=MtAK= A Hollow Knight Rises! (Full Version)

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Hollow Knight -> =MtAK= A Hollow Knight Rises! (7/4/2012 20:57:30)

Hello to all! ^_^

As you can see I'm the new AK of the AQW GD. A little about myself I have been in this forums for three years I think, I mainly post here in the AQW GD, AQ3D and OS forums but I read almost every forum, I love dogs and if you didn't notice I'm a manga/anime fan.

Some basic rules:

1) Like always the =AE= Comprehensive Forum Rules apply.
2) 20 questions per post.
3) One post per page.
4) If it's too personal, I will ignore it or answer something random.

I will be editing in this color

Ebility -> RE: =MtAK= A Hollow Knight Rises! (7/4/2012 21:01:50)

*Edit: Whoops, almost forgot the congratulatory message. CONGRATS!
Thank you!
What's your first manga/anime, and what about your fav? Any recommendations?

My first manga and anime was Naruto, my favorite is either Bleach or Reborn!

Zeuster -> RE: =MtAK= A Hollow Knight Rises! (7/4/2012 21:02:02)

congrats on getting archknight here!
Thank you.
What will you do as archknight?
Patrol the board, clean out unnecessary posts, spam things like that.

How will you express your knowledge?


Have you seen me before?

No sorry ):

Dage or nulgath?

Both are great!

What was your first class other than warrior mage and such.?

Dragonslayer when Lair was released.

Which is your favorite Ae game?


Alaina -> RE: =MtAK= A Hollow Knight Rises! (7/4/2012 21:02:53)

Hey Hollow! Congratulations! =^_^=

Hi Alaina! thank you :D

1. Do you like cats?
Big cats such as lions!
2. Favorite food?
Pepperoni Pizza.

3. Favorite color?


4. Do you play any sports?
I was in my cities swimming team for like seven years, now I'm in Taekwondo

5. What kind of hobbies do you enjoy?

I like to read a lot fantasy, I also like playing video games.

6. Do you have a cat?

Nope, I have dogs

7. What is tac backwards?

This is so hard!

8. What sound does a cat make?


Okay, enough sillies! =^_^=


Again, congratulations and welcome! I'm happy to be working with you!

Thank you and same here

LL -> RE: =MtAK= A Hollow Knight Rises! (7/4/2012 21:03:57)

Gratz Hollow Knight, I could now see a constructive AK that before helped us until now you are doing great keep it up.
It's always good to hear from you and I feel how you feel, enjoy your day Arch Knight! ^_^

Thank you.
Do you know me?

I have seen you post, yes.

Good luck with your journey, welcome to the list!

Thank you


~Hollow Knight

The Fr0st Monarch -> RE: =MtAK= A Hollow Knight Rises! (7/4/2012 21:04:16)

Hi congratulations :)

Thank you
for who are you going to fight in the nulgath vs dage war?

I will try both

What type of music do you like?

Post Hardcore

From what country are you?

Depends on what you consider country, I'm american but I do not live in the states.
Who is your favorite artist/band?

Memphis May Fire, Of Mice & Men.

OmilliYo -> RE: =MtAK= A Hollow Knight Rises! (7/4/2012 21:04:52)

Hollow D:, it seems like yesterday when you were just a member :D

I'm so old ; - ;

1. How did you get your name?

That was the title of my Bleach role playing character.

2. What's your favorite fruit?


3. Hows it feel to be a AK?

Feels great knowing I can help!

4. oh yea is that a reborn avatar?

Indeed it is.

that's all for me, congrats, Big congrats :)

Thank you very much

~Take Care

You too :)

shaxi -> RE: =MtAK= A Hollow Knight Rises! (7/4/2012 21:05:21)

:o Congratulations on the AK title ;D

Thank you!

Welcome to AQW GD.

But I have always been here D:

Keep an eye on me :D

.R.M. -> RE: =MtAK= A Hollow Knight Rises! (7/4/2012 21:08:08)

Congrats on becoming an AK! :P

Thank you!

I hope you have a good stay here.

I'm sure I will

How does it feel becoming an AK?

Really good knowing I can help more.

What colors are your shackles? :3

Black D:

Do you like MQ?


Favorite food?


Favorite color?


Anyway, that's it!


See ya around, AK... :P

Bye :P

Axel459 -> RE: =MtAK= A Hollow Knight Rises! (7/4/2012 21:08:45)

Congratulations Hollow ^.^

Thank you

Maybe 2-3 questions coming :o

Do you like bears?

They are awesome

Whats your favorite Anime or Tv show

Legend of Korra or House

Where did you come up with the name Hollow Knight does it have any meaning?

The title of a Bleach RP character.

I think that will be all......*attacks you and takes your suit* >:D

; - ;

~Hollow Knight

The Inferno Beast -> RE: =MtAK= A Hollow Knight Rises! (7/4/2012 21:09:35)

It's about time that you became an AK, Hollow, congrats.

You we're expecting this? O:

I hope to become one too... In time.

Naruto was my first as well :D


Zee the Legend -> RE: =MtAK= A Hollow Knight Rises! (7/4/2012 21:09:36)

Hey and Congratz!
Hi and thanks!
Dage or Nulgath? Choose Wisely O.e
Red or Blue
Apples or mango's?
Cookies or magical potatoes :O?
Cookies of course
If you found Cysero's sock would you give him it??
Haha have I asked the random-est questions so far??
Indeed [:D]

xShadowHunterx -> RE: =MtAK= A Hollow Knight Rises! (7/4/2012 21:13:03)





Er...Happy 4th of July, Canada Day, and Freedom Day! XD
Thank you

Ze Mage34 -> RE: =MtAK= A Hollow Knight Rises! (7/4/2012 21:15:46)

Welcome! :D
Fav genre of music?

Post hardcore

Fav food?


Thats all from me /wave
Aww *waves back*

~Hollow Knight

SMGS -> RE: =MtAK= A Hollow Knight Rises! (7/4/2012 21:31:37)

I'm told you're cool.

I am?!
Are they telling the truth?

I don't know D:

2 MtAKs?! LIEZ. That's impossible!


Congratulations! :D

See you around!
I hope so!

Alpha Seagull -> RE: =MtAK= A Hollow Knight Rises! (7/4/2012 21:47:26)

Ohaider. Congratulations are most definately in order.
Thank you very much
What do you plan on bringing to the AQW GD?

Hopefully I can help get rid of the spam and rule breaking.[/b

What is your favourite Ze Sport34?


Favourite Ze Food34?


Dage or Miltonius?


What is your favourite Ze Instrument34?


Favourite Ze Band34?

Memphis may fire

Do you like Ze Soccer/Football34?

Well good luck, and I bid you farewell.


~Hollow Knight

BlackStar420 -> RE: =MtAK= A Hollow Knight Rises! (7/4/2012 21:51:16)

Some how I knew you were bound for this.
People know stuff that I don't D;
So how do you like the new title?
It's great.

20 questions instead of the usual 10, are you forum farming here? *Leery stare*

Taekwondo? Ossum, I actually have studied this along with other forms of martial arts at my local MMA gym; Nick Tarpein's (search it if you like [;)]). But I've got respect for anyone willing to train their body (and mind together, ofc), so you're kewl with me.

It sends a positive message and is about helping other and bettering yourself it's not just about competition like in my previous sport.

That's it, hope you the best in your new position!
Thank you

Obsiidianz -> RE: =MtAK= A Hollow Knight Rises! (7/4/2012 22:08:05)

Oh em gee,your an AK now? Gratz!
Anywho,mind if I ask some questions about stuff?
Go ahead

K,so,here we go.

1.Are you a Makorra fan? (If you don't know what it is,it's a thing from LoK. Mako+Korra relationship-thingy.)

Not at all, I felt it was forced to the viewers.

2.Do you think Pokemon is for kids only?

My Pokemon games disagree.

3.What's your favorite genre of music?

Post hardcore

4.What book is your favorite?

City of Glass

5.Do you play AQW alot?


6.Ok,I'm pretty much done here,so,bye! Also,gratz on being an AK.

Thanks and bye

Kingp -> RE: =MtAK= A Hollow Knight Rises! (7/4/2012 22:26:00)

No questions from me I just wanted to congratulate you becoming an Arch Knight.

It's not everyday that you see a regular forum user become one, but I must admit I saw this coming.

Thank you!

Mekoolness -> RE: =MtAK= A Hollow Knight Rises! (7/4/2012 22:33:11)


No questions here, just wanted to say congratulations. :)

Thank you!

Lord Coxy -> RE: =MtAK= A Hollow Knight Rises! (7/4/2012 22:40:09)

OMG, you are an ArchKnight now XD, nice ^_^, lol (its funny to me because I notice that you earned your Constructive title, four days ahead of me before I earned my second title, Helpful, which you have earned it well from what I saw from your posts ^_^) and now you are an ArchKnight of all the sudden today XD (which I think you have earned it as well ^_^)
Thank you :)
Not much questions from me :(
Aww :(

1. Would you like an animate sig made by me? (I was going to offer you one today though a PM, but since you became one now, I thought I ask it here on your =MtAK= page ;P), I explain more though a PM if you want one from me

No thank you, I like making my own signatures ;)

2. How does it feel to be a Knight that is so Hollow?


3. You think you going like being an ArchKnight?

Indeed I will.

4. How can a person that is so Hollow in the head, that the person can be so Constructive?

Umm *hides*

That is all ^_^

Now that my over excitement is over (which I'm sure you can tell if you read the first part of this post ;P), Congratz for becoming an ArchKnight on the Forums and good luck being one

Thank you very much

Have a great day now

You too

Lorkade -> RE: =MtAK= A Hollow Knight Rises! (7/4/2012 22:41:47)

Oh wow, congratulations!
I remember being thinking, "Oh look, that guy has the 'Constructive' title now. Good for him!" But never did I expect you to become an AK. That was quite impressive. What exactly did you do to get the mods to turn their heads in your direction when they were looking for an AK?
I do not know, I was just being myself.

Usually I'd try to come up with some witty and interesting questions, but I'm really tired right now, so I'll keep it light and simple.

Is English your first language?


Are you very patriotic?

Honestly, no.

Have you ever witnessed the Aurora Borealis?


Do you prefer seafood or meat from animals on land?


Do you consider yourself to be a couch potato?

I'm quite active.

Were you expecting to being granted AK'ship or did it come as a complete surprise?

Complete surprise.

At this very moment, are you tired?

I get tired really late.

What's the worst injury you've ever experienced(it can be physical, mental, or emotional)?

My ankle breaking.

Are you an alcoholic?


Do you ever consider quitting AQWorlds?


I'm going to stop here since I can't come up with much else. You have fun with your new title! Cheers!
Thank you!


G Man -> RE: =MtAK= A Hollow Knight Rises! (7/4/2012 22:50:50)

Grat'z and good bye, I cannot think of any questions, because the ones I usually ask, were already asked...

I also wish you good luck.
Thank you.

Hiro Sempai -> RE: =MtAK= A Hollow Knight Rises! (7/4/2012 23:47:03)

OMG Man congratulations! How are you?
I am well and thanks

=D I love to see you as an AK enjoy the rest of your day.
Thank you same to you too.

Mr Cognizant -> RE: =MtAK= A Hollow Knight Rises! (7/5/2012 0:54:55)

Wow Congratz :DD
Thanks ^^

I also remember looking at that "Constructive!" thingy and thought that was a good title to have ^^

Whats your favorite pokemon?

If you were stuck with one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Lol cant think of anymore...

Oh and good luck with your guild!
Thank you!

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