RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (Full Version)

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Ultrapowerpie -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/10/2013 22:57:21) -dis one. Everyone else has their history separated form the FAQ, y'all got it mingled together making it harder for others to find it. Clearly this is true since LegendaryFighter AND HollowkNight (IRC) couldn't find it :P

Paxia is rich with history, Sacchi has Igneus (and others maybe) archived. Let's get it out for others to see!!!

Hollow Knight -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/10/2013 23:57:54)

He means something like this:

Which I cannot make without a compilation of every bit of information you guys have on that. So any help will be greatly appreciated.

LegendaryFighter -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/11/2013 0:17:06)

There will be no help from me in that regard; all that's before my time.

Seth Hydra -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/25/2013 5:22:41)

Anybody there?

I know we have hardly few players checking this forum but it would be usefull to have atleast intermediate councils before the paxia war, which is 8/8/8

Hollow Knight -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/27/2013 18:39:29)

Yes I am here. I am the leader of Igneus(for now) but like Pie said:


I apologize for the lack of updating on clanz governments and stuffs but I've been talking with SCAKK about Paxia on the forums so I'm putting a halt to stuff like that until everything is finished with that (the other Clans AKs are talking to about ideas)

But that doesn't mean we cannot discuss how the war will affect Igneus.

Seth Hydra -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/28/2013 15:59:59)

First off we need to gather suport for igneus in this wat. Also we need dedicated warmongers too.. Ang GE is on a hiatus, so we really need people.

Compared to the other clans(in the forums) we are in a precarios position, though I cant say anything about non forum igneus members.

Sarriya -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/30/2013 18:22:30)

People on the forums tend to represent a pretty tiny sliver of people participating in events.

LegendaryFighter -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (8/1/2013 22:54:37)

We are so not ready for this war.

Seth Hydra -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (8/2/2013 4:48:16)

^Well, I'm not sure.

You've got me! :P

Jokes aside, our non forum support is paramount, and we will be getting help from a very famous AQ player.

Besides that, we are in a much better position that say Nautica and Glacius.

This is the final war I'll particpate for a few months, so I want to make the most of it! the countdown has begun, 6 days! :

Hollow Knight -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (8/2/2013 21:16:30)

Well when the war does start we'll be ready. The failure of this war could potentially bring the destruction of Paxia failure is not an option.

LegendaryFighter -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (8/2/2013 23:30:41)

From the 8/8/8 thread, it appears we have another half-dozen or so warriors that are willing to defend Igneus that have never posted on the Igneus thread. I wonder if they know it's here; I know I didn't for the longest time.

Hollow Knight -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (8/3/2013 1:06:18)

I am thinking of opening threads dedicated on how Igneus will be affected by the war to bring those Igneus warrior to their clan home forum. I need suggestions on what threads do you guys wanna see related to the war here.

Seth Hydra -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (8/3/2013 14:12:35)

I would like to volunteer for a post in the council, to help gather and organise support for the defense of our clan.
I would like to lead the war effort as head of the war council.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (8/3/2013 14:19:45)

Denied, Igenus is currently undergoing renovations with their CC. HollowKnight is Pro-Temp Leader until a new CC structure/voting system is agreed upon, then voting/nomination for the council will commence.

Seth Hydra -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (8/4/2013 17:31:04)

Alright, but who's overtaking.the drafting of a new system?

I'd like to propose, a paliamentary democratic form of govt
The council.will consist of three seperate sub councils,
Ext affairs council
Int affairs Council
War council

The final decisions and rules to implement/rule.out. Will rest in the hands of the clan leader.

Anyone in favour of this system?

Also Mr. Moogle since we are a little short on forum manpower, can you help us form a govt?

Hollow Knight -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (8/4/2013 21:31:53)

Like I told earlier I was writting a new CC. But issues arose and me along with the other clan AK's were resolving it.

A clan head is a figurehead his power is the same as another high council member, he will not be above anyone his only job is to be the representation of the leader of forum side of the clan ALONG with the other CC members.

You will need to present more information on your councils. Flesh them out with duties etc.

One thing is for certain the following councils will be disbanded:

Peacekeeper Council - This council is a mini modding council from a different time that is not needed any longer.

Information Council - All this information that is presented in this council can easily be found in the pedia and we will not have any mini pedia in the forums for obvious reasons.

I propose there shall be a Four council system:

The High Council - The High Council is made of the leaders of the different councils and the Clan Leader they are in charge with keeping the clan up to date and running the general clan as a whole along with their own Councils.

The Internal Council - Are in charge with keeping the clan with activity such as ideas, clan morale and keeping up activity within the clan. They are the ones in charge of arts, poets, history and other internal issues.

The External Council - They are in charge of clan politics with OTHER clans. They are the ambassadors of the clan and they have the power to make alliances with the final approval of the High Council.

The War Council - Is in charge of the strategies and command of the forces of the clan. They are the ones that rally the troops and come up with different tactics to wage war.

Each council is led by a Council Head along with a second in command. Like previously stated the leader of each council has a seat in the High Council.

Every position shall be voted on.

Seth Hydra -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (8/4/2013 23:41:35)


The High Council - The High Council is made of the leaders of the different councils and the Clan Leader they are in charge with keeping the clan up to date and running the general clan as a whole along with their own Councils.

The Internal Council - Are in charge with keeping the clan with activity such as ideas, clan morale and keeping up activity within the clan. They are the ones in charge of arts, poets, history and other internal issues.

The External Council - They are in charge of clan politics with OTHER clans. They are the ambassadors of the clan and they have the power to make alliances with the final approval of the High Council.

The War Council - Is in charge of the strategies and command of the forces of the clan. They are the ones that rally the troops and come up with different tactics to wage war.

Each council is led by a Council Head along with a second in command. Like previously stated the leader of each council has a seat in the High Council.

Well my idea is similar, except you've added another council as the main governing body.
I wanted to propose that there be One council head, and his deputy and Two others to help with tasks in each of the councils besides the high council which will have the clan leader and the heads of each council(3 MEMBERS)

Hollow Knight -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (8/5/2013 0:22:01)

Two deputies for what? The Clan Head is just another member of the high council. All he does is be the tie breaker in votes within the high council and be the representation of the clan. Adding two deputies or sub clan heads is only adding more bureaucracy than it is needed.

The clan head does not need a "cabinet" of assistants or sub clan heads that is excessive. If for any reason the clan head is not reachable or abandon his duty the clan's high council will run without him until the next election or a AK will intervene and place a temporary leader until an election can be formed.

Rafiq von den Vielen -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (8/5/2013 3:09:03)

Upon a friendly request by one of our fiery brethren I shall poke this thread just to note that I, semi-professional warmonger and motivational spirit of the many, have risen from the exiles to support my clan.

Seth Hydra -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (8/5/2013 5:01:35)

@HK: Even if th war council doesnt, the 2 affairs coucil definetely do.

@rafiq: Great to see you! Whom do u agree with?

Rafiq von den Vielen -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (8/5/2013 5:23:46)

... *reads up first to get in touch* Hey I'm new to this board, don't bombard me with such extreme speed >:D

Oh well, I think Hollow Knight's idea sounds very reasonable, because, no offense ss2195, if we have three separate councils what can the leaders of those do without having their own to communicate and figure out future plans?
(I'm really bad at politics)

Seth Hydra -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (8/5/2013 5:56:37)

Really is 1 Head+ 1 Person enough to handle an affairs council.

The internal affairs will have to handle the rules, art, history, club morale.

The External affairs will have to handle diplomatic relations with 8 clans, including setting up alliances, consulting with other clans etc.

I propose that the number of members in the affairs councils be increased, atleast to 4 people including the Head and deputy.

Where's the Moogle bt dubs?

LegendaryFighter -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (8/5/2013 7:54:30)

If we were as active a clan as we were back at the height of paxia, I would side with ss2195, but given how we have a MAX of 20-30 igneus forumites, the smaller councils of Hollow Knight make more sense, otherwise it'd just end up with 50% of people in the government and it would become chaotic. Hollow is trying to keep it small and simpler if I'm understanding correctly.

Seth Hydra -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (8/5/2013 8:40:52)

^ point.

BUT INCASE the paxian crises re ignites the forum,we will need to make amendments.
Someone should write it down.

Hollow Knight -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (8/5/2013 18:54:48)

Not everyone has to be in a council. What you are proposing is if the clan suddenly becomes a massive hub of activity and EVERYONE wants to be in the council. A council should only be the persons that really want to participate actively in the clan not some random person. A council member should be aware that they would need to show exemplary attitude and be a nice person because they will be representing other persons along with them it is a responsibility.

So I think the suggestions you are putting up are really for a enormous clan which we really don't have. Not even Aerodu has a lot of councils so we need to keep it simple and precise and even if we had more members I would still advise on a small yet effective government. The problem consists in which adding more councils it adds more divisions and conflicts within the clan and it really hinders and prevents any progress within decision making.

If a lot of people decide they wanna join a council we can add some more slots but I still think we don't need for example ten people doing the same thing. We can have like 4 people in a council including the council leader. If someone wants to join the council they can prove they are willing to work for it and assist the council they desire to be placed in and in the next election nominate themselves for a position and it will be voted on.

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