RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (Full Version)

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AIT -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/15/2012 14:54:23)


I said that it should be restocked so other players that couldnt get it, can get it.

Again this is the ED community in a nutshell. LIMITED.. SHALL...STAY...LIMITED!

Fay Beeee -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/15/2012 14:58:15)

Well Charfade restocks when she has enough parts to make more. :D

ND Mallet -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/15/2012 14:59:55)


Restricted in size, amount, or extent; few, small, or short: "a limited number of places are available".

That is what limited is. If it never restocks then it's perma rare, not limited rare.

Steel Slayer -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/15/2012 16:09:08)

Personally, I love the idea of making F2P players more competitive. The problem is, this update DIDNT do that. Think about it, who bought out the credit armor in 6 hours? The F2P guys, who spend every credit they get on gear/enhancements, or the varium players, who didnt spend many credits on their gear, so have huge piles of credits just laying around?(I have both var and non-var characters, this is my experience of how it goes) Yeah, it was the varium guys, I've ben playing all day, havent seen 1 person in the new, sold out, lvl 35 armor, who didnt also have varium gear. Would be nice to see a restock soon, maybe convert all the Harvest Husk M(var)that is left to credit version? IDK

Stabilis -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/15/2012 16:13:56)


Yeah, that is just the case: players that bought varium use varium to buy some things AND they still have credits from playing, just as the players who do not have varium.

DestruRaGe -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/15/2012 16:15:39)

^Absolutely agree with Steel slayer. And to add to that they released this new awesome weaps and armor right after infernal items...
I request a few more restocks so every high lvl nonvar can get what they need THEN you can talk about better chances for nonvars.

midnight assassin -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/15/2012 21:03:07)

Oh yeah I just defeated the Dragonoid with Charfade dead. Probably my most unluckiest battle but this time, I defy the odds of being a non-varium.

Joe10112 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/15/2012 21:07:56)

Lost with Brain having 24 HP left. Dang it...

midnight assassin -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/15/2012 21:12:23)

^Meat shield.

Joe10112 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/15/2012 21:14:04)

@^: CH have the worst time trying to win. What specifically do you mean "meat shield"?

midnight assassin -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/15/2012 21:15:01)

Well you go offensive while charfade become the shield. Maybe high malf and str.

Joe10112 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/15/2012 21:33:07)

@^: But, Dragonoid Brain hits me, not Char...

Stabilis -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/15/2012 21:42:36)


It is random choice, but NPCs tend to hit the lowest defence (defence means Defense or Resistance). If you have a high Dexterity or a high Technology (both do not need to be high), the brain will prefer Charfade when comparing the both of you. Or, if you have Bloodlust, strike with high Strength.

Joe10112 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/15/2012 22:06:52)

@^: I'm a CH. He still hits 30 on me even though I have like, 40 resistance. OP much? If I go STR, I'm going to be decimated immediately...I just can't think of how much easier this would be if SC was NOT nerfed...

Stabilis -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/15/2012 23:08:17)

Are you able to make a build where you have an E armour, max Plasma Armor, Max Field Medic, Max Static Charge, 95 HP, High Dexterity (Physical weapons help)?

If you have high Support requirements then feel free to add your 3 skill points to Shadow Arts.


  • save energy for Field Medic BUT if you have a surplus (more than enough) then go ahead and use Cheap Shot or Malfunction (level 1)

  • Charfade will be your main damage source unless requirements and/or mods cause your Strength to be unusually high

  • Static Charge is reliable and your blocking ability is also reliable

  • kaiseryeux21 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/15/2012 23:18:42)

    i want to make a solution on varium players buying the non-var armour.

    my character was half-varium half non var. i have a tesla armour which is varium, mecha gun which is non-var, and carrotic collide which is also non-var. i was at charfades shop the moment the update comes and i was really thinking if i would buy the non-var version of dravax armour which is 28k credits. i was about to buy it then suddenly, i came to think that if i bought one it would be very selfish of me because i deprived all the other non var players of buying the best amour f2p armour so far. so i thought of non buying the armour, stick to my old but classy tesla armour and give other non var players the chance to buy the exclusive armour.


    im not encouraging every var players to do what i did, but for the sake of fairness and equality, why not we let the non-var get what they really deserve?? anyway, we want challenge right?? now is our chance to see non varium players came to life again with these exclusive armours. i do hope u get my point.


    to the ED staff, why not create a system that will let the non var version of armours exclusive to f2p players only?? on that way, we can ease "The Gap" a little bit, make non varium players happy, varium players still happy because they still have the varium version of the armour, and balance the situation a bit.

    one more thing, i bought the elite charbringer claws which cost 995 var, and 12k credits. i dont see any problems if they create another non var weapons with the same stats and enhancement. c'mon guys, lets give everyone the chance to enjoy this game. may it be varium or non var players.

    kaiser. in game name LOYTI.

    midnight assassin -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/15/2012 23:51:34)

    @Joe Have enough energy for two malfs. Also get a high hp.

    Joe10112 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/16/2012 0:07:53)

    @Depressed @Midnight: Shoot me a PM will ya guys? Maybe with the outlines of a build? Char under avvie, no ENH.

    XxKirachanXx -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/16/2012 0:10:41)

    Yeeey finally took out the brain...after about five or six times of bringing it to less than 10hp, and once only losing by a crit
    Harvest Reaper strikes again with it's ridiculous support modifier >w<

    VV I am a bounty hunter as well, with a focus/support build and managed to do it with a useless skill maxed out *coughEMPcough*

    midnight assassin -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/16/2012 0:17:14)

    I'm a bounty hunter but I'll try.

    Cookielord12 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/16/2012 11:13:19)

    Still cannot beat the brain -.-

    Fay Beeee -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/16/2012 12:10:07)


    Nightwraith ‏@Nightwraith_ED
    Planning a restock on Charbinger items on Monday at 10:30 EST and 5:30 EST

    need to edit as more added. :)

    Nightwraith ‏@Nightwraith_ED
    To clarify, that's 10:30 AM and 5:30 PM

    Stabilis -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/16/2012 12:44:36)

    Tomorrow eh? I still have to examine those stats if one of those physical weapons is right for me. Unfortunately for Nightwraith, I look for stat mods (and requirements partially) first and the art is a secondary bonus- as nice as it may look.

    midnight assassin -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/16/2012 12:51:16)

    6k away from the husk if they will restock.

    Sympleton -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/16/2012 13:06:47)

    just curious, will this restock also restock the other items such as the caterpillar bugzooka? Or is it just the dravax items?

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