[ARCHIVED] Useful/Recommended Class Builds (Full Version)

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aliesterus -> [ARCHIVED] Useful/Recommended Class Builds (6/4/2012 22:35:12)


Please Note: I may not be on to edit this during vacation times or holidays, I would appreciate any patience that you may have.

Useful and Recommended Class Builds

This guide will help you decide on the many different types of enhancements that would be suited to your class. Note that every time a very nice combination is found to work for a certain class, this guide will be updated along with it. With more classes always being released, and the new enhancements that work with them, you should be careful with choosing the specific enhancements. If you wish to know how each stat specifically affects you and how, check out Legendary Ash's Stats Guide.

Table of Contents

Use the ctrl+f function and type the letters in the brackets to quickly locate the class you're looking for, and links are provided for while you're here on the main page.

[1st] Confirmed Class Builds and Strategies
[2nd] Work in Progress Section
[3rd] Help Needed Section
[4th] Updates Message Board

Confirmed Class Builds and Strategies

Use the ctrl+f function and type the letters in the brackets to quickly locate the class you're looking for.

[AOM] Recommended Builds for Alpha Omega
[BRD] Recommended Builds for Bard
[BSK] Recommended Builds for Beta Berserker/Berserker
[BDA] Recommended Builds for Blood Ancient
[BLT] Recommended Builds for Blood Titan
[CRD] Recommended Builds for CardClasher
[SHP] Recommended Builds for Chaos Shaper
[CHU] Recommended Builds for Chunin Class
[DSK] Recommended Builds for Darkblood Stormking
[DTK] Recommended Builds for Deathknight
[DEF] Recommended Builds for Defender
[DMK] Recommended Builds for DoomKnight
[DKO] Recommended Builds for DoomKnight Overlord
[DLD] Recommended Builds for Dragonlord
[DSL] Recommended Builds for Dragonslayer
[EDM] Recommended Builds for Elemental Dracomancer
[ESH] Recommended Builds for Evolved Shaman
[GRD] Recommended Builds for Guardian
[HLR] Recommended Builds for Healer/Acolyte/Witch
[HEV] Recommended Builds for Horc Evader
[MGE] Recommended Builds for Mage/Sorcerer
[MBK] Recommended Builds for Mindbreaker
[NRO] Recommended Builds for Necromancer
[NJA] Recommended Builds for Ninja/Assassin
[PAD] Recommended Builds for Paladin Class
[PLH] Recommended Builds for Paladin High Lord
[PSL] Recommended Builds for PaladinSlayer
[PRT] Recommended Builds for Pirate/Alpha Pirate
[ENF] Recommended Builds for ProtoSartorium/Rustbucket/Enforcer
[PYR] Recommended Builds for Pyromancer
[RNG] Recommended Builds for Ranger Class
[RGU] Recommended Builds for Rogue/Renegade/Vampire/Barber/Leprechaun
[SHM] Recommended Builds for Shaman
[SGN] Recommended Builds for Skyguard Grenadier
[SLD] Recommended Builds for Starlord
[TOH] Recommened Builds for Thief of Hours
[TSS] Recommended Builds for Troll Spellsmith
[USL] Recommended Builds for UndeadSlayer
[WRR] Recommended Builds for Warrior/Warlord/Beast Warrior/Pumpkin Lord

Note: These classes are no longer available, and have separate skills than any other class.

[CHR] Recommended Builds for Chronomancer
[CWS] Recommended Builds for Clawsuit
[DRK] Recommended Builds for Darkside
[OMG] Recommended Builds for Pinkomancer Class
[TMK] Recommended Builds for TimeKiller Class
[VOT] Recommended Builds for Vindicator of They

Note: These classes will come around during their allotted season and date, check the design notes to see when they have returned.

[ECS] Recommended Builds for Evolved Clawsuit
[ELP] Recommended Builds for Evolved Leprechaun
[NOC] Recommended Builds for No Class

Coming soon:

[CCC] Recommended Builds for Chrono Corruptor
[DCC] Recommended Builds for Dark Caster Class
[NMC] Recommended Builds for Not a Mod Class - Work in Progress
[LCC] Recommended Builds for Legion Soul Cleaver - Work in Progress
[AFC] Recommended Builds for Archfiend Class - Work in Progress
[EDC] Recommended Builds for Evolved Dark Caster - Work in Progress
[BMR] Recommended Builds for BladeMaster - Work in Progress
[MCJ] Recommended Builds for MechaJouster - Work in Progress
[AMR] Recommended Builds for Arachnomancer
[LGH] Recommended Builds for Legendary Hero
[ORE] Recommended Builds for Oracle - Work in Progress
[BTM] Recommended Builds for BattleMage - Work in Progress
[GWL] Recommended Builds for Glacial Warlord - Work in Progress
[DGS] Recommended Builds for Dragon Shinobi - Work in Progress
[ELW] Recommended Builds for Elemental Warrior
[DGK] Recommended Builds for Dragon Knight - Work in Progress

Updates and Thanks

Thanks to Kain and drDOT for the base stats of each class.
Thanks to Leumas Dragonsword for a warrior build.
Thanks to moneybags for making an improvement on Rogue/Pirate offensive build.
Thanks to BlueKatz for showing me how an all Lucky ninja can be used for incredible damage quickly.
Thanks to Rhenroh for many spelling fixes, punctuation fixes, and grammar fixes.
Thanks to The Legendary d4 for the idea of color coded enhancements.
Thanks to Alaina for helping me in regards to the Bard class.
Thanks to Beleen for the base stats of Guardian, Dragonlord, and Starlord.
Thanks to RasLuine for reminding me to add the new Spellbreaker enhancements.
Thanks to Knight of the Dragon for testing all hybrid ninja, showing that it has higher damage output than wizard/fighter combo.
Thanks to Alaina for the base stats of Chronomancer.
Thanks to Aeonarial for a helping with the guide on Chronomancer.
Thanks to Fish for suggesting an improvement on an offensive Chronomancer.
Thanks to Jason3 for information regarding the Ranger class.
Thanks to ChrisHampton for suggesting a better build for Healer.
Thanks to Saidre Shadow for the new Clawsuit strategy and helping with the addition of Evolved Shaman/Vindicator of They.
Thanks to Alaina for the Base Stats of Vindicator of They.
Thanks to Tendou for information regarding Horc Evader, Troll Spellsmith, Vindicator of They, and Darkside.
Thanks to aliesterus for a small change in the Troll Spellsmith enhance build that allows slightly more damage output.
Thanks to aliesterus for the Elemental Dracomancer strategy and enhancements.
Thanks to L0re for assisting with Evolved Leprechaun.
Thanks to Legendary Ash for pointing out some outdated information.
Thanks to Hells Elder Brother for pointing out some gramatical errors.
Thanks to Abraska for bringing up Necromancer being affected by physical status.
Thanks to Nate7878(Edme MacHeath) for working with me on the TimeKiller build.
Thanks to Nate7878(Edme MacHeath) for the base stats of Alpha Omega and Blood Titan.
Thanks to Zyrain for helping me locate and update tags.
Thanks to Nate7878(Edme MacHeath) for the strategy and build for BattleMage
Thanks to Harukun for the strategy an build for Chrono Corruptor

04/21/2010: Created Guide, V1.0.
04/22/2010: Updated the base stats for each class. Fixed many spelling/grammar/punctuation errors. Added a few minor adjustments to Healer and Ninja.
04/26/2010: Touched up on Rogue class offensive.
05/04/2010: Added new coming soon section, added an individual color to signify enhancements.
05/07/2010: Added Bard's section. How to use it will be added May 8th, tomorrow from now. Also, the base stats need to be redone to fit the current max level, 30. They are all currently positioned at level 20, save Bard.
05/08/2010 Bard's completed
05/09/2010 All base stats have been fitted to the current max level, 30.
05/21/2010 Made all of the sections for Guardian, Dragonlord, and Starlord. Edit: 11:47 PM, added all of the information about two of them Starlord needs a further look into.
05/22/2010 Starlord's done.
07/29/2010 Added the new Guardian class.
11/26/2010 Updated with Spellbreaker enhancements.
12/21/2010 Added Chronomancer class.
03/08/2011 Added Evolved Clawsuit.
07/12/2011 Added Chaos Shaper. I'll be adding each missing class from this guide soon. Also please note the base stats for the new classes will be fixed to level 40.
07/23/2011 Added Necromancer, and updated Paladin/DoomKnight. CardClasher will be up next.
07/24/2011 Added CardClasher.
07/25/2011 Shaman's been added.
07/26/2011 Ranger's been added and I went ahead and moved Chronomancer to the rare section.
10/27/2011 Updated all base stats to level 45.
11/13/2011 Alphabetized the guide, looks much neater now. Added UndeadSlayer, PaladinSlayer, and Evolved Shaman.
02/26/2012 I've added Darkside and Vindicator of They.
02/28/2012 Troll Spellsmith has been added.
04/13/2012 Added Evolved Leprechaun and Elemental Dracomancer.
06/09/2012 Added DoomKnight Overlord and Blood Ancient.
06/13/2012 Updated Dragonlord.
06/13/2012 Replaced some scrutinized information.
06/25/2012 Added Palladin Highlord.
06/26/2012 Mindbreaker has been added.
07/14/2012 Updated Evolved Leprechaun with a full luck build.
07/27/2012 Updated Necromancer with a full luck build.
07/28/2012 Added Pyromancer.
09/06/2012 Added Horc Evader and edited Shaman.
09/17/2012 Updated Pyromancer with a better strategy.
09/17/2012 Added DeathKnight and Skyguard Grenadier.
10/25/2012 Chunin Class has been added.
10/25/2012 Vindicator of They has been moved to the Rares List.
10/25/2012 The brackets of Protosartarium/Rustbucket/Enforcer, Necromancer, and Paladin Class has been changed.
11/30/2012 TimeKiller has been added.
03/02/2013 Thief of Hours has been added, and Rogue's bracket has been changed to avoid confusion. Base Stats have been updated to Max Level 50. Pinkomancer has also been added to the Rare section.
08/11/2013 Alpha Omega and Blood Titan has been added.
08/11/2013 All tags have been updated, and I have created a seasonal classes section, and moved all seasonal classes there.
03/20/2014 Put up an update's message board, so others can track my progress and reasons as to why I'm unable to update this guide for a certain amount of time.
04/05/2014 I've tagged all classes in the Coming Soon list that are currently in the work in progress section with "- Work in Progress"
04/06/2014 Edme MacHeath(formerly Nate7878) is now on board, and she'll be helping me with Reputation classes as I do not have the time to farm for them myself, due to time constraints, and because my membership ran out so certain reputation quests that make farming faster are no longer available to me.
04/11/2014 Table of Contents for each section has been added, and I have swapped the Updates Message Board and the Help Needed Section.

Alpha Omega


Note: Alpha Omega has two versions, one that is Non-Member and can be bought for 1000 AC's, and one that is members only is obtained by merging 300 Combat Trophies from Bludrut Brawl.

Class Type: Melee

Base Stats:
Strength: 104
Intellect: 19
Endurance: 116
Dexterity: 85
Wisdom: 39
Luck: 23


Notes/How to use: Great all around class, deals some pretty nice damage while being a great support class. You’ll want to start out with Bunker Buster for some really nice damage, but don’t spam it.
Wait for your mana to get to around 75% before using Double Strike, rinse and repeat. Use Bunker Buster only around when you have 100% mana, or when it’s really needed, and use Field Medic at around half health. Use Maul in cases of emergencies, such as when you’re around half health and Field Medic isn’t completely cooled down yet, or when the monster is almost dead and Bunker Buster isn’t ready yet.

Enhancements used:
Class: Lucky
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky

Bard Class

Class Type: Magical

Base Stats:
Strength: 31
Intellect: 116
Endurance: 104
Dexterity: 39
Wisdom: 39
Luck: 58


Notes/How to use: Bard is a really great supporting class, and is most effective when fighting along side allies. Start off by nerfing your opponent with Dissonance. This lowers your opponents haste by 15% and critical strike chance by 5%. Adding to that, all your allies attacking the opponent will regain mana. Then activate Bodhran. This buffs your teams damage output by 20%, haste by 15%, and critical strike by 5%. Immediately after using those two skills, use Cantor's Lament. After this is activated, keep activating it every time it cools down. Damage over time that increases after each time the opponent is hit (including your allies' hits)? Yes, please. Repeat the first two skills when necessary.

Enhancements used:

Class: Wizard
Helm: Wizard
Cape: Wizard
Weapon: Lucky

Strategy 2

Notes/How to use: Defensive Bard is definitely going to be used as support for your team. Unless your fighting with at least 5 other players, I'd avoid using O'Carolan's Reel. It heals moderate HP over time at a very slow rate, which doesn't help if your getting hit often. Again, we will start off by nerfing the opponent with Dissonance, then buffing your team with Bodhran. We will also keep Cantor's Lament going off every time it cools down to drain your opponents HP. Repeat using Dissonance and Bodhran once they cool down.

Enhancements used:

Class: Healer
Helm: Healer
Cape: Healer
Weapon: Healer

Berserker Class

Note: Also used for Beta Berserker Class *Beta Berserker is non-member, but is unobtainable unless you are a beta tester*

Class Type: Melee

Base Stats:
Strength: 116
Intellect: 8
Endurance: 69
Dexterity: 116
Wisdom: 23
Luck: 54


Notes/How to use: Like Dragonslayer, this class is just based upon sheer power. The class hits with 110% attack strength, but also hits slightly faster than Dragonslayer. In my opinion, I'd avoid using Broadside unless your opponent is using one of the Rogue class sets and is constantly dodging your attacks. The passive skills on this class are very good. Increasing attack power by not 10%, but 15%! And it also will reduce incoming damage by 10%. Using Forgone Conclusion is a lot of help, it will make you strike faster and regain your HP at the same time. It will heal even faster when used with the other damage inflicting skills. When your HP hits around the halfway mark, and you can't afford to use Forgone Conclusion to bring it back up, you'll need to use Blood for Blood. This is an excellent skill dealing damage in accordance to HP remaining to possible maximum HP. That's some big numbers when used correctly.

Enhancements used:

Class: Fighter
Helm: Fighter
Cape: Fighter
Weapon: Fighter


Class: Lucky
Helm: Fighter / Lucky
Cape: Fighter / Lucky
Weapon: Lucky


Class: Thief
Helm: Thief
Cape: Thief
Weapon: Thief / Lucky

Blood Ancient

Class Type: Physical

Base Stats:
Strength: 104
Intellect: 19
Endurance: 116
Dexterity: 85
Wisdom: 39
Luck: 23


Notes/How to use: Start out with Draw Blood, as without it you’re damage will not only be smaller than it should be, but because all attack you do will become very slow. It may require a bit of reflex, but renew Draw Blood right as it reaches it’s cooldown period, so as to do more damage, otherwise if not, simply renew Draw Blood. Next, hit them with Soul Grip, and simply wait for the stun to fade. If Draw Blood hasn’t finished cooling down by the time the stun fades, go ahead and crunch them with Hemopiliac. Once again, if Draw Blood’s cooldown reached, renew it. Last on the list is Regeneration, so you stay alive longer. Rinse and repeat, and don’t forget to renew Draw Blood as soon as possible, as it is crucial to both your damage and speed.

Enhancements used:

Class: Lucky
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky

Blood Titan


Note: Blood Titan has two versions, one is Non-Member and is obtained by using 2000 AC's, and the other is members only and is only obtainable by merging 425 Blood Titan Tokens.

Class Type: Melee

Base Stats:
Strength: 104
Intellect: 19
Endurance: 116
Dexterity: 85
Wisdom: 39
Luck: 23


Notes/How to use: This is a pretty powerful class, and Life Drinker is relatively the same as Mindbreaker’s Cerebral Siphon. Start out with Blood Fury, please note that you’ll want renew it whenever possible. Then, hit them with Blood Thief for some pretty high damage. Finally, hit them with Crimson Shield and use Life Drinker until you’re relatively close to full health. Use Life Drinker whenever you’re at less than half health.

Enhancements used:
Class: Lucky
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky

CardClasher Class


This class is included with the purchase of the AQW Battle Card Game.

Class Type: Melee

Base Stats:
Strength: 85
Intellect: 31
Endurance: 69
Dexterity: 81
Wisdom: 31
Luck: 89


Notes/How to use: This class is top tier. It's one of my favorites, even if you never use the last two skills. It has a really nice luck stat and is what the class is all about. Essentially, you just alternate between the Deal and Tap skills. Deal hands out one of three possible cards to your target and yourself, then tap kind of "activates" it while also dealing damage. The cards are self explanatory. Swords buff your attack and nerf the opponents, the shield weakens their defense, and makes you take less damage. The only one that might be a little confusing is the one that looks like healing. On you, you are healed over time, while your target takes damage over time. Keep these stat changes going constantly, and honestly it will solo just about anything. If your in a crowd of people and want to experiment with Raise the Stakes, go ahead. The mana regeneration for this class is also nothing short of amazing.

Enhancements used:

Class: Lucky
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky

Chaos Shaper


This class is available in your book of lore after purchasing at least 15 months of membership.

Class Type: Magic (Although the skills are magic, in reality strength enhancements work much better for this class..)

Base Stats:
Strength: 85
Intellect: 31
Endurance: 69
Dexterity: 81
Wisdom: 31
Luck: 89


Notes/How to use: First off, you'll notice the absurd luck stat so lets play with that. Second, although the skills are magical its base stats are heavily geared towards physical qualities. All four of its skills involve luck, basically you'll either buff your self or nerf your opponent. On one instance, you'll hurt yourself or deal great damage to your opponent. I wouldn't use this class in any serious confrontation such as PVP or soloing unless you're trying to test your luck.

Well, anyway.. You should start with the second skill, Chaos Fog. This will either stun your opponent, or weaken the damage they do from then on. In fact, whenever this skill is usable again, use it. Next, nerf or buff your self with the first skill, Twist Time. It'll either slow your opponent or increase your attack speed, both very helpful. I'd alternate those two attacks while throwing in a Chaotic Touch every now and then. The heal/hurt is DoT so keep that in mind. Death Grip is amazing when it hits, the backfire is usually dodged when used so don't worry about it too much, if it does hit you however, it's DoT and is pretty slow anyway.

Enhancements used:

Class: Fighter / Lucky
Helm: Fighter / Lucky
Cape: Fighter / Lucky
Weapon: Lucky

Chunin Class


Class Type: Melee

Base Stats:
Strength: 104
Intellect: 19
Endurance: 116
Dexterity: 85
Wisdom: 39
Luck: 23


Notes/How to use: You’ll want to immediately start off with Paralyzing Wind, because this’ll be your main damage dealer, as well as the main debuff you’ll use to survive. Next, use Tsunami Strike, this’ll slow the enemy down significantly, and deal some pretty high damage. After Tsunami Strike, use Spinning Dragon, as even though it’s only 50% it’ll happen, taking no damage from the next attack can sometimes save your HP bar from taking a major dent. Keep Paralyzing Wind and Tsunami Strike up as much as possible, and refrain from using Chi Blast until the very end, at around 1K – 2K HP, and only use it while Tsunami Strike and Paralyzing wind was used recently. Avoid using Chi Blast in farming, as it will slow down progress significantly, as it will burn up your mana because it will not crit.

Enhancements used:

Class: Lucky/ Fighter
Helm: Lucky

Darkblood Stormking


Class Type: Magical

Base Stats:
Strength: 23
Intellect: 127
Endurance: 77
Dexterity: 42
Wisdom: 58
Luck: 58

Personal Statement: This class may actually dethrone Necromancer and Cardclasher as kings of soloing. Its healing and mana regen are more consistent than either and doesn’t rely on damaging itself to become more powerful. Not to mention it has a bit more strategies than either.


Notes/How to use: Darkblood Stormking can effectively solo as well as farm. This strategy is to maximize soloing potential, tested on Desoloth(original Member version), Ledgermayne (without the use of the protection runes as an advantage), and Kitsune(a boss even Necromancer has a hard time with). Start out with Skyfire to apply Shocked, and keep spamming Storm Call to keep your health up, rinse and repeat whenever Skyfire has finished cooling down. If you have health to spare, use Thunderclap to apply Thunderstruck and start replenishing mana until you’re somewhere at 90, then hit ‘em with Ball Lightning, which has a really decent crit rate and with either Shocked or Thunderstruck can hit 2.7K. After using Ball Lightning, you should have mana between 40 and 60, and Thunderstruck should still be applied, and hit Storm Call until you’re somewhere around 70 or 80 mana, then hit Skyfire and start spamming Storm Call to regain any health lost. This strategy was used on Ledgermayne and the original Member Desoloth, and was used to maximize health potential. This strategy can be altered to maximize damage against lesser bosses, and also to survive against bosses with special talents such as Kitsune.

Strategy 2

Notes/How to use: This strategy is for farming purposes only, unless someday there is a boss that attacks your mana instead of your health and then proceeds to attack your health, then by all means use this to defeat that boss. Start out with Thunderclap for Thunderstruck, and spam Storm Call to keep your mana up. Whenever at 90 mana use Ball Lightning to kill or maim whatever has high HP. If your HP is around half use Skyfire to replenish and revert back to Thunderclap for mana regeneration. Rinse and repeat.

Enhancements used:

Class: Wizard
Helm: Wizard
Cape: Wizard
Weapon: Wizard / Lucky



Class Type: Melee

Base Stats:
Strength: 104
Intellect: 19
Endurance: 116
Dexterity: 85
Wisdom: 39
Luck: 23


Notes/How to use: I know it sounds strange, but you’ll actually want to start off with Death Shroud. You won’t move too slowly, and the enemy dealing less damage is a plus. Next, Chilling Strike and quickly follow it up with FrostFang. Now the enemy will be moving about the same speed as you are, and dealing less damage too. Hit them with Death Grip, for the high damage. Stack Chilling Strike between cooldowns, and rinse and repeat. This build is used mainly for high damage dealing, however survivability is still quite high, if a bit slow.

Enhancements used:

Class: Lucky
Helm: Lucky

Strategy 2

Notes/How to use: Enhancements used: Use the same as above, but here you’ll want to carry a haste potion because your haste will be reduced a bit. This enhancement build is used so that you have higher survivability, because you’ll have higher endurance, dexterity, and HP.

Class: Fighter
Helm: Fighter
Cape: Fighter
Weapon: Fighter

Defender Class

Class Type: Melee

Base Stats:
Strength: 104
Intellect: 19
Endurance: 116
Dexterity: 85
Wisdom: 39
Luck: 23


Notes/How to use: Defender is a sort of "Tank". It has extremely high endurance and many skills are defensive. When fighting physically, keep spamming Crushing Sweep every time it cools down. When your HP hits around the 3/4, you can go ahead and start using Defender's Oath. If your fighting a monster, use Retaliation when your HP is at about 1/4 of your maximum. This attack will get extremely powerful the longer you wait and should be used as the finishing move.

Enhancements used:

Class: Fighter
Helm: Fighter
Cape: Fighter
Weapon: Lucky

Strategy 2

Notes/How to use: This is how Defender class should be used. Having every enhancement put as fighter, and having a passive skill that adds 15% additional HP from your original total amount, it's a tank. A damage absorbing tank. This should be used mostly when fighting in a group. As with the offensive, always have Crushing Sweep active and use Defenders's Oath when you feel necessary. When an ally is being targeted, you can use Commanding Strike to make the monster focus only on you. You could use Defender's Oath here to help out the aforementioned ally at this point. When you feel that the monster has dealt a lot of damage to you over the time of battle, activate Retaliation.

Enhancements used:

Class: Fighter
Helm: Fighter
Cape: Fighter
Weapon: Fighter

DoomKnight Class

DoomKnight is a powerful tier 2 class, it requires having rank 10 warrior/healer as well as rank 5 in the Evil faction. Or you can purchase it with 2000 AC.

Class Type: Melee

Base Stats:
Strength: 104
Intellect: 19
Endurance: 116
Dexterity: 85
Wisdom: 39
Luck: 23


Notes/How to use: DoomKnight is an excellent offensive class, hitting at 115% plus another 10% for the passive skill. Using this set of enhancements, the skill you'll want to keep going is Soul Steal. Keep stacking it 5 times as many times as you can, and once it stacks for the 5th time, wait until they stop affecting the opponent and hit the opponent with Soul Crush, dealing more damage when Dark Siphon hasn't been activated. Watch your HP, and use Void Strike whenever you feel it is necessary. This class, along with Paladin, also has a rank 10 passive. There is a .01% chance of dealing 50x your normal damage output.

Enhancements used:

Class: Fighter
Helm: Fighter / Lucky
Cape: Fighter / Lucky
Weapon: Lucky

Strategy 2

Notes/How to use: Defense is indeed a possibility on the DoomKnight class. The second passive skill reduces your damage taken by 10%. Make sure you keep the Soul Steal going, as it will continue to replenish your HP. Every now and then, if you need a break from using Dark Siphon, you can use the skill Blood Offering to stun your opponent for 3 seconds.

Enhancements used:

Class: Fighter
Helm: Fighter
Cape: Fighter
Weapon: Fighter

DoomKnight Overlord

Class Type: Hybrid

Base Stats:
Strength: 92
Intellect: 92
Endurance: 77
Dexterity: 77
Wisdom: 27
Luck: 19


First things first, attempt to get as many party members as possible, as this classes first three skills are based upon how many members are in your party.

Notes/How to use: For farming purposes, open up with Screaming Darkness, so that every monster in the room attacks you. This allows a bit more mana to be gained, as it’s mana regen is based off of warrior’s. Next, spam Torture, as even without party members it does considerable damage, and requires very little mana. If you’re down to half health, attempt to put up a heal, but don’t waste too much mana doing so, if you can’t get a heal up quickly enough, attempt to eradicate the remaining monsters attacking you and quickly find someplace safe to rest. Only use Miasma if you’re in a tight spot, and you absolutely need to bust out a finishing move or be finished.

For soloing purposes, start out with Miasma, so that the enemy will have a frustrating time even hitting you. Next, use Torture, but don’t spam it this time, only use it whenever it fades. This is so that in the eventuality, if the enemy actually hits you, they won’t hit as hard as they usually would. Don’t use Miasma again until either it fades or you reach 100 mana before the skill fades, and don’t worry about it fading too quickly, it has a long lifespan, however, do watch out for it fading, because it’s one of the only things keeping you alive. If you reach half health, attempt to get a heal up, but once again, don’t waste time trying to get it up, because the stun will give you a breathing period anyways. Carry a mana potion for very precarious situations, because like I said, this is a heavy mana burner.

Enhancements used:

Class: Lucky
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky

Strategy 2

Notes/How to use: This version of DoomKnight Overlord is for making sure that the enemy just about never hits you. Ever. Start out with Miasma, and slowly wait for auto attack to allow your mana to reach 100, then use Miasma again, or if its life span runs out, quickly use it again before the enemy hits you. In the eventuality the enemy hits you enough times that your HP is down to one third of what it was, attempt to get a heal up, but don’t waste your time doing that, as it’ll waste mana. Always carry a mana potion when attempting this, because it’s certain to burn off a lot of mana.

Enhancements used:

Class: Thief
Helm: Thief
Cape: Thief
Weapon: Thief

Dragonlord Class

Class Type: Melee

Base Stats:
Strength: 116
Intellect: 8
Endurance: 69
Dexterity: 116
Wisdom: 23
Luck: 54


Notes/How to use: This class is just simply put, amazing. It has amazing strength, dexterity, and luck. If that doesn't sound like an offensive class, I don't know what will. Spam Heated Attack every time it cools down. It stacks up to four times, noticeably slowing the opponent. Also keep Cursed Blade going simultaneously. Once your HP reaches to about 1/4 the max, go ahead and use Lifestealer. If you've got mana to spare go ahead and use that anytime you want around 5/8 of your HP.

Enhancements used:

Class: Fighter / Thief
Helm: Fighter / Thief
Cape: Fighter / Thief
Weapon: Lucky

Strategy 2

Notes/How to use: This class is going to be used exactly as before, the only real difference is the enhancements used. Spam Heated Attack and Cursed Blade. Use Lifestealer as you see it is fit.

Enhancements used:
Class: Fighter / Thief
Helm: Fighter / Thief
Cape: Fighter / Thief
Weapon: Fighter / Thief

Strategy 3

This is where you’re tossing all thoughts of caution into the air. You’re trading in defensive abilities and a bit of critical percentage in for sheer power. Auto attack with a stable weapon gives you around 650 – 900 damage in terms of critical hits, which is close enough to 1K damage. Cleave gives off about 700 – 850 damage, another high damage dealer. Down low on HP, the highest I’ve gotten is 2.2K, I don’t dare try it with exactly 1 HP because of the danger factors. Cursed Blade gives 1.8 damage in PvE, and in team PvP you have a chance to do 2K, though I don’t know the factors that allow you to do so. Also improving haste, boosting you up to a percentage of 16.32. Start off with Cursed Blade, then spam Cleave and Searing Heat, and use Lifestealer when you’re down to two thirds of your health, because unlike the defensive builds, this class is mainly for finishing the enemy fast, and it can’t take as much punishment as the other builds. After using Lifestealer, follow up with Cursed Blade. This can be used for soloing purposes, but it’s best suited for using as a farming/PvP build, whether farming multiple monsters or farming with a group of people.

Enhancements used:

Class: Lucky
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky

Dragonslayer Class


Class Type: Melee

Base Stats:
Strength: 104
Intellect: 19
Endurance: 116
Dexterity: 85
Wisdom: 39
Luck: 23


Notes/How to use: Dragonslayer is really just a straight up powerhouse. Each hit deals 120% of damage, but at the cost of a slower attack rate. The passive skill Aggression causes another 10% be added on top of that. Obviously... Unless you are fighting dragonkind, ignore the skills Bane of the Scale and Talon Twisting. What you're going to do, is just use the skill Scorched Steel followed by Impale and repeat. If you are, however, fighting a dragonkind, start the battle immediately with Bane of the Scale and Talon Twisting, but still repeat the skills mentioned earlier as you would in another fight.

Enhancements used:

Class: Fighter
Helm: Fighter
Cape: Fighter / Lucky
Weapon: Lucky

Elemental Dracomancer Class


Class Type: Magical

Base Stats:
Strength: 23
Intellect: 127
Endurance: 77
Dexterity: 42
Wisdom: 58
Luck: 58


Notes/How to use: You're essentially not going to let Scales run out. The thing to do here is to get in Astialo's Wings, activate Duradin's Scales right afterwards, then spam Ssikari's Breath and Lilath's Torrent. Renew Astialo's Wings first, because it's the only thing keeping this class from burning too much mana, and the only thing that allows Scales to not run down in half it's cooldown period. Immediately after renewing Astialo's Wings, you should renew Scales.

Enhancements used:

Class: Lucky
Helm: Wizard
Cape: Wizard
Weapon: Wizard

Evolved Shaman


Class Type: Magical

Base Stats:
Strength: 23
Intellect: 108
Endurance: 89
Dexterity: 19
Wisdom: 108
Luck: 39


Notes/How to use: Evolved Shaman is essentially broken down into a damage dealer and support class. Refreshing Rain is really of no use unless your party happens to be lacking better healers. This class should first cast Elemental Grasp, and then follow up with Freezing Flame and Furious Gale. Both of these skills have great effects behind them. And don’t forget, the more spells you cast, the more powerful Elemental Grasp gets.

Enhancements used:

Class: Wizard
Helm: Wizard
Cape: Wizard
Weapon: Wizard / Lucky

Guardian Class

Class Type: Melee

Base Stats:
Strength: 92
Intellect: 92
Endurance: 77
Dexterity: 77
Wisdom: 27
Luck: 19


Notes/How to use: Here it is, the new guardian class! As you can see, physically it's gotten a large boost of power. You're going to always want to keep the skill Keen running. This helpful increase of critical hit chance will be of great use. Not only that, but it will also stun your opponent sometimes. If using Wizard enhancements, use Guardian Light after using Keen followed by a Guardian Rage. If not, just stick to spamming Guardian Rage

Enhancements used:

Class: Fighter / Wizard
Helm: Fighter / Wizard
Cape: Fighter
Weapon: Lucky

Strategy 2

Notes/How to use: Guardian doesn't have bad dexterity so if you want to throw in a little thief enhancement for dodging, feel free to. Anyway, begin by using the skill Guardian Light. If you use this without using Keen it will boost your defense against oncoming attacks. Use Keen once after using Guardian Light for stat boosts. Keep that going every time it recharges. Use Guardian Rage to cause damage. When your opponent is getting to be low on HP start using the strategy listed under the Physical type.

Enhancements used:
Class: Fighter
Helm: Fighter
Cape: Fighter
Weapon: Fighter / Thief

Healer Class


Note: Also used for Acolyte/Witch Classes

Class Type: Magic

Base Stats:
Strength: 31
Intellect: 116
Endurance: 104
Dexterity: 39
Wisdom: 39
Luck: 58


Notes/How to use: This healer would be mainly used if it is just you fighting, most likely another player, as it's not meant for healing allies and defending while fighting tough bosses and such. Anyways, on to how to use this build. Make sure you keep your HP as high as possible so you can use Heart Beat to cause a fair amount of damage. The passive skills will increase your healing power by 10% and decrease your opponent's damage dealt to you by 10%. As you can see, this is more of a defensive class. If you are in need of mana, use Energy Flow to regain some, heal yourself, then keep the Heart Beats coming. When in parties, go with Wizard enhancements. Lucky is a necessity always, critical heals are always welcome.

Enhancements used:

Class: Healer / Wizard
Helm: Healer / Wizard
Cape: Healer / Wizard
Weapon: Lucky

Strategy 2

Notes/How to use: This is the type that will probably best benefit Healer. With the passive skills already increasing your Healing magic by 10%, it also decreases your damage taken by 10%! How great is that? Healing Word is a wonderful spell, healing a large amount of HP to one person, or heals up to three others but with a slightly smaller amount. Using Energy Flow will increase your mana each time you inflict damage for 12 seconds. You can then heal all that damage you just took using Healing Word. This class is also great for helping fellow players in a battle. Calm Mind, can give a friendly target 50% mana reduction for their skills. You can also cast it on yourself, and use Healing Word for only a measly 15 mana.

Enhancements used:

Class: Healer
Helm: Healer / Lucky
Cape: Healer
Weapon: Healer / Lucky

Horc Evader


Class Type: Hybrid

Base Stats:
Strength: 77
Intellect: 19
Endurance: 86
Dexterity: 127
Wisdom: 39
Luck: 39

Strategy This build is for people who want damage over survivability. For starters, you'll want to start out with Whistle, if you own either Necromancer or Darkside, you'll know that you need this for the highest damage output. Also, if your a Non-Member, you'll want to turn on pets to use this, and make sure you don't have any rare (or non-rare, depending on the situation) Non-Mem pets equipped, unless it's been confirmed either in the Design Notes, official Wiki, or Twitter that that particular pet is designated as a Battle Pet, because Whistle will summon a battle pet to help you. You'll also be fine if you've summoned another battle pet from another battle pet class. Next, use Smell Fear then Hunter's Call, then start stacking Shadow Strike. This does basically the same exact damage as your Auto Attack, and with these enhancements under the influence of a static (100-100) weapon, you'll do 987 damage. Only renew Whistle whenever you're past 65 mana, keep Hunter's Call from fading, and keep all of your Shadow stacks from fading as well. Renew Smell Fear every now and then, though this isn't really as important as your other three skills.

Enhancements used:

Class: Lucky
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky

Strategy 2

Notes/How to use: Basicly do the same thing as you did with full luck, but this build is for more survivability than it is for pure damage. I was able to solo Dai Tengu with this build and lost less than 300 health. Basically, Whistle, Smell Fear, Hunter's Call, stack Shadow Strike, and keep Shadow Strike stacks and Hunter's call from fading, and renew Whistle whenever you're past 65 health. Renew Smell Fear whenever you think is a good idea to do so.

Enhancements used:

Class: Thief
Helm: Thief
Cape: Thief
Weapon: Thief

Mage Class


Note: Also used for Sorcerer.

Class Type: Magic

Base Stats:
Strength: 23
Intellect: 127
Endurance: 77
Dexterity: 42
Wisdom: 58
Luck: 58


Notes/How to use: Pretty much what you will want to do here, is to spam your Frozen Shard, followed by a Fireball attack. The damage over time that is caused is very large. Try and refrain from using Mana Shield as it only gets in the way.

Enhancements used:

Class: Lucky / Spellbreaker
Helm: Wizard / Wizard / Spellbreaker
Cape: Wizard / Spellbreaker
Weapon: Wizard / Spellbreaker

Strategy 2

Notes/How to use: Instead of following up with a Fireball attack, refrain from it. Using Frozen Shard will cause your opponent to slow their attacks and cool down times. Mana Shield can be helpful to decrease damage you take for a short time, though it will also make you unable to attack back aside from the Auto Attack for a short time.

Enhancements used:

Class: Wizard
Helm: Wizard
Cape: Wizard
Weapon: Wizard


Class Type: Magical

Base Stats:
Strength: 23
Intellect: 127
Endurance: 77
Dexterity: 42
Wisdom: 58
Luck: 58


Notes/How to use: If you’re going to use it to farm, just keep spamming Psychic Wave and Esper’s Might, and use Cerebral Siphon when you reach about half health. This class is a mana burner when doing this, so pack a few mana potions, you won’t regret it.

If you’re looking to solo, start stacking Mindfire, and use Cerebral Siphon when you’re at about half health. Reserve Psychic Wave and Esper’s Might as finishing moves (when the enemy is at 10K or lower) so as not to burn out too much mana. Once again, carry a mana potion, you’ll probably need it more than not.

Enhancements used:

Class: Lucky
Helm: Wizard
Cape: Wizard
Weapon: Wizard

Necromancer Class


Class Type: Magic

Base Stats:
Strength: 23
Intellect: 127
Endurance: 77
Dexterity: 42
Wisdom: 58
Luck: 58


Notes/How to use: Necromancer makes its return! This time it has an all new skill set, and is the first "battle pet" class, that is; it uses monsters to fight for you. Mainly undead. Before going into any kind of battle, be sure to summon your pet with the first skill, or have a battle pet equipped. The skills are rather forward with you.. You need mana. Have command undead active at all times for damage output. Use weaken every time possible. If you've got a surplus of HP, go ahead and boost it more with Summon Minion's alternate effect. If you're good on HP and need MP, infect is there.

Enhancements used:

Class: Wizard
Helm: Wizard
Cape: Wizard
Weapon: Wizard / Lucky

Strategy 2

Notes/How to use: Somehow, full luck brings out the full damage potential of Necromancer, regardless of it being a caster class. However, regardless of this, with Deadly Frenzy applied and a fixed weapon of 100-100(or 114-114 in Necromancer’s case), this class can do as high as 1K damage with just auto attack, 1.4K with Weaken, and 2.1K with Command Undead. As insignificant as it is, it also has an extra 5 HP, but it still increases your survival in combat. Start off with Deadly Frenzy, then start spamming both Weaken and Command Undead. If your at less than 40 mana, and you have 3/4 of your health, use Infect to regain mana. If you have under 3/4 of your health, keep using Weaken until you’re at half health or higher, then use Infect. Anytime you use Infect, attempt to regain your health back VIA weaken.

Enhancements used:

Class: Lucky
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky

Ninja Class


Note: Also used for Assassin Class

Class Type: Hybrid

Base Stats:
Strength: 92
Intellect: 92
Endurance: 77
Dexterity: 77
Wisdom: 27
Luck: 19


Notes/How to use: Like Rogue, this class hits 75% damage, but also hits at a faster rate than the other classes. But Ninja, has a completely different strategy than Rogue. What you'll want to do here is keep the Crosscut skill going. This has an extremely short cool down time, and lets loose two quick attacks. If you are going for a hybrid type, Shadowblade causes weapon damage plus magical damage, causing the opponent to miss a lot for six seconds. Shadowburn is a rather interesting skill, it will stun the opponent for 3 seconds when inflicted by Shadowblade, OR return a nice 20 mana points if Shadowblade was not inflicted! Anytime you have a lot of mana leftover, you should activate thin air. With that and the passive skill that already increases dodge by 15%, it will help more than hurt.

Enhancements used:

Class: Fighter / Hybrid
Helm: Wizard / Hybrid
Cape: Wizard / Hybrid
Weapon: Fighter


Class: Thief / Lucky
Helm: Thief / Lucky
Cape: Thief / Lucky
Weapon: Lucky

For the Lucky one, all you really are doing is spamming the attack skills. This deals a great amount of damage in little time. Not to be used against high endurance opponents. Actually, you should specifically go for weakened opponents and finish them off with this.

Strategy 2

Notes/How to use: As with Rogue/Pirate, were going to go with the dodging ability in the build. For this, start off with the skill Thin Air. Try to get a hit with Shadowblade, then Shadowburn will be used to stun the opponent. If you ever get low on mana, be sure to use Shadowburn without using Shadowblade. This will replenish 20 mana, a very nice amount. Once Thin Air has cooled down, use it once again and repeat.

Enhancements used:

Class: Thief
Helm: Thief
Cape: Thief
Weapon: Thief

Paladin Class

This is a powerful 2nd Tier class, only obtainable after ranking both Warrior and Healer classes to rank 10, and having at least rank 5 in the good faction. You can also pay 2000 AC.

Class Type: Hybrid

Base Stats:
Strength: 92
Intellect: 92
Endurance: 77
Dexterity: 77
Wisdom: 27
Luck: 19

Strategy (This could also be considered a mixed type between defense and attack)

Notes/How to use: Paladin's a good overall class, dealing normal damage plus magical damage. First off, always use abolish. It is the class's only way to regain mana. This mana should be put towards Healing Word, which will heal you and another person by a really nice amount. Keep this up and you'll be dealing quite a bit of damage for a long time. The skill Exorcise is good for a short burst of damage. I'd really only use it when battling undead. Oh, there's also a rank 10 passive skill. It has a small chance of happening on every hit and heals yourself, and everyone around you along with granting you temporary invincibility.

Enhancements used:

Class: Hybrid / Fighter
Helm: Fighter
Cape: Fighter
Weapon: Wizard / Healer / Spellbreaker

Strategy 2

Notes/How to use: All you'll really need is Zeal here. With this going, keep using Abolish to inflict damage while simultaneously regaining mana. Each time your HP reaches around 70%, make sure you heal yourself with Healing Word. Afterwards, keep the Abolish coming to ensure you do not lose your mana. The two passive skills increase your endurance by 15%, along with your critical hits by 15%. With these skills and your enhancements, it'll be a while before you are taken down. Exorcise is optional.

Enhancements used:

Class: Fighter
Helm: Fighter
Cape: Fighter
Weapon: Fighter / Lucky

Paladin Highlord

Class Type: Hybrid

Base Stats:
Strength: 92
Intellect: 92
Endurance: 77
Dexterity: 77
Wisdom: 27
Luck: 19


Just like DoomKnight Overlord, you’ll need a good party for this class. A good start would be two additional party members.

Notes/How to use: This, unfortunately, is more of a farming class than a soloing class because it’s last skill hits multiple enemies, so it cannot solo bosses like the Dracolich in the Temple of Light. Start out with Light Wave, so if it doesn’t kill everything in the room, everything will immediately attack you, rgaining most of the mana you lost to Light Wave. Next, spam Purifying Flame until either the enemy is dead or Light Wave is available again. Once Light Wave is available again, use it. Use Word of Light when you’re down to about half health, and stay away from Undermine because more than likely, the enemie is going to die before you can get any stacks up. I strongly suggest packing a few mana potions, even if you have to use the alchemy tradeskill to do it.

Once again, get as many party members as possible. Best used for soloing purposes only, but you will need at least one other party member to pull this off, and is most successful with two. Start off with Purifying Flame, then start stacking Undermine until you have a full stack. Renew Purifying Flame whenever it fades, and attempt to keep the Undermine stacks up. Use Word of Light when down at half health, and only use Light Wave as a finishing move. Once again, pack mana potions, the more, the better, you won't regret it.

Enhancements used:

Class: Lucky
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky


This class is included with the purchase of the DoomWood and Chaos MOD packs.

Class Type: Hybrid

Base Stats:
Strength: 92
Intellect: 92
Endurance: 77
Dexterity: 77
Wisdom: 27
Luck: 19


Notes/How to use: PaladinSlayer is an overall great class, especially in PvP. It heavily focuses on one target, but is sadly a mana burner. Luckily if everything hits in the correct order however, it deals massive damage in the first go. The first skill, Decay, cancels the opponent from being able to heal at all. If you’re fighting a class such as Paladin, there’s an almost guaranteed win. Just cut them off of healing from the get go. Power yourself up with Undead Power, then apply Dark Grip to the enemy. This evil skill reduces their haste while increasing damage dealt to them. Finally, let rip with Dark Energy. Dark Energy is also a very ranged attack and can hit anything from anywhere.

Enhancements used:

Class: Wizard / Lucky
Helm: Wizard / Lucky
Cape: Wizard / Lucky
Weapon: Wizard / Lucky

Pirate Class


Note: Also used for Alpha Pirate. It is also similar to Rogue Class, but may be updated in the future.

Class Type: Melee

Base Stats:
Strength: 77
Intellect: 19
Endurance: 86
Dexterity: 127
Wisdom: 39
Luck: 39


Notes/How to use: Pirate class has a very nice offensive strategy. First off, this class will only deliver 75% of the damage that other classes deal. In return, it hits at a much faster rate than the other classes. You can start the battle off with Footwork, it will increase your odds on dodging early on as well as the rate at which you attack. Then activate Viper's Kiss. This skill lasts 10 seconds while delivering overtime damage. At around 7-9 seconds use your Opportunity's Strike skill. The power of this skill grows the longer Viper's Kiss has been activated. Immediately upon bringing your enemies' HP less than 40%, activate Footwork, then Stiletto. You will start to hit your opponent very quickly for very high amounts of damage for 20 seconds.

Enhancements used:

Class: Thief
Helm: Thief
Cape: Thief
Weapon: Thief / Lucky

Strategy 2

Notes/How to use: This defensive build is going to based around dodging more than saving your endurance. The passive skill already increases your chance to dodge by 15%, and you'll need footwork going for as much as you can. This will increase your chance to doge by 30%, bringing it to a whopping 45%! That being added to the many thief enhancements, it'll really make a difference. While your opponent is struggling to hit you, use Viper's Kiss to keep their HP withering away.

Enhancements used:

Class: Thief
Helm: Thief
Cape: Thief
Weapon: Thief

ProtoSartorium Class

Note: Also used for Rustbucket/Enforcer Classes. These are nonmember iterations of the class.

Class Type: Hybrid

Base Stats:
Strength: 92
Intellect: 92
Endurance: 77
Dexterity: 77
Wisdom: 27
Luck: 19


Notes/How to use: This class is all about the offense! Hits very quickly, and has 100% damage, unlike the Rogue class and others. The passive skill Quick Like Lightning also grants an extra 15% haste, making you attack even faster. This class has a very good Area of Effect attack dealing more damage to each person it hits on screen. Jackhammer hits 150% of your weapon damage but cannot crit. It's still a very good skill with a quick cool down. If you choose to go with magical damage instead as this is a hybrid type class, you can use the wizard enhancements to power up the Plasma Bolt attack. The skill Event Horizon will lower your opponents attack power depending on your own attack power. You know what they say... Offense is the best defense, yes?

Enhancements used:

Class: Hybrid / Fighter
Helm: Hybrid / Fighter / Wizard
Cape: Fighter / Wizard
Weapon: Fighter / Wizard / Lucky

Strategy 2

Notes/How to use: Though this class is mainly used for the offense, it can also be used for defense! You'll want high attack power and high endurance to pull it off though. At the beginning of the battle, you'll need to use the Event Horizon skill. Since your attack is very high, the damage you'll be receiving will be lowered. This is your time to strike back. With no magical enhancements, you'll need to avoid using Plasma Bolt. A bonus from one of the passive skills decreases your damage taken by 10%. While you are defending, you'll need to use Jackhammer to deal damage... as long as you can spare the mana. This class does not have any healing skills, so you need to try to take out your opponent quickly.

Enhancements used:

Class: Fighter
Helm: Fighter
Cape: Fighter
Weapon: Fighter

Pyromancer Class


Class Type: Magic

Base Stats:
Strength: 23
Intellect: 127
Endurance: 77
Dexterity: 42
Wisdom: 58
Luck: 58

Enhancements used:


Notes/How to use: Start off with Sear for the Scorch effect first. Next, follow up with Withering Blast so they start moving slower, and nuke ‘em with Flame Orb. Flame Orb basically crits around 5.7K when used with the Sear effect (the difference is only off by 1), and 2.8K without. If you’ve already lost around 300-500 HP, use Burning Ward as fast as you possibly can, then renew Withering Blast and Sear. Use Flame Orb whenever it’s available, it’s your main source of damage, and doesn’t use up as much mana is you would think. Withering Blast needs to be kept up as much as possible, as well as Sear. Keep a haste potion on you while using this class, it’s skills are a tad slower than usual, so the extra speed would help keep up some of the effects longer.

Note: Only keep Sear on one monster at a time, it usually runs out around the time its cooldown has already finished.

Class: Lucky
Helm: Wizard
Cape: Wizard
Weapon: Wizard

Ranger Class


Class Type: Melee

Base Stats:
Strength: 77
Intellect: 19
Endurance: 86
Dexterity: 127
Wisdom: 39
Luck: 39


Notes/How to use: Ranger class.. A very hard item to earn, also the first to have a different attacking style to it; it shoots arrows. This means it also hits players regardless of range, very unique and cool. Mark for Death is obviously what this class is all about so you'd better constantly spam constantly when in battle. I'd use Flaming Arrow after stacking Mark for Death a few times first, just to deal nice DoT to the enemy. If the enemy is about dead, then obviously you'd use Explosive Volt too deal as much damage as possible and finishing them off. Vampiric shot is the method of healing for this class and should probably be used around half health, since it's over time and not a one shot heal. Don't forget the amount healed is also affected by the amount of Mark for Deaths stacked.

Enhancements used:

Class: Thief
Helm: Thief / Lucky
Cape: Fighter / Thief
Weapon: Thief / Lucky

Rogue Class


Note: Also used for Renegade/Vampire/Barber/Leprechaun Class

Class Type: Melee

Base Stats:
Strength: 77
Intellect: 19
Endurance: 86
Dexterity: 127
Wisdom: 39
Luck: 39


Notes/How to use: Rogue class has a very nice offensive strategy. First off, this class will only deliver 75% of the damage that other classes deal. In return, it hits at a much faster rate than the other classes. You can start the battle off with Footwork, it will increase your odds on dodging early on as well as the rate at which you attack. Then activate Viper's Kiss. This skill lasts 10 seconds while delivering overtime damage. At around 7-9 seconds use your Opportunity's Strike skill. The power of this skill grows the longer Viper's Kiss has been activated. Immediately upon bringing your enemies' HP less than 40%, activate Footwork, then Stiletto. You will start to hit your opponent very quickly for very high amounts of damage for 20 seconds.

Enhancements used:

Class: Thief
Helm: Thief
Cape: Thief
Weapon: Thief / Lucky

Strategy 2

Notes/How to use: This defensive build is going to be based around dodging more than saving your endurance. The passive skill already increases your chance to dodge by 15%, and you'll need footwork going for as much as you can. This will increase your chance to dodge by 30%, bringing it to a whopping 45%! That being added to the many thief enhancements, it'll really make a difference. While your opponent is struggling to hit you, use Viper's Kiss to keep their HP withering away.

Enhancements used:

Class: Thief
Helm: Thief
Cape: Thief
Weapon: Thief

Shaman Class


Class Type: Magical

Base Stats:
Strength: 23
Intellect: 108
Endurance: 89
Dexterity: 19
Wisdom: 108
Luck: 39


Notes/How to use: Shaman's a pretty cool class, definitely worth all of the farming for it. Excellent at farming, the first skill Ancestor's Flame hits up to three enemies with nice damage, you can then follow up with Hydrophobia. This'll do nice damage as well as healing you for a tiny bit. When in battle, always make sure to use Elemental Embrace first. It'll strengthen all of your skills a little bit. When Dry Lightning crits, it's fatal. With a nice luck spread it's good for quick kills. I'd avoid trying to use this in dragged out fights such as solos but for farming and quick kills in the likes of PvP, it's excellent.

Enhancements used:

Class: Wizard
Helm: Wizard
Cape: Wizard
Weapon: Wizard

Skyguard Grenadier

Class Type: Melee

Base Stats:
Strength: 104
Intellect: 19
Endurance: 116
Dexterity: 85
Wisdom: 39
Luck: 23


Notes/How to use: This is the build that you’ll be using to deal the highest amount of damage that you possibly can. Start off with Hamstring and immediately lead off with Reactive Grenade for the DoT effect. Next, use Sleeping Gas for Gassed State so the enemy will be hitting you at a slower pace. Use Reactive Grenade when it’s available, now for the Elude effect, so the enemy will be hitting you less frequently now. Hit them again with Flashbang, so now not only do you have high dodge rate, the enemy’s hit rate is reduced. Use Reactive Grenade again now, so you begin healing, then use Hamstring again, so the enemy attacks are weakened while your healing. Rinse and repeat.

Enhancements used:

Class: Lucky
Helm: Lucky

Strategy 2

Notes/How to use: Just do the same thing as before, Except you’re not using the Gassed State and Elude effects for this one. Your basically just tanking it out with this build. Just use Hamstring, Reactive Grenade, then Flashbang. Use Reactive Grenade again when it’s ready, then use Hamstring. Rinse and repeat.

Enhancements Used:

Class: Fighter
Helm: Fighter
Cape: Fighter
Weapon: Fighter

Strategy 3

Notes/How to use: With this build now, we’re taking out Hamstring. The fun thing about this build is how versatile it is. We’re basically trying to dodge , strike, and heal here, so start off with Gassed State, then use Reactive Grenade for Elude. Then use Flashbang, so that now you’ll be dodging a lot. Use Reactive Grenade again when it’s ready, then use Gassed State. Rinse and repeat, and you should be doing a whole world of progress.

Enhancements used:
Class: Thief
Helm: Thief
Cape: Thief
Weapon: Thief

Starlord Class

Class Type: Melee

Base stats:
Strength: 77
Intellect: 19
Endurance: 86
Dexterity: 127
Wisdom: 39
Luck: 39


Notes/How to use: Starlord has some quick little powerful attacks along with one nerf attack. Always keep Pulse Compression and Pulse Dilation alternating each time they cool down. Nice quick spurts of big damage, plus slowing your opponent. When fighting multiple enemies, High Energy Arc can be used against them all at once and even healing you if you had Pulse Compression activated. Energy Arc will remained unused unless you happen to be farming class points/exp/reputation in a room with many monsters. It's a relatively strong attack that gets the job done quickly against weaker monsters.

Enhancements used:

Class: Fighter / Thief
Helm: Fighter / Thief
Cape: Fighter / Thief
Weapon: Fighter / Thief / Lucky

Strategy 2

Notes/How to use: Thanks to its high base stat of dexterity and its passive skill that adds 15% more dexterity, the thief enhancements work well here. Like before, keep Pulse Compression going every time it cools down but this time alternate it with Pulse Dilation and High Energy Arc. I wouldn't recommend using this strategy in a farming zone, as the best for that is the offensive strategy.

Enhancements used:
Class: Thief
Helm: Thief
Cape: Thief
Weapon: Thief

Thief of Hours


Note: *The strategy listed in the Strategy section is not PvP suitable, for information regarding using this in PvP use Jason’s Advanced PvP Strategies Guide.*

Class Type: Hybrid

Base Stats:
Strength: 77
Intellect: 19
Endurance: 86
Dexterity: 127
Wisdom: 39
Luck: 39


Notes/How to use: Enhancements used: Well, this class is just plain ridiculous for starters, not only does it have Rogue’s dodge rate, if you do get hit you can simply re-direct the damage right back at them. It possibly even has a better haste regeneration than Rogue does, and sometimes can even out-dodge Rogue. Start out with Steal Seconds, until you reach max stacks. Next, use Temporal Insanity then start alternating between both Timestream and Steal Seconds. When you have lost about one fourth(1/4th) of your health, start alternating between Steal Seconds and Sonic Piledriver until the HoT starts up, then only try to keep the Steal Seconds up. Rinse and repeat or if your low on mana only use Steal Seconds until you have enough mana to use Temporal Insanity.

Class: Lucky
Helm: Lucky/ Thief
Cape: Lucky/ Thief
Weapon: Lucky

Troll Spellsmith


Class Type: Magical

Base Stats:
Strength: 23
Intellect: 127
Endurance: 77
Dexterity: 42
Wisdom: 58
Luck: 58


Notes/How to use: This class is actually pretty amazing. Just make sure you're stacking Weakness Sigil constantly, the other skills depend on it. Actually, before going into combat you should have just stacked it as much as possible. With Sigil being constantly stacked, your HP should be fine since you're always being healed. Both Energy Arc and Frostflame will deal heavy damage while under the effect of Sigil. Energy Arc hits several enemies for around 2.5k on a crit and 897 normally (static range). Frostflame will only attack one target but it still hits for quite a bit as well as lowers its haste. It might even stun them. I personally hardly use Energy Drain.. If you're in a situation where pulling it off is beneficial, go for it.

Enhancements used:

Class: Lucky
Helm: Wizard
Cape: Wizard
Weapon: Wizard


Class Type: Physical

Base Stats:
Strength: 104
Intellect: 19
Endurance: 116
Dexterity: 85
Wisdom: 39
Luck: 23


Notes/How to use: Undead Slayer is exactly what it sounds like; it is for fighting undead. Every attack you deal will net you something called a power orb. These orbs modify how much damage each of your attacks do and stack up to 200. They are only gained while fighting a monster classed as “undead”. While gaining power orbs, just be sure to go between Exorcise and Vorpal Strike. When you need to heal, heal with Spirit of Healing. The last skill can only be used once you’ve gained at least 20 spirit orbs. This is of course, the finishing move… Make sure that when you use it the opponent will die because if you slip up and waste your power orbs on that attack, all of your skills will be weakened back to the base strength.

Enhancements used:

Class: Fighter / Lucky
Helm: Fighter / Lucky
Cape: Fighter / Lucky
Weapon: Fighter / Lucky

Warrior Class


Note: Also used for Warlord/Pumpkin Lord/Beast Warrior Classes

Class Type: Melee

Base Stats:
Strength: 104
Intellect: 19
Endurance: 116
Dexterity: 85
Wisdom: 39
Luck: 23


Notes/How to use: This variant of Warrior class focuses on destroying your opponent with very high attack power. The two passive skills that are acquired once you reach level 4 will both increase your offensive attacks by 10% and decrease your damage taken from outside attacks by 10%. Recommended skills to use - Prepared Strike, then Decisive Strike every time the opportunity arises. Imbalancing Strike should be used anytime you have mana conserved. Prepared Strike will regain mana due to the passive skill, that's good to keep in mind.

Enhancements used:

Class: Fighter
Helm: Fighter
Cape: Fighter
Weapon: Fighter

OR alternative enhancement build would be:

Class: Fighter / Lucky
Helm: Fighter / Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky

This version uses the same strategy as above, the only difference is you may want to use On Guard to decrease the damage you're taking by 50% since you have less endurance. The skill itself only does 75% of your weapons damage, but you also will be experiencing stronger critical hits from this build due to the luck enhancements.

Strategy 2

Notes/How to use: For this type of Warrior class build, having a lot of endurance is key. Dexterity might be added to give your character more dodge thus lasting longer in battle. You'll need to keep the ability On Guard activated to keep up your defense. You'll need to also keep the stun going with Imbalancing Strike each time the opportunity is given, it will give you a few seconds to regain mana or to wait for On Guard to cool down.

Enhancements used:

Class: Fighter
Helm: Fighter
Cape: Fighter / Thief
Weapon: Fighter

These classes are currently [image]http://aqwwiki.wdfiles.com/local--files/image-tags/rarelarge.png[/image]

Clawsuit Class

Class Type: Melee

Base Stats:
Strength: 104
Intellect: 19
Endurance: 116
Dexterity: 85
Wisdom: 39
Luck: 23


Notes/How to use: Clawsuit is a pretty big mana burner. You should typically avoid using Jacknife Frost and Hearth's Embrace, the former unless you need to use it for a stun. Just start with Santa Claws to activate the DoT and a pretty good hit, and follow with Rudolph's Revenge. This should net you a good amount of damage. Just watch your mana and you should be good to go.

Enhancements used:

Class: Fighter
Helm: Fighter
Cape: Fighter
Weapon: Fighter / Lucky

Strategy 2

Notes/How to use: Now this is a fun way to defend. We are going to render the opponent useless. >:D With that crazy 5 second stun, you'll know that's possible to use effectively. It's rather simple. Just use Jacknife Frost followed by Rudolph's Revenge. This will cause the 5 second stun. Every time you are able to, repeat that process once again. With the Luck Enhancements you'll be hitting great deals of damage while doing this.

Enhancements used:

Class: Fighter / Lucky
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky

Chronomancer Class


This class was given with the purchase of the 2011 AE calendar.

Class Type: Hybrid

Base Stats:
Strength: 92
Intellect: 92
Endurance: 77
Dexterity: 77
Wisdom: 21
Luck: 19


Notes/How to use: Chronomancer.. First off, grats on your calendar! Anyway, this is by far one of the most useful classes yet. What you're gonna do is Temporal Strike 4 times in succession. Every move that Chronomancer has relies on this technique. After stacking Temporal Strike, use Rift Collapse. Rinse, and repeat. Every once in a while when you need so to regenerate some HP, use Rift Inversion. Be warned that after using this, you won't be able to stack anymore Temporal Strikes for six seconds, but it raises haste.

I wouldn't say there would be a build made heavily for defense. I would say leaving everything at fighter enhancement would be best, since it gives out the most HP and Rift Inversion runs off Magical or Physical damage, so using spell related enhancements wouldn't help all that much.

Enhancements used:

Class: Fighter / Spellbreaker
Helm: Fighter / Spellbreaker
Cape: Fighter / Spellbreaker
Weapon: Fighter / Lucky



Class Type: Magic

Base stats:
Strength: 23
Intellect: 127
Endurance: 77
Dexterity: 42
Wisdom: 58
Luck: 58


Notes/How to use: They said it'd have cookies.. This class is supposedly best used for farming, even then it seems pretty tough to use correctly. Dark Power must be used a few times, the other skills depend on it. After you use it around three times or more(depending on the number of monsters around you and whether or not you miss or the monster dodges), go ahead and activate Blinding Rage. This skill hits all targets with some average damage but can also stun them 50% of the time. After getting that out, continue stacking Deep Rage with Dark Power. Use Blood Boil when you can get it out safely, and save renewal for when you absolutely need it/conditions are right. A drop in your own haste can be devastating. However when farming, renewal is really useful when you reach half health or are are really low in mana and have a hard time recovering.

Enhancements used:

Class: Wizard / Lucky
Helm: Wizard
Cape: Wizard
Weapon: Wizard / Lucky

Pinkomancer Class


Note: *Pinkomancer has went rare since Beleen's second birthday shop, and may or may not recieve an update to its skills.*

Class Type: Magic

Base Stats:
Strength: 23
Intellect: 127
Endurance: 77
Dexterity: 42
Wisdom: 58
Luck: 58


Notes/How to use: Somehow, full luck brings out the full damage potential of Pinkomancer, regardless of it being a caster class. However, regardless of this, with Summon BFF applied and a fixed weapon of 100-100(or 114-114 in Pinkomancer's case), this class can do as high as 1K damage with just auto attack, 1.4K with Tickled Pink, and 2.1K with Pink Empowerment. As insignificant as it is, it also has an extra 5 HP, but it still increases your survival in combat. Start off with Summon BFF, then start spamming both Tickled Pink and Pink Empowerment. If your at less than 40 mana, and you have 3/4 of your health, use Pinkalicious Purge to regain mana. If you have under 3/4 of your health, keep using Tickled Pink until you’re at half health or higher, then use Pinkalicious Purge. Anytime you use Pinkalicious Purge, attempt to regain your health back VIA Tickled Pink.

Enhancements used:

Class: Lucky
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky



Class Type: Melee

Base stats:
Strength: 104
Intellect: 19
Endurance: 116
Dexterity: 85
Wisdom: 39
Luck: 23


Notes/How to use: This is a build that is for people who want higher damage capabillities, as opposed to pure survival. Start off with Stop Time, this is a really nifty little skill here because it not only deals some pretty high damage(2.4K with a static 30-30 weapon), it also stuns the enemy. This, as you can see, is your go-to skill from the start. Next, you'll want to use Compress Time, this is also pretty nifty, it increases your haste substantially, and you gain a mana regen and a heal. The heal isn't very much to speak about, but it's a heal nonetheless, however you still have your orriginal mana regen also has an abillity to heal you so I really wouldn't worry about this too much. Wait until you have about 40 mana now, then start stacking Stretch Time until there are four complete stacks on the enemy, then use Relive the Past, and wait for the rest of the mana regen to end. Renew Compress Time and wait until you have arround 50 mana, then use Stop Time again. Rinse and Repeat.

Enhancements used:

Class: Lucky/Thief
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky

Strategy 2

Notes/How to use: Enhancements used: This is a build to evenly ballance out both your damage as well as your evasion and haste. Once again, start off with Stop Time, and follow up with Compress Time. Stack Stretch Time but try to conserve your mana. Re-use Stop Time, then renew Compress Time. Rinse and Repeat. Note that in this build that you should be able to renew Compress Time before its time runs out, however there are cases where this does not happen.

Class: Lucky
Helm: Thief
Cape: Thief
Weapon: Lucky

Vindicator of They


Class Type: Hybrid

Base Stats:
Strength: 92
Intellect: 92
Endurance: 77
Dexterity: 77
Wisdom: 27
Luck: 19


Notes/How to use: The strategy for this class isn't rocket science, it's very straightforward, a total power house. The final skill, Mass of Incandescent Gas deals extremely heavy damage, applies a DoT, and reduces the opponent's damage dealt. Excellent for PvP, but probably shouldn't just be spammed willy-nilly in PvE. The skill I Want a Rock stuns the opponent for four seconds and cannot miss, so in my opinion this should be the fight starter. It does have a slight repercussion by sticking you with a small DoT but since the enemy is stunned, it doesn't matter. In fact, you can heal yourself with I Just Want Your Half. Problem solved. Once in a while if your opponent isn't stunned, you can throw out a Super Taster attack which will reduce their haste and apply a DoT.

Enhancements used:

Class: Wizard / Lucky
Helm: Wizard
Cape: Wizard
Weapon: Wizard / Lucky

These classes are currently [image]http://aqwwiki.wdfiles.com/local--files/image-tags/seasonallarge.png[/image]

Evolved Clawsuit Class

Class Type: Hybrid

Base Stats:
Strength: 92
Intellect: 92
Endurance: 77
Dexterity: 77
Wisdom: 27
Luck: 19


Notes/How to use: Evolved Clawsuit, the up-bringer of the previous Clawsuit. This one is seasonal and will be found every Frostval. Being offensive is going to run around you spamming the Naughty skill. This gets increasingly stronger each time you use it, stacking up to 4 times. After you've had it stacked to the max, use Check the List. Depending on whether it is Naughty or Nice, the effect will change. Since they are Naughty, this attack deals a large amount of damage. The best part is, it won't consume any of the Naughty buffs, and it lowers the opponents haste. Use this in conjunction with spamming Naughty to inflict damage while slowing the enemy down.

Enhancements used:

Class: Hybrid / Fighter
Helm: Hybrid / Fighter / Wizard
Cape: Fighter / Wizard
Weapon: Lucky / Hybrid

Strategy 2

Notes/How to use: Right. So maybe you're more focused on defending and healing rather than rushing in with brute force. Basically, you're going to spam Nice. After hitting them with Nice, go ahead and use one Naughty. This will deal some damage over time to them. Continue spamming Nice to deal damage and heal yourself. Whenever you get the chance, use Check the List. While they are inflicted with Nice, you'll get a speed buff and a damage buff as well as reducing incoming damage.

Enhancements used:

Class: Fighter
Helm: Fighter
Cape: Fighter
Weapon: Fighter / Spellbreaker

Evolved Leprechaun Class


Class Type: Melee

Base Stats:
Strength: 85
Intellect: 31
Endurance: 69
Dexterity: 81
Wisdom: 31
Luck: 89


Notes/How to use: Evolved Leprechaun is somewhat similar, but not as efficient dodge class compared to rogue, however, the damage and hit percentage is higher, 100.25%. Because the it's a luck based class, it's also safe to assume that the critical hit percentage as well as damage would be high as well, especially with all those critical hit and critical damage buffs. The obvious (I hope) first thing to do is hit them with Soilsigh, so Amharach's effect increase is put into play. Everything after that isn't as straightforward as you think, you'll want to activate Slanatheoir. This way, Soilsigh's cooldown is faster than it's effect duration, and it also makes timing a bit less complicated, also, the dodge/critical increase is also something to apprieciate. Needless to say, this is not as good as Rogue's Footwork, but there is a bit more buffs than Footwork has. Third on the list is Trodai, your second highest damage dealer (unless you consider your auto attack as a skill). Then you release the ticking time bomb, very similar to Rogue's Opportunity's Strike, but that it'll be able to cop out a bit more damage because of all those buffs you set up earlier. You'll want to use this right when Soilsigh's cooldown has ended (only if Slanatheoir is in effect), or if Slanatheoir was never in effect, you'll want to use it before you reach one fourth of Soilsigh's cooldown. Rinse and repeat and hope that nothing you use misses, otherwise you might have some trouble on your hands.

Enhancements used:

Class: Lucky
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky

Strategy 2

Notes/How to use: Evolved Leprechaun is the long sought after replacement of the old Leprechaun class which went rare forever. First thing's first, you should activate Slanaitheoir to increase your Luck, Haste, Dodge, Crit Chance, and Crit damage. That's one nice buff. Soilsigh is probably a good one to use afterwards because one of the other skills, Amharach, gets stronger the less time Keen has left. Activate Trodai whenever you can. Keep that and Slanaitheoir up while you essentially rotate the other two skills.

Enhancements used:

Class: Thief
Helm: Thief
Cape: Thief
Weapon: Thief / Lucky

No Class


Class Type: Melee

Base stats:
Strength: 104
Intellect: 19
Endurance: 116
Dexterity: 85
Wisdom: 39
Luck: 23


Notes/How to use: All you have going for this class is the passive skills. Aggression raises your damage output by 10%, and Resolute decreases damage taken power by 10%. Other than that, all you have is the Auto Attack which has no bonuses whatsoever.

Enhancements used:

Class: Fighter / Thief / Lucky
Helm: Fighter / Thief / Lucky
Cape: Fighter / Thief / Lucky
Weapon: Fighter / Thief / Lucky

aliesterus -> RE: [ARCHIVED] Useful/Recommended Class Builds (11/27/2013 0:31:51)

Direct Link to the Table of Contents

Work in Progress

These are all the things that I'm still working on, but will periodically post updates upon, and once finished it will make it to the actual guide itself. Some of the material may look finished, but however in reality isn't, because unfortunately there are some material that I haven't gotten ahold of yet, such as specifically how much damage the class can do, or maybe because I haven't gotten to the current level cap so as to provide the most recent statistics and damage. Be assured, I am working on this guide, and I'm doing it to help all of you who aren't too sure what to do. I will also list reasons as to why the classes bellow are currently on this list, both on the actual enhancements build, and in bold italics above them.

Currently in progress: As said, these are the classes that have yet to be finished, however I'll post updates whenever possible, and list reasons as to why they are currently unfinished.

Reasons as to why classes are unfinished:

I have not reached the current level maximum yet, and this is important because it would affect base stats, damage dealt with each skill, heals, Damage over Time or Heal over Time.

Help Needed Section:
[DCC] Recommended Builds for Dark Caster Class - (in the Help Needed Section, awaiting review)

Coming Soon:
[AMR] Recommended Builds for Arachnomancer
[LGH] Recommended Builds for Legendary Hero
[ELW] Recommended Builds for Elemental Warrior

Table of Contents:
[LCC] Recommended Builds for Legion Soul Cleaver
[AFC] Recommended Builds for Archfiend Class
[NMC] Recommended Builds for Not a Mod Class
[EDC] Recommended Builds for Evolved Dark Caster
[BMR] Recommended Builds for BladeMaster
[MCJ] Recommended Builds for MechaJouster
[ORE] Recommended Builds for Oracle
[BTM] Recommended Builds for BattleMage
[DGS] Recommended Builds for Dragon Shinobi
[DGK] Recommended Builds for Dragon Knight
[CCC] Recommended Builds for Chrono Corruptor

Classes subject to change:
Note:These Classes are subject to change and will not come off this section until further confirmation. Thanks to Shadowhunt for pointing this out to me.

[GWL] Recommended Builds for Glacial Warlord
[MCJ] Recommended Builds for MechaJouster

Soul Cleaver


Class Type: Melee

Base Stats:(States are currently not updated, but these are the stats should look like at level 50)
Strength: 92
Intellect: 92
Endurance: 77
Dexterity: 77
Wisdom: 27
Luck: 19

(Exact damage values aren't up do date yet, so I haven't provided exact damage measurements yet.)

This class is pretty amazing, but quite possibly the only class you don't want to rank to 10. Mainly because the rank 10 passive will kill you to enhance the stats of your allies, and you don't know when exactly this will happen, so let's stick to the safe side shall we? You'll want to start off with what I like to call "the blitz opening". You'll start out by using Blood Price, then immediately attempt to get Soul Rend up twice, or three times if you aren't at half health yet. You'll then hit the monster with Soul Snare, and you'll have one opportunity to hit it with Soul Rend once. Once Soul Snare wears off, immediately use Soul Leach, then hit the monster with Soul Rend. Use Soul Rend until Soul Leach is available, then use Soul Leach if you're under half health. Continue using Soul Rend until either the monster is dead, or Soul Snare is available again. Use Soul Snare if your health is below half, giving you room to use one Soul Rend. Soul Leach should be available by then, which then you'll want to immediately use. The thing you want to keep in mind is that Soul Snare and Soul Leach have very slow cooldowns, meaning you'll want to use them at key moments when your HP is low. Soul Snare should only be used if your HP is lower than 1/2 and around 1/4, and you should attempt to use Soul Rend before it's faded, and to immediately use Soul Leach once Soul Snare has faded. This should keep you alive, however I do not suggest soloing higher tier bosses with this class, and to stick to lower tier bosses such as the Red Dragon, or Mafic Dragon(of whom both were used as test subjects for this strategy).

Bosses this strategy was tested on:
Mafic Dragon from /join mafic

Enhancements used:

Class: Lucky
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky

Archfiend Class


Class Type: Magic

Base Stats:(States are currently not updated, but these are the stats should look like at level 50)
Strength: 23
Intellect: 127
Endurance: 77
Dexterity: 42
Wisdom: 58
Luck: 58

(Exact damage values aren't up do date yet, so I haven't provided exact damage measurements yet.)

Notes/How to use: This class is meant to be a support class, and its heal isn't to be relied upon, as there's a random chance for it to happen, so soloing is simply out of the question, even for low tier bosses. Its haste is pretty high up there, somewhat decent evasion, however critical rate is pretty poor. However, it makes up for its bad Critical Hit percentage with its third skill, Fiend Frenzy, which tacks on an additional 30% to the crit rate of everyone in the room with you. I heavily suggest to have as many people in the room with you as possible, as Fiend Frenzy is your goto skill here, because Fiend Leach has a higher chance of happening, as each person you cast the spell on will be considered one additional application of the spell, for example, one person, you, is one time the spell is used, two people will be two applications, three is three applications, and so on. Now, after finding a group to help you(or to help, whatever the case may be), start stacking Mark of Death on the enemy until you have max stacks, while constantly renewing Fiend Frenzy whenever it cools down. Then, use Abyssal Contract. This is what makes finding a group really useful, because now the monster is taking 75% bonus damage from all attacks, not just yours, and as an added bonus, the damage boost also applies to your DoT. Start using Fiendish Strike now that Abyssal Contract is up, and apply Mark of Death in between each cooldown, while continuing to renew Fiend Frenzy. Stop using Fiendish Strike when Abyssal Contract fades, so as to conserve mana, and continue to renew Fiend Frenzy whenever it's done cooling down, and applying Mark of Death whenever suitable. Rinse and Repeat starting from Abyssal Contract.

Bosses that this strategy was tested on:
Mafic Dragon from /join mafic

Enhancements used:

Class: Wizard
Helm: Wizard
Cape: Wizard
Weapon: Wizard

Not a Mod Class


Class Type: Melee

Base Stats:(States are currently not updated, but these are the stats should look like at level 50)
Strength: 104
Intellect: 19
Endurance: 116
Dexterity: 85
Wisdom: 39
Luck: 23

(Exact damage values aren't up do date yet, so I haven't provided exact damage measurements yet.)

Notes/How to use: Despite its description and skill text saying that it’s essentially just a generic class that does nothing special, this is actually a pretty good class if you want really fast kills on low tier bosses on your own. You’ll want to open with Store Brand Painkiller and Freak Out (Um, don’t really freak out, it’s the name of the skill), as the first will be what keeps you alive throughout the whole fight, and the second is your source of mana regen as well as damage, as you only have two skills that can damage. You’ll then want to use Button Mash and Reasonable Strike once each, then renew Freak Out when it’s available again. Loop this and renew Store Brand Painkiller when it’s available, and you have sufficient mana/desperately need it. Only use Reasonable Strike when your mana is above 30, and if your mana is under 20, only use Freak Out and wait for your mana go up to 40 or higher. Your enemy is usually dead by then so you usually don’t have to worry too much.

Bosses that this strategy was tested on:
Ssikari from /join firestorm

Enhancements used:

Class: Lucky
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky

Evolved Dark Caster Class


Class Type: Magic

Base Stats:(States are currently not updated, but these are the stats should look like at level 50)
Strength: 23
Intellect: 127
Endurance: 77
Dexterity: 42
Wisdom: 58
Luck: 58

(Exact damage values aren't up do date yet, so I haven't provided exact damage measurements yet, and need to test strategies against mid level bosses to see how well it does.)

Notes/How to use: This class is yet another Jack of All Trades, and very and more than capable of handling low tier bosses. You’ll want to start off with Soul Scourge to wipe out a decent amount of HP from your opponent. You’ll then want to start stacking Overshadowed and keep up the stacks. Only Stygian Pact whenever you’re at around half HP or absolutely need to, and use Onyx Combustion at your digression (meaning whenever your mana can handle it). Hit your enemy with Soul Scourge whenever it’s available if you have enough mana to use it.

Bosses this strategy was tested on:
Ssikari from /join firestorm

Enhancements used:

Class: Lucky
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky



Class Type: Melee

Base Stats:
Strength: 77
Intellect: 19
Endurance: 86
Dexterity: 127
Wisdom: 39
Luck: 39


Notes/How to use: Blademaster, simply put, can be quite irritating if you’re facing off against it. It has the main utility tools of any evasion based class, but it has something other evasion based classes usually don’t have, a stun and a nuke, and to make it worse the nuke is put together with the stun so that not too much mana is being used up. You’ll want to start off with Nukiuchi(anyone notice the pun here?), and if it doesn’t stun, immediately follow up with Uki Negashi and Sever, and if it does stun, wait for the stun to wear off, then immediately use Uki Negashi and Sever. If your mana is bellow the halfway mark, which is highly unlikely, refrain from using anything but Uki Negashi until you reach 80 mana, then use Sever. Use Nukiuchi whenever it’s available and you’re around 70 or 80 mana, and avoid using Bladefury unless Nukiuchi misses, the monster is almost dead and you think it would contribute to killing it faster, or there are other monsters in to room you can pull to you so that you can siphon some blows to create mana/HP(although doing so would be a little risky).

Bosses this strategy was tested on:
Ssikari from /join firestorm

Enhancements used:

Class: Thief
Helm: Thief
Cape: Thief
Weapon: Thief



Class Type: Magical

Base Stats:(States are currently not updated, but these are the stats should look like at level 50)
Strength: 23
Intellect: 108
Endurance: 89
Dexterity: 19
Wisdom: 108
Luck: 39

(Exact damage values aren't up do date yet, so I haven't provided exact damage measurements yet.)

Notes/How to use: Oracle is just simply broken. It's Healer Class with ADHD on Steroids and lots of sugar, because not only does it have a good heal, but its got really good damage strength, great dodge rate, and can even enhance its dodge rate and lower its damage taken by enemies. I say it has ADHD and is on sugar because its mana regeneration is pretty amazing, as it can recover all mana lost within a very short time. Simply put, it's amazing for soloing purposes, and even better for boss farming purposes. You'll want to start by using Fortell, then using Edited Time Line. More than likely Edited Time Line will crit after using Fortell, but even if it doesn't it'll leave some really nice effects that goes along with Fortell. Then you'll want to spam Foresight whenever it's available, because not only is it great for your mana regeneration, it can increase the damage of your crits for a short time. Alternate between Fortell and Edited Timeline whenever they're available, and use Group Divination whenever you're around 1/3rd or half of your HP. If you have unlocked any of the Awe enhancements, I highly reccomend using Spiral Carve with this class, as any increase in crit rate is allways welcome here, as well as boosting your auto attack to some pretty good heights.

Bosses that this strategy was tested on:
Ssikari from /join firestorm
Chaos Vordred from /join necrocavern

Enhancements used:

Class: Lucky
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky

*Notes* It may seem odd that I recommend full luck for this class, but the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. The disadvantages only include damage done by Edited Timeline only doing 50 less damage on a crit, and the heal doing around 100 less. The advantages includes better crit and evasion percentage, and an additional 100 or so auto attack damage when it crits.



Class Type: Magic

Mage Based Stats
Base Stats:
Strength: 23
Intellect: 127
Endurance: 77
Dexterity: 42
Wisdom: 58
Luck: 58


Notes/How to use: Keep Enchanted Blade Active for solo and PvP, or in farming keep it off. Arcane Fire is your fastest skill cool downwise. Spam it.
Arcane Devastation is spammed mostly for the damage boost not for the effect. Use Explosive Shield when needed and have plenty of mana to spare.

Bosses this strategy was tested on:
Some Boss From /join SomePlace

Enhancements used:
Class: Wizard
Helm: Wizard
Cape: Wizard
Weapon: Wizard

Dragon Shinobi


Class Type: Melee

Rogue Based Stats:
Strength: 77
Intellect: 19
Endurance: 86
Dexterity: 127
Wisdom: 39
Luck: 39


Notes/How to use: Stack Shadow Kunai up to ten times, then hit them with Flaming Dragon. Use Shadow Soul to replenish mana, and your DoT’s will essentially act as your attacks during the time you’re stunned. If you’re ever at around half of your HP while stacking Shadow Kunai, and you have less than 80 mana, immediately use Shadow Soul, then use Chi Heal as soon as the stun wears off, then use Shadow Soul again to replenish the mana that whent into Chi Heal.

Bosses this strategy was tested on:
Chaos Vordred From /join Necrocavern

Enhancements used:
Class: Thief
Helm: Thief
Cape: Thief
Weapon: Thief

Dragon Knight


Class Type: Magic

Mage Based Stats
Base Stats:
Strength: 23
Intellect: 127
Endurance: 77
Dexterity: 42
Wisdom: 58
Luck: 58


Notes/How to use: This is the offensive strategy, where you’re using all of your offensive skills to the maximum. Start off with Dragon Fire, then immediately hit the enemy with Swordplay, then Dragon Breath. Renew Dragon fire when felt necessary, always renew Swordplay whenever it’s done cooling down, and use Dragon Breath whenever you feel it would suit your needs. Whenever you’re around half HP use Dragon’s Might.

Strategy 2

Notes/How to use: This is the defensive strategy, where you’re more concerned about surviving and only using the more offensive skills as a finisher. Start off with Swordplay, then immediately follow up with Dragon’s Might. Hit the enemy with Dragon Breath afterward. Constantly renew Swordplay whenever its cooldown is done, and renew Dragon’s Might whenever it’s faded. Use Dragon Breath only when you have large amounts of mana to splurge, and avoid using Dragon Breath if you can help it.

Bosses this strategy was tested on:
Ssikari From /join Firestorm

Enhancements used:
Class: Wizard
Helm: Wizard
Cape: Wizard
Weapon: Wizard

Chrono Corruptor


Class Type: Hybrid

Ninja Based Stats
Base Stats:
Strength: 92
Intellect: 92
Endurance: 77
Dexterity: 77
Wisdom: 27
Luck: 19


Notes/How to use: This class in my opinion is best used for bosses or for soloing for lower level locations that is if you're already at max level. It is still quite great since it can crit between 10-30k depending also on if you have a stable or unstable weapon. Best to start out with Chaos Rift and stack it till max amount needed then use Shiftburn after that use Time Collapse. Takes a little bit of practice to get use to it

Bosses this strategy was tested on:
Mana Golem From /join Elemental

Enhancements used:
Class: Lucky
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky

Note: These classes are subject to change and will not leave this section until further confirmation. Thanks to Shadowhunt for pointing this out to me.

Glacial Warlord


Note: Also used for Warlord/Pumpkin Lord/Beast Warrior Classes

Class Type: Melee

Base Stats:
Strength: 104
Intellect: 19
Endurance: 116
Dexterity: 85
Wisdom: 39
Luck: 23


Notes/How to use: This class is pretty amazing, even though most of its skills rely one the first one actually having its effect in place, and the fact that the first skill's effect is randomized. You'll definitely want to spam Pummel until you get Frozen Heart up. This is important because Frostbite requires it, and it helps with Chilling Blow, which may be important to surviving in the future. During your Pummel(ing) spam, if your HP reaches around half and Frozen Heart hasn't appeared yet, use Warcry. Once Frozen Heart is up follow it up with Frostbite and Chilling Blow. If you haven't used Warcry yet, use it now for the HoT effect, which will keep you alive over time. After using up all three Frostbite will fade, but this is sort of unavoidable. Start spamming Pummel again, and only use Frostbite whenever Frozen Heart appears, and use Chilling Blow at your own digression.

Bosses that this strategy was tested on:
Ssikari from /join firestorm
Chaos Vordred from /join necrocavern

Enhancements used:
Class: Lucky
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky



Class Type: Melee

Base Stats:
Strength: 116
Intellect: 8
Endurance: 69
Dexterity: 116
Wisdom: 23
Luck: 54


Notes/How to use: Great class, if a little bit forward focused(Ha! Get it? Eh? Ehhh? Oh, forget it...). With this class you'll want to keep on moving, because one time lapse may give whatever you're fighting an advantage. Immediately start off with Charge, because this will give you a major boost in haste, which is pretty necessary while using this class. After using Charge, follow it up with Magnetized Precision, then use Thrust two times before Magnetized Precision fades. Use Magnetized Precision again to cause the Bleed DoT effect, then follow up with Thrust again. Renew Charge whenever available and/or convenient, and use Auto Repair whenever your HP is down by half.

Bosses that this strategy was tested on:
Ssikari from /join firestorm

Enhancements used:

Class: Lucky
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky

aliesterus -> RE: [ARCHIVED] Useful/Recommended Class Builds (3/20/2014 21:52:26)

Direct Link to the Table of Contents

Help Needed Section
This is the section where I list classes that I need help with. The list of classes I need help with will be put in a quote box, and I'll list reasons I need help with each individual class under the quote box.

Classes I currently need help with:
[DCC] Recommended Builds for Dark Caster Class/Vote of Confidence: 1

Class Builds Rubric:

Copy and Paste this Rubric into whatever word processor or post you have.

[center][size=3][b]Some Class[/size][/center][/b] 

Class Type: 

Copy and Paste Base Stats Type Here


[i][b]Notes/How to use[/b]:[/i] Some form of Strategy

[u][b]Bosses this strategy was tested on:[/b][/u]
Some Boss From [b]/join SomePlace[/b]

Enhancements used:
Class: Copy and Paste Enhancement Type Here
Helm: Copy and Paste Enhancement Type Here
Cape: Copy and Paste Enhancement Type Here
Weapon: Copy and Paste Enhancement Type Here

Enhancement Types:





[color=#009900] Lucky[/color]



Stat Types:

Use the ctrl+f function and type the letters in the brackets to quickly locate the class with the parent stats you're looking for, and links are provided for while you're here on the main page.

Rogue Based Stats
Strength: 77
Intellect: 19
Endurance: 86
Dexterity: 127
Wisdom: 39
Luck: 39

Warrior Based Stats
Base Stats:
Strength: 104
Intellect: 19
Endurance: 116
Dexterity: 85
Wisdom: 39
Luck: 23

Mage Based Stats
Base Stats:
Strength: 23
Intellect: 127
Endurance: 77
Dexterity: 42
Wisdom: 58
Luck: 58

Healer Based Stats
Base Stats:
Strength: 31
Intellect: 116
Endurance: 104
Dexterity: 39
Wisdom: 39
Luck: 58

Berserker Based Stats
Base Stats:
Strength: 116
Intellect: 8
Endurance: 69
Dexterity: 116
Wisdom: 23
Luck: 54

Ninja Based Stats
Base Stats:
Strength: 92
Intellect: 92
Endurance: 77
Dexterity: 77
Wisdom: 27
Luck: 19

Shaman Based Stats
Base Stats:
Strength: 23
Intellect: 108
Endurance: 89
Dexterity: 19
Wisdom: 108
Luck: 39

Chaos Shaper Based Stats
Base Stats:
Strength: 85
Intellect: 31
Endurance: 69
Dexterity: 81
Wisdom: 31
Luck: 89

Classes I'm being helped with:

Dark Caster Class: This class was released and required an already rare item to obtain. I do not have access to that rare item, and my chance of getting it through the Wheel of Doom at this point in time is very slim. If someone could help me out here that would be great.

Dark Caster Class

Class Type: Magic

Base Stats:
Strength: 28
Intellect: 152
Endurance: 92
Dexterity: 51
Wisdom: 69
Luck: 69


Notes/How to use: First you will want to repeatedly use Shadow Bolt. After you have stacked Soul Burn (5x) five times, cast Dark Conversion followed by Legion Strike. Dark Conversion which will not only increase your damage but recover a total of 50 mana over 10 seconds, however you may not want to use this under 50% health against heavy hitting bosses. Repeat the process.

Strategy 2

Notes/How to use: Use Shadow Bolt until after you have fully stacked Soul Burn, then use Legion Strike. Next stack Soul Grasp until you have stacked Soul Crush 3 times then use Legion Strike to stun the target. The stun should provide a few moments to allow you start stacking Soul Burn once again and repeat the process. Use Dark Conversion when mana recovery is needed.

Bosses these strategy was tested on:
Dracowerepyre from /join chaoscave
Frost King from /join kingcoal

Enhancements used:

Class: Wizard
Helm: Wizard
Cape: Wizard/Spellbreaker
Weapon: Wizard

*Courtesy of Kingp*
Vote of Confidence: 1

aliesterus -> RE: [ARCHIVED] Useful/Recommended Class Builds (4/9/2014 22:19:21)

Direct Link to the Table of Contents

Updates Message Board:
This will help you keep track of what I'm doing every week/two weeks (it depends on my schedule). It will also explain unexpected absences at points in times, as I will post here how long I will probably be gone and why. Everything old will be quoted, every thing new will be in bold. Every year this will be cleared out, and will be PM'ed to myself for further references if you wish to access them. A time window of a sort of office hour will be posted right bellow this in a quote box and in bold so as to allow you to find me at certain times of the week. The office hour is subject to change, because of schedule changes or sudden changes. I apologize if I miss any of the office hours unexpectedly, and will provide a reason the following day if possible


I'll be logging onto AQW about once a week on Thursdays from now on in J6(server speed because it allows non-members to talk to me as well), either to farm for classes that I need to keep this guide running, or to meet with people here on the forums who wish to interact with me directly to talk about or recommend class builds to/with me. The open window will be sometime around Thursday, 6:30 - 8:30 Server Time EST. That's just an estimation around when I'd be on and for how long, however I'll only be on for an hour due to time restraints. I suggest to simply wait at /House aliesterus to find me during the times listed.


Thursday, March 20, 2014:
Sorry about the major delay in getting the class guides in, but lately I've been bogged down by keeping up my grades in high school and going to college on Tuesdays, so my schedule has been a little bit off.

I've already remedied that, but I'm not going to be able to get class builds in as fast as I used to be, as my membership ran out so the newer classes may not have up to date builds, but rather have my recommendations in the Work in Progress Section. I'll suggest looking towards that section to get an idea of what kind of build would be best.

I'll be logging onto AQW about once a week on Thursdays from now on in Talim(server speed and because I'm out of membership), either to farm for classes that I need to keep this guide running, or to meet with people here on the forums who wish to interact with me directly to talk about/recommend class builds with me. The open window will be sometime around Thursday, 6:30 - 8:30 Server Time EST. That's just an estimation around when I'd be on and for how long, however I'll only be on for an hour due to time restraints. I suggest to simply wait at /House aliesterus to find me during the times listed.

Class builds will get in about every other week from now on, a bit slower than what I used to do(which is getting it in as soon as it's released because of hardcore farming), but unfortunately my schedule is a bit more restricting than it used to.

Classes to expect by next week will be:

-Not a Mod Class
-Blademaster Class

I'm hoping to also get Evolved Dark Caster Class in by next week but there is sadly no guarantee.


Friday, March 28, 2014:

I can still get Not a Mod Class in today, and Evolved Dark Caster Class as well, however I only recently got ahold of Blademaster Class, due to its unexpected one week hiatus. Because of this, its recommended build(s) and strateg(y/ies) will be hopefully be put up next Friday.


Thursday, April 03, 2014

Because Talim has been taken off the server list, I will now be waiting at my house in the J6 server at the office hours listed above.


Friday, April 04, 2014

BladeMaster is now on the Work in Progress section. I'll be moving on to work on Oracle, and hopefully will have it up by the Friday after next week.


Friday, April 11, 2014

Oracle is now on the Work in Progress Section, and I'll be putting up a table of contents for all the different sections as we speak.

EDIT: Table of Contents is up and I've swapped the Updates Message Board with the Help Needed Section. I've also provided a direct link to the table of contents in each section.


Friday April 18, 2014

MechaJouster and Glacial Warlord are both now at rank 5 and will be put up on the work in progress section by next Friday, and potentially along with Dragon Shinobi.


Thursday, April 24, 2014

MechaJouster and Glacial Warlord are up. I'm planning on putting a class builds rubric into the Help Needed Section, and I'll also separate each individual base stats into different groups based on parent class(such as Warrior Stats, Rogue Stats, Etc...).


Monday, May 5, 2014

Dragon Shinobi will be put up next Friday, and potentially DragonKnight Class. The Class Builds rubric is now up in the Help Needed section, and I'll add each individual stats grouping into each class by next week.


Friday, May 16, 2014
Dragon Shinobi and Dragon Knight classes are both up in the work in progress section.

Saturday, May 18, 2014
The third vote of confidence for Chronocorruptor is in and it will go straight into the work in progress section. Thanks to all who sent me letters of confirmation, it helped a lot!

Kingp -> RE: [ARCHIVED] Useful/Recommended Class Builds (4/10/2014 2:10:50)

Dark Caster Class

Class Type: Magic

Base Stats:
Strength: 28
Intellect: 152
Endurance: 92
Dexterity: 51
Wisdom: 69
Luck: 69


Notes/How to use: To deal a decent amount of dps with this class, first you will want to repeatedly use Shadow Bolt. After you have stacked Soul Burn (5x) five times, cast Dark Conversion followed by Legion Strike. Dark Conversion which will not only increase your damage but it will also recover a total of 50 mana over 10 seconds, however you may not want to use this under 50% health against heavy hitting bosses. Repeat the process.

Strategy 2

Notes/How to use: For solo fights use Shadow Bolt until after you have fully stacked Soul Burn, then use Legion Strike. Do not use Dark Conversion. Although Dark Conversion gives a higher HoT, it doesn't make up for the health you will lose. Next stack Soul Grasp until you have stacked Soul Crush 3 times then use Legion Strike to stun the target. The stun should provide a few moments to allow you start stacking Soul Burn once again and repeat the process. Use Dark Conversion when mana recovery is needed.

Bosses these strategy was tested on:
Dracowerepyre from /join chaoscave
Frost King from /join kingcoal

Enhancements used:

Class: Wizard
Helm: Wizard
Cape: Wizard / Spellbreaker
Weapon: Wizard

aliesterus -> RE: [ARCHIVED] Useful/Recommended Class Builds (4/10/2014 18:58:19)

Thanks king! Could you also provide a video? Also, mage based classes tend to work better(better crit damage, and sometimes better percentage) if you toss in luck on the class and wizard on the rest, did you try that out? Just an idea. Also, if you could provide two people who could back you no that that would be great(I vaguely remember Xia sending something similar, but don't have that post anymore. So I'll count that as a vote). It'll make itself on to the work in progress list as soon as you could get two people to PM me or find me online at my house in J6 (I'm on right now).

Harukun -> RE: [ARCHIVED] Useful/Recommended Class Builds (5/3/2014 20:02:04)

Chrono Corruptor

Class Type: Hybrid

Base Stats:
Strength: 110
Intellect: 110
Endurance: 92
Dexterity: 92
Wisdom: 32
Luck: 23

Notes/How to use:This class in my opinion is best used for bosses or for soloing for lower level locations that is if you're already at max level. It is still quite great since it can crit between 10-30k depending also on if you have a stable or unstable weapon. Best to start out with Chaos Rift and stack it till max amount needed then use Shiftburn after that use Time Collapse. Takes a little bit of practice to get use to it

Bosses this strategy was tested on:
Mana Golem /join elemental

Enhancements used:

Class: Lucky
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky

*Note:I hope this helps there are other ways to use the class but most people usually go for luck build anyways and this is how one would usually use it.

aliesterus -> RE: [ARCHIVED] Useful/Recommended Class Builds (5/5/2014 21:30:30)

@Harukun:Thanks, I'll add this to the help needed section. I'll need three people to back you on this though, if you could get them to PM me or something that would be great.

Harukun -> RE: [ARCHIVED] Useful/Recommended Class Builds (5/5/2014 23:47:24)

unfortunately i don't know many people who has the class to back me up

plus i don't really socialize much in the game i only have 8 ppl on my friends list and only three of them i ever talk to and none of them has the class

aliesterus -> RE: [ARCHIVED] Useful/Recommended Class Builds (5/6/2014 20:31:30)

See if you can find people around the forums that can back you, maybe in the class discussion page, maybe something like:
Does anyone own Chronocorruptor?
If anyone answers, PM them your question for the backing.

Harukun -> RE: [ARCHIVED] Useful/Recommended Class Builds (5/7/2014 7:38:38)

sounds like a lot of work, but i guess i can try

Shadowhunt -> RE: [ARCHIVED] Useful/Recommended Class Builds (5/7/2014 12:28:15)

Just an idea, you may want to make a note on MechaJouster, Glacial Warlord, and if you finish it soon, Elemental Warrior, that these three classes are currently changed from their original forms and are subject to be changed back sometime in the future, thus affecting the way the classes will be used.

aliesterus -> RE: [ARCHIVED] Useful/Recommended Class Builds (5/8/2014 22:28:07)

@Shadowhunt: All three classes were in the testing phase, thus the reason why they were changed. They no longer have any tags about whether or not they would be changed in the future in any of their skills nor has any design notes confirmed that they would be changed in the future. I assume that AQW is over and done with them because of the fact that it's been months since they were last touched.

Shadowhunt -> RE: [ARCHIVED] Useful/Recommended Class Builds (5/8/2014 23:15:00)

I give you this Design Notes post.

Alina also said they are still working on reverting classes back to what they were (Blood Titan was also one she talked about) but I can't find her post about it.

Oh, and another thing; a lot of the caster classes have better stats and damage and whatnot with full Wizard after level 55, as opposed to having a 3 Wiz 1 Luck setup. So you may want to make a note of that too.

aliesterus -> RE: [ARCHIVED] Useful/Recommended Class Builds (5/15/2014 17:20:11)

@Shadowhunt: Thanks for that Design Note. I guess it works for the best that the classes are currently in the work in progress section. After reading that, they will stay there until the classes have been reverted.

Hoax -> RE: [ARCHIVED] Useful/Recommended Class Builds (5/24/2014 0:26:55)

A lot of work tho. But i'll give a try [:D]

Class Meister -> RE: [ARCHIVED] Useful/Recommended Class Builds (5/24/2014 0:34:22)

Some of the old values need to be updated. For example:

Taken from Horc Evader entry:

Next, use Smell Fear then Hunter's Call, then start stacking Shadow Strike. This does basically the same exact damage as your Auto Attack, and with these enhancements under the influence of a static (100-100) weapon, you'll do 987 damage.

I imagine 987 is an outdated value.

Also, it's probably not a good idea to give exact values (I've seen it a couple of times while scrolling through, e.g. in Dragonlord's entry as well). There are Legend and free player enhancements which varies the damage values for players of the same level. There're also the Awe enhancements which can increase damage by a few points. It's much more accurate to say something like, '...you'll do ~1000 damage' since it allows for slight deviations.

Hoax -> RE: [ARCHIVED] Useful/Recommended Class Builds (5/24/2014 0:40:44)

I agree. 987 is quite a big value to do so.
Any monster won't last long enough with that value.

aliesterus -> RE: [ARCHIVED] Useful/Recommended Class Builds (5/24/2014 22:55:47)

@Hoax: Let's not forget, I'm still stuck on level 53, and it's slow going for right now because of schooling(doing both high school and college, though just finished a course in the later). Also, that part was put in by Trog, before I ever owned the guide.

Thanks for pointing that out though!

Galren -> RE: [ARCHIVED] Useful/Recommended Class Builds (6/24/2014 7:17:13)

I disagree with your statement about Kitsune I'm only level 29 yet I soloed it without a problem. Any way awesome guide! :)

Here's a link to my character page http://www.aq.com/aw-character.asp?id=gathix%201

tgod -> RE: [ARCHIVED] Useful/Recommended Class Builds (7/9/2014 21:30:17)

Which awe enhancements should i use for Chaos Slayer

ChilaxKiter -> RE: [ARCHIVED] Useful/Recommended Class Builds (7/11/2014 14:07:27)

full lucky, stable weapon

aqwa26122 -> RE: [ARCHIVED] Useful/Recommended Class Builds (10/13/2014 13:05:54)

Why have you stopped posting? Still I will write the guide for the new: Artifact Hunter class[;)]
Start off with doom or destiny. If you get Doom, immediately use the shiny mirror shield and spam the first two moes. If Destiny, then spam the first two moves and DONT
apply shiny mirror shield. It will waste your mana.
Doom will give you a lot of mana back as you will be continuously critting but you have to watch over your mana if you get destiny.
This is a very strategic class. If you make one mistake you can die.
PS: When handling tough bosses don't use the 2nd skill. It wastes your mana.

WHITE DRAGON MAGE -> RE: [ARCHIVED] Useful/Recommended Class Builds (1/2/2015 16:12:50)

Anyone know the best build for a Chrono Dragon Knight?

MikeCoco -> RE: [ARCHIVED] Useful/Recommended Class Builds (1/17/2015 13:19:31)

I find that for Elemental Dracomancer, it is better to start a battle with Scales, then use Wings, and either DragonBreath or Crushing Wave.

For some reason, Wings decreases the cooldown for all abilities (which I assume is a by-product of doubling attack speed), so Scales, DragonBreath and Wave cooldown faster, allowing you to continuously run Scales.

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