Heroes of the Scape -> RE: =MtAK= In the afterlife there is only "X" (7/23/2012 20:29:33)
Hey ALX, Congrats on the demotion... urm curse... um new found power. I always knew you had it in you. [:(] After these messages I'll be right back................ (BEEEEEEEEEP) And now were back to Who wants to answer some questions, Number one: If you could have any rare, (minus the Kreiger Blade), past, present, or future, which would it be? the is one and I mean 1 item I kick myslef for going on break an missing, mindlock orb Number two: If tomorrow the letter X was removed from the alphabet, what letter would you change to? I can not repeat said letter in polite company Number three: Who is your favorite Staff member? well that would be..BEEEEEEEEEP.... Number four: I have run out of questions, Please insert random answer. While an answer would be nice I am starting to run out of v()wels Congrats again, and BATTLE ON!!