trading update (Full Version)

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firebowler -> trading update (8/2/2012 21:32:53)

Epicduel sure have a new uupdate where u can trade weapons, guns, auxes, robbots, vechlies,and armor so everything will not go to waste

DeathHound -> RE: trading update (8/2/2012 21:53:32)

Between players? I do not support. What if someone just got on both accounts, and traded his strongest character's items to his weaker character's (Or vise-versa)?

Or better yet, if you don't want it, sell it. because this is nowhere near a good idea in my opinion. What would be the point? Nothing goes to waste if you're using it. There are plenty of things that can go wrong with this, but i don't know where to start...

firebowler -> RE: trading update (8/2/2012 22:10:33)

But if an acc is under the same email address and would try to trade their strong weapons to the other char it would not able to be done cause if 2 accs r under the same emali adress they wouldnt be able to trade with their other char cause their trade would be canceled

DeathHound -> RE: trading update (8/2/2012 22:23:08)

And if it is under a different email, what then? Too many things could go wrong, not to mention a player can get tricked/duped into giving up his items, and then he complains to Staff (When he/she has no proof) and then Staff can do nothing over the situation. Too many complaints would form from this, and nothing good will come of it.

EDLastGame -> RE: trading update (8/3/2012 1:25:10)

I actually would like this, i have an account that i like more but has no varium and an old acc with var which i would like to trade over and friends that would trade me items who i could trust so.. yea support this :)

Mercyless -> RE: trading update (8/3/2012 2:37:52)

I support. Would live to see trades. make it a bit like runescape with G.E and everythin :p

Ranloth -> RE: trading update (8/3/2012 5:17:14)

There are security issues with this. Besides this is from other thread - - from a Staff Member:

Trading will be something that most likely will never be released in EpicDuel, due to the high risk of scamming and other issues that stem from Trading. Most games that include trading have huge issues with players who don't understand the game trading weapons for something that isn't worth it, or being scammed, and having all their items given to someone else. The amount of issues that would come from implementing trading is much higher than the pros that it gives. So unless there's a way to make it scam proof, it won't be happening.

So don't count on Trading being in ED possibly ever.

Mercyless -> RE: trading update (8/3/2012 5:26:32)

^ well if they make they game 13+ then we wouldnt have a problem considering *most* teenagers have some common sense, and make trading available to lvl 25+ so you know they understand the game to some sort of level

Or even have a price range so you cant trade something 2k more than its worth

Ranloth -> RE: trading update (8/3/2012 5:30:57)

Game is already aimed at 13+ players, unless parents register with them. And security issues happen, anyone can fall for it even older players who may be harder to fool but who knows; doesn't have to be in-game, can be outside of it somehow.
There's too many issues with it and it's not needed. PvP game - you need to work for what you want, not get it via trading since none of AE games have it and shouldn't since it's better that way and safer.

Trading for Lvl 25+? What does that have to do with experience? You can keep losing and get there or have barely and wins and lots of loses and then what? Am I experienced yet? Hackers are likely to aim for Varium players, and majority of Varium players are Level 30+.

Lycus -> RE: trading update (8/3/2012 6:33:36)

As Trans said, the game already is aimed at 13+, but the thing is, to a degree, that is meaningless. People under 13 will still play, despite the recommended age, people will still be scammed and fall for tricks, no matter what the age group the game is for. There will always be people who feel that these 'scams' are real, and although you may be able to realise these things aren't real and they just want either your account, your weapons, armour or whatever, there will always be people out there who fall for it.

The main thing is also the fact that to trade items, it may require superior knowledge of the game, since someone may say 'can we trade your Energy Eggzooka for my Overlord Cannon?' - now to you, and quite a few others, you can see that's not fair, the Energy Eggzooka is much better than the Overlord Cannon, however, if the player convinces them, and the other guy may not know the stats of Overlord Cannon, nor look them up, and end up trading. That may sound like something that wouldn't happen, but I can guarantee you that would happen A LOT, and when the player realises how he's been 'done out of a good weapon', they'll start messaging the Help Team to get it undone.

Now the Help Team has a very very large amount of work as it is, with issues from all the AE Games flooding in. They don't need the added pressure of endless emails about swapping weapons back from unfair trades. Not only that, but you then have the issue of people turning up in Oz, and instead of just having 'F4f', you'll also have people saying 'Any one want to trade for ______' 'I'm trading ______, anyone interested?' and overall, with the amount of issues it would cause, the whole system for the amount of work and effort it would have to take to make, it could single handily ruin the game. Increased scamming, spamming, Help Team messages, people angry due to the results, the knock on effect of all of those, and what for? So a few people can use the feature properly and trade items. Right now, the cons are certainly a lot higher than the pros, and for that reason, this most likely will never be implemented.

qmaz -> RE: trading update (8/3/2012 8:14:48)

Really Supported. But This is my idea....

Ranloth -> RE: trading update (8/3/2012 9:37:54)

Many players posted it and it's not yours. Trading has been going on since after the merge of Forum or even before so not really yours. And since it's impossible to have such a system in game, nothing more can be said about it.

DeathHound -> RE: trading update (8/3/2012 12:22:38)

Not to mention that scamming is only ONE of the biggest issues coming from "Trading".

DavyJones -> RE: trading update (11/30/2013 12:19:45)

I do not support.

Remorse -> RE: trading update (11/30/2013 12:30:55)

People are quick to assume that trading can never be done secure...
Impossible is even sometimes used.


Trading will be something that most likely will never be released in EpicDuel, due to the high risk of scamming and other issues that stem from Trading. Most games that include trading have huge issues with players who don't understand the game trading weapons for something that isn't worth it, or being scammed, and having all their items given to someone else. The amount of issues that would come from implementing trading is much higher than the pros that it gives. So unless there's a way to make it scam proof, it won't be happening.

To me this doesn't sound like it won't ever happen , it sounds like they simply need a secure method.

And I'm sure something like the runescape grand exchange is actually secure enough especially if you have lower limit restrictions on items so scammers can not sell things so cheap nor get it to their specific account.

Their is also possibilities of adding extra security such as a pin code to access the exchange to sell items from you account and the pin can be backed up by say a security question.

The security isn't that much a question more effort required to get decent security system.

I think the technology is already here and the benefits are surely good enough to justify its efforts.

Perhaps people should be asking them selves, do I want trading if you assume security is not an issue?

Because refusing an idea on the basis of the fact that it CAN be risky is silly when their are ways to have more security then their is now whilst also having trading....

Chosen 0ne -> RE: trading update (11/30/2013 13:31:35)

I thought that this looked familiar. I've seen this thread before. A lot of what's mentioned here is outdated such as what Lycus has said.I think we just need to find a system that works.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: trading update (11/30/2013 22:09:33)

the thing is remorse that is it worth it to go through all that tedious process of keeping trading secure while there still may be a chance that scammers will find a way around the security? i think not, it would take up much of the development time for something that most would not enjoy very much at the end of the day, trading is useless and not worth the bother to be implemented

lionblades -> RE: trading update (11/30/2013 22:16:48)

Guys this is an old thread look at the date of last post: 8/3/2012

Remorse -> RE: trading update (11/30/2013 23:35:25)

@ Trizz,

Trading is FAR from useless trizz,

What you have to remember is that this games battle mechanics is also determined by RARE content.
Say someone want access to a rare style core or robot with trading they may have access even if it is a much more expensive price.
This means say if someone want to change their build but is limited to effectiveness as they need a rare effect they can still do so.

Trading also give an opportunity to give players a fair value on sell back, after the enhancements phase a lot of people deserve this.
It also give an opportunity for a player to sell their rares to get some currency to to actually play the game again.
A lot of people don't play because they simply don't have enough currency to class change.

Just because you don't think trading isn't useful doesn't mean it is so.

I think it is far worth the risk even with monitoring required.

Jekyll -> RE: trading update (11/30/2013 23:55:38)


Really Supported. But This is my idea....

There is no point in claiming credit for a suggestion that has been brought up and rehashed time after time. Many players have suggested it before, and it has been put down countless times. Trading will never happen in EpicDuel as stated by many staff members before, and I seriously doubt that it will even be considered at all.

Trading is not a feature of AE games, and possibly will never be.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: trading update (12/1/2013 0:14:02)


Trading also give an opportunity to give players a fair value on sell back, after the enhancements phase a lot of people deserve this.
It also give an opportunity for a player to sell their rares to get some currency to to actually play the game again.
A lot of people don't play because they simply don't have enough currency to class change.

they could rather work for the currency, even if they are low on credits or the class change is expensive which i agree to a point, selling rares to gain credits is foolish and that doesn't have much to do with trading itself since you do not gain credits from trading but rather swapping items with another player.


Just because you don't think trading isn't useful doesn't mean it is so.

I think it is far worth the risk even with monitoring required.

like Lycus said it has too many cons than pros, and too tedious to manage, it would be a lot more useful and productive to spend much time on something like balancing the game to a certain degree and creating more content for players than on something as simple as swapping items with another player.

considering the small amount of staff members ED has (4 official developers) it is simply not possible to manage trading at all.

Jekyll -> RE: trading update (12/1/2013 0:16:54)

And then there is the idea of double or triple farming. From my own experience, it is extremely easy to play up to 3 accounts at the same time. There is no violation of ED rules.

However, trading would open the door for people to farm on two alts and transfer items (which can be sold for credits) to one main account. Essentially this is earning credits at 2-3 times of the normal pace, which I think will be a major concern.

CN2025 -> RE: trading update (12/1/2013 1:37:10)

maybe there should be a compromise . today in 1v1 i saw this guy's char page and he has 10 pyro flies . make it so he could put the 9 excess pyro flies in a raffle .
nine lucky players who bought raffle tickets will get that pyro fly in exchange for some varium, depends how much rating the item has got .that way both parties will be happy.

Jekyll -> RE: trading update (12/1/2013 1:49:42)

In that case we could have an Auction House instead of Direct Trade.

1) Buyers and sellers remain anonymous
2) Items must be priced from a minimum value to avoid lowballing and server crashes which result in cheap items

fightR -> RE: trading update (12/1/2013 1:59:51)

I was just thinking that Jekyll, an Auction house would be a good idea. The game Rift has it so only medium-high level players can use the auction house. That's just another requirement i could see the auction house having.

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