RE: =MtAK= In the afterlife there is only "X" (Full Version)

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battlesiege15 -> RE: =MtAK= In the afterlife there is only "X" (7/23/2012 23:00:18)

Whoa... I go off the forums for a cople of days and this happens....

1. How are those famous shackles all the AKs talk about?
well don't tell BA but...surprisingly loose

2. How much do you guys get fed in those dungeons of yours?
wait, we get food?

3. Favorite weapon or item of all time?
Hmm, weapon probably frozen time spines, original version. Was just a pain to speed lvl to get it before it went rare[:@]

4. Best Artix Entertainment game? (hint: it starts with Adventure and ends in Quest [;)])
Hmm, can't think of what you I will guess AQ

Congrats dude!!

Thiefboy109 -> RE: =MtAK= In the afterlife there is only "X" (7/23/2012 23:02:38)

Hello afterlifex!

We have like the same edit color... This is mine.
Hmm..close-ish it seems

Have fun! =D


Tha Killa -> RE: =MtAK= In the afterlife there is only "X" (7/23/2012 23:56:17)


1.Favorite monster to face?
I am not sure actually, UAD and Gravis hold special places in my heart thou

2.Favorite release?
nightbane's fortress as one of my first memories(bad memory)

3.Favorite weapon?

4.Gween or Gween (taking into consideration that there is only one answer so choose wisely)?
1 & 2

I'll be lurking till next page, be ready[sm=zorb_smilie.gif]

Orthodox -> RE: =MtAK= In the afterlife there is only "X" (7/24/2012 0:59:39)

Wow! Congratulations on the AK-ship afterlifex! I had a feeling this would happen but already?! Haha!

Good Luck on becoming a Knight of AQ! I know you will uphold all responsibilities wisely and with AWESOMENESS!!
No questions here!
my your dreams be filled with unanswered questions

More Power to you bro!

Turd Burglar -> RE: =MtAK= In the afterlife there is only "X" (7/24/2012 2:57:36)

Just one thing... About time [;)]

1stClassGenesis -> RE: =MtAK= In the afterlife there is only "X" (7/24/2012 6:03:59)

What kitten has 2 heads and is fluffy?
a cute one

What do you think of Supernova / Super nova?
kind of spicy

Any pets?
2 dogs

Favourite Rare?

whackybeanz -> RE: =MtAK= In the afterlife there is only "X" (7/24/2012 6:12:07)

*cackle* Here we go.... >:) First off, of course, congratulations! :D

Between whackybeanz and the after life, which will you choose?! (Choose wisely, or you shall be whacked... with beanz. Nope. No pressure here!)

Using 1 word, describe yourself? :o
That's pretty much it, I'm not good with questions :3


Orian -> RE: =MtAK= In the afterlife there is only "X" (7/24/2012 6:37:56)

Ello X, gratz on thy Arch Knighting*cough*
Wondering if this would happen really, well on with the question

3 here we go

1.As always, how are those shackles?

2.Cookies or Muffins >.>
muffin cookies

3.If you could change something in the world what would it be?

Well gratz again!

Zeuster -> RE: =MtAK= In the afterlife there is only "X" (7/24/2012 12:03:18)

ok First Congratz on archnknight now here are my questions

1. Do you like Bacon
yep with a side of extra bacon

2. Do you like chickencows
on italian bread

3. Would you enjoy meeting a real life chickencow
probably not

4. So how are you doing
ok I guess

Grixus Faldor -> RE: =MtAK= In the afterlife there is only "X" (7/25/2012 3:44:44)

Goodness gracious, what did I miss out on?

Haha, congratulations! :)

Were you awake during the shackling process?
nah,only for the bit with the screws


Bai! Congratulations again! :)

Gn3ranger -> RE: =MtAK= In the afterlife there is only "X" (7/25/2012 6:30:11)

Why hello there! I always see you on the forums congrats.

How are you? That is all.... :P
tired, that is all....;)

majesticstar3800 -> RE: =MtAK= In the afterlife there is only "X" (7/28/2012 19:25:36)

@Starflare: Yes. Purple is Purple. ;D

I'm back with more questions! Hurray :D

1. If you could be anyone else in real life, who would it be, and why?
BlackAces, just so he couldn't be[:D]

2. If you could be anyone in AQ, who would it be, and why?
Hmmm....Gal maybe(minus the face) for his DB

3. If you could have TWO super powers, what would they be, and why?
FULL instantaneous self regeneration and the ability to survive with no oxygen(space/water etc). I would be set for most bad situations.

4. which begs the question, what would be your favorite Hero and Villain of AQ, and comics?

All for now ^_^ Seeya on Page 3 :D

The Forgotten -> RE: =MtAK= In the afterlife there is only "X" (7/29/2012 16:43:10)

Hey afterlifex! Good to see you've made the team. :D

No questions from me, just wanted to congratulate a long-time Q&A contributor. ^^

AQSewy -> RE: =MtAK= In the afterlife there is only "X" (7/29/2012 19:28:31)

Nuff said.

DoomTaco -> RE: =MtAK= In the afterlife there is only "X" (7/30/2012 0:49:15)

Hey Afterlifex! Taco here [:D]
okay to ze questions then...

1) how are those chains feelin'?
2) Do you like tacos? [:3]
yes very much so

3) what's you favourite band/music genre?
I don't really pay attention band to band. Nor to I stick to any genre in particular.

4)rock? I knew it [:D] (or maybe I didn't)
metal would have been a closer guess

Laos -> RE: =MtAK= In the afterlife there is only "X" (7/30/2012 20:18:51)

Hey afterlifex. I have had more than once the temptation to give you the nickname 'Alex', but afterlifex should suffice for now.
O' god no

Congratulations and welcome to the ArchKnights! Good luck and I hope you enjoy your time AK'ing the AQ Q&A!

'tis all from me. Take care.

afterlifex -> RE: =MtAK= In the afterlife there is only "X" (8/2/2012 0:51:34)

Well it has somehow already been over a week now. I think that's long enough for most questions.
I will leave this up till the end of the week or so probably.

I also intentionally waited to say this but....Thank You everyone, I will do the best I can

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