RE: Originality Lost (Full Version)

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Arcanis -> RE: Originality Lost (5/30/2012 7:54:12)

@T:Now if somebody was mean he would say it had to get better,cause it can't get worse. Good thing all people here are nice and will not state such trollish statement [8D]

RageSoul -> RE: Originality Lost (5/30/2012 8:42:15)

I don't think it's only build copying that ruined creativity , i also think it's also the gear your opponent has . Why? IIRC , i had a chance against the previous TLM ... if it wasn't because of Assault Bot .

ScarletReaper -> RE: Originality Lost (5/30/2012 8:45:25)

I understand that 95% of people use the popular skills, but there are a few of us rare guys that dare to be different. I am a 5 focus techmage. So far I think I have seen 1 other 5 focus tech mage in my past 300 battles. My only maxed skill is plasmabolt for obvious reasons. I have level 7 reroute, 5 fieldmedic, 2 technician, 3 malfunction, and 5 deadly aim. It feels nice to be sort of unique. Plus it gives me a variety of options in battle and is quite effective. I tend to beat those "overpowered" cyberhunters and strength bounty hunters about 60 percent of the time. Other classes are even better.

RageSoul -> RE: Originality Lost (5/30/2012 8:51:19)

*Sigh* I miss my 11 - 14 base Primary / Sidearm Damage , 13 -16 base Aux Damage , SUPP TM build ( i was using an older acc but i got hacked . Don' ask why :( ) ... ah good times , good times ....

veneeria -> RE: Originality Lost (5/30/2012 9:34:21)

This was a discussion on early beta. Some people are afraid of losing, in which makes them want to choose what secures their winning rate. While on the other side, we've got skills better than others without an middle term.
The constant nerfing made that skills became less useful, instead balanced while there being some skills in which were nerfed "well" but after new updates and changes their nerf became "useless".
Still i am not 100% of all the non-sense i said here, it might also be because of having a skill tree.

Retrosaur -> RE: Originality Lost (5/30/2012 11:40:21)


I only state the truth

based on your ideals.

by the way, the forum isn't a "totalitarian rule". It's just following the traditional rules. No flaming, no harassing, etc. Making posts about how bad others are is flaming.

RabbleFroth -> RE: Originality Lost (5/30/2012 12:36:01)

This is generally what happens in competitive games. There are a number of creative people who are able to come up with successful ways of playing, and these trickle down to the rest of the population.

If there is a build that is *slightly* more optimal than others, and you want to play with that because you enjoy winning, go for it! If you get more enjoyment out of experimenting with builds and playing in different ways, even at the possible risk of losing a lot, you should be able to do that too! Our goal is to provide multiple reasonably viable builds across the classes so that you can play how you want to. If one build is just far more powerful than others to the point that it utterly dominates every other option, then we'll step in (Plasma Bolt + Plasma Rain TMs not too long ago), but in general we'd like to expand the number of decent builds on each class.

kingpowerlord -> RE: Originality Lost (5/30/2012 15:56:26)

there is lots of originality in this game however you may not see it, if you have problems fo tal to the devs. i see this as a complaining thread nothing more. the stats are sufferent in every battle. do not tell me you do not use a build that no one else uses.the majority of people in the gae want wins and builds are not that important if they work.


NaturesWarrior -> RE: Originality Lost (5/30/2012 17:38:31)

@king, Builds aren't important? Sorry I thought this game revolved around 1v1/2v2/2v1 and the builds you used in battle. My mistake? Each build should be unique and fit your own
playing style. If you copy a build to just win then what makes you unique? What makes you different from every other player? I always thought the point in this game
was to strive to be the best! Not log on, level to 34, then just copy the top players and buy the weapons they have and builds they use. I'm simply wondering if you guys are even willing to
atleast try and develop your own playing style and builds. I can go to epic duel server world 7 where the lvl 34s hang out right now and see 90% of everyone there is a tank/five focus/ or some kind of stat abuser.
I understand if you're just starting out and you see this one build really succeeding so you try it out. But when you keep that build and keep copying the successful builds you simply become a follower of the herd.
You don't stand out, make yourself look unique. This game is all about looks and builds. If you look different from everyone else and have different builds than everyone else, does that not make you feel more unique?

liy010 -> RE: Originality Lost (5/30/2012 17:44:06)


or use poison strike 3 times as a CH in a single battle

The thing about this is that unless you are facing against a really low STR person that is 5 levels below you and you are a tank build so they only do 3 Damage, it's pretty hard to do...

First, it will require 99 EP so that'll require stat points which could've been used for other stats...

Then Poision requires 3 turns+Turn to activate so tat'll take 10 turns to get that cheevo...Most BM kill by 3

Stabilis -> RE: Originality Lost (5/30/2012 17:47:53)


One event that is often unavoidable is that if a player does not use 5th Focus, they ultimately result in exploiting a skill because of the stockpile of stat points, especially with varium buying players. The other end of not balancing one's stats is piling stats into fewer types: and this often grows large numbers.

So, exploiting/abusing stats is not all too uncommon, after all the stats must all be allocated somewhere, we cannot enter a battle with incomplete retraining or missing a Primary weapon.

King Helios -> RE: Originality Lost (5/30/2012 17:54:17)

I'm making a Dex Abuse Tactical Mercenary Build. Enjoy the insanity.

xGreen Warriorx -> RE: Originality Lost (5/30/2012 18:21:18)

Thats cool. I don't think any tac merc skills that improve with dex though.

nico0las -> RE: Originality Lost (5/30/2012 19:23:46)

Unless you are willing to go out there and create your own unique and more importantly effective build, we're stuck with what we have.
Now it has nothing to do with this game. When you look at a game like MW3 (I'm hoping you will understand it better like this) there are
hundreds of weapon combos, and numerous perks, grenades, etc. HOWEVER, there are still classes/weapon layouts and combos that are
far more used because they're effective. The only option for balance is to give everyone the exact same build. Then, knowledge and being
good at the game come in to play. You make the right choices, avoid danger, etc. Like Halo Reach. Everyone is the same. There is some
variation in armor abilities, but essentially everyone is equal.

Sorry for having to use other games to explain. It seemed far easier.
In any case. I use the most unorthodox strength mage build I've ever seen. I can't tell if people are shocked at how odd it is and they just lose,
or it's actually very powerful. So for me originality isn't a problem.

Cinderella -> RE: Originality Lost (5/31/2012 8:33:31)

I understand how frustrating it is, but my issue is how to quantify creativity. We could run all kinds of diversity indices like in ecology, but that only tells us how many different types of build there are, it doesn't tell us anything about creativity. And popular builds are not necessarily not creative. How do you propose we would reward creativity or encourage players to make novel builds?

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