RE: Lucian Level Tracking (Full Version)

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SIGMUND -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (12/8/2012 7:33:24)

Level 150 for SIGMUND. Thanks for the War AQ staff.

Level 147 for HERBERTUS, VENESS, LUCY and Nikita. [:D]

Eschaton Thunder -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (12/8/2012 19:48:09)

Congrats SIGMUND on reaching level 150! It's good to have company at the top! [:D]

Balu -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (12/9/2012 15:16:04)

Congrats to everyone! Also I reached lvl 132 today. Slow an steady to some giftboxes. XD

Eschaton Thunder -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (12/10/2012 13:43:32)

Raza Sol is now level 120!

Balu -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (12/11/2012 6:36:59)

Reached lvl 133 yesterday. I`m shooting for the lvl 135 giftboxes, but maybe, possibly, probably will be able to grind to 140 and get those. [:D]

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (12/11/2012 12:28:02)

Congratulations to SIGMUND for reaching the final level cap with his main character!

Congratulations to Balu and Eschaton Thunder for multi- leveling!

keep up the good work!!! [:)]

You have all been updated.

Balu -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (12/12/2012 16:19:24)

Lvl 134 today and going strong!

Eschaton Thunder -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (12/13/2012 10:18:34)

Raza Sol is now level 121!

Balu -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (12/13/2012 16:11:30)

Leah Coinsalott is lvl 135 now.

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (12/14/2012 13:13:01)

Well done!
You have been updated.

Balu -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (12/16/2012 16:25:38)

Leah Coinsalott is lvl 136 now. [:D]

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (12/17/2012 14:48:30)

Well done,Balu!

Also,Theosevia in AQW is level: 47,now and

THEODOROS has reached level 105 and just bought his giftboxes! [:D]

All updated.

EDIT: And Theodosios, lvl: 142.


Eschaton Thunder -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (12/18/2012 8:05:20)

Raza Sol is now level 124!

Also, even though he doesn't post in the Paxian forums anymore, I offer my congrats to fellow Lucian, big E, for reaching level 150! [:)]

Edit: Raza Sol is now level 125!

Balu -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (12/18/2012 10:09:43)

Lvl 137 now for Leah Coinsalott. Three more lvls then I`ll slow down a bit.

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (12/19/2012 8:36:52)

Yep! Congratulations to big E for reaching the final level cap,as well!

( Proud to be in a clan that has so many max-leveled characters,already! ) :P

Eschaton,thank you for that info and well done to you and Balu!

All updated. [:)]

Balu -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (12/20/2012 16:47:04)

Leah Coinsalott reached lvl 139 today. So close to my goal, i am! [:)]

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (12/21/2012 6:34:46)

Yes,you are! Yes,you are! XD

Also,theosenia,Asana and Theodosios are all level: 143,now.

All updated.

Balu -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (12/21/2012 10:50:37)

The lvl 140 giftboxes are mine! That is all! [:D]

SIGMUND -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (12/21/2012 15:45:53)

LUCY is Level 148.


Richard Sharpe is level 120. [:D]

Eschaton Thunder -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (12/23/2012 1:29:11)

Raza Sol is now level 128!

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (12/23/2012 6:10:09)

And Theofania's level: 124,now.

Congratz! All updated.

SIGMUND -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (12/24/2012 18:25:57)

Nikita is level 148

Perkins is level 119.


HERBERTUS is level 148.


VENESS is leve 148 thanks to Khandie Kane. [:D]

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (12/26/2012 16:59:46)

Congratulations for leveling up four of your characters SIGMUND!

Also congratulations to Drummy for reaching max level cap with his main!

By the way,Theofania reached level: 125 and got herself a higher set of giftboxes.

Merry Christmas to all Lucians and all clan members of AQ. Happy Holidays!!! [:D]

All updated.

SIGMUND -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (12/26/2012 17:32:02)

LUCY is level 149 and aiming for the top Gift Box. [;)]

Eschaton Thunder -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (12/27/2012 12:57:43)

Raza Sol is now level 130, and giftboxes have been purchased! [:)]

Time for a break! [8D]

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