RE: Lucian Level Tracking (Full Version)

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Eschaton Thunder -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (8/30/2012 0:14:33)

Sleuth is now level 138!

Raza Sol is now level 105!

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (8/31/2012 8:07:58)

Updated. [:)]

Eschaton Thunder -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (9/6/2012 11:20:44)

Raza Sol is now level 106!

Sleuth is now level 139! Only one more to go! [:)]

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (9/7/2012 15:05:06)

You will soon reach level cap! [:D]


SIGMUND -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (9/14/2012 6:55:09)

HERBERTUS is now level 140.

Richard Sharpe and Mister Harper have also gained levels.

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (9/14/2012 13:34:08)

Congratulations on being the first Lucian with 5 characters on level cap,SIGMUND! [:)]

Theofania is level: 119 n

THEODOROS is level: 99,now.


Eschaton Thunder -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (9/14/2012 20:29:21)

Congrats Siggy!

Sleuth is joining HERBERTUS, and is also level 140!!! [:D]

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (9/17/2012 7:00:22)

Well done,Eschaton! Congratulations! [:)]

Wow! It looks to me that our roster is among the ones with the most level-capped characters,now...nice!

Also,Theofania reached level:120.

All updated.

Sir Arceon -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (9/24/2012 21:26:49)

Not to mention that I, Drakonnax, Dracomancer Supreme and future White Knight, have reached LV 95. I apologize for not telling you earlier, but I was very busy training to reach LV 103 before the discount ends.

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (9/25/2012 2:42:30)

^^ Not to mention that,indeed! [:)]

( There's no problem Drakonnax and I am glad to see that 3 Lucian members are also members of the Celestrial Guardians too,so far.
Keep up the good job! )


Sir Arceon -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (9/26/2012 19:06:50)

Another Level Up to LV 96. If only my computer weren't the slowest on Terra, I would've hit the XP cap already today.

And you mentioned there were other Celestial Guardians here? Whom?

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (9/27/2012 4:35:37)

That would be you,me and Troy Darksword.These are the 3 members I've far! [;)]

I feel your pain about that slow computer...Same problem,here! XD

Still,you did a great job! [:)]


Eschaton Thunder -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (9/27/2012 12:30:21)

Raza Sol is now level 110!

Edit: Level 111!

And congrats theosenia on being made ArchKnight!!! [8D]

SIGMUND -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (9/27/2012 13:50:13)

Congratulations ArchKnight theosenia. [:D][:D][:D]

Sir Arceon -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (9/27/2012 18:26:03)

Yes, theo, congratulations from a fellow Celestial Guardian!

Level Up to 97. So far so good...

Edit: Are you planning to make an MtAK?

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (9/28/2012 5:59:41)

^^ Not just yet. [:)]

Thank you SIGMUND,thank you all and congratulations for some nice leveling there!


Sir Arceon -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (9/29/2012 20:37:58)

Level 98 get!!! ^u^

...As in, I've leveled up. Again.

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (10/1/2012 5:49:22)

Nice job! :-)


Sir Arceon -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (10/2/2012 20:01:27)

Level Up again to 99! It won't be long before I reach that one milestone which will become a stepping stone to greater things...

Eschaton Thunder -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (10/3/2012 20:51:01)

Raza Sol is now level 112!

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (10/4/2012 17:11:01)

And THEODOROS is lvl: 100,now.
Congrats to all! [:)]

Sir Arceon -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (10/4/2012 20:49:22)

*fanfare played on shining sunstone trumpets*

Rejoice, my fellow Lucians, for another of your order has reached the Level 100 milestone!

But this is only the beginning. I must strive for greater heights! I shall shine amongst the brightest of suns, and make Master Lucius proud!

Eschaton Thunder -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (10/5/2012 13:24:40)

Congrats Drakonnax on reaching level 100! [8D]

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (10/7/2012 12:06:26)

Congratulations Drakonnax!


EDIT: N Theofania's lvl: 121,now.


SIGMUND -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (10/9/2012 16:33:19)

HERBERTUS is level 141. [;)]

Now VENESS is level 141. [:D]

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