RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (Full Version)

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Rayman -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/16/2012 15:49:37)

IT Clearly Say's that they will be restocking Harbinger Items ONLY.

vulkan -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/16/2012 16:43:01)



To clarify, that's 10:30 AM and 5:30 PM

so to me thats...3:30 pm and 10:30 pm...

with luck i can catch them both.

Wootz -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/16/2012 18:12:49)

One of the better updates! :)

Glad that the gap is better. Good choice on making the same stats for both versions! Good job! :D

Calogero -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/16/2012 18:35:57)

^ if this continious, what gap?

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/16/2012 18:39:07)

If this continues then Varium won't be a must at last. It's equivallent of ACs in AQW, so you either work for your item or get it quicker with no effort required using Varium. Universal items such as Bots are in favour of Varium if player is lower level since he won't be able to farm the Credits up as easily (and upgrade weapons too) whilst top players will favour Credit option more.
Besides these items cost twice as much Credits as well, and including enhancements, Varium players still will be at an advantage unless they have a lot of Credits saved up for enhancing.

Wootz -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/16/2012 18:40:50)


^ if this continious, what gap?

Seriously, I'd be very happy.

rej -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/16/2012 20:09:41)

Hmm, I was hoping for a cuscene showing what happened to the dragonoid. Oh well, I guess i will have to wait until next week.

Hmm, it seems I was right about the storyline- Cindy tried to make it believable, but in the end, it was still ridiculous.

shadesofblue -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/16/2012 20:37:14)

*sigh* Not enough creds for the armor, even if I do happen to make it...........

Bunshichi -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/16/2012 20:51:25)

^ If you did juggs more often you'd make money in no time [;)]

shadesofblue -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/16/2012 21:08:01)

^I'm a CH; what do you expect xD

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/16/2012 21:45:23)

i really don't get the people on pages: 4, 5, 6 and 7 if they think you get guaranteed wins when vs-ing a non-var player for buying a 10k package or any varium package then u seriously should go see a psychologist or get some brain medicine from a psychiatrist. because most of you varium players complain about having a weak non-varium partner in 2v2 and this game is not challenging enough or non-variums always call you a varium noob when in 2v2 or 1v1, seriously think about it what do you think they could do apart from being a punching bag and have nothing to be proud of themselves like their high loss and low damage and low stat weapons and items and can't beat any achivement dropping npcs without being super lucky and strategic. this game clearly states that is free to play and you don't pay just to get guaranteed wins you pay because you like this game and want it to make high graphical weapons and items and a interesting event and storyline every month. i almost nearly got bored of this game because when i always see a non-varium player its a guaranteed win for me and everytime i have a non-varium partner in 2v2 its a guaranteed loss. don't u people want more excitement from this game that u supported over these years. this is the first big step to balance the most things in 2v2, juggernaut and 1v1 that means everyone gets a equal chance in winning well almost since varium players gets the immediate class change, full enhancement, advantage in getting a promo and limited weapon straight away. i have been supporting this game since alpha phase and this update is the thing that i have been looking forward to in 3 years. so varium players please be happy about it and appreciate the developers for their hard work to make this possible.

Unknown Menace -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/17/2012 7:09:35)


Usually i read the local paper when i'm eating but instead i took what you wrote.

People like to think that when they pay for something they get a benefit that people who don't pay don't get. What they still don't realise is that they get a benefit, its called: Time. Where would the phrase time = money come from. You pay so you don't have to waste countless hours to let's say enchance your items with credits. It's the other way around, you play and spend alot time to get something you could get by paying for it. For me time is much more important than money so i pay. With money that i earned in 1 day of work. Instead of 4 weeks of gameplay.


you pay because you like this game and want it to make high graphical weapons and items and a interesting event and storyline every month

Yes that might be the reason i'm still doing it now (and some other minor reasons). However when you start it's another story. When you hit that level 25 you are practically being faced with a decision. Because from that point you are going to meet alot of var-players. Keep up with them and get var or continue the way you started and lose alot more than you could have.


Be happy about it and appreciate the developers for their hard work to make this possible.

All i can say about this is: Majority of the people don't appreciate if they didn't experience themselves how time consuming and hard work it is. That's why i do appriciate. Every single character and every single background will take hours of work. Even storywriting which i also did takes me roughly 2 to 3 hours. If you would also animate it let's say fbf instead of tweens well than you'll need a big team to finish it weekly.

midnight assassin -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/17/2012 7:25:32)

I'm proud of you Trizz for standing up for non-vars like me. You earned my respect.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/17/2012 10:04:53)

@unknown menace
thats exactly my point. bfore this update non variums need to decide if they should keep playing to be a punching bag or just quit, but from this update lower lvl non vars dont need to worry about them being too weak to offend and lose nearly 90% of the time, all they need to think about is getting a good build from lvl 15 and save up creds so when they get to lvl25+ there will b balanced weapons waiting for them and prepare them for future battles, sagas and wars. and yes varium is just as useful and important as ever but instead of being used as a ticket to win every battle against a non var player but think of it as a shortcut and a graphical advantage of any item and functions ingame. only narrowed minded people will think its a pay to win game.

Cookielord12 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/17/2012 10:25:40)

Back in time for restock :)

Rayman -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/17/2012 10:49:16)

Well Some Char Cruisers Left. Harbinger Items Restocked, Charfade Stuff Restocked, And Exile Soldier Stuff Restocked.

Calogero -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/17/2012 11:00:15)

I have what I needed, so I'm good for now

Cookielord12 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/17/2012 11:07:04)

Got my Harbinger Husk :)

axell5 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/17/2012 11:21:42)

atleast u guys are happy :)

Cookielord12 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/17/2012 11:27:52)

Im not happy as it is causing a loss streak :(

axell5 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/17/2012 11:30:00)

but still u all are happier than me... infact every one in this game is happier than me...

vulkan -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/17/2012 11:49:02)

what the hell is with these styles? your supposed to pay 745 varium for that last one?

Fay Beeee -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/17/2012 11:50:36)

Vulkan if you do not like it, do not buy it. Simple - solved. :)

DeathGuard -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/17/2012 11:53:49)

Fay: I agree with him, if you don't unlock a hairstyle, you can't save it. They are forcing persons that if they want a hairstyle they must unlock it first. I preferred the old hairstyle system.

Cookielord12 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/17/2012 11:56:16)

@vulkan its 745 credits

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