(DF) The Phoenix Will Rise! (Full Version)

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Stephen Nix -> (DF) The Phoenix Will Rise! (5/30/2012 22:54:30)

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I bet you've been wondering...who is APR people known in DF? Well this is the story of the clan known as "A Pheonix Risen!" It all takes place in the town of Osprey Cove....

Sainsbo: You guys sure this is the place?
Stelios: Positive! I bought it just for us. Isn't it lovely?
BustichiaReki: No......JUST NO!

They gazed at the villa on the coast of Osprey Cove, it contained broken windows, and half of a front door....

Stelios: Ok, sure it looks bad on the outside, but for the inside------alright, it's awful all around. But it was cheap!
Sainsbo: How much did you pay for this monstrosity?
Stelios: Roughly about six--
BustichiaReki: Wow, that is cheap.
Stelios: --thousand to seven thousand Gold.
BustichiaReki: What was your negotiation tactic? If I keep increasing the amount he's asking for, I'll get a good deal?

Small Cutscene rolls in.....


Villa Estate Owner: I'm lurking for about 100 Gold to 'round 300. What do ye say me boy?
Stelios: What about 75?
Villa Estate Owner: Hmmmm, no deal. 150?
Stelios: 125?
Villa Estate Owner: I'll give you the best deal I can give ye, 100 on the nose!
Stelios: 7000, and we can move in now!
Villa Estate Owner: SOLD!

BustichiaReki: *shivers at the thought*

The three friends spent the next few days cleaning up the place and making their villa more worth it's true value. Over time the three realized they needed one thing to get them started on their new path.....

Sainsbo: WE NEED GOLD!
Stelios: Yup....we are flat broke.
Sainsbo: What can we do about this? There's gotta be a way to make some money around here? I mean we are in Osprey, who knows, maybe there's a treasure chest around here full of it.
Stelios: Tell you what I bet the town Hall will have job openings, if I see any, I'll let you guys know.
BustichiaReki: While you guys are doing that, I'll look on the beach for giant X's.....for you know....treasure and stuffs.

After Stelios and Sainsbo do an epic facepalm, they continue on their paths looking for ways to make money....

Stelios: *reads* Laundry Machine needs to be fixed at the Local Laundry *skims down* Pet Squidy needed to be taken care of while away to Falconreach trip *skims further* Giant monster scaring the townspeople *goes further down* Talent showwwww----
Stelios: WAIT A SECOND! *grabs the monster flier and rushes back home*

Eventually the others make it back home where they talk about their findings for the day.....

Stelios: So, how'd everyone do?
Sainsbo: Found a few chests........opened them but all I found was clothing, a record player, and a.....a..... CAT!!!!!
Stelios: How is that fear working for you by the way?
Sainsbo: *starts to shake back and forth in a submissive position* NOT GOOD!
Stelios: And you Reki?
BustichiaReki: No X's only O's so I made a few ticktacktoe games. I lost each time, because I'm pro like that.
Stelios: *sigh*
Stelios: Well I found a job opening that will pay us well. It's a monster that's been lurking around at night near ole man Hutches for a while now. He said it looks like a giant undead creature sent by some vile villain out there. Not sure who though.
BustichiaReki: We have no weapons....
Sainsbo: We have zero experience on battling undead.....
BustichiaReki: I once fought an ant....alas he won.... THAT TIME!
Stelios: Get serious. We're broke and we need money to pay for food. Were barely scrapping by, we need to do something, why not this?
Sainsbo: Well there's a few things that come to mind such as, IT COULD KILL US! Were not doing this!
Stelios: Let's at least scout it out at night and talk to the old man. Come on Sains, don't be a downer!
Sainsbo: *thinks* Hmm.......okay but let's get the full idea of this mission out of the way first before we go toe to toe with an undead.

BustichiaReki: This is gonna be awesome!
Stelios: Alright. I'll set us up for a time for us to visit the guy so we can learn about this mysterious creature. In the meantime, we need WEAPONS!!!!!

The three walked into Meringue's Shop in town to look for special weapons and for cheap....


Meringue: Ahoy <Landlubbers>! Take a look around. Lookin' is free!
Stelios: They say he says the same thing over and over again........watch.

Stelios walks out of the store and re-enters...

Meringue: Ahoy <Landlubber>! Take a look around. Lookin' is free!
All: *laugh*

BustichiaReki: Hey Meringue, I brought some friends along with me today! *smiles and points at both Sains, and Reki*
Meringue: *shakes both Reki's and Sains's hand* I'm Meringue.

BustichiaReki: How's business in here like, shopkeeper?
Meringue: Folks come n' go as they please but I've always been here, and I always will. I buy "salvaged" weapons and rework them into my own design!

Sainsbo: That's awfully helpful, glad to hear it.
Meringue: As long as pirates need weapons, I'll be here to sell them!

Sainsbo: What are your cheapest weapons here?
BustichiaReki: I believe it's this one...... *picks up the Ballast Blade* It's.......12,000 Gold!!!!!!!

BustichiaReki: Hey Meringue, can you give us a deal at all?
Meringue: Strapped for muney me boyos?
Stelios: Can you do us a huge favor, Meringue?
Meringue: I'll be honest with ye fellers. Business ain't so great. I need to get me name out thar but I don't reckon how!
Sainsbo: !!!!!!!!!!!
Sainsbo: I got an idea, why don't you let us use your weapons and defeat Hutches's backyard monster problem he's been having recently!
Meringue: *shivers* Ain't no one ever beaten that beast. That thar skeleton ain't 'fraid of nothin'. Ye be warned, they say that the penguin's behind that undead bein', yes he is!
Sainsbo: What penguin?
Meringue: Ye mean you never heard the tale of Stephen Nix?
All: *shakes head*
Meringue: Than set back and stay for a while, I got here a story to tell yea!

Meringue: *Looks at the person reading this story* And ye too, can read about him, in this here forum page....... LINK
Meringue: If ye have read it, continue reading as you now understand Mr. Nix......now keep reading before I make you walk the plank!

After hearing the story....

Sainsbo: He...sounds awful.
BustichiaReki: I say we take him out instead!!!!
Meringue: Nix takes no prisoners, ye be finished in seconds if ye looked at 'em. He's a scary brute who's after mister paladin guy. I don't mind giving you weapons and all, just remember come back with them, alive! Ye hear me?
Stelios: We promise!
Meringue: Then take the Ballast, and here's also the Jolly Roger, and Barnacle Shucker. Best luck fellas and see ye soon!

The three walked off with their newly acquired weapons and traveled to Old Man Hutches house to hear the news about this undead creature...


Stelios: Well, it's getting dark we should knock on his door!
BustichiaReki: I feel so strong with this Ballast blade, I feel like I can take anything!

Reki walks up the steps and knocks on the man's door three times...

BustichiaReki: Hello? Anyone home?
Old Man Hutches: *door opens* Greetings Gents! What can I do ya for?
Sainsbo: We're here for the undead sir.
Old Man Hutches: AH! Good, you must be the highway soldiers I keep hearing about.
Stelios: Sir, I believe you have us confused for someone else, we just need the money badly. We don't have any experience taking out undead, but you see, were desperate.
Old Man Hutches: *sigh* I see. You could get yourselves killed boys, it's not worth a few thousand gold if your just going to be losing your heads and all.
BustichiaReki: Please Mr. Hutches, give us a chance!
Old Man Hutches: *sigh* I do need me sleep......alright boys, to the backyard!

The old man walked the three friends to the backyard and showed them where the beast was the other night....

Old Man Hutches: Right around here fellas. The beast is huge! I hope you guys aren't 'fraid of skellys! This is a big one! And it's getting close to the time when it arrives. If you guys want to stick with this then stay out here and best of luck to ye, but if not, go inside and I'll make you a nice cup of coffee for yer trails!
Sainsbo: We are NOT going home. I never say no to a challenge!
Stelios:You can stay all you want Sains, I'm getting out of here alive! *turns to Hutches and starts walking towards him* I'll take that coffee if you don't mind!
BustichiaReki: Agreed, though this sword is cool and all, I think were in a little over our heads at the moment....come On Sains!

Hutches walks inside the house...

Sainsbo: Do you guys remember what we learned from Captain Blackberry before he went insane?
BustichiaReki: *pauses* We learned a lot actually! Why did you bring him up?
Stelios: Specifics....
Sainsbo: It's the one thing we all agreed on. Remember that bird he told us about? Reki you remember right?
BustichiaReki: Yea, it was the Phoenix I believe.
Sainsbo: And do you remember why it's so legendary?
Stelios: *shakes head* No idea.
BustichiaReki: It's immortal?
Sainsbo: Right. And do you remember why we loved that bird so much?
BustichiaReki: ...you got me here.
Stelios: Oh wait I remember now. Yea we loved it because when the bird gets older it stays in its nest and sets it on fire burning the nest and the bird itself.
Sainsbo: And what happens to it?
Stelios: Does it die?
BustichiaReki: ...again no idea.
Sainsbo: *facepalm* The bird's ashes reforms into the phoenix in a younger version of the previous bird. It restarts life again.
BustichiaReki: R-r-right! I knew that.
Stelios: Why are you telling us this?
Sainsbo: It's what brought us together......*gets a bit teary* When the phoenix gets into trouble, does it give up?
Stelios: I'm gonna say no.
Sainsbo: NO! It doesn't, it fights to the death.
BustichiaReki: But I thought it was immortal.
Sainsbo: That's not the point!
Sainsbo: It stands strong and never gives up, and when it dies it rises up and challenges the same problem again, but much stronger than before.

Just then the undead beast starts walking towards Sainsbo...

BustichiaReki: OH MY---
Sainsbo: That bird would also sing that sweet melody that could cure any disease to the townspeople.
Stelios: It's.....HUGE!
Sainsbo: *still unaware of a giant undead beast now exactly behind him* It would soar threw the skies like an angel before it delivers it's fatal kiss of death!
BustichiaReki: Sains--
Sainsbo: *takes out the Jolly Roger* Just like the phoenix we should fight for our freedom and for others who cannot defend themselves.
Stelios: SAINS--

Without looking, Sains turns around....


Without thinking he thrusts the sword upwards and right through the neck of the undead killing it instantly....

Stelios: O.O
BustichiaReki: O.O


The head rolls off his sword and the undead drops to the ground defeated...


Sainsbo: *stares at the undead monster and it's head rolling on the ground* HOLY SHRIMP-PASTE!

Old Man Hutches: *runs outside to find out what's going on* What' happened?
BustichiaReki: HE DID IT!
Old Man Hutches: Well I'll be! Ye knuckleheads did it!
Stelios: THAT, was so cool!
Sainsbo: Correction Reki, WE did it!

The following day the Daily Dragon news team arrived at the old man's house for the huge story about a group of teens going toe to toe with an undead creature...

Reporter: Pardon me fellas, but how did you have the strength to take down such a creature?
BustichiaReki: Well kinzvlle, it's pretty straight forward. I simply glared at the undead beast, he was all like, oh man Reki is one tough dude and he was all like how do I beat such a thing and I was like---
Sainsbo: *pulls Reki aside* We worked together on finding the beast around the time of the occurrence. In wondering how big it was one thing lead to another and we not only found the beast but found the courage to stop it once and for all!
Kinzvlle: Stelios tell me, who was the one who layed out the death blow on this creature?
Stelios: Well to be honest, Sains kinda did that part.
BustichiaReki: Yeah, Sains stabbed it through the throat to finish it off!
Stelios: It was epic!
Sainsbo: Alright Kinz, we need to get going now. I hope you can understand, but we got a busy schedule and stuff so were glad we had this interview but we gotta go!


Kinzvlle: Wait before you go, do you guys have a name?
Sainsbo: Name? No we're just a group of friends working together for a few extra gold!
Kinzvlle: Surely you guys must have a team name! Anything?
Sainsbo: No, sorry!

The three start to walk away but Stelios turns around and yells...

Stelios: A Phoenix Risen! That's who we are!
Sainsbo: Yea...sure. That's not such a bad name! I like it!
BustichiaReki: It has a very nice ring to it!
Kinzvlle: Thanks fellas!

The team smiles, turns around and keeps walking back to their villa...

One day had passed and the scene changes to Dragesvard in an icy tower near the edge of Dragesvard, an undead penguin resides from within. He sits on his throne away from camera angle and drinks from his blue wineglass as he reads the Daily Dragon. He turns to the page of the fallen undead beast and starts to read about the three kids, and once he finishes...

???: *Using his fin, he crushes the glass shattering it to pieces* GRRRRRR!!!!
???: Pfft, they say a phoenix can't die. I'll prove them how wrong they are!

To Be Continued!

Stephen Nix -> RE: (DF) The Phoenix Will Rise! (9/16/2012 20:41:56)

Months had passed and several changes underwent Osprey Cove as well as the A Phoenix Risen villa. This clan had gained huge reputation in defeating monsters and nearby threats, also when wars came around Falconreach warmongerers turned to these guys always first in this town. This helped make the name more and more popular, this team was not just some kids whom got lucky on a few kills but leaned more towards how experienced they were which shows how they are true defenders of L.O.R.E. A small meeting was just taking place with heated words, just as a letter was to arrive to their doorstep...

Sainsbo: So we all agree on 3 embodiments and 3 lesser embodiments for the clan?
All: YES!
Sainsbo: What's next on the order of business?
BustichiaReki: Any chance we could recruit more people? I'm getting tired of going on all of these missions all the time.
Stelios: HEY! If you want to leave, there's the door Reki!

Reki stands up and gets in Stelios's face...

BustichiaReki: The only problem I got is constantly being beside you guys, I want a solo mission for once!
Sainsbo: *shakes head* If I've told you once I've told you a million times, we don't go into battles alone, it's not safe out there by yourself. You wanted to do just that in the middle of a Doomwood Skeleton hunt, I mean come on Reki, you know how dangerous that is!
BustichiaReki: Yea well it was a stupid reagent we needed anyways, I could've conjured up something much quicker than having to walk around looking for a needle in a haystack.

*Knock, knock, knock*

Delivery Boy: Message for you guys! I'll slip it under the door!
Sainsbo: *goes through the two others still in a heated argument* I'll get it.

*unscrolls and reads aloud*

Oaklore currently has a sneevil problem, which turns to everyone losing all of their precious boxes around town. Some boxes contain such things as necklaces, rings, and even armor for newly appointed Knights of the Pactagonal table. What we need is to get these boxes back, we don't need to start a war with the sneevils when all we want back is the items inside the boxes.....for all we care they can keep the boxes and build a giant castle with them, we just want our items back. I hope this message gets to you guys as we are urgent for help!

Thanks, Rolith.

Sainsbo: Well?
BustichiaReki: I'll grab my stuff. *walks past Sainsbo while clearly still mad at him and Stelios*

Sainsbo: What the heck got into him?
Stelios: I don't know but ever since that last mission, he's been acting differently...anyways, let's help out those knights and get going!
Sainsbo: Rrrright.

The 3 make their way to Oaklore, discuss the situation with Rolith and move on towards the Boxopolis located nearby Oaklore Gate...

BustichiaReki: So if we get into a mess with those goblins we take them out, right?
Stelios: No Rolith said to remain calm and try to reason with them!
BustichiaReki: *Rolls his eyes* Right, so when they point the daggers at us and charge, we should try and talk to them out of it. Great strategy!
Stelios: *whispers to Sains and glares at him* Give me a reason to get rid of him.....I'M SERIOUS!
Sainsbo: *whispers back* I know I don't like it either, give it time and hope things blow over!

As the three walk into the main room of the polis, the sneevils all gather around the heroes without being noticed and hold up a box to be thrown at the three...

Sneevil Boss: NOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!

All the sneevils hurl their boxes at the three unexpectedly, but a young woman moves infront of the three and takes out her special green glowing katana and lights the room up by slicing through each box as they are hurled towards the heroes. She then pulls out a small crystal and throws it towards the sneevils. As they are now distracted by the shiny green crystal she then turns to the three and says...

???: Quickly we must get out of here while we have a chance! *points at the stolen goods sitting nearby the exit* Grab what you need and let's go!
Stelios: But your gem?
???: Don't worry about it, just run!

Sains, Reki and Stelios run out of the building with the stolen jewelry, just as the mysterious woman jumps in the air towards the sneevils grabs her crystal from one of the sneevil's hands and makes her way out the door of the Boxopolis...

???: *sighs* We should be safe for now. Let's head back to Rolith!

After talking with Rolith about the goods being returned the three start back on their journey towards Osprey Cove back to their villa when they ask the woman...

Sainsbo: Excuse me miss, but what is your name? We never got it when you saved our hides back there.
Veranex: Sorry I did forget that, didn't I? My name is Veranex, it's nice to meet you guys! I've heard lots about you as well!
Stelios: *tries to dust off his armor* All good things right?
Veranex: *giggles* Of course. And you guys are the A Phoenix Risen right?
BustichiaReki: Yup! That's the name! We slay monsters, take down special missions and do all the dirty work most people would never dream of.
Veranex: Sounds like so much fun! I'd love to join you guys!
Sainsbo: *coughs* Well then, would you like to be apart of our clan? Our base is back at Osprey Cove, if you'd like to join us!
Veranex: *smiles* I'd love to!
Sainsbo: We only ask one thing, and that is what do you fight for or what do you believe in?
Veranex: Well I am a LIGHT user so I use my mana based on my Light Magic. My little crystal you saw earlier is acting like a healing tool I use to help regenerate after a long battle. I don't believe in dark magic and only wish to stop evil necromancers whom use their magic unwisely against the world. It's people like Sepulchure and Noxus that need to pay up for their life of crime. However when it comes to fighting I tend to stay in the back and heal anyone whom needs it, however when I enter the battlefield I use my green katana to strike with divine justice! Does that answer your question?
Stelios: Wow....that was better than my answer!
Sainsbo: *smiles at his crew* Well guys, move over we got a new member!

As the four start making their way back to Osprey Cove, a mysterious shadow appears in front of them...

Veranex: It's probably one of the sneevils, stand back guys!
???: I am not a sneevil.
Stelios: Then what are you?
Shadows: *steps forward* My name is Shadows, and you people have no idea how to take down a challenge don't you?
BustichiaReki: What do you mean? We got back the stolen materials to their respectful owners!
Shadows: Yet, you lack the ability to do the job completely. You should've wasted a few of those sneevils. For some of them, if you didn't notice, were wanted Sneevils from Falconreach to Dragesvard.
Sainsbo: That may be, but we didn't have to kill anything! They are simply misunderstood creatures.
Shadows: Pity, and here I was looking for a new home. *starts to walk away but stops* You guys call yourself A Phoenix Risen.....a clan that can never die.....where people fight for what is right! Servitude towards justice and light.
BustichiaReki: What's your point?
Shadows: *Walks back up to them* My point is, I don't think you guys know how to kill when necessary! Well enough be able to work together to get to the location in time. You gotta think on your feet and not rely on strategy to win your battles. You guys are one of the best clans in the world of L.O.R.E., yet I'll prove to you the value of bloodshed.
Veranex: Yea, ok well we really don't need your help.......crazy guy.

The four start to walk away until Shadows says...

Shadows: What if I told you an innocent creature was about to get pummeled by a Gorillaphant not 3 miles from here? Would you go then?
Stelios: Did you put an innocent life at risk?
Shadows: No! But I do know, as I was getting here, a certain Gorillaphant was on a rampage looking for the one they call, Twilly. Tell you what! I'll make this into a challenge to prove my previous points.
Veranex: Umm.....ok.
Shadows: A race to see who can get there first and save the moglin! Do you guys, the famous APR, accept? I'll beat you not only there, but the monster will be long defeated.
Sainsbo: You really are crazy....taking us on. You really don't stand a chance! Where is the moglin located?
Shadows: Right near the edge of the cliff where you met the moglin once before about South East from here, ready? GO!

The four APR ppl run off towards the East side of Oaklore just as Shadows starts moving through Oaklore itself then makes a quick left turn and hops the gate... eventually nightfall arises and the 4 APR members are now lost in the woods.

Sainsbo: Any idea where we should go?
Stelios: I think he said three miles that way. *points North*
BustichiaReki: No, no, no! He said three miles this way. *points East*
Veranex: Ugh, this could take a while.

The team while arguing over which way to go eventually see a Gorillaphant defeated on the ground with Shadows reading what appears to be The Daily Dragon...

Shadows: Hmm.... *reads* New auction house opening soon in Falconreach, bring your antiques here!" Seems like quite a scam. *looks up* Oh hey guys! What took you so long?
Stelios: *huffs and puffs* Alright....how....you'd....do....that?
Veranex: *sighs* Is the gorillaphant dead?
Shadows: Yes he is! He was about to clobber the moglin with his fist but I arrived just in time to chase it towards me. As to how I defeated him? I just used his tusks against him, he got them stuck in a tree and I just took a nearby log and pounded him in the head till he dropped. *yawns* ...and here we are.
Sainsbo: *nods* You're right, thinking of where to go initially set us off track. Thinking of strategy wasn't the right idea.
Shadows: You should've split up!
BustichiaReki: I tried to tell him that! But no... he told us to stick together!
Sainsbo: Well, we tried.
Shadows: Tell you what? I'd like to join you guys!
Sainsbo: We'd love that! I think you'd be a great member to our clan!
Shadows: That, and I think you guys could use my GUIDANCE to help you get around L.O.R.E.
Sainsbo: Well, I'm game but I only ask, what do you fight for?
Shadows: Hmm.....let me think. *ponders then says*...
Shadows: I fight for the job, I do the missions not for the glory but for the battle and to test myself and I help travelers by GUIDING them around the world. I've been everywhere so there's not one place I'm unaware of. I lead troops into battle from the front lines, I don't sneak up on people as I just attack them from the front with no surprises. I think very quickly of all possible routes to achieving a goal then I get there in the quickest time, with as many fights or as little of fights as I choose. Most importantly I fight for my family, I lost mine before coming here and have been by myself now for several years....I could use some company! *smiles*
Sainsbo: Sounds like we got another great member!
BustichiaReki: Glad to have you aboard, Shadows!
Shadows: Thanks! I hope I can show you all a thing or two! And of course viceversa!

They end up making their way back to Osprey Cove and settle in for the night, but when they woke up another delivery was made...

*Knock, knock, knock*

Delivery Boy: Message for you guys! I'll slip it under the door......AGAIN!

BustichiaReki: *yawns as he gets up and reads it* Oh man! EVERYONE GET UP QUICK! WE NEED TO GO NOW!

Everyone gets up and grabs their gear and heads towards the door.....

BustichiaReki: *reads aloud*

A nearby village was under attack by Raiders here in Amityvale and we need all hands on deck! The area is now set ablaze and we need help trying to find survivors......please A Phoenix Risen, you are our only hope! To be able to get here quick enough, we have sent a special ninja to help get you here if you choose to accept this mission. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

Signed, Rosemary.

Immediately the team moves on their way towards Amityvale but start to think they won't make it there fast enough by foot, and that's when they see the Ninja standing in the middle of the island, looking for a team of sorts.

Lugia: Hello travelers, you must be the famous A Phoenix Risen I keep hearing about.
Stelios: You do realize it's not safe to be here as a ninja correct?
Lugia: Should I be worried?
Shadows: HA! Ninjas are hated here White Sendai. I'd be careful if I were y---

A random pirate starts running towards Lugia with his cutlass drawn...

Pirate: AVAST YE' CLOAKED NINJA! HAVE AT THEE! *tries to cut down the ninja to pieces but as soon as he gets near Lugia, the white ninja holds his hands together as he teleports right behind the pirate*
Lugia: *taps his shoulder* I don't think so! *headbutts him square in the face as the pirate falls backwards unconscious* Now where were we?
BustichiaReki: WOW! That was amazing!
Veranex: Cool, you mastered teleportation!
BustichiaReki: We need to get to the side town beside Amityvale to look for survivors. Can you help us?
Lugia: I can! Just hold onto my shoulder each of you, and I can teleport us there!

Each person in APR touches Lugia's shoulder and they instantly teleport to a nearby campsite near the town of Amityvale.

Lugia: We're here, you can all let go now!

Just as they let go they hear a scream coming from nearby...

???: HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sainsbo: *yells back at the person* FOLLOW MY VOICE!

A young dragonlord runs towards them in fear, but not before a Bloodwolf appears just behind him!

???: HELP ME!!!!!!!

The team make their way towards the giant Bloodwolf with Lugia now with his katana drawn he dashes past the APR members and starts slicing through the Bloodwolf before the team even gets there, and when they arrive the Bloodwolf drops to the ground. Still in shock as he gets closer and closer to the camp, the young dragonlord passes out.

Eventually he is woken up by Vera...

Veranex: There we are! Hello villager!
???: *gets up in a hurry* What happened to the others?
Veranex: I'm sorry, but there doesn't seem to be anyone else left here. I think you were the only one that survived!
???: *cries* NOOOO!!!

Sains, and Shadows enters in the tent...

Shadows: You need some rest friend. Vera here, our healer has helped you regain consciousness once again.
Sainsbo: Do you have a name?
TitanDragonlord: It's TitanDragonLord! *tries to get up but ends up falling down in pain* ARRRGGG! It hurts.
Veranex: I'm not able to heal all of your wounds, your leg is still bruised pretty badly. Don't try and walk just yet.
TitanDragonlord: Thank you...
Sainsbo: My name is Sainsbo, a leader of the clan---
TitanDragonlord: A Phoenix Risen. I've heard about your legendary tales! Is it true you are the ones seeking to destroy the Warlord too?
Shadows: I'm sorry but we don't know of any Warlords! Can you explain?
TitanDragonlord: I'll try.

TitanDragonlord: Back in my village, our people were shaken up at night by some Raiders whom are looking for artifacts to try and resurrect a past DeathKnight!
Shadows: Deathknight's are serious business! They are not to be taken lightly!
TitanDragonlord: *shakes his head* I knew I shouldn't have tried to chase after them. It's what got me here in the first place. See these Raiders have been looking everywhere to piece together 20 articles of the past Warlord. This Warlord lived about 600 years ago and was a tyrant in the lands of L.O.R.E., but in his passing he turned to a Necromancer for ultimate power, however for him.....it was his last day on this planet. The Warlord's old minions have past down their Wisdom to their grandchildren and now a group of them wish to resurrect that same Warlord, by making him into a DeathKnight.
Veranex: That doesn't sound good.
TitanDragonlord: They came to the village and used their pets to burn the town, and crush anyone whom stood in their way. I lost many friends......and not to mention family too!

TitanDragonlord: If it's true what you say, and that they have all past on, then I must find those Raiders and take them down for our village! My MIGHT will be stronger than there's that is a promise!
Sainsbo: We can help you! Do you have any idea where the DeathKnight ritual will be held?
TitanDragonlord: I do! Whenever your ready. *gets up slowly* Let's do this!

The team makes their way towards the deeper roots of Doomwood, until they reached a cave with a Raider walking inside...

TitanDragonlord: THAT'S ONE OF THEM! Let's hurry inside!
Stelios: I have a feeling we're walking into a trap!
Lugia: Don't worry we'll be fine!
Sainsbo: Agreed let's push forward.

They get inside the cave and at the very end they notice the 20 Raiders casting their ritual in a circle...

Raider: We use these materials to resurrect you, oh great one!
TitanDragonlord: Enough of this! *rushes forward and tries to grab one of the now lighten up items but doesn't make it in time as he gets a shock back in return* GAAH! That hurt!
BustichiaReki: The ritual is complete! NO! We're too late!

As all the 20 items start to fade away a DeathKnight starts to arise from the granite and starts to make his way into the room...

Raider 6: We sacrifice our blood, for yours! Almighty, Warlord!

Each Raider falls to the ground motionless as the DeathKnight finally makes his move into the room fully...


TitanDragonlord: You.....it was your people that destroyed my village! It's time to go back to the abyss with you!
DeathKnight: Stupid fool! *uses his sword to push Titan out of the way*
TitanDragonlord: Hmpt. *gets up* YOU WILL NOT WIN!
Lugia: Right you are Titan!
Sainsbo: Everyone! Weapons drawn!

Each member gets out their weaponry and faces the DeathKnight...

DeathKnight: I am the ruler of this tomb, and once I use my magic I'll be able to leave this are once and for all! BUT WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?
Sainsbo: We are the A PHOENIX RISEN!
DeathKnight: Whatever you are, you shall not leave my tomb alive!

The DeathKnight pushes forward with his blade drawn and tries to summon Undead Berserkers and Alchemists to fend for him but as each is risen, the team takes them down. Having no other option the DeathKnight starts to attack each member. He throws his blade towards the heroes and as they duck out of the way and he starts to rush towards it, Vera summons his light magic to blind the DeathKnight for a moment, then Shadows and Lugia each take out their blades and start hacking through the DeathKnight but he takes each member and throws them aside. Reki steps up with Sains as they each throw their blades towards the DeathKnight, but in slow motion you can see that each blade just barely gets by it and as he approaches Sains and Reki each are thrown against the wall.

Sainsbo: He's very strong! *is thrown at the wall*

Stelios slides over towards the DeathKnight just as he is about to grab his sword, which causes him to trip, and Titan jumps above the DeathKnight and takes out his long sword and digs it into the heart of the DeathKnight, causing it to fall back towards the ground motionless. A spirit then arises as the cave entrance closes in on the APR members.


Spirit (Warlord): WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?!?!?!
TitanDragonlord: *takes a step off the DeathKnight*
TitanDragonlord: What do you mean, spirit?
Spirit (Warlord): Because of you foolish civilians, you have destroyed my body and now someone must take it's place!
Sainsbo: Nice try Warlord, let's go guys!

They each try and make their way out of the cave but realize they are sealed inside...

Lugia: *Looks at the spirit* What do we do to escape, spirit?
Spirit (Warlord): When I was the Warlord of this realm I was in charge of guarding my people from destruction. My warriors fought hard for me but in the end we castrated ourselves to this cave. I found a book that read about DeathKnights.....I should've never had read that spell.....as I was cursed to rest here until a ritual is to bring me back together with 20 items that were in my past.

Spirit (Warlord): Now that you have defeated my body, my soul has to rest...and in return one of YOU must take my place.
All: *motionless*
Stelios: What do we do?
Veranex: I don't think we have a choice, one of us has to become a DeathKnight.
All: *motionless*
Veranex: *sheds a tear*

BustichiaReki: I'll do it.
Sainsbo: NO! Absolutely not!
BustichiaReki: It's ok Sains...someone's gotta do it!
Sainsbo: No, I'm not losing you! *cries* Your...one of my best friends! *stares at the spirit* THERE MUST BE SOMETHING I CAN DO! PLEASE!
Spirit (Warlord): 'fraid not, hero.

BustichiaReki: *puts his hand on Sains shoulder* It's ok buddy! I know I've been a royal pain before...
Sainsbo: ...But your my friend. Friends are royal pains!
BustichiaReki: I hear ya! But someone needs to do this, and I want to!
Sainsbo: Are.....are you sure?
BustichiaReki: I helped start this clan, now you need to continue it! I believe in A Phoenix Risen...and I believe in you!
Sainsbo: *puts hand out* Once a Phoenix...
BustichiaReki: *places his hand on top of Sains's* ...always a Phoenix.

TitanDragonlord: I can't help but feel responsible for this. I'm so sorry Sains!
BustichiaReki: You can't prepare for something like this. It's more spur the moment and we had to act on our feet, right Shadows?
Shadows: *nods*

Spirit (Warlord): So do you have a chosen one?
BustichiaReki: Yes we do spirit. It's me!
Spirit (Warlord): Then are you ready to become what I once was?
Sainsbo: When he turns into a DeathKnight, can we gather the 20 materials of his?
Spirit (Warlord): I'm afraid it's much more complex than that...also I don't have the answers you seek.
Stelios: Is there anyone we can talk to?
Spirit (Warlord): Once again, I don't have that answer.

Spirit (Warlord): Ready, young warrior?
BustichiaReki: Stand back guys! *turns and faces the spirit* I'm ready!

Reki is transformed at that exact moment into a DeathKnight and as he sheds his last tear as a Human, he falls into the ground, forever unseen. The spirit vanishes and the cave entrance is open once again...

Sainsbo: He-he-he's gone.
TitanDragonlord: *sniffles* What do we do now?
Stelios: *sniffs* We do what Reki would've wanted...we continue the clan! He started it, we need to keep it growing. Which means we need more people to help us in the upcoming battles! *points at the cave* HE MADE OUR NAME...IT WILL NOT GO IN VAIN!

The scene closes off with a trip back to Dragesvard East as soon as the undead penguin hears the news of the DeathKnight...

???: Did anyone see you?
Penguin General: No sir, they were all still crying about the loss of their friend!
???: And did they achieve their goal?
Penguin General: With the DeathKnight defeated and the Raiders sacrificed, everything's in place. What do we do now!
???: Your job is finished! You've played with them long enough! Nice touch on the burning buildings by the way...
Penguin General: I hate fire as much as you do, but soon we will act on this! The world will be yours, sir!
???: Of course it will be, are the pieces ready to be gathered?
Penguin General: *pulls out a map of the locations of the 4 items of the Raiders* We will need these! The rest is up to you!

*stands forward away from his throne*

Stephen Nix: When I'm done with those losers, A Phoenix Risen will be something of the past!

To Be Continued!

Stephen Nix -> RE: (DF) The Phoenix Will Rise! (1/13/2013 17:03:51)

Several more months had passed sense we last saw the A Phoenix Risen again. The whole team turned into a dark depression but then recently started to gain their ground with their inner demons and started finding more people to side with them.

Such examples would be in Doomwood on one of their adventures, Danish a secret hero, was picking enemies off one by one. Eventually the team caught up to him and asked him to join the APR, he accepted instantly, but not before giving the team a hard time in their pursuit of having to try and save villains rather than defeating them as Danish was faster than the average warrior. Oddball was another member to join APR as he was a big time defender in Falconreach, whom helped the town out with many zombie related attacks that originated from Amityvale. This warrior helped alongside Artix to stop the Green Mist from reaching Falconreach. Riate happened to stumble upon A Phoenix Risen on a bounty hunt. He teamed up with the squad and helped them take down a bad force of imps near the town of Swordhaven. Finally at a town-hall meeting in Osprey Cove, Aurauris quickly became interested with what the team had to offer to any recruits and joined instantly.

As the team started to regrow again, the new members each took their sides with what part of the clan they wished for...eventually they all joined up for a new mission.

Sainsbo: So with everyone here guys, let's read up on the next assignment.

*unravels scroll*

An Icy foe has started to attack in the town of Amityvale in the same village that had previous attacks dealing with raiders--

TitanDragonlord: OH NO....not again!

The town has now fallen under control to this "Ice Necromancer" that we have never seen before. He's ugly and looks like a Killy Willy, but different......I think he has a hat on. Regardless, we need your help as soon as possible. There have been strange occurrences going on here, and the people are worried of the possibility of a rising DeathKnight army.

~ Jeff, Farmer of North Amityvale.

Veranex: So, we need to head down there again I suppose.
Oddball: What happened there last time?
Lugia: We had to bargain with the spirit of a DeathKnight Warlord.
Stelios: We lost Reki that day.
Riate: I've heard only rumors about his death, nothing that can make someone more depressed than that. *looks at the original team* I'm sorry for your loss.
Sainsbo: Well it's just like he would've wanted, we need to continue the clan and press on forward.
Aurauris: Then let's get going everyone! We need to arrive there before sundown.

The team moved out and eventually made their way to Amityvale, now they just had to find the small town that was involved with the Ice Necromancer.

Danish: Hmm, it's starting to get cold out here.
TitanDragonlord: So, what do they call you?
Danish: My name is Danish Guy, but most people call me *runs up a nearby boulder and stands on top of it and points outwards* The Collector! And I fight crime, like a real superhero!
TitanDragonlord: Uh huh. Ooook. *shakes his head*

The spider mask and vampire cape added to the crazy things Danish would wear. He had a fancy green belt that has the words hulk on it, and a magical tome that Doctor Strange had. He literally was the resemblance of multiple heroes patched together.

Danish: Here we are everyone, we've arrived!

The team made it to the same village with ice creatures running scattered as a penguin-like creature walked towards them. With its top hat, it also wielded a black skull cane and appeared to be exactly half undead and half of a penguin.

???: Greetings Loser Heroes!
Shadows: And who might you be?
Sainsbo: I think it's some sort of an undead penguin.
Stephen Nix: Allow me to introduce myself *bows*, my name is Stephen Nix. I am a half undead and half penguin necromancer in the ice arts! Oh and I know all about you people. A Phoenix Risen, I presume?
Stelios: How do you know us?
Stephen Nix: I've studied your particular group for a while now. Ever since your run in the mill with my undead minotaur.
Stephen Nix: Indeed. Now, I bet you're wondering why I'm here, and what I'm up to.
Stephen Nix: Let's put it this way, you have stomped on my last few generals I sent around L.O.R.E. My test subjects have all turned to dust because of you. So I decided to follow you one day, and well, we can talk about that later.

Stephen Nix: FOR NOW, my ice creatures and undead minions want to have a word with you! HAHAHAHAHA!

Nix ran off deeper into the village as a group of ice creatures rush out and ambush the heroes...

Sainsbo: Split up Phoenix Risen!

Vera, Aurauris, Stelios and Riate took on the undead creatures while Shadows, Danish, and Oddball fought the ice monsters...

Shadows: Sains, you guys go on, take him out!
Veranex: HURRY SAINS! Lugia, and Titan, you go too!

Vera had 3 Undead Horseman run towards her but she dodged each hurling attack and ran behind them and sliced them with her green katana. An Undead Berserker rushed up to Vera but just before she was cut in half, Aurauris fired a light runed arrow bolt at the undead which hit the back of its skull and exploded. Stelios drew out his Ballast, and threw it at one of the necromancers; it dodged the sword barely and started using its magic to shock Stelios. As Stel dropped to his knees, the Necromancer got closer until Riate blasted a powerful lightning spell at the lich. It faced Riate and they engaged in a magic duel, with bolts flying everywhere the two took a few moments to recharge, but Riate sent a quick energy blast at the Necromancer, shattering it to pieces.

Oddball took out his blade of destiny and started cutting through multiple snowball creatures. Shadow and Danish took on a massive Yeti and a Frost Goblin. The Frost Goblin ran madly towards Shadows just as the Yeti started to sprint towards Danish. As the two heroes ran at each other, Danish took out his Bat Mallet and slammed the Frost Goblin to the ground. Shadow at that same time, dived under the Yeti, and as it passed by him without a scratch, he got up and jumped on the Yeti's back which directed the beast towards one of the homes. As it collided, the Yeti fell to the ground. Finally, Shadows got up and started walking towards the others as they grouped up once again.

Before the action had begun Sainsbo took Titan and Lugia to the cave Nix ran towards...

Lugia: Give it up penguin man.
Stephen Nix: *echoes* Giving up is too easy. Let's see you try and find me!

The team started to move towards the back end of the cave but suddenly the entrance began to close up.

Stephen Nix: *from outside* HAHAH! Too easy! Tell you what, if you want to try and stop me, my fortress is nearby here. Come face me when you leave...IF you can leave. BUAHHAHAHHA.

Nix hurried away with the 3 inside and just as he gained enough distance the others made it to the same cave and heard people's voices from within the cave.

TitanDragonlord: Somebody help us! Lugia, use your teleportation.
Lugia: I can't teleport out of here if I don't know where we are, we need someone to move this boulder that's in the way.

The others try and move the boulder but it didn't move an inch.

Shadows: *from the other side* It's not budging guys were all pushing and it's not moving. Take a look inside and try and find a secret exit.
Danish: Well what can we do?
Veranex: Keep pushing!
Riate: Yea, I don't know about you guys but I don't work well in packs. I prefer solo missions.
Stelios: Oh thank Celestria! Ok man it's all yours!

Everyone stared at Riate...

Riate: What?
Stelios: You said you want more solo missions kid!
Shadows: *gasps* What a challenge! *takes out a few drinks for everyone except Riate* We'll be over here while you’re on your solo mission Riate! Thanks again eh!
Riate: O.O This....is...not....fair *tries to push the boulder but falls on the ground*
Oddball: So close man, *laughs* almost had it open.

Deep from inside the 3 looked around for a clue as to what Nix wanted with this cave...

Lugia: Hmm. Some scriptures over here.
Sainsbo: What's on them?
Lugia: I'm not entirely sure. *starts to race around the cave in fast speed* But I see more though. *brings them back*
TitanDragonlord: I know what they say.

*picks up one*

Summoning a massive army can be a huge amount of work, it's best to take a piece of armor from each minion to execute the perfect undead. Piece by piece...

*picks up another*

place them around in the shape of where the creature would normally have the piece of equipment. You will also need the bones of a DeathKnight in order to be able to summon the creature.

*picks up another*

An army of Undead DeathKnights need their battle helm, a swinging sword, a tethered cape, and a suit of armor.

Lugia: So he was collecting the last few pieces he needed to make the army.
TitanDragonlord: Wait a second, Undead DeathKnights...is that even possible?
Sainsbo: I suppose anything's possible nowadays.
TitanDragonlord: Then we gotta get out of here and stop him before he executes his plan.

Lugia: Guys I found something! Come quick!

The two ran towards Lugia as he held up a glowing battle helm.

Lugia: It has something written on here. What is it?
TitanDragonlord: *reads it to himself and chuckles*
Sainsbo: What's so funny?
TitanDragonlord: Nix is missing a piece that's what!
Sainsbo: HE IS?
TitanDragonlord: Yup, the helm is the last piece. We got here just in the nick of time to cause him to run without everything beforehand.
Lugia: Now that you say it that way, it is kinda funny.

From outside Riate got tired of pushing the boulder and decided to push the boulder out from the top of the cave. So he climbed up to the top of the cave entrance and tried to push it out and struggled up to the point that he fell off the roof and into a bush.

Riate: Ouch! What did I land on?

Riate pulls the bush away and reveals the cave's side entrance.

Riate: Cool. Hey guys I found the exit.

Riate started to pound on the wall to get the others attention...

Sainsbo: I hear yeah Riate, hmmm. *starts to move things around to find a secret hatch to the door* It's gotta be around here somewhere.

Sains accidentally knocked over a candle that summoned a spirit of the DeathKnights...

Lugia: O man.
TitanDragonlord: That ghost is gotta eat us! Hurry, let's find this stupid door switch.

The ghost takes form...

BustichiaReki: Good evening!

All: REKI!

Sainsbo: Is it really you?
BustichiaReki: Yes old friend, push the bookcase towards the left and you'll find your way out. Now I must warn you about Stephen Nix.
TitanDragonlord: What about him?
BustichiaReki: He is about to summon a massive amount of DeathKnights but as you have already gathered, he will ultimately not get the correct minions at his side. It is your job as the Phoenix Risen to get to him and stop his plans.
TitanDragonlord: But he can't summon the army he wants, who cares he already lost!
BustichiaReki: Titan. One must be wise to think that if Nix doesn't succeed at his initial plan, he always has a Plan B.
Lugia: What's that?
BustichiaReki: A Giant Undead Penguin Armored with DeathKnight Gear!
Lugia: *blinks a few times* That sounds bad.
BustichiaReki: Hurry! Go now friends, I won't be here when you come back, but I know that with your new comrades, you will be successful!
Sainsbo: Can you come with us?
BustichiaReki: I am only a spirit Sains, you will find a way to win without me-----

Reki vanished and the team gathered their stuff, moved the bookshelf and started the journey to Stephen Nix's castle.

Back at the penguin's lair...

Penguin General: I said I'm sorry sir!
Stephen Nix: SORRY? You've cost me my army!
Penguin General: It was a small set back sir! I thought that it was the correct piece.
Stephen Nix: Now I can't summon my DeathKnight army. YOUR TIME HERE IS UP!

Stephen Nix raised the penguin up and shattered him to pieces before the other now scared penguins...

Stephen Nix: *turns and faces them* Anyone else got bad news for me?

The room remains silent for about 30 seconds...

Stephen Nix: To Plan B then. Those heroes are getting lucky, but my Penguin Creature will dismantle them! I just need to get the last few things in place...

Back on the road to Nix's castle, the heroes spotted the location and finally make their way to Nix's doorstep while remaining undetected by his security roaming the castle grounds...

Shadows: Nice work everyone. Now we need to get in here.
Veranex: Let's not hold back, Nix is dangerous!
Oddball: I smell something odd now...
Shadows: What is it?
Oddball: Smells like a trap. I don't know....my sense are going crazy, all I can say is that something's very wrong.
Stelios: HAHA! We have numbers over him you know?
Aurauris: It's best I start up my rune arrows then?
Oddball: Probably.
Aurauris: *sigh*

Aurauris's arms began to glow dark blue with her runes as arrows were forming in her hands to toss at her enemies...

Aurauris: Ready! IT'S GO TIME!
Riate: Let's go people!

The team barged inside the castle and quickly found themselves outnumbered with penguins surrounding them.

Oddball: Oh man. I knew it.

Nix waddled towards the heroes...

Stephen Nix: Pathetic. You actually came all the way here. I knew you'd do it! Shame you won't be around for the grand finale. *looks at the penguins* Lock em up!

Penguin Security Guard: Wac, Wac. Ummm... I mean Sir, yes sir. *salutes Nix*

The team one by one got chained up by Nix's minions until only 3 people remained...

Nix while working on the last few pieces to the beast...

Penguin Security Guard: We need to find a place for these three!
Stephen Nix: *without looking* Store them near the back area in the prison cells. *continues using his magic on the left leg bone*

The penguin took Shadow, Vera and Sains to the back rooms...

Shadows: Now?
Veranex: *stares at Sains*
Sainsbo: *nods*

Shadows: *stomps his foot on the ground* Ahh my foot!
Penguin Security Guard: Keep moving! *tries to jab Shadow with his ice stick but Shadows grabs the stick from him and smashes it over the guards head*
Penguin Security Guard 2: Oh no you don't! *runs towards Shadows*

Vera and Sains tripped the waddling penguin and caused him to fall on his face. Vera grabbed the keys and started to unlock their shackles one by one.

Shadows: Ok we need to help the others.
Sainsbo: Not before we take out that penguin abomination.

The three ran back to the main room as Nix wasn't around. Vera used her White Magic to start placing the bones in separate areas, and Shadows took one of the feet and pushed it out of the main room towards the guards. As the team now tried to unlock the prisoners Nix returned quite disturbed...

Stephen Nix: Grrr! You fools keep getting in my way. No matter, my beast is perfect anyway. PREPARE YOURSELVES!

Nix raised his fins and started to turn bright blue as he placed each piece of the creature together and caused it to slowly rise.

Stephen Nix: YES! RISE MY BEAST! *witnesses bones falling down from the arms of the giant penguin to the point the whole thing collapses slowly* WHAT!?!??! MY CREATION!!!!!
Veranex: Didn't think that one through did yea?
Stephen Nix: *snarls and quickly waddles into the next room as the creature falls towards the ground*

Sains, Shadow and Vera made their way towards the door with the others, until the giant ribcage of the creature fell in between them and the exit.

TitanDragonlord: Hurry guys go!
Riate: Before he escapes again!
Shadows: *nods and starts to run towards Nix with the others* You got it!


The three made it to Nix's laboratory.

Stephen Nix: *tries to make his escape through one of the windows but it wouldn't budge* Bah! It's no use.
Shadows: You're surrounded Nix. It's game over!
Stephen Nix: You want a game over? I'll give you one! *summons an undead minotaur similar to the one Sainsbo fought before as it charges towards him alone*

Stephen Nix: HAHAH! *summons Undead Sneevils* DESTROY HER! *points at Vera*

Stephen Nix: *rushes towards Shadow himself*

The minotaur tried to ram into Sains, but he dodged the minotaur as it crashed into lab equipment. Sains made a break towards the door and he quickly thought up a plan to get the horns of the minotaur stuck on the door he wouldn't be able to get them out. The minotaur took out his axe and began to swing it at Sainsbo but he dodged each swing and eventually Sains got him in the perfect place just enough for the minotaur to hit the door. The minotaur charged at Sains with his axe but he smashed it on the door and got it stuck for a few moments. Sainsbo which used the time to take out his Legendary Shining Hammer of the Phoenix and smashed the bust of the minotaur and shattered him to pieces.

Sneevils chased Vera but she blasted them with her Light Magic to get them off her tail. However, they were too strong for her and she was tossed backwards as one of the sneevils threw a piece of lab equipment at her. As she hit the ground she found a box and thought up a quick strategy.

Veranex: Hey Sneevils!

They each stared at her...

Veranex: Go fetch! *she threw a green gem at the wall and upon explosion, blew up a nice hole big enough for the sneevils to get through as she threw the box outside*

The sneevils chased the box and fell out the window of the high up castle room...

Veranex: *dusted off her armor* That takes care of them.

Stephen Nix: You'll pay for that you heroes!

Nix tossed Shadow aside towards the other two and began to glow bright blue.

Stephen Nix: No more games, no more acts of heroic deeds, it's.... time.... to......DIE!


Veranex: *stood before Nix* It is you that will be defeated creature!
Shadows: You want us, *spat out some blood from his early round of fighting* come get us.
Sainsbo: *took his stance with his hammer drawn* WE ARE..

Stephen Nix: HAHAHAH!

Nix charged up to the three heroes and started to smash each of them with his skull cane. Vera tried to use her magic to send blasts at Nix, but he dodged the hits and sent an ice ball at her stomach causing her to fall to the ground. Shadows was also quickly off his feet as Nix tossed an icicle at him while barely avoiding it, Nix intensely swung himself at Shadows and knocked him out with his skull cane.

Stephen Nix: *laughed at Sainsbo* You think your team is so strong!
Stephen Nix: Except I can make you look weak.

Stephen froze the ground so that Sains couldn't move as the others were out cold...

Stephen Nix: You lost hero!
Sainsbo: *tries to move his legs but cannot* Arg, when I get out of this...
Stephen Nix: *stares at Sains's eyes* You'll do what? CRY LIKE A LOSER HERO?
Sainsbo: *grinds his teeth*
Stephen Nix: I gotta say, I thought you people were a bit stronger than this. Shame really, how Reki had to die. *grins*
Sainsbo: YOU DID THAT?
Stephen Nix: Indeed. The Raiders didn't know which site to go to. I simply directed them to that village of Titan's. They burnt the place down quickly, a little too fast for my liking! Nonetheless the fabled Phoenix Risen wasn't far behind to save the day! *chuckles* Once the raiders sacrificed themselves and the doors were all closed, I knew we were in the exact position I needed.
Sainsbo: You...knew about the DeathKnight?
Stephen Nix: That's the funny part. I knew a sacrifice had to be made, but I didn't think you'd actually do it. Nah if you looked around for another exit like you did today. *grins like a maniac* THEN REKI COULD POSSIBLY BE ALIVE TODAY! BUHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!
Sainsbo: Except the Warlord told us about no escapes. We had to make a sacrifice, regardless you fiend!
Stephen Nix: How sad.....*laughs* he sacrificed himself for nothing! The Phoenix Risen is NO MORE!

Sains in all of his anger broke out of the ice holding Nix had on him and threw his hammer at the undead penguin, which just misses. Nix quickly looked at the hammer that hit the wall and stared back at Sains...

Stephen Nix: O.O Ahh, no.


Sainsbo uppercut Nix towards the rooftop of the castle, and as Nix bounced off the ceiling he slammed onto the ground. Sains picked him up and held his fist back in anger for one last hit.

Stephen Nix: *already beaten up* DO IT! For...*coughs* Reki!

Sainsbo: *waited for a few seconds still angry but decided to take Nix by the fin and hurl him towards the same wall that the Sneevils died from* Try and fly your way out penguin. O wait...YOU CAN'T FLY!


Then Sains, who was still mad heard a loud thud on the ground outside...

Sainsbo: *takes a deep breathe and falls on his knees* It's over.

The ice began to crackle and the others started to finally make their way in the same room as the others. Aura began to heal Vera and Titan woke up Shadows. Sains was accompanied by the others as they all asked what happened, Sainsbo explained the story and they eventually headed out of the castle as the people of the nearby attacked village began to cheer at the sight of the victorious heroes. The team had won and made their way back to their Villa in Osprey Cove.

The next few days the team met more people, gained more members and started to really bloom as one of the best alliances on L.O.R.E. They received a new mission, however, it was a different kind of mission...

*unravels the scroll*

Our group is interested to having an alliance with you guys. We hope you're interested and if you care to meet with us, we will send someone to Falconreach to sign the needed details. Hope to see you there!

~Signed Beacons of Hope.

Lugia: Wow! You guys ready?
Danish: Let's do this! *puts on his Spider Helm*

The team were then teleported to Falconreach and arrived to witness a Blue Rune Knight awaiting them in the middle of Falconreach.

Faerdin: Hello A Phoenix Risen! *stared at each of the members* And whom might you all be? My name is Faerdin. *extends hand*

Sains, Vera and Shadows each stepped forward and shook his hand individually.

Sainsbo: Well, I am Sainsbo, *points and the other two* Shadows, and Veranex.
Faerdin: To get us to the point of our meeting, I would first off wish to thank you for all your hard work you've done lately. Taking down Stephen Nix was no easy task I imagine.
Shadows: Yeah, we finished him off for good!
Faerdin: *snickers* It's not that easy my friend! He most likely used an ice ramp to escape after he was thrown out of the castle walls. He was spotted helping out Queen Aisha about 2 days ago.
Shadows: *sigh* No lucky break then.

Faerdin: Aside from Nix. The Beacons of Hope's leader, Drake Amatsu, has sent me here to see if you would like to sign an alliance between us. We would like to work with you guys! What do you think?

Aura rushed in front of the others to accept the offer...

Aurauris: Yes we would love to! *shyly asks* What’s your name again?
Faerdin: *smiles as he look at Aura* Faerdin. *picks up Aura's hand and kisses it* Pleasure to meet you Madame.
Aurauris: *starts to glow in embarrassment* Mr. Faerdin, Rune Knight.
Faerdin: *looks in her eyes*

Sainsbo: *coughs* So...where to we sign?
Faerdin: *is still lost in Aura's eyes*

Danish: *takes the treaty form and shows Sains and the two others where to sign on the page* Right there guys!

Veranex: The treaty is officially signed.

Faerdin: *nods his head at Sains, Shadows and Vera* It's official! I'll let Drake know immediately. I just need to know your positions in this clan. From the top if necessary.

Fae takes out a pad of paper and ink to write on...

Veranex: Well, I am the Captain of Light. My second in command is Aurauris. In my side I also have an Embodiment of Justice that I have just given the position to Riate!

The crowd of heroes cheered!

Shadows: I am the Captain of Guidance. My second up whom I have really gotten to know a lot about and became quick friends with is DanishGuy. My Embodiment of Wisdom was given to a brave warrior in combat, and I would love to have Oddball be that exact person!

The crowd of heroes cheered again!

Sainsbo: *looked at Stelios* Are you sure friend?
Stelios: Positive! *smiles and hangs back*
Sainsbo: Finally I am the Captain of Might. My good friend Titan is with me by my side and the Embodiment of Valor goes to the Silver Sensei, Lugia!

The crowd of heroes cheered one last time!

Faerdin: Alright everyone, I'm off for now. I'm sure we will be able to have you guys over for lemonade very soon! Ciao!

Fae leaves the scene as the heroes waved to their new friend and alliance!

Veranex: *laughs at Aura* You totally lost it there.
Aurauris: *shakes her head in confusion* Where am I?

They all laughed and as they started to walk towards Falconreach Inn, but a villager ran towards them before they could even enter.

Villager Dave: We're under attack and we need help!
Shadows: *nods* Lets go everyone!
Veranex: We can help sir!
Villager Dave: Who are you guys?

The screen goes black...and brings you to the current day as Sainsbo, Shadows and Vera are each editing up a book that they finished and placed back on a shelf, entitled "How The Phoenix Came To Be."

The End

Any comments at all the story or a grammatical error with a sentence? Click this fancy link over here -> (DF) Stephen Nix Works! To the APR people, I'm so sorry this took so long. I'm glad it is done though and if there is anything wrong with it let me know in the discussion pages, or in one fo the chat channels. Remember this is the APR backstory that I have for you guys, let's make it 100% perfect!

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