Lucian Level Tracking (Full Version)

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theosenia -> Lucian Level Tracking (7/7/2012 15:31:56)

Thanks go out to the original thread owners, LINKTHECHAMPION, zelodiac,Deimius and masterwolfie.

Welcome to the Lucian level tracking!
This thread is to track the levels of fellow Lucians, and for their character's in game reference. To be signed up on the thread, all you have to do is post your character link and level. I'll do the rest. Whenever you gain a level, be sure to report it so I can update you. Note that you can have more than one character on the roster. Also remember that AdventureQuest Characters must be in the Lucian Clan to be accepted. Updating of this thread will take place at least once every week.


Adventure Quest

Levels 141-150 Max Level Cap :

Eschaton Thunder- Eschaton Thunder ( Level: 150 )
Eschaton thunder- Sleuth ( Level: 150 )
SIGMUND- SIGMUND ( Level: 150 )
SIGMUND- LUCY ( Level: 150 )
big E- big E ( Level: 150 )
Drummy- Drummy the Bold- ( Level: 150 )
SIGMUND- VENESS ( Level: 150 )
SIGMUND- Nikita ( Level: 150 )
theosenia- Asana ( Level: 150 )
Eschaton Thunder- Raza Sol ( Level: 150 )
zekefreed777- zekefreed ( Lvl: 150 )
theosenia- Theodosios ( Level: 150 )
theosenia- theosenia ( Level: 150 )
Eschaton thunder- Verdict ( Level: 150 )
Darius- MagnaDraconis ( Level: 150 )
SIGMUND- Hero killer Z ( Level : 145 )
SIGMUND- Harris ( Level: 142 )
SIGMUND- Hagman ( Level: 141 )

Levels 131-140 (recent level cap) :

Balu- Leah Coinsalott ( Level : 141 )
Noirin- Snow ( Level: 140)
SIGMUND- Perkins ( Level: 140 )
Mornarq- Mornarq ( Level : 136 )
theosenia- Theofania ( Level: 139 )
SIGMUND- Death Incarnated ( Level: 139 )
Eschaton Thunder- Luminov ( Level 138 )
Sun Wind- Sun Wind ( Level: 135 )
SIGMUND- Richard Shapre ( Level: 137 )
SIGMUND- Manakin ( Level: 136 )
SIGMUND- Mr.Harper ( Level: 135 )
SIGMUND- Inspector 2211 ( Level: 135 )

Levels 121-130:

popinloopy- popinloopy ( Level: 128 )
vizigoti- Pato ( Level: 125 )
Kairon- Kairon ( Level: 125 )
Drakonnax- Drakonnax ( Level: 122 )

Levels 101-120:

theosenia- THEODOROS ( Level : 119 )
High paladin- Peter the Warrior Paladin ( Level: 117 )
Kandymine- Lucinda Valerian ( Level: 113 )
Seriyu- seriyu ( Level: 113 )
Noirin- Raven Hawk ( Level: 108 )
Viper180- Anastasio ( Level: 108 )
Sun Wind- Silk Wind ( Level: 106 )
Noirin- Serena ( Level: 106 )
BWNocturne- Beastwarrior Nocturne ( Level: 104 )

Levels 81-100

Spanish Inquisition Aurora Vonbeacon ( Level: 100 )
Sharkodile- Sir Afim ( Level: 99 )
Zelodiac- zelodiac ( Level: 96 )
Heavenswarrior- Tyler ( Level: 94 )
LINKTHECHAMPION- Link ( Level: 91 )
joshuatks- Solaramancer Joshua ( Level: 90 )
Wolfbrother- Wolfbrother ( Level- 88)
megaonef- Jammer ( Level: 88 )
Noirin- krystia ( Level: 86 )
Xlthuathopec- Xlthuathopec ( Level: 83 )
Noirin- Mysteria ( Level: 81 )

Levels 61-80

Drummy- Mr. Smithsonian ( Level : 80 )
Noirin- Lysandra ( Level: 79 )
Vamperdragon- Sage ( Level: 77 )
Enzeru- Enzeru ( Level: 74 )
Troy Darksword- Troy Darksword ( Level: 72 )
Flashbang- Flashbang ( Level : 72 )
Kandymine- Jeremy Valerian ( Level: 69 )
Noirin- Electra ( Level: 62 )
Noirin- Rhiana ( Level: 62 )

Levels 41-60

Drummy- Satchel ( Level: 56 )


Levels 71+

Darius- DracoDraconis ( Level : 80 )
Sharkodile- Sir Pwnsalot ( Level: 80 )
Jhude- Jhunde ( Level ; 80 )
Kabuto- Odin ( Level 71 )

Levels 61-70

Theosenia- Theopisti ( Level: 69 )

Levels: 51-60

Drummy- Drummy ( Level: 54 )
Blaziken0010- Ross ( Level: 54 )
Drakonnax- Drakonnax ( Level : 52 )

Levels 41-50

Popinloopy- popinloopy ( Level : 50 )
Troy Darksword- Troy Darksword ( Level: 42 )

Levels 31-40

flashbang- Slash ( Lvl: 38 )
Enzeru- Enzeru ( Level: 32 )
Xlthuathopec- Xlthuathopec ( Level: 39 )


Levels 31+

Kabuto5- Hero ( Level: 46 )
Lightmare1993- Lightmare ( Level: 43 )
Darius- Dariusu Yettaa ( Level : 40 )

Levels: 16-30

popinloopy- Buddy ( Level : 28 )
Drakonnax- Tristar ( Level: 18 )

Levels 0-15

Xlthuathopec- Xlthuathopec ( Level: 12 )
Troy Darksword- Troy Darksword ( Level: 5 )

Adventure Quest Worlds

Levels 51-55

Darius- Novadraconis ( level : 50 )
Theosenia- Theosevia ( Level: 53 )

Levels 45-5o (recent level cap)

Levels 41-45(recent level cap)

Troy Darksword- Troy Darksword ( Level: 44 )
sharkodile- Wardraco ( Level: 44 )

Levels 31-40

popinloopy- popinloopy ( Level : 33 )
megaonef- Jammer X ( Level: 33 )

Levels: 21-30

Flashbang- Shun209 ( Level: 27 )
Lightmare1993- Lightmare ( Level: 20 )
Master number300- master number 300 ( Level: 20 )

Levels: 11-20

Darius- Novaceleste ( Level : 20 )
Enzeru- Enzeru ( Level: 16 )
HeavensWarrior- T_mo supremo ( Level: 15 )
venominous- Venominous ( Level: 14 )
Blaziken0010- Blazikenearthbender ( Level: 12 )
kyuubi979- Kyuubi979 ( Level : 12 )

Levels 0-10

Vandare- Vandare ( Level: 6 )
Sun Wind- Silk wind ( Level: 5 )
SIGMUND- Sigmund ( Level: 5 )
Kandymine- Lucinda valerian ( Level: 5 )
Eschaton Thunder- Eschaton thunder ( Level: 5 )
Joshuatks- Solara joshua ( Level: 5 )
Drummy- Drummy ( Level: 4 )
LINKTHECHAMPION- Link the champion ( Level: 4 )
RamboStrategy- Rambopaladin ( Level: 3 )

Hero Smash

Darius- Razordaconis ( Level: 1 )

Epic Duel

theosenia- Theosenia ( Level : 35 )
theosenia- Theofania ( Level : 32 )
theosenia- Theopisti ( Level : 31 )
Darius- DeltaDraconis ( Level : 19 )

Other Importan Clan Links:

Lucian FAQ/Q&A

Lucian Roll Call

Note: I'll be working for a couple of days to complete the whole thread,so please have patience! :P You can always post here your new level and I'll be updating you while I complete the thread. Thank you and welcome! [:)]

SIGMUND -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (7/8/2012 7:36:18)

Richard Sharpe is now level 115 [:D]

Edit :

Mr Harper is now level 113.


.... and Perkins is Level 113.

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (7/9/2012 7:00:43)

Congratz,SIGMUND! Updated. [:)]

Spanish Inquisition -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (7/9/2012 18:08:51)

Please add my Lucian char: Aurora Vonbeacon

Working on her levels finally. Currently level 75.

Eschaton Thunder -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (7/10/2012 0:15:18)

Shiney new thread, theosenia! [:)]

Eschaton Thunder is now level 139! The End is Near!

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (7/10/2012 6:07:04)

Thank you,Eschaton! Nice job with yours too! updated...just one more level left to go,so indeed the end is near! [:D]

Added SI,thank you! Just update some equipment and with the new farming rewards you'll be levelening up pretty soon. Good luck! [:)]

DigDog -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (7/10/2012 13:08:01)

Can't believe my waving flag picture still exists and didn't get lost in the tides of time.

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (7/10/2012 14:12:44)

NOTHING gets lost in the Clan of light Diggy! U know that. [8D]

Kindly thank you for it n I hope u don't mind Clan using it! [:)]

Spanish Inquisition -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (7/10/2012 22:59:57)

Hardest thing is no BoA yet for this one...UGH! I'm working on it though. Hopefully soon. Also, might need to revamp her stats. I'm not too impressed with the build.

Eschaton Thunder -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (7/14/2012 11:33:38)

Eschaton Thunder has reached level 140!!! [:)]

SIGMUND -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (7/14/2012 13:30:42)

Well done ET. [:D]

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (7/15/2012 16:30:22)

Congratulations upon reaching the level cap,Eschaton! [:D]
...Now u can focus on your secondary. [8D]


Eschaton Thunder -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (7/16/2012 9:00:53)

Thank you! [:D]

Speaking of my secondary... Sleuth is now level 108!

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (7/17/2012 17:02:22)

Well done,ET!
Updated. :-)

Eschaton Thunder -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (7/19/2012 10:38:53)

Sleuth is now level 109.

Edit: Sleuth is now level 110.

Edit 2: Sleuth is now level 111.

vizigoti -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (7/20/2012 15:36:21)

Pato just reached lvl 115 =)

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (7/22/2012 7:57:13)

Good job Eschaton n vizigoti!

vizigoti -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (7/22/2012 17:22:45)

Just hit lvl 116 now ^^

Eschaton Thunder -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (7/24/2012 3:39:19)

Sleuth is now level 114!

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (7/24/2012 4:10:55)

Well done u 2!


Eschaton Thunder -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (7/26/2012 11:00:49)

Moving up fast! [:D] Sleuth is now level 117!

Edit: Level 118!

Balu -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (7/26/2012 11:48:03)

Lvl 120 today. I`m in the groove! :-P

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (7/27/2012 5:56:56)

Well done Eschaton and Balu! :-)
Keep up the good work!!!

vizigoti -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (7/28/2012 14:56:29)

Reached 117 =)

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (7/29/2012 11:12:12)

Keep up the good work! :-)

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