RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (Full Version)

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Lord Thanatos -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 10:20:26)

I would like to see a Miltonius/Nulgath Larvae Character you can possess. You would have to farm various drops from various monsters like Dark Crystal Shards and Diamonds of Nulgath. But for the final merge, you would need to get the Essence of Miltonius. It would drop from another monster called Shadow of Miltonius, which is basically a completely black/dark version of Miltonius. If you defeat the Shadow of Miltonius and successfully possess it, it will turn into the Essence of Miltonius which you use to merge the normal Miltonius. Once you merge it, you automatically possess it, there is no battle required in the final merge. Miltonius and Shadow of Miltonius will be super OP characters that only fools would face and only win with the luck of fools.

***The italicized part is a parody of what Jack London said in Call of the Wild when Hal, Charles, and Mercedes try to cross the thin ice over the White River and John Thornton warns them not to.***

Miltonius/Nulgath Larvae:

-500 HP


- Charge Element(s) + Auto Attack (Basically is where you charge a element, but when you charge, you also deal an auto attack of 25 damage)
- Rage of Miltonius (Makes you invincible and you deal 10X damage for 3 turns)
- Curse of Miltonius (Applies a DoT to your opponent for 5 turns and heals you for the damage dealt, so its basically a life stealing DoT)
- Shield (Just the normal shield ability, but it costs 25 charges and shields you for 50 damage)
- Attack (Basically the normal attacks like 2 dmg for 2 charges except they are 25 dmg for 20 charges, 50 dmg for 30 charges, and 100 dmg for 50 charges)
- Shield penetrating attacks (Basically the normal sheild penetrating atttacks, but they are 15 dmg for 20 charges, 40 dmg for 45 charges, and 75 dmg for 100 charges)
- Sacrifice (Turns some of your HP into charges of all elements)
- Life Steal (Steals some of your opponents HP and heals you for some of the dmg done)
- Bind (Reflects whatever damage your opponent did to you back to them, so if they did 10 dmg to you, you take 10 dmg and they take 10 dmg)

Shadow of Miltonius:

- 1000 HP

- Blind Swing (Randomly generates a number between 1-100 and deals that much damage)
- Soul Nuke (Random chance that it will kill you automatically on any turn)
- Flee (Random chance that it will flee once at 100 HP or below)
- Darkness Engulf (Decreases your hit chance by 75% for 5 turns)

Zeuster -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 10:29:24)

@Lord Thanatos seems..odd...Nulgath said he MIGHT make his larvae form a rare monster
i don't think going through that would be a good idea though

Alignment: Evil 35
Description: Rwiak is the last of his tribe..the people of the clazen
he fights to redeem his pride and honor after running away and not helping his people
Now he seeks vengance and wants to make sure those who stand against him..lose every bone in their bodies

Stage 1: A lion/human with blades around him
Stage 2: a beast looking like a Lion with dual bladed swords
Stage 3: A lion with dual blades and magical aura around him

shaxi -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 10:45:57)

Pretty sure it's already been suggested but releasing Gen1 Voids from AQW: Fiend, Hex, Shadow, Blood would be nice.

Xxx__0__xxX -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 10:52:01)

This s a stupid idea but Imma give it a try

Abyssal Shadow

Description: Wild, brutal shadows that lurks in the depths of Abyss. Trapped for ages, the mighty ArchFiend has freed them and gave them a sick, twisted mind. They now roam freely, consuming every bit of Light and bringing violence and destrcution in every place they travel under the command of the power hungry ArchFiend. Only the purest of Light can penetrate the twisted core of this monstrosity.

Stage 1: Child sized, black body with a crimson glow, body looks as if it's burning. Floats in mid air. Lean but strong body. Oh and pitch black eyes.
Stage 2: Bigger size, with similar featureswith a stronger body, fingers start to sharpen like talons. distinct crack, similar to a mouth on the face.
Stage 3: Final stage. Very large, strong body, spikes that spread through the arms and legs, two large horns, eyes now glow a bright red, and a big, jagged crack for a mouth. Longer and sharper talons.

Zeuster -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 10:59:45)

Suggestions For my suggestion ?[&:]

Xxx__0__xxX -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 11:06:01)

Pink Fluffy Unicorns dancing on a rainbow

Description: The ultimate bane to all of evil. A diabolical mash up of Pinkness, Fluffiness, fused with the purity and the cuteness of unicorns, with a bright, colorful rainbow as a form of transport. Even the most twisted of evil beings, will have tea, and play dressup with these adorable bringes of Good. Legends say that there are the only beings that can travel freely from any realm to the wonderful world of Marshmallows, honey, milk, cookies, and pink fluffy unicorns dancing on a rainbow.

Stage 1: Pink, fluffy, and cute.
Stage 2: More pink, more fluffy, and more cute.
Stage 3: MOAR pink, MOAR fluffy, and MOAR cute.

Quibble...THE AC THEIF

Description: Beware all rare hunters, for the legendary Quibble, master of AC stealing. Has arrived to rob you of all your ACs. Hide your AdventureCoins cause this lil' critter will stop at NOTHING to get those shinee shinee ACS!

alphaO1 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 11:06:05)

Anyone else wants me to make another dragon sugestion?

cause i got a brewing in mah brain.

@above lol quibble XD

alphaO1 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 11:26:07)

okay i cant wait cause i just made the coolest dragon other than the IceSoul Dragon.

Character: MagmaFlare Dragon
Allignment:0 to -45 (evil)
Description: The rival of the IceSoul Dragons, this dragon melts its surroundings with it presence. Its creation resulted from the volcanos erupting into the land and making fire islands.

stage 1:(0) normal flare dragon wth red, orange, yellow, and black colours. it has glowing red symbols and magma like wings.
stage 2:(-25) dragon in flames its pure red with yellow eyes and it has solar flares erupting from time to time. Its wings are huge compared to the IceSoul and when it flies creats fire rain.
stage 3:(-45) a MagmaFlare Dragon. it has 8 wings and is burning like a vocano. it has horns made out of molten metal while its tail is full of flare spikes. it turns the area around it super hot(makes everything blood red around it). its leds are barley seen becaude its brightness is strong. it has flare spots all over it moving constantly.

Level of spawn: very rare (same as IceSoul Dragon) and its capture rate is 50%

Skills: fire based, and has diffrent nasty skills than the IceSoul Dragons

special event happens when the IceSoul Dragon and MagmaFlare Dragon get to close, a blue fire that is cold to the touch appears between their touching freezing/heating areas.

alphaO1 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 11:43:22)

ok following zeusters sugestion im shall try a knight

Character: FrozenFlame Overlord
Description: This knight embraced the gift of the IceSoul and MagmaFlare powers to become the middle of the fight. It may control many things ice and fire related.
Alignment: -50 (evil)

Finale Stage: ultimate knight having an armour that blends like the IceSoul and MagmaFlare
Dragons skin. Full of runes and massive sword made from a SoulIce spike and flares.

Level of spawn: ultra rare(1/2 less likely than the dragons) and capure rate is 30%

Skills: both the skills of the dragons mixed

Elements: Ice and Fire

Zeuster -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 11:48:29) many suggestion i have to keep up with you guys[:)]

Alignment: good 30
Desription: Miath was once a knight who became a demon...who then became the final
Stage 1: he would be a knight covered in cyan flames
Stage 2: he would be more demonic and the flames would be cyan and purple
Stage 3: he would be a archfiend with purple green and cyan flames around him

Here are my blessed dragons ^_^

Hiiordo the cryo dragon
Alignment: 40 good
Description: After learning in the ways of the deep freeze the ice dragon hiiordo has learned how to summon the coldest storms
Stage 1: a ice dragon
Stage 2: a ice dragon but with more ice armor
Stage 3: he would be a pure ice dragon with blizzards always around him

Hopiath He surge
Alignemnt:40 good
Description: The dragon hopiath was blessed by the divine gods to have the ability to summon the greatest thunder
Stage 1: he would be a normal energy dragon
Stage 2: he would have armor of electricity and have bigger wings with a helmet made of lightning
Stage 3: he would have 10 wings all surging with lightning and his mouth could create a amazing storm

Creatuox the eternal darkness
Alignment:40 good
Description:The third blessed dragon was gifted with the power of darkness with the power to create the deepest darkness
Stage 1:a darkness dragon
Stage 2: he would have dark runes in him and dark orbs following him
Stage 3: he would have dark armor and be able to control the runes and orbs

Moriath the air

description: Moriath started off as a regular dragon..but when the gods saw her they decided she would be a guardian dragon..Vowing to end evil from it's core finding new skills she searches for the other blessed dragons
she was gited with the power of wind
Stage 1: a green wind dragon
Stage 2: green wind dragon with runes smaller body and bigger wings
Stage 3: great example of her final form

Redoarx the blazing sun
Alignment: 40 good
Description: the fourth blessed dragon given the power of the suns very flames
Stage 1: a fire dragon
Stage 2: a fire dragon with it's wings and body on cyan flames
Stage 3: A fire dragon with runes orbs and fire armor

Klithorat the ocean tide
Alignement: 40 good
Description:The fifth blessed dragon given the sea's limitless power
Stage 1: a water dragon with a hea covered in water
Stage 2: a water dragon with orbs and runes around it
Stage 3: a water dragon with orbs runes and armor which focuses his power

Doirath The earth
Alignment: good 40
Description: The Supposubly the final blessed dragon she was given the power of the earth itself
Stage 1: a earth dragon with vines around her
Stage 2: a earth dragon with orbs runes and vines following her
Stage 3: a earth dragon in armor made of stone with orbs and runes around it

alphaO1 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 11:54:59)

lol zeuster my dragons are the ultimate level of thier element (and evil) how about you make good dragons :D

@above look above ur post and read my knight[:D]

Zeuster -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 11:58:54)

@alphaO1 pretty good..but these dragons are not the bset of their kind
They were blessed with almost limitless power
They are good aligned to
There are about 8 more [8D]

alphaO1 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 12:00:52)

saaay waaaaaa O_O im not sure if i should make more cause i can bet u mne will have an apocaalypic affect when they are all together so i shall stop posting and wait untill the frozenflames unleashes themselves upon my mind

Zeuster -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 12:06:28)

can you explain where they got such power?
but just dragons hold something...the power of creation itself[;)]

doomknight powa -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 12:11:40)

I made a post back on page 3. I'm sure someone would have something to add to the descriptions. I'm not very good with details, but i personally thing a "good" fiend seems cool. Anyone have suggestions to add to the post?

poodlemiester -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 12:17:24)

@Alpha01 I like some of your idea, but you gott think, if all everyone made was grossly powerful titan like monsters there would be no need for many different kinds of monsters thus eliminating all other monsters. Think about doing some that are not crazy powerful and legendary godkillers.

poodlemiester -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 12:19:40)

@doomknight: Once loyal to nulgath these fiends disobeyed their master and were banished to a far off desert, due to their powerful nature they were capable of becoming one with the light. They now seek vengeance on their former master. Or something along those lines.

Anyone got anything to say about my stuff, just let it out. [:)]

Zeuster -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 12:20:38)

@poodlemiester what about mine[&:]
i forgot to put there chances to find which is 0.001
and there possesion chance is the same
Makes sure people can't abuse that much power >.>
they are limited though
To much power..and BOOM!
They explode and have to reincarnate

doomknight powa -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 12:21:05)

Actually, i didnt intend for them to be all-mighty. Just like servants of good with the same but opposite power of nulgaths minions.

Tought the godkiller post was for me and got confused.

Zanzibaarus -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 12:23:18)

Alignment: 35 Good or -35 Evil
Description:A legendary creature once thought to be a mere myth, this monster is ruthless in slaying any mortal who crosses her path on a snowy night.
Stage One: Teenage girl with claws made of ice.
Stage Two: Same as Stage One, except with more ice enveloping her. Her hair consists of enormous ice shards at this point.
Stage Three: Her entire body is made of sculpted ice. (Good)/Ice has formed to the point of being similar to a Snow Golem. (Evil) Blizzards are hers to command.

poodlemiester -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 12:36:28)

Character name: Meteor dragon
Alignment:0 (we need more neutral dragons!)

Description: Dragons hailing from a far off world these creatures were brought to Oversoul by shards of the massive meteor that ended their home world. Adept at strange magics and able to control iridium, some claim these dragons to be sent by the creator to stop the rising threat of Nulgath, others say that they are but heralds of the end.

Stage one: A metallic bluish grey in color. Their eyes are bright green, and they have 2 large metallic horns protruding from their heads

stage two: A number of large metallic spikes, similar to those on their heads are now seen jutting out of their back, fairly long they can be seen running the length of his spine and down their tails. Their eyes now glow bright green and their teeth take on this metallic feel, as if they are actually encased in iridium.

Stage three: Now the Meteor dragons takes on a much more powerful, almost vicious feel. The spikes that run along his back are more rugged and brutal looking, a small green rune can be seen on each of these spikes, possibly pulsing. His eyes now burn with a green flame and his legs are starting to be covered by iridium. (Like each foot is starting to be encased in iridium starting at the bottom, but not quite complete, giving it a rough feel.)

Concept cards

Meteor shower: Cost:5 effect:10 damage over 5 turns
The densest: Cost:5 effect: reduces all damage taken by 1 for 5 turns
Gruesome spikes Cost:4 effect: next time you are attacked, half of the damage is returned to attacker
Herald of the end: Cost:8 effect: 8 damage to opponent and applies 4 damage over 2 turns
Envoy of hope: Cost:8 effect: shields for 10 and heals for 4 damage over 2 turns
Radiated flame: cost:6 effect: 5 damage and 4 damage the following turn

Made him with iridium, as it is fairly rare but can be found in most meteors in high abundance. I did not see many neutral dragons that seemed unique, so voila!
If anyone gave me feedback that would be lovely.

poodlemiester -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 12:39:20)

@zeuster I really like where you are doing the great elemental dragons, and i would love to see the chaos embodiment. Just do not make them so powerful and rare and magnificent that they render all else useless. Thats my main problem with alpha's guys. [&:]

As always I LOVE reading what people think of my work, and if you have anything to say, good or bad, just say it.[:D]

Zeuster -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 12:41:33)


Here are my blessed dragons ^_^

Hiiordo the cryo dragon
Alignment: 40 good
Description: After learning in the ways of the deep freeze the ice dragon hiiordo has learned how to summon the coldest storms
Stage 1: a ice dragon
Stage 2: a ice dragon but with more ice armor
Stage 3: he would be a pure ice dragon with blizzards always around him

Hopiath He surge
Alignemnt:40 good
Description: The dragon hopiath was blessed by the divine gods to have the ability to summon the greatest thunder
Stage 1: he would be a normal energy dragon
Stage 2: he would have armor of electricity and have bigger wings with a helmet made of lightning
Stage 3: he would have 10 wings all surging with lightning and his mouth could create a amazing storm

Creatuox the eternal darkness
Alignment:40 good
Description:The third blessed dragon was gifted with the power of darkness with the power to create the deepest darkness
Stage 1:a darkness dragon
Stage 2: he would have dark runes in him and dark orbs following him
Stage 3: he would have dark armor and be able to control the runes and orbs

Moriath the air

description: Moriath started off as a regular dragon..but when the gods saw her they decided she would be a guardian dragon..Vowing to end evil from it's core finding new skills she searches for the other blessed dragons
she was gited with the power of wind
Stage 1: a green wind dragon
Stage 2: green wind dragon with runes smaller body and bigger wings
Stage 3: great example of her final form

Redoarx the blazing sun
Alignment: 40 good
Description: the fourth blessed dragon given the power of the suns very flames
Stage 1: a fire dragon
Stage 2: a fire dragon with it's wings and body on cyan flames
Stage 3: A fire dragon with runes orbs and fire armor

Klithorat the ocean tide
Alignement: 40 good
Description:The fifth blessed dragon given the sea's limitless power
Stage 1: a water dragon with a hea covered in water
Stage 2: a water dragon with orbs and runes around it
Stage 3: a water dragon with orbs runes and armor which focuses his power

Doirath The earth
Alignment: good 40
Description: The Supposubly the final blessed dragon she was given the power of the earth itself
Stage 1: a earth dragon with vines around her
Stage 2: a earth dragon with orbs runes and vines following her
Stage 3: a earth dragon in armor made of stone with orbs and runes around it

here is the BACON DRAGON!!

Chikons The Bacon
Alignment:40 good
Description: once a fire dragon Chikons was never accepted among his ranks..the gods seeing this made him into the first bacon aligned dragon
Stage 1: A orange-ish dragon
Stage 2: the same but with armor made of "bacon" and runes around him
Stage 3: a dragon with "bacon" armor runes and orbs following him

@poodlemiester that is why they have a charge and attack limit on them
Unless working together they are not "invincible god killers"
Even together they could only hurt a god
They just emody there elements

poodlemiester -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 12:46:03)

I get you zeuster, that was aimed more at alpha who was just pumping out these crazy monsters. [sm=darkzard.gif] Got any criticism on any of my work? I love reading what you guys think. [sm=darkzard.gif]

doomknight powa -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 12:50:33)

Name: corrupted priest
Alignment:Neutral -10 or +10
Diffaculty: medium (60-70% capture rate)

Description: Once priests for the nights of oversoul, they were subjected to mental torture by nulgaths fiends and then abandoned by the nights and left without any reason to live. However, they ran into a mysterious man who promised them a reason to keep fighting. He said he would give them power. It gave them the ability to use chaotic spells and slashes! What they didn't know was that they couldnt't control it, it controlled them!

Stage one: Looks like a good priest with book in one hand and dagger in the other, but has glowing purple eyes.
Stage two: The robes have been turned purple and their faces have started to lose their shape. The eyes glow brighter and the book has been replaced with another dagger. Both daggers are serrated.
Stage three: They have merged with their robes, making it look more like an armor than a robe. It glows a dim purple. Their eyes have started to burn with purple flames and no other facial features are visible. The daggers have turned into a long polearm/staff combo.

Saw you wanted chaos, but not op'd chaos right?

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