RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (Full Version)

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shadesofblue -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/15/2012 18:02:59)

@AQW Player
But then all Tank Builds would be OP :O

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/15/2012 18:04:07)

Assault bot had one advantage over its rusted counterpart until a few days ago. It was the only non rare bot that can do energy damage so before Infernal Android if you wanted an E bot and didn't get one in Gamma you had the Assault bot. But being an energy bot still has its uses over the physical rusted version if you were more focused on the Debuff and wanted to add an extra energy attack to your arsenal.

I would say lower the price of the Assault bot to make it easier to obtain but on the flip side of the coin you could also make the Infernal Android cost more once the war is finally wrapped up, IE tomorrow.

Rui. -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/15/2012 18:04:56)

rabble i like the fact that you guys made my fav bots special unblockable. Here are some suggestions from my end.

1. Since the pyro, yeti, assault or rusted, bio and azreal deal no damage or 5 damage with 5 focus it would be better to let us use the special and the main one after the other.

2. Since all the bots can use their special over and over except the yeti make it do the frost bite with 100% success rate on the special.. If the player has a frost weapon equipped.

3. The new bot no comments i wont be using it.

4. The gamma bot although i dont have it could be improved. Make the special unblockable but it will do 80% damage. This isnt a nerf ppl.

5. Bots at the moment are not that awesome, reason why back in the day the gamma pwned as the enchant and armour were not as good as they are now. I guess all bots need to have their damage increased by 5.

6. I hope the yeti frostbite ability does not get messed with this update. Request you to please check if the frostbite is working after the update.

Calogero -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/15/2012 18:07:03)


I am using a 5 focus BloodMage of the Tank kind...
If it weren't for EMP, CH would be good but not OP, so I'd say remove that...
BloodMage on itself isn't OP, It's 2 things that does make it OP:

Despite having double the dex/tech, you still can't Block/Deflect the BloodMage
If this was someone fixed, you'd see that they'll become a lot easier...

Another thing is STR itself, Make it improve slower and it would solve a lot of abusive STR builds

Allthough this should be put in the Balance thread

ND Mallet -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/15/2012 18:08:13)

@cal Varium items are supposed to have only 2 levels worth of difference between them and non-varium gear. You can think of the Rusted Assault Bot as a non varium version and it does have 2 less base damage than the Assault Bot. Asking for much more of a nerf to it would be the same as asking a nerf to other non-varium gear since you can't just make a standard for balance and then just ignore it from that point on. The Infernal Android was a treat for non varium and I honestly hope it stays in-game, even if it gets a price hike for credits.

@strut The fact that it already will end up dealing more damage than any other bot means it has to have a drawback to it somewhere and that drawback is that it starts off with lower damage at the beginning. See above part for #2 and #3 is just luck.

Calogero -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/15/2012 18:14:25)

Releasing the Assault bot as a Very very very rare drop or for Varium and then after a while release the same bot with 2 less damage is business wise not a good move because it gives us the feeling of " pay what you want, after a while you can get it for free ". We all know Assault bot is rarely used to attack

Besides a 5-10% difference isn't that big, on a malf of 35 that's be about having 13 Malf after using assault bot and 18 Malf with the rusted one. It ain't much but there IS a difference this way

Stabilis -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/15/2012 18:16:51)

I would agree with anyone that as much as I appreciate introducing the Rusted Assault Bot for the free-2-play community, I would have to say that there can be a difference in value when it comes to the original Assault Bot's special attack.

Rui. -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/15/2012 18:26:20)

@nd mallet

the yeti pyro azreal bio and assault specials do not improve with focus level. The assault is used my non 5 focus players for its debuff. Its pointless using the above mentioned bots with 5 focus mainly because if you use the special you are literally wasting your 5 focus since you primary robot move goes into cooldown. Hence noone cares about damage when it comes to the assault or the rusted one.

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/15/2012 18:31:04)

Calogero the only reason they released the rusted assault bot was because non varium were at a major disadvantage since they couldn't get a robot while Varium players could get them. That is why they added it to the game. So non varium players could have a robot to use.

Hello World... -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/15/2012 18:31:47)


Calogero -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/15/2012 18:34:41)

@ Mother

I know that, I have been with ED for a long time now

Hun Kingq -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/15/2012 19:11:11)

One Winged Angel1357, I just see players wanting to many things done to this bot at once instead of trying different things like I suggested

“What could have been done is if tech is above 93: 30-36 than for every increase in tech after that is 25% less damage or even make it 50%. This way anyone wants to abuse tech to abuse the poor bots they will not get the benefits they desire.”

It is not how the bot was setup that is causing the problem it is the players that just have an all out tech abuse build that are causing the problem especially the ones that carry weapons with no requirements with 10 enhancement slots each.

The nerf should be a step by step process not an all out nerf I could 100% guarantee that the reduction in damage will be enough but to increase the cool down and add deflection at the same time. The increase in cool down might affect the other bots as well, no one thought of that.

Now take a look at Calogero response and tell if his last sentence is warranted.

Calogero, I have seen your build and you have no offensive strategy just plain defensive and just use the bot to win your battle and with the build I have now it will make you quickly rethink your build because I now know how you fight. Many of these people on this forum have fought beside me during the war and they will say your dead wrong and are truly misjudging me some even say me do 53 critical damage through Level 10 E shield or whatever the NPC is. You definitely don’t want me as a tech mage with malfunction because I will be even deadlier, So what round you were in when you got 84 rage? Was it in the 3rd or fourth round. You like using a bot to win your battles and now a bot came out that you losing too you want it nerfed. You fight with a bot you die by the bot as the saying goes.

Trans, If I do things in the right order I usually rage in the 3rd round with rage in the third round I got 45 Critical damage in the 5th or 6th I got 60 to 65 without rage in those rounds I basically got the same. While players have 100+ health you with high strength you need +5 Intimidation which only affects the stat not the weapons so there goes the low energy plan. You need something that gives more damage then just the bot so you have a choice between Plasma Cannon and fireball no choice there with a tech build there some more energy. Now you can’t rely just on skills and raging the bot you need decent damage from the weapons and low Deadly Aim does not cut it and I did a test at every Level but will not say what I found out because you and others will call me a liar.

We can only speculate at this point but I could assured that all these changes at once to the new bot will be too much to make it viable in battle especially if the battle last 3 rounds or 4 rounds.

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/15/2012 19:17:03)

But.. Strength affects Primary and Gun so it lowers damage.. How does it not affect it? <_< >_> I don't really need your tests. Ask Calogero about his buils. We call you a liar? Give us proof then we can speak. That's all we ask for.

Also bit when you speak about Calogero.. He has no offensive strategy? You realise Focus 5 is usually a defensive build with average offence and relying on Bot? I wouldn't say no offensive strategy since I fought him with Gamma Bot not new one so new should further help him further. Please don't troll him.

You like using a bot to win your battles and now a bot came out that you losing too you want it nerfed. You fight with a bot you die by the bot as the saying goes.

Devs see that it was too OP at first and want to change it. EVERYONE want it nerfed.

Calogero -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/15/2012 19:19:07)

uhm yea I've read nothing about that, only a lot of 'OOOOh I'm a Big Bad BloodMage and I'd be even More Bad as a Tech Mage '.....

You've seen my build? Good for you.
No Offensive skill? I kill people with every skill I have which ranges from Gun to Bludgeon to even Aux


You like using a bot to win your battles and now a bot came out that you losing too you want it nerfed.

I like using ' A ' bot... I managed quite fine just with Bio Borg ;)
and OP is OP ... if you fail to see that, I really have no answer to that, which is a first
Also, Defensive playing is still tactical...

And your Big bad build... is that why you complain about every single thing?

ND Mallet -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/15/2012 19:21:11)


If I do things in the right order I usually rage in the 3rd round

Completely impossible unless you're fighting someone with over 60 defense since you need well over 120 points to fill the rage bar.

Oba -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/15/2012 19:25:30)


If I do things in the right order I usually rage in the 3rd round with rage

You know... I usually rage with bunker before the battle even begin! :O

forcefear699 -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/15/2012 19:42:45)

I really dont care i just wantto know when will this happen?

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/15/2012 19:46:09)

Forcefear666 it comes tomorrow

Darkoake445 -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/15/2012 19:46:24)

@Forcefear, They stated in the DNs that this would be happening Thursday.

King FrostLich -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/15/2012 20:29:18)


* Infernal Android
- Old system: Starts at 70% regular damage, +15% damage per round, 160% cap (unblockable, 3 turn cooldown)
- New system: Starts at 80% damage, +5% damage per round, 150% cap (deflectable, 4 turn cooldown)

I was right, the old system for Infernal Android was 15% damage increase every turn. [8|] Seeing it being slightly nerfed by 10% isn't going to change that much. If any person where to cap damage of the Infernal Android,(maximum turns needed) the base damage is still 75 - 80+ for 5 focus builds and that will still not resolve 5 focus cyber hunter builds since with plasma armor combined and tank dexterity included, they can bully any build and make the round extremely long. Once they reach turn 15, the bot will have its maximum power and of course deals extremely strong damage.


Assault and Rusted Assault Bots
- Debuff reduction lowered from 80% to 65%

Assault bot should remain 80% while the Rusted Assault bot should be 65%. That's ripping varium players off who bought it in the past and the other non varium players who got it when the arcade still existed.


* Azrael's Borg
- Buff reduction lowered from 80% to 65%
- No longer affects Bioborg's thorn effect

* Bioborg
- Thorns is no longer affected by Azrael Borg's special

* Pyro Fly
- Increased damage on special attack

* Baby Yeti
- Special is now unblockable

Seems fine to me.


* Gamma Bot
- No changes are planned

Just a +1 damage will do. Or the special attack should have 3 cool down while the normal attack(physical) will have 2 cooldown, I'm fine if both will be implemented.

Calogero, I have seen your build and you have no offensive strategy just plain defensive and just use the bot to win your battle and with the build I have now it will make you quickly rethink your build because I now know how you fight. Many of these people on this forum have fought beside me during the war and they will say your dead wrong and are truly misjudging me some even say me do 53 critical damage through Level 10 E shield or whatever the NPC is. You definitely don’t want me as a tech mage with malfunction because I will be even deadlier, So what round you were in when you got 84 rage? Was it in the 3rd or fourth round. You like using a bot to win your battles and now a bot came out that you losing too you want it nerfed. You fight with a bot you die by the bot as the saying goes.

What the heck are you whining it? You must be exaggerating. Calo defeated me and I was a Tact merc and I even had to use 2 boosts yet still outmatched. Don't see your point but you keep boasting too much? Plus 53 crit damage is only because of a strength build?

friend18 -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/15/2012 20:37:29)

Several non-varium players have the assault bot. And yes it IS a pvp drop. Two players have told me that over the past few months that I've played this game.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/15/2012 20:45:08)

@King according to Rabble it will take 15 rounds to cap out the damage now it was round 7

King FrostLich -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/15/2012 20:46:22)

Right, I forgot about turn 1 itself.

AQWPlayer -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/15/2012 20:47:58)

This game has been unplayable for ages (except for NPC of course). I will quit for now.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/16/2012 2:42:37)

how about making the infernal bots special attak blokable? since tacmrcs spam their defence and it took me 30 rounds just to lose

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