RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (Full Version)

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Zeuster -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 12:53:23)

@poodlemiester the dragon is a good suggestion
but 10 damage over 5 turns?
As of now that is VERY overpowered..but when people level 10 damage over 5 turns will be average
For my dragons here are the moves

Elemental Block: If a foe attacks them with the same element they are the attack is stopped and they take no damage
Elemental Roar: The opponent is stunned for one round and you lose -3 attack
Elemental Blast: The foe is hit with the dragons breath attack
Finally Elemental Final: The foe is hit with every bit of power the dragon has
(all moves that say elemental are changed depending on the dragons element)
Dragons Fury
Give up hp(scaled to current hp) to use a attack that does extra damage

Draconic wrath
: a attack that gives you hp back(depending on your max hp) and lowers your foes damage by 5%
This is just a start[;)]

Bloody Fist -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 12:54:09)

Name:Super Cute Panda :D

Description:These creatures are the bane of Oversoul.They eat through everything in the land, it has survived purely on cuteness.Be weary because this seemingly harmless beast can destroy entire cites.

Alignment -30

Stage one:A ferocious giant panda

Stage two: a normal panda

Stage three:tiny cute panda cub

I made this cause my characters name is Pandamonium :D

Zanzibaarus -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 12:57:17)

@Bloody Fist

I've seen you!

alphaO1 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 13:11:26)

AHAHAHAH my dragons are like zeusters but they evil. i told him ill make the evil ones and he does good

Character:Darkmight The Corrupted Dragon Of Dark
Alignment: -10 to -50 (evil)
Description:This dragon was born out of the darkness power sepulcher holded when the portal opened to trap nulgath. It has grown to sepulchures expectations.

stage 1:(-10)darkness dragon with a pure black energy glow.
stage 2:(-30)it has Doomknight armour on it and has lost it swings and is becomin mechanical like. it has metal made from seppy growing like spikes were its wings lied.its body glows darker.
stage 3:(-50) a doom dragon. its body is covered with sepulchures origonal armour and full of spikes like amech would. its armour is covered in runes and full of darness power sepulcher once holded.

Level of spawn: very rare ( i though about it and its 0.0001% rate even for my other ones) and capture rate is 50%

Skills: darkness based, and has a special move that deals 15 damage but takes 4 turns to charge and he dissapears and avoids damage but takes 5 damage per turn while charging

P.S. my last dragon sadly because i cannot think of any new ideas

KROsus -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 13:20:24)

Uh... Question time. You do know that vikings and berzerkers are the same, right?


Myrmidon (Neutral -5)
Loyal blade masters that follow any order without hesitation. They have pledged to execute anyone who stands in their ways.

Reaper (Evil -30)
Inhabitants of the underworld, wielding scythes capable of shattering the souls of their prey.

Enforcer (Neutral +5)
Soldiers riding giant mechs, using technology as its weapon! Frying its opponents with a plasma cannon is a reliable way to finish them off.

Bael (Evil -35)
Giant spiders with deadly fangs. They immobilize their prey with devastating venom, then consumes their insides. Disturbing, but effective.

Will update with more.

Elite Chaotic Ninja -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 13:23:41)

Have my suggestions been getting through? please PM me if you get this.

KROsus -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 13:38:38)

@Zeuster You know, that Nulgath-character does 12 damage over 3 turns.

poodlemiester -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 13:40:26)

Character name: Knight of the Sands
Alignment +10

Description: A warrior of long ago, this knight was sent in to exile in the deserts, although he did not perish out in the rolling dunes. Some say an Agent of Creation found him and gifted him with the great power he now wields, others say with his time in solitary penance he was able to empower himself. All that is known for certain is that he roams the lands of Oversoul once more, charged by an unknown force to put down evil wherever it may arise.

Stage one: A knight in tan plate mail. has a broad sword and kite shield.

Stage two: The knight now has some sand falling off of his plate mail constantly, giving the impression he is made of sand.Sand also falls from his sword and shield. Sand is covering some of his feet, similar to how ice covers the galin's feet when he uses "the cold" in aq classic, albeit not as much "consumption" as the galin.

Stage three: About 50% knight 50% elemental the KotS retains some of his knightly feature such as him helmet, and his body shape is still somewhat human. His kiteshield has melded with his left hand, and his sword now protrudes from the wrist of his right hand. He has vicious claws of sand.

Concept cards
Sand tomb cost:5 effect:3 damage stun
Shifting sands cost:4 effect: reduces chance of being hit by 50% for 3 turns
Reform cost:3 effect: heals 10 hp over 10 turns
Bladed wave cost:4 effect:deals 2 damage and 4 damage over 2 turns
Sandstorm cost:8 effect: heal 10 damage over 10 turns and reduces enemy hit chance by 25% for 6 turns

poodlemiester -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 13:42:37)

I am sure my damage is way out of whack, like i said all damage is subject to change, its the idea of the card that counts, not exactly how much damage or healing it does. They can tweak damage to all hell if they so wish. [;)]

so0meone -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 13:44:16)

@Poodlemeister: Love some of those ideas! My damage is probably horribly off too haha (sorry for late reply, just woke up xD)

poodlemiester -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 13:46:10)

@So0meone Yeah i went back and added cards to a number of my older creations, really give um a new depth, thanks for the suggestion. [:D]

Blaze The Aion Ender -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 13:52:06)

I wouldnt make cards that have a chance of working
Adds more luck aspect, which removes strategy

shobujd -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 13:53:17)

name: sheep

evil -50

description: the most evil creature to ever live!

1: a sheep

2: the sheep has fangs and red eyes

3: The sheep has flaming wool, red eyes, and flaming fangs

poodlemiester -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 13:53:50)

@Blaze Alright,my next creation, the Primal dragon will add some more luck factor to the cards. Thanks for the feedback.
Lol misread, thought you WANTED luck for some reason. Oh well.

so0meone -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 14:02:43)

Another one, a joke character that can compete with my other ideas just fine:

Internet Troll

Alignment: -50 (Max. Evil, as a complete joke. Trolls are the epitome of annoying, so.... Evil.)

Backstory: It's the internet, this should be pretty obvious!

Description: Umad bro? Why you mad bro? Come on bro, why you mad?

Stage 1: A stick figure with a trollface
Stage 2: Really not much else you can do here.... A... bigger stick figure with a trollface?
Stage 3: A realy stinkin' big stick figure with a trollface

Element: Fire (they do start flame wars after all)

Special cards:
Flame War Instigation: 18 Fire energy. Inflicts 20 damage and reduces opponent Energy by 6 (from their highest Energy amount. Cannot be split among elements.)

Feed the Trolls: 0 energy of any type. Five in Troll's deck. No other cards may be played with this except Trollshield. If Trollshield is played, Troll still gains all Energy it would have, but Trollshield's cost is raised to 27. Only one may be played per turn. All damage dealt by the opponent next turn increases Troll's Fire energy by the total damage done from all sources. The opponent MUST use all attack cards they can on the next turn. Troll still takes the damage. This is what makes the character dangerous and fuels its really big hits, sorta like AQW's Necromancer's Necro Heal, where it sacrifices some health for all its mana back. Learn to use this well and you have mastered the art of Trolling.

TROLOLOLOL: 25 Fire energy. Only two in the Troll's deck. Low chance to draw. Fully heals the Troll.

Trollshield: 18 Fire energy. Opponent must attack with all Attack cards they have. No other cards may be played by the opponent. Troll takes no damage. Opponent takes all damage, and Troll gains the charge opponent would have gained (to Fire, of course).

Standard cards follow a fully-offensive setup for whatever a -50 Evil character's full offense is.

so0meone -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 14:03:51)

@Poodlemeister: Yeah, I saw them. I really like Agent of Creation's especially.

poodlemiester -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 14:09:27)

Character name: Primal dragon
Alignment:+5 or -5

Description: The primal dragons were the first draconic creatures made by the creator. Their breath was that of lava, not of fire and they grew to immense proportions. Thought long extinct these monstrous dragons were deemed too savage and destructive to roam Oversoul freely as they did not possess the great intellect that the dragons of today do. This one seems to have been brought from the past by some crazed chronomancer. Tread carefully.

Stage one: a young dragon about 1.5 the size of a normal young dragon. It's horns are extra long as are it's talons. Smoke can be seen rising from it's nostrils. It is deep crimson in color.

Stage two: Now appears fully grown, still about 1.5 the size of your standard adult dragon. long grey spikes run down it's spine and it's eyes glow a bright red. a steady stream of smoke rises from it's nostrils.

Stage three: The dragon is larger than any other dragon and is mottled about 50% black. it's claws and teeth are serrated and it's eyes are glowing very brightly. It's horns have a spiral pattern with one color being black and the other being greyish red.

Concept cards
Molten blast cost:5 effect: 4 damage and 50% chance of 6 damage over 3 turns
Tail lash cost:4 effect: 3 damage 50% chance of stun
Wrath of the ancients cost:8 effect: 8 damage 25% chance of 8 damage over 2 turns
Chronolapse cost:5 effect:stun 50% chance of taking an extra turn
As always, damage is subject to change.
Note: this was my pure luck monster, just to see how it would turn out. Theres my luck based cards. Tell me how I did.

poodlemiester -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 14:10:51)

@so0meone AoC is my favorite monster storywise, appearance wise(in my head. :p), and card wise. Love em'.

so0meone -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 14:11:27)

Interesting idea, costs fit well with the effects (judging form Alpha's standards anyway) with that chance of something extra. I like

poodlemiester -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 14:13:23)

Thanks man, Primal is my second favorite dragon, behind Razorwing. [:)]

Edit: I have given Razorwing a final 4th form, since i know a few rare creatures will have 4th stages. :D Do not abuse the 4th form please.

Also if anyone is familiar with my creatures, if someone could give me their favorite 5, so I know what i'm doing right, if not that's cool.

KROsus -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 14:16:41)

Description: I hunger...

Tainted Salad (Evil -50)
Having served vegans with nutrition without any reward earlier in its lifespan, it turned its back to them. By signing a contract to Nulgath, they were promised power equal to that of a god. The gods, fearing that the salad might overthrow the heavens and the underworld, they sealed it away in a chamber and absorbed its power. The legendary tainted salad is now back, and its hunger for destruction is without boundaries.

Stage 1: Simply lettuce, with a faint, red glow around it.
Stage 2: Add some sliced up tomatoes and cucumber and stuff it into a small bowl. The red glow is now more clear
Stage 3: A large, levitating bowl containing a full salad, filled up with all sorts of vegetables and topped with Parmesan cheese. A black and red aura is emanating from it, and it is slightly shaking.

Element: Earth

Attacks could include whipping up a tornado of lettuce, nuking the opponents with vegetables or an attack that makes the salad eat the opponent dealing massive damage and cannot be blocked. It'll have to be quite expensive, of course.

Zeuster -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 14:21:57)

@poodlemiester i don't think they will
And remember this is suggestions...only some stuff gets picked like in aqw

now the chaos dragon

Chaotix The chaotic one
Alignment: 40 good/evil
Description: once a regular void dragon Chaotix was given chaos powers to win his battles
he is seprate blessed dragon and does not follow all things
Stage 1: a void dragon
stage 2: a void dragon with chaos orbs and runes
Stage 3: a void dragon with runes and orbs it also has become less decadere and more chaotic in the way that it is a has the traits from all dragons

so0meone -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 14:22:54)


but 10 damage over 5 turns?
As of now that is VERY overpowered..but when people level 10 damage over 5 turns will be average

Skexis Fiend and Blood Void would like a word with you....

Zeuster -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 14:26:21)

@so0meone yes..but not 10 damage blood void does 4 damage over 3 turns
With poison so does skexis
Mark of death does only 9 damage over 1 turn
that is not that op
10 damage over 5 turns is more than a cavezard man with 5 power strikes can do
@below i don't think so
i think that is only for like
Special occasions

poodlemiester -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/16/2012 14:27:28)

@Zeuster I thought i heard nulgath say something bout a few legendary monsters having 4 stages... @Above Well like you said, these are suggestions, and are there to be used and disregarded. I was just having some fun. [:)]
@S0one I did base my dot damage using skexis for a model.[8|]

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