This Is The End, Beautiful Friend - August 7, 2012 Design Notes (Full Version)

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Ashari -> This Is The End, Beautiful Friend - August 7, 2012 Design Notes (8/16/2012 19:50:41)

August 07, 2012
This Is The End, Beautiful Friend
War is Ending

The Infernal Infiltration War is winding down, and while the Exiles have a significant lead, the Legion can’t be ruled out just yet!  Remember to use those grenades -- you can resell them for credits after the War is over, but it isn’t worth stockpiling them, and grenades are happiest when thrown.

When the War ends, the bombs will no longer be available, nor will the missions to get bombs.

In addition, the Alignment-specific cruisers will go rare.  However, neutral mechachillid cruisers will still be available.

Winner Takes All

As mentioned before, the alignment to power through this final Vault door first will win the Infernal War, as well as control over the Infernal Mines.  Not enough for you? How about a new bot?

The Infernal Android will be available first to the winning alignment, and its special attack is related to its origin in the Vaults; the longer a battle lasts, the more damage the special attack does!  As mentioned just up there, the winning alignment will have first stab at using it, and the Infernal Android comes in both varium and credit-only flavors.

New Boost System

As we wrap up the war we are turning our attention to systems that could be improved, such as boosting.  The revamped boost system will allow you to boost based on duration or number of rounds, and we will be introducing a new credit boost, which many of you may have figured out from the new end battle screens.  

There is a lot of build with this new system so it may not go live this week, but it will definitely be available next week. 

Did You Know?

Did you know that following battles, you now see a new screen that includes facts about EpicDuel? This new screen should be more helpful and informative than previous. Do you have an idea for an EpicDuel tip? Then post it here:

Why didn’t I announce this in the last design notes? Well, I’m remote staff, so I find out for sure what’s going to be in the update on Monday or Tuesday, and write the design notes based on that. Occasionally, Titan and Rabble look at each other and decide yes... we can fit more into this update. They then add a feature that I don’t find out about until testing.

Happy Birthday Titan!

Our favorite cheeseburger-loving Physical God is turning another year older this week! He hasn’t asked for any missions, but it’s possible that Titan has forged in his mighty foundry an item of such power and inanity that it cannot be comprehended.

Where u go? ;-;

I’m likely not going to be writing the DNs or have much to do with the game or development next week, as I will be doing field work at another university across the country from where I live. Maybe I’ll post pictures on my Twitter!

Thrippy Thrips

Have you ever seen scars on fruit or flowers? Or seen a tiny insect crawling inside your LCD screen? Then chances are, you have encountered a thrips. Thrips are tiny insects (as small as 1/25 of an inch) with fringed wings belonging to the order Thysanoptera. They typically feed on plants by puncturing the plant with their mouthparts and sucking out the delicious juices. Because they serve as a vector for several plant viruses including Tobacco mosaic virus, thrips are considered pests by farmers.

Tags: Cinderella Infernal Infiltration Droid Bot Missions Grenades Legion exile Boost Did You Know? Titan Birthday

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