=MTAK= The Wolf Rider Returns to Her Den (Full Version)

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Gingkage -> =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Returns to Her Den (8/7/2012 19:25:53)

For those of you who haven't noticed yet, I'm the newest AK for DF Q&A. Maybe some of you awesome people recognize me, maybe you don't. Either way, the purpose of this thread is so that you can meet me, and I can be spammed answer your questions.

But, since anarchy is frowned upon in my country, there are some rules:

1: Ten questions per post, and one post per page.
2: If you edit your post after I've answered your questions, or you delete both your questions and my answers to ask me new ones, you will be ignored. Cheating isn't allowed in the real-world, so I'm not allowing it here. :)
3: If I feel a question is too personal, I reserve the right to not answer it.
4: Have fun.

I'll be editing your posts in this color.

Eric Greydawn -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Returns to Her Den (8/7/2012 20:16:46)

Uh, oh...

another one huh?
Nope. You writer's are a crazy lot. Always imagining things like new MTAKs.
if pink plus blue equals alien how many parsecs can be stuffed into a taco on a tuesday afternoon on Jupiter?
I'll tell you. But first you must jump on one foot doing double-dutch, pat your head, rub your stomach, and recite Green Eggs and Ham backwards. All while writing a novel the old fashioned way (pen and paper). And for the record, pink does not exist because my wolf ate it. Thereby ridding the universe of its evil.

What flavor parsecs?
Chicken. Because that's what everything tastes like anway.

Do you know what a parsec is?
Of course... not. But considering my answers, I didn't really need to.

Okies... have fun here.
You bet! :D

Thanks for coming.

Caststarter -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Returns to Her Den (8/7/2012 20:52:50)

Hehehe hello there Ging congrats :)


Time to begin my little question procedure

How are you?

When did first became a AK?
About a month ago.

What did you first do when you came on the forums?
Believe it or not, looked in the DF Q&A to find answers. Because usually when I was stuck, other people were, too.

Whats your favorite color?
It's a three-way tie between red, black, and blue.

So if you really like wolves, what would your favorite species of wolf would be?
All of them.

Whats your SECOND favorite animal?

That is all from me good bye till next page (maybe >.>)
See you, then.

Selutu -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Returns to Her Den (8/7/2012 20:59:18)

Hi, congratz on the AK (well your second AK)?

What colored wolves do you prefer?
I go through phases to be honest. I'll go through phases where white wolves are the best. Then I'll go through phases where black wolves are the best.

Why exactly do you like wolves?
I'm not sure, actually. For as long as I can remember, wolves have been my favorite animal. There's just something about how beautiful, graceful, and powerful they are.

Some people think that wolves are just savage dogs, what are your thoughts on this?
Completely false. Especially since (if you believe science) dogs were bred from wolves.

Hehehe... Is this a question?
Is this an answer?

Do you like ravens and crows?
Therril Oreb would be a better judge of that.

Again, congratz on your second AK!

Dart Ichimonji -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Returns to Her Den (8/8/2012 0:04:08)

*Gasp* I've seen you around!
*gasp* You have?! But I was being sneaky!

Congrats on the AK-hood, I'm sure your shackles wont drain all your power like the others.
Nothing's happened to me as of yet.

Wolves Rule, though. Suppose I should get on to questions now eh?
This counts as a question. :P

1. What's your favorite kind of wolf.
All of them.

2. I noticed it ate the pink. Any actions against the purple?
Considering that the most powerful purples are also people I'm honored to call my friends, no.

3. How is my questioning?
Not as strange as Eric's (though I'd be surprised if it was)

5. What is your view on dingo's?
They're really cute and I want to pet one. :D

6. Did you notice there was no 4?
I always notice that which has been pointed out to me.

Alright, guess thats it for me. Congrats again!


Orian -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Returns to Her Den (8/8/2012 6:23:33)

YAAYY your back, Congratz on your second AK board
*Gets special batch of cookies for wolves, and peoples*
Glad to be back, and thanks! *noms a cookie and gives another one to the wolf*

On with the questions
On with the answers!

1.I've always wondered whenever an AK gest a new board do your shackles change?
I get new chains attached to them. I'm now tethered to two boards instead of just one.

2.Why are you so intersted in wolves* not that there bad or anything, Wolves=awesome*
I have no idea. I've loved them for as long as I can remember.

3.Is your wolf aligned to a certain element?

Congratz again!!!! :D


Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Returns to Her Den (8/8/2012 6:55:48)

*A cloaked figure rises from the shadows.*
Neat trick.

Greetings old one.
I'm not that old. The gray hairs are premature, honest!

What is thy favourite monster in Dragonfable?
Good question. Akriloth.

What is thy favourite monster in AdventureQuest?

Thou art to choose from any animal, save for wolves. Which animal do you pick?
Werewolves (not technically a wolf).

Why doesn't Coaxoch doesn't have a Black or White Wolf Rider in her inventory?
Because the Wolf Rider quest doesn't like me. I am consitently unable to beat it. Must... train... stats...

Does thou know about my legacy?
It's on my to-read list.

Should the answer to the above question be yes, then who wears black and who wears blue?
Therril wears black, and Fae and I are bickering over blue.

How come I don't see thou more often in the L&L?
How to phrase this without incurring the wrath of my Wolf-Buddy (Faerdin)... I enjoy writing, but I cannot be creative on command. I only venture there when writing inspiration strikes me. And I think my muse ran away.

Congratulations with thy ArchKnighthood and may thou carry out thy duties with pride.
Thanks. I intend to.

*Bows while succumbing into the shadows.*
*returns bow* Also a neat trick.

Niki -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Returns to Her Den (8/8/2012 7:00:11)

Welcome to the DF team, congratulation on your new title. No questions here.
Thanks. I'm glad to be here.

Chazero -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Returns to Her Den (8/8/2012 7:04:29)

Hey there!

Do you like pie?

Do you like pizza?
Stop making me hungry.

Do you like...okay enough of these "Do you like" questions. And is this counted as a question?
Yes it is.

For a while, I always thought you were a guy. Did anybody else get confused with your gender as well?
All the time.

How did you find out about Dragonfable?
Through AQ. I saw the advertisement for it a long time ago and was interested. And I wasn't disappointed.

What is your most used class?
For a while it was DragonMage, but DragonLord is quickly taking its place.

What is your most used weapon?
I use the weapon that is best-suited for the quest at hand, so I don't have a 'most used' one.

Are you planning to play AQ3D and Oversoul?
AQ3D yes, Oversoul... I haven't thought about it, actually. Something to ponder, I suppose.

Good day to you, Miss Gingkage.

And you as well.

Zeuster -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Returns to Her Den (8/8/2012 9:54:33)

*a being falls from the sky riding a chickencow*
Welcome back!
*I look to my wolf friend and companion and in a stage whisper say* This is why wolves are better mounts. Much sturdier.

Do you know me?
I recognize you from the War Threads.

Favorite npc in Df(please say zeuster)?
Tie between Eric 'Kensai' Greydawn and True Mortal. Eric because he has a sword (and a panther), and True Mortal gets auto-love because of Thorn. So maybe I really love Thorn instead...

Which Ae game do you play the most?
DF. Though all of AE's games are well-made.

How do you feel?
Pretty good.

If 5 is 7 and 9 is 14 what is 76.97?(hint it is NOT 42)
Thats all...for now
It's ALWAYS 42.

*ascends to the sky riding his chickencow*
*in another stage whisper* Flight is a plus to chickencows, I guess. But wolves are still better and stop looking at the chickencow like it's your next meal. I already fed you.

Dragonman -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Returns to Her Den (8/8/2012 10:20:16)

Congratz on your promotion buddy!

You have 5 minutes to compolete the test, it will affect your final grade.
*stops the clocks* There.

If Pancake was a color, what would your favorite color be?
A tie between Red, Black, and Blue.

If there was no such number as 7 what would the 7th number be?
There wouldn't be one. Really you mean to ask what the 8th number would be, and it would still be 8.

If the world was a donut, how crowded would it be?
It would already be eaten, so not very.

Did you answer the questions correctly?
Yes, because it's MY MTAK. So I'm automatically right.

That's it... FOR NOW Muhahahaha!

Bye, now!

HellsWolf666 -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Returns to Her Den (8/8/2012 11:38:56)

let the fun begin >.<

1)just to be nice ill say hi......

2)now that we are done with the first part we shall begin with some physics - please note i use black hole physics so the anser must be as unconected as possible
just fill the blank to make it sound legit (for black hole physics)
_______-->BOOOOOM-->______--->internet----->a 6 pack of cola -->_______
Craze-->BOOM--->DragonFable--->internet----->a 6 pack of cola--->Wolves.

3)gz you passed the physics test(i think) so we move to science
if a snake uses anti leek venom
a spider uses flesh eating venom
and a scorpion uses nuiro toxics

what kind of poison the irucanji uses(it's a jellyfish)
I'm pretty sure that jellies paralyze their victims.

4)moving for some math.....
42. Because everything ends up there.

5)ill let you rest here *offers all included holyday in rome*
*takes a nap*

6)k you rested enough
so umm idk - tell me a joke
A joke.

7)YOLO,SWAG or life
Life=DnD swag and wolves. And of course DF.

8)explain why you choose the anser on 7
and do it in a funny way like
who need yolo when you got swag
who need swag when you got life
who needs life when you got a laptop ...
My answer is self-explanitory.

9)free cake - all you have to do is to say i want cake
Cakes are lies.

10)that cake was a lie(please tell me you didn't saw it comming)
please accept the following pi


Overly obvious. And why do I want 3.14etc? My dragon already has that.

the_hated_one -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Returns to Her Den (8/8/2012 11:44:40)

Hey Gingkage!!

Gratz for being a new AK
I'm only new here.

Just want to ask what country are you in?
*see first post*

what is your fav pet on DF?
My dragon.

do you play other RPG games?

cookies or pie??
Ice cream cake (which, unlike ordinary cake, is not a lie)

do you play/like pokemon? :D
No I don't play. Haven't watched in ages.

well, thats all!

gratz again ^_^

Rio3678 -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Returns to Her Den (8/8/2012 21:15:45)

Hey I came across this thread and thought it was interesting by the title. More interesting then I thought.
Hi. Glad you came.

Now on to the questions

I've noticed that your favorite colors are a tie between red, blue, and black. Are you aware that those are the clors for the 3 houses at Gears University in MechQuest?
No, I wasn't.

Have you played MechQuest before?

If you have have you joined one of the houses?
I did indeed.

If you did I bet you joined WolfBlade.
Was it that obvious?

Who's your favorite DF character?
If you mean NPC, tie between Eric and True Mortal. If you mean of my characters, my main is the only one I use.

Do you like cheese?
That's a dangerous question to ask in this forum. *looks warily around for San Robin*

gu j ubmkuj ,lmkj u,loo0l nhuj
Is what I said because I was banging my head on the keyboard
Well don't do that. It's bad for the keyboard.

and last question, what do you think of the titan fight with the red dragon?
Do you mean Akriloth? It was fun.

that's about all I have for now.
Bye. *waves*

skydrite -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Returns to Her Den (8/8/2012 22:39:54)


No questions from me so just have fun and we're glad to have you here

Thanks, Sky! I'm glad to be here.

Lord Ferret -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Returns to Her Den (8/9/2012 1:16:48)

Hello and Welcome back like skydrite say's just have fun but try not to overdo it.

Therril Oreb -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Returns to Her Den (8/9/2012 10:43:19)

Heya Ging ^^
Hi, Therril. :D

Glad to be back here?
I never left. I can just focus on it again.

Still sane I hope from your previous experiences :p
Of course I'm still sa--ooh, shiny!

Can't think of much lately, sorry D:
Less work for me. :D

Wel I hope you will enjoy yourself here^^
I plan to. It's good to be 'home.'

seeya :D
You sure will. :D

LL -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Returns to Her Den (8/10/2012 7:30:08)

'Ello again Gin, A genius one!

This has been my 2nd time congratulating you, enjoy your day again. ^_^
So it is.


Faerdin -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Returns to Her Den (8/13/2012 16:21:05)

Hi, wolf-buddy!
*Snugs* Sorry it took me so long to post here. I've felt so distracted lately...
Everyone's distracted by something.
Maybe if it weren't for the fact you keep blowing me up with adorable wolf pictures... *Shifty eyes*
It's not my fault you keep exploding.
Oh well. Enjoy the color tags (I'm such a ninja, mwahaha) and questions. :D
Thanks for those, by the way.
1) I think it's safe for both of us to say that the DF Q&A is our real home here. Why?
Because if memory serves, my first post was in DF Q&A. Then I discovered that I could quickly find 'Pedia links for people and answer their questions (though ironically, whenever I needed to find a link, it was hidden from me) and learned that I really love answering people's questions here. I feel more at home in this forum than anywhere else in AE's forums.
2) Do you look forward to your work here?
Most definitely.
3) What has been your favorite storyline in Dragonfable so far?
4) Don't think I can't see what you said to DD. Y U NOT HAVE CONFIDENCE? D:
I don't recall sayiing anything about confidence. I said that my muse ran away.
5) If you could make any two NPCs from two different Artix Entertainment games meet, who would they be and why?
Hm... DF and AQ's Artix's. Because that way it's twice the undead slaying. :D
6) I can't help but notice that your editing color is BLOO. How much better is it than purple, again?
7) What is the most powerful form of magic?
If you believe Moglins it's hugs. But me, I say that the magic of song is the strongest (the wolf's howl being that much better than normal song).
8) Chocolate?
9) What do you enjoy most about wars in Dragonfable?
The comraderie of so many people joining together in a united front against a common foe.
10) You're awesome. It's not a question, but still!
You're the awesome one!
Alright, that's all from me. For now. *Twirls mustache*
When did you get a mustache?
Glad to have you on the team! It was only a matter of time. ;)
*blushes* If you say so.
*Disappears in a flash of lightning*
Again with the lightening. *sighs and starts counting*

Melissa4Bella -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Returns to Her Den (8/13/2012 17:24:53)

*flies in*

Hiya Gin!
Hi, Mel!

No questions from me, just want to say hiya!
Hi! I'll just be painting my MTAK blue again after you purpled it.

*flies away with a flurry of Dusts and wings *

chisagen -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Returns to Her Den (8/13/2012 17:29:53)

Congrats Gin! Great to have you on the team!
Thanks, Chis! Great to be here!

Your 'Shhhh!' is louder than my speaking tone.

Did you hear that?
*tilts head in the general direction the Fishmonger indicates while my wolf friend and companion turns his head and ears there*


It's the stampede.
Ooh. Maybe it's something to eat!

Are you ready?
To hunt? Of course.

Do you have the tools to deal with them?
Wait... you're not talking about food, are you?

*hands Gin a fish*
*looks at the fish* He meant the trolls. Here you go. *gives the wolf the fish* Now we're ready.

You will need to use that in the very near future....Make sure you are ready to use it when the time comes.
I just used it, though. The wolf eats the fish and become infused with troll-smiting powers. It's very effective, you know.

* disappears in a flash of fish and lights*
All those fish... and not ONE of them is food.

99th Dracopyre -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Returns to Her Den (8/14/2012 7:57:47)

Congratulations on the AK-ship.
Judging my the previous post (Yeah, I read them) you've been an AK... twice? Awesome.
Thanks. And yes and no to the being an AK twice. I've been an AK for about a month. I just took on a second forum.

Anyway, just one question:

Do you like nachos?
Yes, I do. Not my favorite food, but still tasty.

That's all. Bye, take care!


Mekoolness -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Returns to Her Den (8/14/2012 19:23:21)

Oh hey.

I see you've finally became an ArchKnight in the DF Q&A.

I have only 1 question.

How long have you been playing DragonFable?
I've had an account for several years now. But Ravenloss was the quest chain that got me back into it. So about two years or so.

Anyways, congratulations~!

Avi Auditore -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Returns to Her Den (8/14/2012 19:46:27)

*An Assassin wearing yellow runs in*
*I look to my long-time wolf friend and companion with an arched eybrow* He's not very good at this concealment thing.

Phew, those guards almost caught me, but I bet they'll be back soon
What guards? I don't need them because of the giant wolf next to me.

Anyways, Congratulations on the promotion, Wolf Rider

No questions here. Now, from what you know, I was never here, got it?
*I again look to my long-time friend with an arched eyebrow* And to think, he's still not the strangest person we've seen.

*Uses smoke bomb and disappears*
Old fashioned, predictable, but not that shabby an exit, I suppose. 6/10.

BraveSirRobin -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Returns to Her Den (8/14/2012 21:41:24)


Am I to late?(counts as a question)
You're only too late if the thread's been locked. :)

How are you?
Pretty good.

Do you know who I am?
I reconize you from the war threads.

Have you seen any of my threads?
Not that I'm aware of...

Do you want to buy something(cough)I mean uh...

Can I have a wolf?
Only Fae gets free wolf puppies. And then only if he starts feeding them. *pointedly glares at her Wolf-Buddy*

If I eat seven fish in one day how many times will chisagen beat me with a fish?
Depends on how slap-happy he is.

Thought that was going to be a math question didnt you?
No, not really.

Are you voting for dragonman66?
I tend to stay out of politics.

What does Gingkage mean?
Nothing. It was a typo. It was initally supposed to be 'Ginkage' because I was going through a Japanese phase. It was supposed to mean 'Silver Shadow' but now it means whatever I decide it does. And I'm decing it means 'she who is obsessed with wolves.'

Okay that about does it!Welcome!

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