Mayor Waen (Full Version)

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Voodoo Master -> Mayor Waen (9/26/2012 4:28:45)

Mayor Waen

Location: Falconreach Town Hall (Book 3) -> Right, Epilogue (Calamity Saga)

Quests given

Shops owned

Falconreach Town Hall (Book 3)

Mayor Waen: Welcome to the Town hall. I am the Mayor, Landis Waen.

  • Talk
    Mayor Waen: I defeated the former Mayor the election after the debacle of the elemental disarray.

    Mayor Waen: Shakes head.
    Mayor Waen: Being the head of a Pig Farmer's Guild did not quite give Mayor Rayf the experience necessary to deal with the fall out of elementals attacking.
    Mayor Waen: I myself came to the position from leading a large multi-kingdom corporation that specialized in village defense...
    Mayor Waen: Waen Endeavors.
    Mayor Waen: Perhaps you've seen our Nitroglycerin Sponge Catapult?
    Mayor Waen: The inspiration for that came from one of our more... creative consultants, Cysero.
    Mayor Waen: I'm extremely busy right now, but if you come back later I might have a favor to ask of you.
    Mayor Waen: We seem to have a war brewing between some start-up vigilanties, two of which hang out in the Inn causing trouble. One smells like... cheese.
    Mayor Waen: These start-ups want to follow in the footsteps of the mysterious, Batoro. I don't recommend you go after him though, he's extremely dangerous.


    Mayor Waen: You can vote!

    Mayor Waen: Hmm...
    Mayor Waen: Hmm hmm hmmmmmm...
    Mayor Waen: I have tallied up the votes.
    Mayor Waen: According to the majority of votes...

    Mayor Waen: ... the Rose should not help with rebuilding Falconreach.

    Other information
  • Mayor Waen is a reference to the character Batman.


    Also See: Batoro, LANDIS (forum user)

    Thanks to
  • DemonicDarkwraith for image, other information, and corrections.
  • StealthMaster for entry information.

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