RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (Full Version)

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Hollow Knight -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/5/2013 1:49:26)

In my opinion if everyone comes together to help rebuilt we can see some action back in here. The game is starting back to pay attention to Paxia so we will need to prepare a forum that can welcome the players back here.

I understand if you're skeptical of the clan being back to it's "glory" days. But that doesn't mean we cannot try to be active and pick Igneus back to it's feet again. We should try I prefer saying we tried getting it back on its feet and it wasn't possible to say we never tried.

You never know what if we tried and successfully pick Igneus back to it's feet and become successful and active once again.

Even the mention of new content brought life back to Paxia once again so imagine when that wars comes up this place will be filled with people trying showing encouraging their comrades. That's why we must try to organize Igneus to show that we care for it.

I have seen people lurking and posting here so I'm going to ask now who wishes to run for any position within the clan council?

I also would like to add that we have a IRC channel just go to /join #Igneus

LegendaryFighter -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/5/2013 23:49:03)

I would like to run for Peacekeeper, Strategist, or Clan Head but will
fill in anywhere I'm needed (except art, I'm useless at art)

Please use your sig only once per page. ~Hollow Knight

Sarriya -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/6/2013 1:11:10)

I don't think the art council ever got used anyways.

Seth Hydra -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/6/2013 1:37:58)

Well I propose to be head of.the war council, which will beside a strategist to maximise our war efforts.

I also propose there be an external affairs council which will include peacekeepera, alliance maler and the like.

Morover these councils will work independently of the.clan head, but will need his consent regarding tje actions that have to be taken.

Aldo we can have a sort of legislature in order to draft a new set of laws.

Anyone find this a good idea?

Hollow Knight -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/6/2013 2:26:08)

Well finally seeing some people interested in the leadership of Igneus which is great at this moment in time every position is open so you may apply to anyone you seem fit to lead or be part of.

First my application: I am going to apply for the position of Clan Head

1. Do you have the ability to be active in the clan?

Yes I believe I do have the ability to be active within the clan. I may not look like it but I have been a player of AQ since 2008 and a Guardian since 2010 so I have been around.

I am also very active within the CFG&H forum including the Paxia forum. So I believe I have the ability and the duty as a member of Igneus to be active within the clan.

2. How many posts do you have total as well as how many non-spam posts in the Igneus Forum you think you have?

Uh in total I have around 2k post but since the forums deletes old post currently I have 600 or so recent posts. I have been very active in the resurrection of the Igneus forum.

3. How long have you been a forum member?

June 2009 I believe.

4. Why do you want to be a council member?

Well I want to help Igneus with my experience as a guild leader so we can achieve great goals and make fun activities together as a clan and I believe my experience as a Guild Leader and Archknight would help the clan as a whole with my leadership.

5. What head council position do you want to be nominated for?

I am submitting this application for Clan Head.

6. What qualifies you for the position?

I have been a Guild Leader for around 5 years and I'm also an Archknight in this forums so I believe I have a nice attitude and leadership skills.

7. Provide a link to your character(s) if you don't have it linked to your forum id.

It's linked in my forum profile.

8. Submit your pieces of work (artists only).


9. If you CAN be active, WILL you be active?

I can and will be active.

I personally believe a "External Affairs" council will only divide clan members and can be considered a sub group which are not allowed at this moment we need to focus on the internal part of our guild and in the future if necessary we can discuss a external but integrated to the clan leadership council.

A new sets of updated laws are definitely open for discussions a lot of things have changed over the years so a new set of updated laws wouldn't be a bad idea. But like I said we need a council to approve this set of laws so defining our government must come first.

So for the candidates for the Head positions are:

Clan Head

  • Hollow Knight
  • LegendaryFighter

    Strategy Council

  • ss2195
  • LegendaryFighter

    Peacekeeper Council

  • LegendaryFighter

    @LegendaryFighter: Perhaps you could choose one of the three options you picked it seems you are the only one interested at the moment for the Head Peacekeeper position perhaps you could choose that? (Only a suggestion)

  • LegendaryFighter -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/6/2013 2:29:04)

    I completely agree with all of those ideas; might I also suggest a (possibly) short term position of Recruiter, to be in charge of getting more players to join Igneus at least until our numbers have regrown.

    I would also like to mention that since there is an impending war (coming in as little as a week), it is crucial that we get things straightened out quickly so that we can be prepared.

    Seth Hydra -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/6/2013 3:09:58)

    1. Do you have the ability to be active in the clan?

    Yes, i'm usually very active, and log in atleast once a day

    2. How many posts do you have total as well as how many non-spam posts in the Igneus Forum you think you have?

    Well, my post count was reduced, so far, Ive accumulated 400 or so in the past few months.

    3. How long have you been a forum member?

    I joined the forums in september 2011 IIRC

    4. Why do you want to be a council member?

    Well, I was really attracted to the Great clan of fire, and It was a real shame when the activity in game stopped. However, I want to help in whantever way I can, to the best of my abilites to help it reach its former glory

    5. What head council position do you want to be nominated for?

    I'd prefer Head of the War council

    6. What qualifies you for the position?

    I'm very adept at warring, whenever I have the time that is, and usually contribute quite a few (Not Kalle much, but still). I can help guide young, and greenhorns who want to become warmongers, to help this clan regain its warring spirit.

    7. Provide a link to your character(s) if you don't have it linked to your forum id.

    Available under my avatar

    8. Submit your pieces of work (artists only).

    Well, I can help as a free lance, since Im quite good at it, here is the piece I've submitted for the Bad guys, good battles contest

    9. If you CAN be active, WILL you be active?

    I'm quite active throughout the year, except at times when RL calls(Exams etc).

    While I understand the external affairs council isnt of priority as of now, but I dont really see how it can divide clan members.

    This is just the rough outline of the system I want to propose.

    2) Defence council(War head, Strategist, and Sub-positions), Administration council (Judicial department, Art council, General clan maintenance), External affairs( Peacekeepers, Allaince Council, Envoys, messengers and Clan Representatives)

    Fixed page breaking material. ~Hollow Knight

    Hollow Knight -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/6/2013 3:25:54)


    In regards for the position of Recruiter it depends a lot on how it would it go by done we cannot simply PM everyone in the AQ forums to join our clan (Which seriously don't against da rulez)

    I suggest having our sigs linked to the Igneus forum like so:


    So just copy paste that into your sig boxes and showing it off(one sig per page please) as much as possible which include being active here and on the main AQ forum which is the AQGD engaging with the community and engaging with our community here to show activity.

    So in the regards everyone can be a recruiter. But if you want we can someone in charge of looking up old members and trying to contact them.



    Defence council(War head, Strategist, and Sub-positions), Administration council (Judicial department, Art council, General clan maintenance), External affairs( Peacekeepers, Allaince Council, Envoys, messengers and Clan Representatives)

    I see what you're suggesting but I personally believe this divides the clan. Their was a guild I was part of that divided the guild into "Spheres" like you're suggesting long story short it didn't work because when new players joined it greatly confused them because when they asked about joining a "Sphere" they were sent to someone else and was generally more complex that it really needed to be. So while it's a good idea I don't think it's currently necessary here as we are trying to streamline everything and making it orderly. Dividing the government into departments only brings more positions, management etc than it's really necessary.

    Seth Hydra -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/6/2013 3:42:34)

    True i guess, I think we should focus on the leadership first rather than the Government, ITS not a priority as of now.

    Hollow Knight -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/6/2013 3:57:31)

    Alright we should begin considering setting a time limit for nominations and begin the voting process I believe it is crucial we have the government running before this Friday in the case the war is released that day and the players have somewhere to rally.

    LegendaryFighter -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/6/2013 4:02:43)

    I apologize if this sounds like a noob question, but how exactly do you run for a position?

    Hollow Knight -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/6/2013 4:03:45)


    1. Do you have the ability to be active in the clan?
    2. How many posts do you have total as well as how many non-spam posts in the Igneus Forum you think you have?
    3. How long have you been a forum member?
    4. Why do you want to be a council member?
    5. What head council position do you want to be nominated for?
    6. What qualifies you for the position?
    7. Provide a link to your character(s) if you don't have it linked to your forum id.
    8. Submit your pieces of work (artists only).
    9. If you CAN be active, WILL you be active?

    Fill this application if interested in being a council member.

    sacchi -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/6/2013 18:08:56)

    We used to create a thread which would run for a week or two where people would apply, and then the thread would be deleted/locked and we'd start a thread for voting. All discussion would stay in this ICC thread though so the other one was clean from discussion and only had the applications and then votes.

    But seeing how few people are here you could just do it in this single thread if you want.

    Hollow Knight -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/6/2013 18:19:49)

    Yes I am aware but like you said they're not enough persons to properly use that process and we would just be dividing everything if this thread starts getting filled with application then a new nomination thread would be made but at this moment I don't think it's necessary. A voting thread will be made when it's time to vote.

    Seth Hydra -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/7/2013 1:23:13)

    Well since there are only so many of us , why not just create an interim for.the timebeimg

    Ultrapowerpie -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/7/2013 2:23:25)

    Interim positions for clans undergoing restruconstruction will be appointed by the moogle to prevent internal bickering on hiiw/who to choose FOR the temp gov.

    Just FYI. If you wish just eequest it in the movement thread.

    Seth Hydra -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/7/2013 3:02:23)

    I think that's our best option considering this thread is recieving replies by only a handfull of candidates.

    If it's ok with the others, I guess you could assign temp posts

    Hollow Knight -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/7/2013 14:52:32)

    Okay so I have been appointed the Interim Leader of Igneus! RAWR! First order of business is updating! We should welcome new members with a a new FAQ:

    The old one:


    Welcome To The Igneus Q&A/FAQ Thread.

    We must thank all the people who have contributed to the questions and answers provided here. This thread was started due to people asking the same questions as well as starting brand new threads just to ask a question. If you have a question and need an answer here is a good place to ask it.

    1. What is Igneus, who is its leader and how do I join the clan?

    Igneus is a fire clan in Paxia. The leader of the clan is Igneox and to join the clan click the travel map and sail east. When you've done that click on Paxia clans and click on Igneus. Once there you'll proceed to click on Enter the Volcano. When in the volcano you'll click on Igneox, click on more then on Join Igneus. When he asks you if your sure you click yes. Then he'll say are you positive and you'll click Positive and there you go you're a member of the clan.

    2. I'm new to the Igneus forums, where should I begin? Are there places I can look for generalized help as I don't need a long term mentor?

    Start with the sticky threads at the top of the main forum page, including this one. By going through those you can learn about the ICC, register yourself in the roll call thread (this is the only place where you can announce your arrival into the clan), take a look at Igneus signatures as well as learn the rules so you won't get in trouble. If you need more generalized help you can do few things the first is check out the Support Forum. You also have the option to follow the ICC link in FAQ #3 and PM a council member as all are willing to help and last you can ask questions in this thread.

    3. What is the ICC?

    The ICC stands for Igneus Clan Council. The ICC is responsible for organizing the clan as a form of leadership. There are 3 head councils members on the ICC: the AI, the head of Strategy and the Peacekeeper. Each one has there own responsibilities and will determine if there is a need for the sub council they head. All positions are obtained through the election process which is based on a popular vote. Along with Head Council Members, there are Vice Head Council Members, one for each HCM. They assist the HCM and take over in the case of prolonged absence, giving up of power, etc. More info. can be found in the ICC Thread.

    4. What is Clan Neutrality/Unity?

    Clan Unity is for clans to retain a neutral stance in Paxia. This means no friends/alliances or enemies until The'Galin is gone. Some, however, would like there to be widespread peace. Clan Unity is more member-specific than neutrality is. If you want to learn more or talk about The'Galin (aka Devourer or Uncreator) please use AQ Speculations and Theories Forum as it was designed for just that.

    5. Is there a place where I can get help from other experienced members?

    Yes, right here! Just ask here and we will answer you. If you wish to know something about the games (AQ and DF), you can also go to the Question and Answers board. AQ Q/A - DF Q/A Or you may also go here for equipment advice. Please make sure you read the rules in those boards before posting. We remind you that you may ask for help in this thread too.

    6. Why don't we have clan equipment even though other clans do? I have a suggestion for armors, pets, weapons, etc. Where can I put it at?

    Game staff are working on making clan equipment for all clans and when they have finished with it we will have the opportunity to gain access to it. There is no definite time frame for when it will be done so be patient. Suggestions are to only be made in the AQ Suggestions Forum. Please remember this as it is the only place game staff look for ideas. Suggesting it in the Igneus forums will just end up getting you a locked thread.

    7. Do we have a Private forum for members of Igneus only?

    Yes we do! We have the Igneus Private Forum, and the Igneus Website, and of course the Paxia Private Forums is used as a private forum for all of Paxia, not only Igneus. This forum is somewhat active.

    8. Where can I go just to talk about AQ in general?

    General Game Discussion (often called GGD), is where that sort of thing belongs. You may even see some familiar faces in there. ;)

    9. I recently read something about an "uber trigger weapon" that can slay the The'Galin (aka Devourer and Uncreator). Is this true?

    I don't know about them being uber trigger but there are 3 weapons which do happen to do extra damage against agents of The'Galin they would be the Salvation Bow, Scepter and Blade. If you want to read up or discuss The'Galin please go to the AQ Speculations and Theories Forum.

    10. Can we have an alliance?

    At this point in time an alliance is not possible. For more info on why it's not possible please see question #4. However, we do have a =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances thread for that purpose, it is rarely used.

    11. I have a question that I think would be valuable for the Q&A thread, can I submit it in a post here?

    There are bound to be important questions that we forgot to include so if you were to help remind us it would be greatly appreciated.

    12. Is there a place to go where I can ask more general game related questions?

    Yes you can use the AQ Q&A forum.

    13. When are we going to have the next event to compete in?

    We're not sure exactly when a new event will come out, but Falerin (AQ's Loremaster) is reportedly working on a "Major Major Paxian Event". Nevertheless, nobody knows when this will happen.

    14. How can I become a council member?

    The only way to become a council member is to wait until you see a nomination thread whether it's for a sub council or head council position. When you see that fill out the application thread and if accepted you'll be eligible to participate and voted for when the vote starts. The next election process for head council is expected to start near the end of September. The next sub council election is unknown at this time.

    15. Where should I go if I want to speak to another clan or if I'm from another clan and I want to speak with members of Igneus?

    If you have something you want to say to another clan or to the Igneus clan please use =Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications or the other clan's Cross-Clan Communications as that is why the threads were started.

    16. What events have occured so far and who won them (what was won)?

    Event #1 - Paxus Says (12/4-12/6) - Igneus 1st (Broken Paxus Doll) and Geoto 2nd (Hand of Paxus)
    Event #2 - Leaf it to Cleaver (1/25-1/28) - Igneus and Aerodu (Rusty Cleaver)
    Event #3 - Gong with the Wind (5/14-5/28) - Winners: Aerodu, Igneus, and Nocturu (Prize: Wind Chime)

    *If there are any that I am not aware of, please let me know)

    17. I love writing stories and would like to post some for others to read, is there a place where I can go for this since their not aloud in the clan forums?

    Yes there is you can go to Legends & Lore, one important thing to remember is to read the stickes at the top of the page so you can learn how that particular forum works.

    18. Is there a list of forum staff and AK's? What is a mod and an AK?

    Yes there is a list, you can find it by clicking on Forum Staff and AK List. A mod is a forum staff member responsible for keeping track of the boards. Each has a specific area they keep track of, that however doesn't restrict them for keeping track of other areas if it's needed. An AK or Arch Knight is similar to a mod except it's not considered a forum staff member. The AK's you'll see of Paxia are Baron and Ultrapowerpie.

    19. How do I change clans?

    First thing you need to do is get to Paxia so click Travel Map, Sail East, and click on Paxia Clans. In order to switch clans go to Monolith Island on the bottom right and talk to Negatus Statue. Keep in mind if we're in a time of competition it's not possible to switch clans till after the competition is over. Once you've done that FAQ#1 covers joining the clan.

    Try to remember this is the Igneus clan forum and not the AQ Q&A forum. If you don't have a question, an answer or anything else useful to help others please don't post here.

    If you can't find something in here that answers your question feel free to ask away and either myself or someone else will hopefully get you the answer you need or at least point you to the right direction in a timely fashion.



    Pinned and FAQ'd. ~Baron

    My suggestion for the new one:


    Welcome To The Igneus Q&A/FAQ Thread.

    We must thank all the people who have contributed to the questions and answers provided here. This thread was started due to people asking the same questions as well as starting brand new threads just to ask a question. If you have a question and need an answer here is a good place to ask it.

    What is Igneus, who is its leader and how do I join the clan?

    Igneus is the fire clan in Paxia. The leader of the clan is Igneox and to join the clan click the travel map and sail east. When you've done that click on Paxia clans and click on Igneus. Once there you'll proceed to click on Enter the Volcano. When in the volcano you'll click on Igneox, click on more then on Join Igneus. When he asks you if your sure you click yes. Then he'll say are you positive and you'll click Positive and there you go you're a member of the clan.

    I'm new to the Igneus forums, where should I begin? Are there places I can look for generalized help as I don't need a long term mentor?

    Start with the sticky threads at the top of the main forum page, including this one. By going through those you can learn about the ICC, register yourself in the roll call thread (this is the only place where you can announce your arrival into the clan. If you need more forum help you can do few things the first is check out the Forum Support Forum. You also have the option to follow the ICC link in FAQ #3 and PM a council member as all are willing to help and last you can ask questions in this thread.

    What is the ICC?

    The ICC stands for Igneus Clan Council. The ICC is responsible for organizing the clan as a form of leadership. There are 3 head councils members on the ICC: the AI, the head of Strategy and the Peacekeeper. Each one has there own responsibilities and will determine if there is a need for the sub council they head. All positions are obtained through the election process which is based on a popular vote. Along with Head Council Members, there are Vice Head Council Members, one for each HCM. They assist the HCM and take over in the case of prolonged absence, giving up of power, etc. More info. can be found in the ICC Thread.

    What is Clan Neutrality/Unity?

    Clan Unity is for clans to retain a neutral stance in Paxia. Some, however, would like there to be widespread peace. Clan Unity is more member-specific than neutrality is.

    Is there a place where I can get help from other experienced members?

    Yes, right here! Just ask here and we will answer you. If you wish to know something about the games (AQ and DF), you can also go to the Question and Answers board. AQ Q/A - DF Q/A Or you may also go here for equipment advice. Please make sure you read the rules in those boards before posting. We remind you that you may ask for help in this thread too.

    Why don't we have clan equipment even though other clans do? I have a suggestion for armors, pets, weapons, etc. Where can I put it at?

    Game staff are working on making clan equipment for all clans and when they have finished with it we will have the opportunity to gain access to it. There is no definite time frame for when it will be done so be patient. Suggestions are to only be made in the AQ Suggestions Forum. Please remember this as it is the only place game staff look for ideas. Suggesting it in the Igneus forums will just end up getting you a locked thread.

    Where can I go just to talk about AQ in general?

    AQ General Discussion (often called AQGD), is where that sort of thing belongs. This is where you go to talk about releases and socialize with the general AQ players.

    Can we have an alliance or socialize with other clans?

    At this point in time an alliance is not possible. But you may indeed socialize with other clans using their respective threads found here:

    Aerodu Cross Clan Communication
    Dynami Cross Clan Communication
    Geoto Cross Clan Communication
    Glacian Cross Clan Communication
    Lucian Cross Clan Communication
    Nautica Cross Clan Communication
    Nocturu Cross Clan Communication

    I have a question that I think would be valuable for the Q&A thread, can I submit it in a post here?

    There are bound to be important questions that we forgot to include so if you were to help remind us it would be greatly appreciated. Just post in the ICC thread so we know about your great suggestion and we can work together to add them.

    Is there a place to go where I can ask more general game related questions?

    Yes you can use the AQ Q&A forum.

    When are we going to have the next event to compete in?

    Currently Xov has declared war on Paxia! We must rally our forces to defend our home!

    How can I become a council member?

    The only way to become a council member is to wait until you see a nomination thread whether it's for a sub council or head council position. When you see that fill out the application thread and if accepted you'll be eligible to participate and voted for when the vote starts.

    What events have occurred so far and who won them (what was won)?

    Event #1 - Paxus Says (12/4-12/6) - Igneus 1st (Broken Paxus Doll) and Geoto 2nd (Hand of Paxus)
    Event #2 - Leaf it to Cleaver (1/25-1/28) - Igneus and Aerodu (Rusty Cleaver)
    Event #3 - Gong with the Wind (5/14-5/28) - Winners: Aerodu, Igneus, and Nocturu (Prize: Wind Chime)

    *If there are any that I am not aware of, please let me know)

    I love writing stories and would like to post some for others to read, is there a place where I can go for this since their not aloud in the clan forums?

    Yes there is you can go to Legends & Lore, one important thing to remember is to read the stickies at the top of the page so you can learn how that particular forum works.

    Is there a list of forum staff and AK's? What is a mod and an AK?

    Yes there is a list, you can find it by clicking on Forum Staff and AK List. A mod is a forum staff member responsible for keeping track of the boards. Each has a specific area they keep track of, that however doesn't restrict them for keeping track of other areas if it's needed. An AK or Arch Knight is similar to a mod except it's not considered a forum staff member. The AK's you'll see of Paxia are found in this list of CFGH AK's.

    How do I change clans?

    First thing you need to do is get to Paxia so click Travel Map, Sail East, and click on Paxia Clans. In order to switch clans go to Monolith Island on the bottom right and talk to Negatus Statue. Keep in mind if we're in a time of competition it's not possible to switch clans till after the competition is over. Once you've done that FAQ#1 covers joining the clan.

    Try to remember this is the Igneus clan forum and not the AQ Q&A forum. If you don't have a question, an answer or anything else useful to help others please don't post here.

    If you can't find something in here that answers your question feel free to ask away and either myself or someone else will hopefully get you the answer you need or at least point you to the right direction in a timely fashion.


    Thanks to DarkEternal for the original Q&A
    Thanks to Hollow Knight for the Update

    Pinned and FAQ'd. ~Baron

    So most of the FAQ Q&A was pretty well done so in my opinion it didn't need any major overhaul so I just updated the links added a few things, fixed some typos etc. What do you guys think?

    LegendaryFighter -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/7/2013 17:25:23)

    Two thumbs up

    Hollow Knight -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/7/2013 18:50:50)

    Okay I'm going to wait for more people opinion on the FAQ before making it official.

    Let's move to the ICC thread this is a big and important thread so we'll move on updating it little by little:

    Let's talk art for now:

    Old Banner:

    My suggestion:

    Seth Hydra -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/8/2013 11:55:26)

    Great, love the new Banner!

    LegendaryFighter -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/8/2013 15:35:48)

    Same, but I don't think you're going to be getting many more opinions on your implementations, as it seems that only ss2195 and I, and maybe sacchi, check this thread regularly.

    sacchi -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/10/2013 21:08:04)

    That banner looks pretty cool. I'm all up for replacing anything that people want (except for the flag, out flag is too cool to replace it :) )

    Ultrapowerpie -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/10/2013 21:19:51)

    Your history thread is aboslutely horrific. Y'all really should update it so it's a seperate awesome history thread. Cuase it's kewl. :P

    LegendaryFighter -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/10/2013 21:47:38)

    What thread would that be? Could you provide a link?

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