RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (Full Version)

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TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (9/1/2012 7:13:09)

wats wrong with u ppl 25% is the max crit rate and bunker doesnt stack with crit. and u need to have atleast 140 support to have 25% crit rate. so do some research.

Wootz -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (9/1/2012 7:49:03)


wats wrong with u ppl 25% is the max crit rate and bunker doesnt stack with crit. and u need to have atleast 140 support to have 25% crit rate. so do some research.

Bunker doesn't stack with crit? Are you sure?

kosmo -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (9/1/2012 8:19:11)

Guys dont u understand y adrenaline doesnt work against bh or bm??The problem isnt adrenaline, but blood lust wich works exactly like adrenaline by the way it incrases ur hp and allows u to survive huge dmg, strenght abuse and all of tht incoming dmg just gives u a too fast rage.This affects balance ofcourse, so we see epic duel full of these massive builds, wich isnd good for both massive players(they get stuck with 2nd turn and luck, expeciaally against players using same build) and creativity players(they can only do certain builds, other ways they loose on a whole class).
I think tht a nerf to blood lust (hp gained no longer affect rage of both players) and a bigger choice of permanent high lvl wepons (expecially nonvarim) will brig fun and creativity back to ed.

Steel Slayer -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (9/1/2012 10:12:05)

@Depressed Void, wow, thats alotta text. also a kinda bad idea. would be better to just remove the bottom end caps on block and deflect. right now, block and deflect chance can NEVER go below 2%, yet people with only 2% chance to block seem to block alot anyway. as it is now, it only takes 2.5 difference in dex to move block chance up or down, with a base chance of 8%, meaning it takes only a 15 point difference to get to 2%. I say, just put in DR on reduction, and remove the minimum, maybe say 2.5 points for the first 4% reduction, and 6 points thereafter? This would also be kind of a nerf to Shadow Arts, which as far as I know, adds to the minimum block chance. No more 12% minimum block chance with only 20 dex sounds like a win to me.

@kosmo, since when does health gain affect rage gain? As far as i know, rage gain is affected by Support, armor, and damage dealt. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, link provided for battle mechanics page on wiki.

Stabilis -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (9/1/2012 10:18:41)

OK, so this is the old suggestion I have modified and revived.

Steel Slayer, would it be OK if you could point out the worst parts of this scheme so that I can improve it to your liking? Thanks.

kingpowerlord -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (9/1/2012 11:05:13)

All fellow forumers, give me your opinion to buff mercenaries, they ARE UP

Steel Slayer -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (9/1/2012 11:16:09)

No problem, Void. I just dont think being able to block on demand, or crit or deflect, is a good idea. Especially if it doesnt take a turn. Besides, in your example, even if I only had ONE more dex than you, you couldnt block me. Ever. And how would this work for NPC battles? Its just too big of a change in game mechanics. I wouldnt mind if we all had a "defend" move, kinda like strike, can be done anytime, reduces all incoming damage by, say, 30% until your next turn, and maybe even stops crits(since you're on gaurd), but would of course mean you arent attacking on that turn. That would be a decent strategic defensive move, which wouldnt be OP, since if even if you spammed it, it would mean you were never attacking, and would still be taking damage. Just as in real life, defending all day would never win you a fight, but defending at the right time could save your hide.

kingpowerlord -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (9/1/2012 11:19:06)

@steel slayer
I has an idea just like that on of these last few pages, a passive mercenary skill which reduces incoming damage by 20% at max. I think that is a great idea, its the buff they would need and don't say they will be op because they won't.

King Helios -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (9/1/2012 11:20:03)

TacMerc + 139 HP = 17 round 2v2.

Seriously, it takes WAYYYYY too long.

SMGS -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (9/1/2012 11:31:56)

30 page lock.

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