nico0las -> RE: The Removal of Losses. (6/21/2012 11:30:45)
IMO, I've never read a more truthful post. It's absurd that we need to pay for images on a screen to stay competitive. I'm a bit of a hypocrite here, because I talk about what a waste of money it is, but I do it anyways because I want to stay competitive. Loses don't bother me so much as my %, and that's because I was really bad back in beta-gamma. I've made 11 000 wins and 1000 losses since the beginning of delta. I wish THAT was reflected instead of my terrible 76% ratio. I am also far too proud to NPC, I've always found it beneath me. Disconnection and luck are both extremely frustrating. In 11 2v2s today, I have won 3, lost 8. 6 of those were due to blocked static more than once by opponents with lower dexterity. I had two very fun battles with .sixth severe. in 1v1, and they were both disasters because we were both so unlucky. 14 blocks in the second, 9 in the first. Neither of us had over 100 dex. (On a side note, I think static is glitched. It NEVER CONNECTS). If we had a third little bar that indicated how many times we lost due to luck (Ie terrible partners, crits, blocks, deflections, lag/DCs), I'd be satisfied. I'd be saving myself nearly 1000 losses on my %. Back to the talk about our items. When I go to a restaurant I want to buy food once, eat, and then leave, only to return when I feel like it. However, here we are, having to come back and pay huge sums of money to have images on a screen kill each other. I'm done spending a piece of my paycheck every month to buy varium. I have far more important things to do. Having said this, I love ED. I play every day, and it's always enjoyable. However, I really hate how much you need to SPEND, and if you don't spend, you lose, your % drops, and you end up broke, frustrated, and very, very tired, simply because you can't keep up with the people that live on this game. All in all, we shouldn't even have our losses shown. It does absolutely NOTHING FOR US. A far more effective method would be the FPS system. Show your kill/death ratio. So every kill you get adds to it. Every death you get adds to it, and at the end you get a number. How many individual kills you get for every individual death. My 2v2% is a disaster, and that's because my partners are crap. I don't see why we should have our entire % degraded by a pathetic 28 that decides to enter with 200 energy, 50 health, and stats that are pathetic at BEST, topped with the default staff. Be aware, though, we all love this game. If we didn't we wouldn't be here. It's addictive and I'm not sure why, perhaps I enjoy winning, but in any case, I'm not hating on the game. I'm simply pointing out, with a lot of emphasis, the issues that need to be looked at. I'm reaching my wit's end with this. I'm just going to take all they daily championships and call it quits.