RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (Full Version)

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Shaden -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/17/2012 15:19:15)

Sorry to disturb the coxy again, but I haz another question.
Go ahead
Do you think we could meet in-game? That would be so epic :D
/me steals coxy's shotgun and takes aim
/me pops the fake gun and takes out the real shotgun and takes aim

Geek -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/17/2012 15:34:13)

I can has ur shotgun?
/me pulls out M16 Assault Rifle and takes aim.
/me farts
One more thing...
How are you so high-levely if I never see, or hear you in-game...other than those 2 times....aaah memories..
I just play
I remember it.
"stand over there"
"got it"
"cool thanks"
aahh...Good times.
We did more talking then that XD

fiend of twilly -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/17/2012 15:35:14)

Hai, Hello, Hello, Hello... Hello
Hola, Hola, Hola, Hola... Hola
'Grats on your AKship
You make nice avatars.
Thanks (and I'm guessing you like that one that most ;P, the oversoul good character with the shield and has the miltonius arts symbol on it ;P)
Do you like any animes? If so, Which ones?
Yea, just Naruto and One Piece
Dogs or Cats?
Dage or Nulgath?
The one that wants Coxy D:
Black or white?
Which AQW item do you like most?
Lets go with house ^_^, Sunken Pirate Ship
What's your mum's name? Favourite colour(s)?
Favourite animal?
Favourite food?
Favourite AE game?
Are you excited for Oversoul and AQ3D?
Can't play AQ3D D:, but Oversoul does look good so far ^_^
That's all for this page.
Sounds good
*Takes pistol for if Coxy won't answer a question.*
/me farts
/me grabs his shotgun and takes aim
PS: Do you like my font?
Its nice

Zeuster -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/17/2012 17:07:02)

*returns with his chickencow* That was...Fast!
Anyways hee is some cheese..And a baby chickencalf..(no you can't eat it!)
Yay and Aw :I
Question now!
Answer now!
1.If you could have any armor in game what would it be?
I guess Hex of Nulgath, since I couldn't do it when it was out, though lucky, I have Sage of Revontheus ^_^
2.Have you heard of a Dublly?
3.Question..Please tell me the meaning of question and the meaning of every word it includes? (i do not know if this is a question)
Answer is 42 for its the answer of life :O
Anyways..bye!*grabs coxy's gun and aims it at him* counter shot man...
/me deflects the bullet with his ArchKnight Powers, got the shotgun back and takes aim

Hancok -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/17/2012 17:17:54)


Lord Coxy
Its Coxy Time

Is that a pun on "Its Chico Time"?
Nope, especially since I never heard of that until now
/me grabs his shotgun and takes aim

xShadowHunterx -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/17/2012 17:37:41)

Hey Coxy!
Hola Shadow!
I had a feeling you'd be chained up granted super powers* hehe have fun!
Sweet ^_^, I will

Obsiidianz -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/17/2012 18:14:54)

Oh mah god,it's been a long time since I seen you :o.
Anyway,favorite meme?
I think this counts a meme ;P?
Favorite bomberman-based game?
Don't really like bomberman
Have you heard of Pokemon Black and White 2?
Yup (seems they are running out of color ideas ;P)
K bai nao,I'll be back..

Kagetsune -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/17/2012 21:38:49)

Whoa, whoa, whoa WHOA. You're a AK now? Congrats. :O
For Q&A, yes, I was one for Suggestions first ^_^, but thanks
So, what's your favourite Pokemon?
Which is better, cake or pie?
[Cake, even if its a lie D:/color]
How does it feel, now that you're an AK?
All the questions I have. Kthxbai.

Nulgath Overlord 007 -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/17/2012 23:41:55)

Im back
Im Coxy
Congratz on AKship...... Again
Thanks..... Again
Time for the Questions....... Again
Time for the Answers....... Again
1. So how are u liking the The span storyline
Seems nice so far
2. Any Question About this release
Haven't done it yet, just got the Kathool Adept from Quibble so far (which is nice ^_^)

Thats it
Sounds good

If u Point ur shotgun at me i will Point my Minigun at u (with bullets) JUST A WARNING [:D]
/me grabs his shotgun and takes aim. BRING IT ON :O

HolyThief -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/17/2012 23:56:17)

Seeing as i missed the aqw suggestion MtaK entirely (my bad) im here to double congratz you
Its ok and I guess double the thanks for you then ^_^
So congratz
So thanks
And congratz ... again
And thanks ... again
Thats all from me
Aw :I
Congratz again cos ... just cos
Thanks again....just cos

enjoibro4 -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/18/2012 0:32:52)

*Smoke appears, a giant panda is sitting there, more smoke appears, and enjoi is standing there*
/me walks by from the cloud of farts
'ello sir :)
I do believe we've met before :)
A big congradulations on this, big accomplishment :)
Thanks ^_^
Maybe later in the week, you can come on and help me out farming diamonds :) I'd really appreciate it :)
I got everything I want so far, so I might not farm diamonds no more (maybe to get enough for couple of juggernauts)
You want a cookie ;)
here's another one, but an oreo this time :)
Anyway congratz!
Anyway thanks!
/Smoke, pandas, more pandas, even more pandas, and then bamboo is in the place of enjoi*
/me farts and all the pandas dies

Misty_kitty -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/18/2012 1:46:17)


I is back!....again?
This isnt a real spoiler...O_O
And yet it has a spoiler over it D:
*steals ice cream helm and eats it, leaving Coxy with no helm ;P*
/me grabs Misty and rips it out of Misty though the stomach, leaving a big hole
No questions this time. WE SHALL MEET AGAIN SIR!
/me grabs his shotgun and takes aim

odsey -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/18/2012 1:49:35)

*A shadow appears behind lord coxy and greets lord coxy then it transform to Odsey
/me farts on the shadow before it transform to Odsey
Before i ask you question congratz on you akship.
I do believe we haven't met before so let met introduce my self. I am odsey the shadow made. Now onto the questioon
I'm Coxy, sounds good
Favorite animal?
Favorite game?
Legend of Zelda, Skyward Sword
Fairy tail, bleach or naruto?
I'm guessing you asking which one is more fake to me, so I say Bleach
Favorite item in aqw?
Lets go with Favorite Staffs ^_^, Ionic Discharge
If someone would grant you one wish what would it be?
To speak normally
can I have your shotgun?
* Give cookie and shoot lord coxy with a shotgun.
/me norms on the cookie and deflects the bullet
Bye anyway.

Starflare -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/18/2012 4:36:18)

Just stopped by to congratulate you and say I like the new avvy and sig!
Thanks and thanks

moe -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/18/2012 6:03:38)

1) Wow coxy dude, u truly deserved this astonishing position........But remember, with great power.............comes great coxiness --- DUMDUMDUM ---
Thanks ^_^, I try to remember that (shouldn't be to hard since I'm Coxy ;P)
2) Where should i post about askin u to make me a sig... if u don't mind of coarse.. I'd understand if u said no =)
You PM requesting one from me and I be happy to do it since I only have one to do and have free time, so just send me a PM with your favorite AQW look that is a big and clear image in /join j6 (for its white background) and tell me the words you would like to use, if you can't think of any, I use your name and think of the second set of words
3) Long unlive the coxyscythe!!!!!!! <3<3<3<3
sweet, I'm better then shadowscythe already ^_^

darkrai 2 -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/18/2012 12:20:06)

hey congratulatez him.........
hola thanks him........
1. can I please, please, please have ur shotgun?
2. me knows he isnt gonna give it so me takes a random AK-47 and takes fire....
/me deflects it
3. mwahaha you should be a mod next lol XD:
4. byebye
5. P.S you should join the dark side........ we have rainbow cookies...
.......I'M IN!!!!!!

Geek -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/18/2012 12:47:42)

More questions:
More answers:
Favorite Naruto Character?
Never thought about that, I guess I don't have one :/
If you had a Sharigan Eye, what would you do with it?
Take over the word :D?
What should I get for jugg?
Dimensional Champion of Nulgath isn't a bad armor to get

i like bounty hunter -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/18/2012 13:37:49)

Hello I Am The Paladin High Lord Of Divine Light
Hola I Am Coxy
Bow Down To My Lightness
You Like Strawberry Ice Cream Filled With Cheese?
What Are Your Eyes Color? (Mines Red Really)
I don't know if you mean my eyes in real life or in game, so in game, which is dark red color
Vath's Hair Or Escherion's Chain
I like chains
Blinding Light Of Destiny Or Shadow Reaper Of Doom?
Shadow Reaper of Doom for I got that ;P
Congrats On AK Ice-Cream Boy
Thanks bounty hunter
Would You Get Ever Single Dage Item Or Every Single Nulgath Item?
tried to with dage before when he first came out, but decide not to do that anymore
Are You Gonna Be The Next Chaos Lord?
Why not
Do You Like AE?
Then I wont be here if I didn't like AE now would I ;P?
Arch Knight Or Dark Knight?
ArchKnight all the way :O
Fat Women Or Thin Men?
Fat Women
3 More To Go
Sounds good
Helm Or No Helm
Dagger Or Sword?
Bye...........BUT I WILL RETURN /Steal Coxy's Shotgun And Run Like The Wind :P
Adios....../me grabs the real shotgun and takes aim to the wind

SolomanDX -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/18/2012 15:44:01)

Hai! :3
Do you like kittenz? /Throws A Nyan Cat in the sky
[8|] colorful
Cookie? /The Nyan Cat falls from the sky and eats it before you can say ''yes''
Icee creeam?(In slow-mo)
Okai im done. :3
Aw :I
Again, Congratz!
Again, thanks
/me grabs his shotgun and takes aim at the Nyan Cat for taking his cookie

Slash -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/18/2012 15:46:55)

Herp Derp.
Just a FEW questions.
Derp Derpy, just a FEW answers.
This may sound dumb, but who was your brother? e.e
Mecha Mario
I heard you fire shotguns at people. Don't hurt me please?
I only do it when people does something in their posts ^_^
*If I was already dead at this point you don't have to answer the questions below*
But you not dead, so you good
Thanks for not shooting me. Cookie?
What's your Nationality?

Do you have an accent? If so, what is it?
Nope, yet people says I do have French accent 0_o
That's it for now, enjoy the AK-ship, maybe?
Sounds good, thanks, maybe?

Assassin9891 -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/19/2012 3:01:08)

Hi Coxy! (Again)
Hola my Personal Assassin! (Again)
Lets see,
I like pie
Did Coxy get promoted?
Does this mean more coxy time?
Yup :#
Assassin9891 says bye to Coxy.
/me grabs his shotgun and takes aim at his assassin

LL -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/19/2012 8:09:55)

/me grabs his shotgun and takes aim
Do you really need to take aim on my avatar or you're just scared to shoot on your laptop LCD screen?
Did my coding help?
Sure, why not ^_^

Frogger -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/19/2012 12:30:14)

It is Frogger! Me gots my name changed! Me now Frogger, not ShadowWarrior! YAY!
I is = an AMPHIBIAN.
I can see that ^_^, nice
/Whistles and mini-FrogZard army appears.
Theses if fors you's to uses as ammo's for Shotgun!
awesome ^_^
Me Frogger. The FrogZard and ZardLord.
Me Coxy. Not a Frog and Lord Coxy
So, Coxy the Ice-Cream Lord....
Would you like an Ice-Cream?
/me already eats it/ Check Please?
Did you know you can get CHEESE ICE-CREAM?!
Awesome :O
Ben and Jerry, the Ice-Cream producers, have a SLIDE going from BEDROOM to all other rooms of house! Me want!
:O /me drools
Coxy... I gives you NEW Shotgun. A ZardGun. So you has two.
Don't shoot now. I is gift-giver to Coxy.
Then don't do the thing that makes me shot people with it ^_^
Coxy = Legend.
Yay ^_^
/me rides off on magic mega-FrogZard.
Neat and Adios
- Frogger.
/me grabs the Zardshotgun and takes down the Mega FrogZard, then grabs his shotgun and takes aim at Frogger

Chikoshodo -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/19/2012 19:50:45)

Hello Coxy Congrats on being an ArchKnight you deserve it because you've been a great help to the Forums.
Thanks ^_^
It's time to give you some questions.
Well, I guess it time to give some answers
1.Nulgath or Dage
The one that wants Coxy D:
2.Do you like Ice Cream?
3.Your favorite AE game?
4.How did it feel when you became an AK?
5.What is the thing you fear most?
Best not to answer this ;P
6.What was the first AE game you played
That's all Congrats!
Thanks /me grabs his shotgun and takes aim

EVOLED DRAGONLORD -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/19/2012 20:43:27)

hi coxy
hola dragonlord
do who kill moglins for sport i do but i was chased by pack of wolves off a mountain
nah, but k ^_^
what time is it
Nap Time :D
good or evil which one nothing stupid just anwser
nugalth or dage i choose dage he chooses coxy
lies :O
i give you mega awesome swordgun shoots a million swords at one shot also dont shot me with gun
thanks, then don't do the thing that makes me use it ^_^
evoled dragonlord
you forgot to add the thing, so I wont shoot you ;P

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