RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (Full Version)

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darkrai 2 -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/23/2012 15:08:02)

i may not be the 100th post, but i am the 100th reply
mwahaha you still havent finished me, i balst you with rainbow sprinles and ice-cream
no questions.........................................
I guess no answers then

shamun -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/23/2012 15:40:40)

good day sir
Hey there
so seems the person they call coxy is a AK now this is very good news is important to our plans it a surprise party for me :D?
you said your name was cox that is awesome if you ever watched scrubs
Don't watch scrubs much but seems funny
only one question rainbow kitty or chocolate lion ?
chocolate lion
*fly's away on hes rainbow colored slenderman
/me farts

IXRAZGRIZXI -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/23/2012 21:41:01)

COXY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who is your favorite NPC

Does AQW give you everything(NAH just kiding, here the question down there)

Does AQW mean to you?
Adventure Quest Worlds :D?
And Congratz Amigo(I speak Spanish little bit like number from 1 to 10 and Etc)
Thanks ^_^ and cool

Im2Good4U -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/23/2012 22:49:49)

Greetings Lord Coxy.
Hola Im2Good4U for a name ;P
I don't think we've ever met before, but congrats on becoming an AK for Q&A.
Nope, but thanks ^_^
I have a few questions.
Sounds good
If you don't mind me asking, where are you from?

When did you first join AQW?
May of 09
Are you Evil or Good?
Do you like chocolate chip cookies?
That's all for now.
Sounds good
Bye bye! :D

Slash -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/24/2012 0:18:55)

Yo! Guess what time it is...
Hola, WoopWoop Time :D?
How ya doin'?
Gimme dem cookiez!
No, they are MINE
No? [:@]
Petty much
Fine. You're the one who's gonna blow up from eating too much. [8|]
Gonna share some now?
But then I wont blow up D:
U liek pizza?
Favorite animal?
Favorite cross-animal?
Wereplyre :D (I'm sure I spelled it wrong though XD)

Know Slenderman by any chance? Well he's right behind you.
/me grabs his shotgun. BRING IT ON
Hah got your nose! /me runs with it
How did you think I been eating those cookies, though my nose :D..../me hears a big boom at the direction WoopWoop was running
Until next time! xD
Sounds good ^_^

Frogger -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/24/2012 4:49:27)

How is the Zard?
It taste good
Skyward Sword is good, but Twilight Princess has a good storyline too. And a decent starting sword. Not a sword-that-is-more-like-a-dagger-sword.
Yea, but Skyward Sword was way more interesting to play ^_^
Coxy meets Barney the Dinosaur and hunts him with Shotgun The Game is in development.
Neat ^_^
How old do you have to be to become an ArchKnight?
No age, though you suppose to be at least 13 to go on the fourms,
I brings you's cookies and ice-cream and rubber ducks and ice-cream cookies in the shape of rubber ducks!
I have a cheat for the new Mario 3DS game: #coinrush
Can I taste your ice-cream?
I brings a banana split. And a knickerbocker glory. And a coffee cake. And cookies.
The cookies are mine :O
Adios, me amigo.
LOL. Not going yet.
Aw :I[ Yay/color]
One last thing.
Sounds good
Paper tastes nice.
Taste better with hot sauce
*Flies away on MegaZard, and leaves Coxy baby Zards to play with!
/me plays with the baby Zards until they started to try eat Coxy

Strareon -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/24/2012 10:57:10)

1 question only.. Who's your brother anyway?
Mecha Mario

odsey -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/24/2012 11:57:29)

*A shadow of a wolf appears and greets Lord Coxy.
*Lord Coxy Pets the wolf so that a Certain ArchKnight wont fed him to her wolves
Greeting lord coxy, ready for the second round?
Hola odsey, yup
Favorite movie?
I can't remember its name right now D:
If you have to choose between riding a super awesome mecha or getting a ice cream mecha full of ice cream attacks, what would it be?
Ice cream of course, plus that is super awesome itself to me ^_^
Do you play minecraft?
*Give cookie and Ice cream
/shoot lord coxy with machine gun that shoots ice cream and /teleport;P
Yummy /me farts at the sport where odsey teleport

DarkFireKiller -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/24/2012 14:46:10)

Hey Lord Coxy.
Hola darkfirekiller125
Just came to congratulate you.
Sounds good, thanks
Have fun as an AK.
I already have ^_^
/me grabs his shotgun and takes aim

Misty_kitty -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/24/2012 17:15:07)

Me back after my last post wuz deleted! SOWEEEEE....
You just didn't know that you couldn't post twice on a page on my =MtAK= ^_^
I see you've taken over the other AK's with deh lockings LOL!
Nah, I just happen to be there when those threads started to needed to be lock
^_^ So hows it going lately Coxy?
How many ACs do you have? (Just curious! o_o)
Over 5K
Do you like to eat chocolate ice cream? (Yummy!)
Yup ^_^
Also, how many more days/weeks will this stay up for?
Going to be two weeks like my first one, so it should be done by next WeD
Thats all for now Sir.
Sounds good
*throws ice cream cake all over the place and disapears*
/me grabs his shotgun and takes aim

doomknight powa -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/25/2012 0:19:38)

If you were actually a dragon, what element would it be? O.o
Darkness, though if it was possible, I would like to be able to use both Darkness and Light

Hmm what rare ac armor should I get from dage vs nulgath war or quibble? I'll buy what you say :D
Hard to say from the items on your character page, so I say either Sage of Revontheus with one of its three AC helms (your choice) or Technomancer (so in other words get Sage if you want a rare helm also, otherwise, get Technomancer)

Steals Coxy's shotgun (dont need it anyway.)
/me grabs the real shotgun

/me Nommed on Coxy's shotgun just to throw him off
Thats feel with poison gas 0_o
wont find this...
Until I edit your posts ;P.....

If you had a chocolate bunneh, where would you start eating it?
Its ear, just like the one I have in DragonFable ^_^

/Me rides away on the back of a wild whatchamacallit

IDG10 -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/25/2012 2:41:46)

Greetings, human.
Le questions
Coxy answers
Nulgath or Dage?
The one that wants Coxy D:
Vindicator of They, Pyromancer, or Troll Spellsmith?
Troll Spellsmith
Grats on your promotion
Last q, why is the sky blue?
because my edit color is aqua, which is close to blue :D

kreem -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/25/2012 21:55:00)

hola and congratulations again please answer all of my questions with real answers
Hey and thanks and whats wrong with my answers before (like what Coxy means before, plus there was questions that either was personal or I couldn't say)
you should say something when you lock a thread like some of the other AKs do.are you going to say something ? what will it be?
Have an awesome day now seems fine to me ^_^, or I could say Coxy Time...Over or This thread went insane by Coxy
did you find out if you could unlock a thread yet ?please see if you could
Yea I can, since I remember of AQW GD ArchKnights locking threads in the GD and then unlocking, meaning I can to for Q&A and Suggestions
what kind of powers do you get that work in the forums other than being unbeatable because you always get the last thing to say in this MtAK.are there any new buttons you get?which ones?what do they do?
Can't say (this is an example of a question that I couldn't say)
have you ever played herosmash and warpforce?
do you think herosmash and warpforce should be revived with more updates in the future?i would start playing them if they got some some staff to be able to make it a real full game and have a plot and everything.
Herosmash is getting updates (just not as much as the other games clearly), so yes for that one while warpforce isn't getting any more updates, which I don't really mine since I didn't care for it, so it would be a no
how do you like being an AK so far?any fun being chained up with new powers, having to lock threads,using your shotgun and all that ?
Good, would be if my shackles wasn't broken D:, yup and I only use my shotgun my =MtAK=, so it might not be used again after this thread is lock
i guess that is it for now and have a great day
Have an awesome day now

Soulweaver Zard -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/26/2012 10:15:26)

No undead this time!
Sounds good
I just haz time corrupting zards!
I want that to 0_o
U haz favorite music?
U haz shotgun full of zards?!?
I haz shotgun full of people named Lord Coxy! [sm=zorb_smilie.gif]
One Coxy was bad enough 0_o
Well, all for now...
Aw :I
*Time Corrupting Zards mess with time, making you forget this questioning*
Like I need help with Corrupting Zards to make me forget about this, after all, I'm Coxy :O

Rock Dog -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/26/2012 14:16:23)

Wazzup ma fav AK?
So, anyway, to the questions...
Time to answer
1. Since you are a big fan of Skyward Sword, did you know the main theme for the game is Zelda's lullaby played backwards?
2. If you ever played Ocarina of Time, did you know there is a glitch where you skip from the Deku tree to the final boss battle, making it able to beat the whole game within 22 minutes?
Heck no, I didn't not know that 0_o (which sadly, I don't have that game no more)
3. Do you like to see these little glitches and coo leaster eggs in games? You should try as they have a lot of Zelda things there, or you could watch thid video, it has a few interesting ones.
There was some neat stuff there (like Super Smash Bros Brawl characters that were cut)
4. So, are you looking forward to OverSoul and AQ3D?
Can't play AQ3D on my computer, but I will be looking forward to OverSoul ^_^
That's all for now. *Hands Coxy cookie he stole from yulgar (Don't tell him)* Just figured I'd tell you about some interesting Zelda stuff.
I normally don't play Zelda and even I was amazed at these easter eggs and glitches...
MINE and ok and if you have the chance to play Skyward Sword, play it XD

Geek -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/26/2012 19:19:40)

I have a few more questions...knowing your coxyness you will probably have answers.

1) is this post AQW questions only?
I'm guessing you asking for the AQW Q&A base on your next question, so yes, its only for AQW related questions
2) If so, how do I level up Ash Dragonblade quickly?
Don't know (plus don't know if you asking DragonFable or if there is one for Ash in AQ that I don't know about, since I don't play AQ
3)If not, Biyas!
/me melts into the ground, and travels through the pipes to get to my house.
/me farts

shaxi -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/26/2012 21:45:20)

Coxy? Coxy!?!? COXYYY?!?!?
Shaxi :D
Congrats on the promotion!
Oh notice half the AKs are somehow related with anime?
I don't even know half of them :O
Hmm what else to say?
Ah right, haven't seen you in a while. You should take a break from AKing and play some AQW sometime.
I do take breaks and I still play AQW, just not on the same time as you now it seems like
What's a Coxy :3
Clearly awesome :O
Don't bother taking out your shotgun. I'm immune to any solid substance. O_O* NOES, the water gun!
As long you don't do the thing that makes me pull out my shotgun :D
Peace and congrats once more.
Adios and thanks

Abraska -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/26/2012 21:52:42)

Whoa man, I get the feeling of deja vu. Did I already post here? I think I did. Did I?
Well whatever. Let's just post to be safe. Heya!
Yay, Hola
Looking forward to working with ya!
Me to
Have a good one.
Have an awesome day now

hijinks -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/27/2012 21:36:46)

Hola Sr. Coxy. /tips hat
Hey Mr. hijinks. /me farts
It's Coxy time! /dance
I thought it was Nap Time D:
/gives Coxy ice cream and cookies
Gratz with the new akship stuff lol.
Sounds good
>________> /stares into Coxy's soul
But I already give them to Nulgath and Dage D:
Adios Sr. Coxy /throws smoke bomb and disappears in a flash of blinding light
Bye Mr. hijinks /me lights a match and throws it to the smoke bomb, causing it to explode somehow that cause the flash of blinding light

Lord Coxy -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/30/2012 9:33:55)

I think this thread had enough Coxy Time ^_^

Thank you all to those that posted

Have an awesome day now

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