf to the multis was truly the worst nerf ever for lower energy cost, which does not mean anything when your energy is stolen over and over again by either hunter classes or either merc class, I would like to know why it was done. What type of build do they want players to have?

You make me laugh. 97 Dex and it does 64 damage total, so 180 Dex is about 80-85 by my guess? What class has 180 Support/Dex/Tech? None. And they don't moan about multi. Refer to above quote with the bug thing. You truly make community laugh with your BM issues - how weak it apparently is, how skills are bugged for other classes, how BMs are at disadvantage. I might make comic book about it all and laugh at it in few years time. ;)

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